Chapter 40: The summer party
It was a hot day at Ultra planeptune where we see Y/n, Plutia, Ultra IF and Ultra Compa were at their balcony where a pool is ready as Ultra IF and Ultra Compa jump in with a splash as they laugh for joy while Plutia climb into the pool and once she is in she smiled in joy while she said.
Plutia: (smile) The water feels soo cool.
Y/n: (smile) I'm glad you have a pool here for this summer party.
Plutia: (smile) Yep and it's very nice in warm weather's like this one. Say, when do you think everyone will show up?
Y/n: (smile) I think Ultra Vert, Ultra Noire and Ultra Blanc are gonna be here soon with some snacks and some meat to cook for the BBQ. At the meantime let's set up the grill.
Ultra IF: (smile) This BBQ is going to be great! Just imagine the delicious food we can eat.
Ultra Compa: (smile) This is going to be fun.
Y/n smiled as he walk over to the grill and turns it on. He waits for it to heat up while Ultra IF qnd Ultra Compa splash around, laughing and having fun as the grill is heated up perfectly and then Ultra Histoire came out and seeing everyone enjoying themselves as she came up to Y/n and tells him.
Ultra Histoire: How about you go and have some fun while I'll keep an eye on the grill?
Y/n: Your sure? No offence but your size maybe a problem.
Ultra Histoire: Oh please I'll be fine. Now you go and have some fun while I'll take things from here.
Y/n: Okay then Ultra Histoire.
He took off his shirt as we see him wearing just his swimming shorts as he jump into the pool, splashing into the cool waters feels good for Y/n as he came out of the water as he take a deep breath as he lay on the water and facing up the sky as he let the water float him around as he enjoys himself.
Then he bump his head made contact with something as he sat up straight and turns around to see Iris Heart as she gives him a smirk as she ask him.
Iris Heart: (giggle) Enjoying your relaxment I see~hehehe.
Y/n: (light chuckle) Guess so, I can say the same to you as well.
Iris Heart let out a giggle and then came up close to him, wrapping her arms around him with her breast pressed against his chest as tells him.
Iris Heart: Your very hot disbite being in the cool waters but I love it about you.
Y/n just smiled as the two kissed as they wrap their arms around his each as they kissed for a minute before they stop and look at each other.
???: I suppose we interrupted something here?
They turn to see the rest of the Ultra Goddess there with bags of snacks and meat for the grill as Iris Heart hugged Y/n while she smirked and said.
Iris Heart: (smirk) We were just playing around. That's all.
Ultra Noire: I see. Anyways we got the stuff.
Ultra Blanc: I suppose we are the first to be here.
Ultra Vert: What a shame, I really wanna meet my beautiful counterpart.
Y/n: (smile) I'm sure they will here soon. We can cook up some burgers and hot dogs at the meantime and set up some snacks on the table.
They agree as they set up the snacks onto the table while the meat next to the grill as 3 minutes later we see Ultra Noire cooking up the burgers and hot dogs, Ultra Blanc sat down on a chair with a umbrella above her as she is reading her book while Ultra Vert is seen laying on the tower as she relax while everything seemed to be going well as Y/n excuse himself to the bathroom.
Once there he was doing his business and once he was done he walks over to the sink and wash his hands. He was in the middle looking down at the sink, washing his hands and when he was done and turn off the sink, he looks up at the reflection of the mirror only to see a dark shadow with red eyes behind him who is staring at him.
He turned around only to see no one behind him. He turn back around and suddenly the thing was right at his face which made Y/n jump back and then it spoke.
???: Hello Y/n.
Y/n: (shocked) The hell?! Wh-Who are you?
???: The name doesn't matter. What does matter is that you hold a lot of darkness within you.
Y/n: I don't know what you are talking about?
???: Oh really? Your hard life with your family, your sister abandon you or maybe your lost from your pet by the hands of your rival that you were took weak to save.
Y/n: Hey! Don't cross me man!
???: That's it, that's what I wanted from you. Anger, rage. It's boiling you inside of you and yet you contain it within your body and you don't want it out.
Y/n: Why should I?
???: Because it makes you more powerful, makes you more feared by your enemies'll final end the lives that wronged you. You will still have your revenge.
Y/n: I don't want revenge, what happened in the past is in the past, I can't change it here and now but I can make my life better in the future. Look, I don't know who are you or what you are but you can't control me.
He then leaves the bathroom as the dark figure watches him leave as he let out a demonic chuckle and said.
??? We'll see about it.
Soon Y/n return back and once out he sees Neptune, Nepgear, Noire, Uni, Blanc, Rom, Ram, Vert, Miya, IF and Compa here with some enjoying in the pool while some on land as Neptune spotted Y/n here and wave for him in the pool.
Neptune: (smile) Hey Y/n! Glad you show up! This is a pretty sweet party.
Y/n: (smile) It sure is. Say, Where's Unzume and Peashy?
Nepgear: The two couldn't make it since they're in the middle of a job.
Y/n: That sucks for them.
Ram: (smile) But hey at least we are here right? So let the party begin!
Rom: (smile) Yeah!
Y/n: (smirk) Alright then. Let's keep on partying until we are tired!
They all cheered as music is played and they have their fun as they enjoy their time either splashing around and playing volleyball at the pool or talking to each other or reading or playing board games on land as everyone have a good time as the party continues on.
Night came and they continue on partying as we see some stack piles of burgers and hot dogs is placed on plates for them to take a bite as some were in the pool, still having fun while some were talking to each other and having a good time as we see Noire and Ultra Noire sharing custom designs while Blanc and Ultra Blanc share their favourite books and talking about them.
IF gives Ultra IF a piggy back ride through the pool while Compa and Ultra Compa play a board game. We then cut to the living room where we see Vert have drinks a bit too much as we see her hugging Y/n like a teddy bear with Y/n's head at her breast as the two were laying on the couch together.
Vert: (drunk) My darling Y/n (hic) I love you sooo much (hic) Your my handsome darling~!
Y/n: (nervous smile) Th-Thanks Vert. Are you gonna be okay?
Vert: (drunk) Hehehehe~(hic) Now don't you worry about anything my love (hic) just let me show you my love towards you.
She continues hugging him and a while later she fallen asleep as he grip was losing which Y/n sat up straight and breath a sigh of relief but then Vert lay on his lap and slept on her lap with a smile on her face.
He smiled and gently stroke her head when Ultra Vert came over and sat next to them.
Ultra Vert: (smile) I see myself has fallen asleep on your lap.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Let's just say yourself drank a bit too much.
Ultra Vert: (giggle) Well that's what happens in parties.
Y/n: (light chuckle) Yeah agree.
Then she wrap her arms around him and then pulled him towards her shoulder, letting him lay on her shoulder as Ultra Vert smiled and said.
Ultra Vert: (smile) It's nice for you to come here and spend some time with us. No wonder our versions of your world loves you soo much.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah that's true.
Then Ultra Vert kissed him on the head and then they lay on the couch with Y/n laying on Ultra Vert's breast while Vert still laying on him as Ultra Vert gets comfortable as she smiled and said.
Ultra Vert: (smile) I love you Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Love you too. I love you all.
They enjoy the rest of their summer pool party as Y/n slowly drifted off to sleep as this was the best summer party ever.
In the prime dimension we see the prison where we see a line up of prisoners in their cells and among them was Arfoire who is seen sitting on her bed, tapping her foot when a sliding door open in her cell door as she look over to see food is been delivered.
She walked over and pick up the food as she stared at the disgusting food and then sat down while we cut to Dark-Striker in his cell as he sat there and looking down onto the floor when suddenly the doors open in his cells as he look up to see two guards which he gets up and asked.
Dark-Striker: What is the meaning of this?
Prison guard: Please come with us.
Dark-Striker growled but goes with him and soon it took him to an interrogation room where he sat down qnd was face to face with Mark.
Mark: Dark-Striker aka Darkness Heart, is that correct?
Dark-Striker: What do you want with me scientist?
Mark: I'm here because I believe you know what this is.
He then place down the same crystal that Y/n, K-Sha, C-Sha, S-Sha and B-Sha brought back from the abandon nation as Dark-Striker looked stunned looking at the crystal which he asked.
Dark-Striker: Where did you get that?
Mark: It was founded in the abandoned nation and it holds some mysterious power. For what K-Sha told me, it made Y/n aggressive.
Dark-Striker: That's what I does.
Mark: Excuse me?
Dark-Striker: Do you have any idea what's inside of that crystal?
Mark: No. What?
Dark-Striker: It contains a evil entity that said to travel to different dimensions and posses any goddess or gods and unleashing their inner rage and darkness.
Mark: So there is a entity within this crystal?
Dark-Striker: Correct.
Mark: May I ask what it's goal maybe?
Dark-Striker: The entity wants to find one of ehe most strongest and most powerful god or goddess that has ever lived and convincing it to rule all dimensions and unleashing his or her rage.
Mark: By how?
Dark-Striker: By destroying other dimensions until there is one standing and that being the world that it took over.
Mark: I see.
Dark-Striker:.......Didn't you say that Y/n was aggressive? Does that mean he touched it?
Mark: Yes.
Dark-Striker: In that case.......the entity sees him as his host and may try to convince him or wait for Y/n to unleashing his rage or possibly both, it doesn't really matter but what is important is that Y/n could hold a threat to all of us if that thing possess him. If I were you, I would plan out ways to take them out before it is too late.
Mark looks down in worry and then leaves the room to do that while through the glass case we see Theodore hearing all of this as he place his hands onto his chin while he stared at Dark-Striker and then pulled out a radio and calls through to a warden.
Theodore: Warden, i request that Dark-Striker will be transported into my base and do not tell the goddess or Y/n that he is free from prison once they are back.
Male warden: (radio) Um yes sir.
Once that he leaves the room while Dark-Striker sat there, not knowing that he is going to be freed by the Sentinel corporation for some suspicious reasons.
To be continued..............................
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