Chapter 4: The Twin sisters of Lowee

It was a beautiful day at the city of Lowee were the leader white heart is ruled and we see Y/n with Giggles, Compa and If on another job to help White heart deal some bandits outside of her city. Along the way there If asked Y/n.

If: Are you sure you bring Giggles along in this job?

Compa: Yeah isn't it safe to bring Giggles along?

Y/n: Yeah I know but I've been teaching him some things that may help us in many sneaky jobs, after all Giggles is small so he can hide in place's easy.

If: That's interesting, what have you've been teaching him?

Y/n: Well some going through small spaces and warn us if someone is nearby and all the rest.

Compa: Woah never knew your a good Doggoo teacher.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. So tell me about White heart, I heard from Histoire that she's kinda.....cold?

If: She take things seriously and if anyone try to piss her off she gets mad.

Y/n: Like how mad?

Compa: Really mad, she can even take down a whole bandit camp if someone said about her chest.

Y/n: Ok?

If: And she likes to be a quite room so she can write her books and sometimes reads them.

Y/n: (surprised) Woah she's not only a leader of Lowee but she's also an author? Never knew.

Compa: Yeah but she doesn't like anyone to see her books otherwise she gets mad.

Y/n: Then how did yous know she likes writing books?

If: Its a long story but please try not to mention it to her once we get there.

Y/n: Copy that.

Compa: To bad Neptune and Nepgear isn't gonna join us on this job.

If: They have something else important back on Planeptune but we can handle on some bandits.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it's like we are a team, this is gonna be great.

If: (smile) I'll say.

Compa: (smile) Yeah!

Giggles berks as well and Y/n smiles and pets on him while they continue on walking to White hearts place. After a while they walk up a hill and they arrived at her mansion. Y/n was surprised how the mansion has a good few to the town while they walk up to the door and If knocks it twice.

After a while the door open and a women with short light brown hair appeared in the door and was surprised to see If and Compa.

???: (surprised) If, Compa it's great to see you.

If: (smile) Hey Rom, good to see you as well.

Compa: (smile) Hi.

Rom: Who's this person next to you and why dose he have a doggoo on his shoulder?

Y/n: (smile) Hey, names Y/n and this is Giggles, I'm new to this world and this is my first time being here so nice to meet you.

Rom: (little blush) N-Nice to meet you as well.

Rom: (thought) Oh woah, he's so cute.

If: Anyways is Blanc in there, we are here for the job?

Rom: I'm sorry but no. You were taking to long so she decided to deal the bandits on her own and live me and Ram here.

Y/n: Guess she doesn't have time and rush off.

Rom: Yeah she's kinda mad about these bandits and way they said to her.

If: Well mind if we come in and tell us what happened?

Rom: Sure come in.

Rom let's them in and they enter the mansion. Y/n was surprised her beautiful it was in the mansion with the art work and dedication around the house as they walk through the halls and Rom turn to Y/n ans asked.

Rom: So I see you never been a mansion before?

Y/n: Actually I've been Verts mansion but this place is beautiful, never knew you and your sisters live here.

Rom: Thanks, this place wasn't quite sense we were kids.

Y/n: How so?

Rom: We used to run around and make Blanc mad but she really cares about us and we have great time here.

Y/n: (smile) That's sweet, I remember I mess around when I was a kid, (chuckle) Always a handful my dad once said to me.

Rom: (smile) Yeah but now as an adult we actually do different things. I help Blanc around the house and help her with other missions around the city.

Y/n: That's kind of you and your other sister Ram?

Rom: Well....

They enter the back of the mansion and they see Ram swing her rod at a dummy as she is training.

Rom: Ram wants some adventure and kinda once to head out with Blanc to deal with some bandits but Blanc left before Ram has even have a change.

Y/n: Do yous know where the bandits are at?

Rom: We know they are hiding in the forest but we have no clue where.

Y/n: Well that sucks.

Ram (distance) Look out!

Y/n turn and a rod hits Y/n by the head and he fly backwards and fell onto the ground in pain as Giggles hops towards his face and licks it while Ram rush over and Rom said.

Rom: Ram be careful!

Ram: Yeah sorry about that.

Y/n: No.....Problem.


They sat at the living room while Y/n have an ice bad as he holds it on his face while Giggles sat on Y/n's lab as Rom and Ram explained what happened.

Rom: You see these bandits came to our town and robbed many stores and Markets. Blanc trys to go after them but when they saw her they ran into the woods.

Ram: They keep doing this everyday going in and out of the woods until Blanchave enough and place down a request board that said to bring the bandits down but when we thought no one will take it, she head into the forest by herself. Man if she wait for me longer I would go and deal with those bandits but nope, she abandoned me.

Rom: Ram you know that's not true, she would never abandoned us.

Y/n: Yeah and besides maybe those bandits were tough, so she maybe don't want yous hurt.

Ram: True, say is that Dogga friendly?

Y/n: Yeah his name is Giggles.

Ram: (smile) Giggles, that's a cute name to an enemy mob.

Y/n: Yeah but he's good and he may help you track down Blanc and maybe those bandits.

Rom: Really how?

Y/n: I train her how to sniff iteams and lead me to the owner. If you pass me something that belongs to Blanc, maybe Giggles can track her down.

If: Yeah he's right.

Rom: Wait I think I know one that may do, wait here.

Rom stand up and run off and while they wait for her Ram turns to Y/n and asked.

Ram: So what can you do?

Compa: Well he's actually a CPU like you and everyone else.

Ram: (surprised) Wait you joking me right? Your a CPU as well?

Y/n: Yep, you can call me Red Heart.

Ram: (smirk) Nice name to a nice and cute person like yourself.

Y/n: (blush) Sorry what?

Ram: (giggled) Never mind, so how is everyone else?

If: Pretty good, Neptune is doing some business work at Planeptune and everyone else is doing well.

Ram: Cool but I wish something would happen so I can used my skills for combat.

Y/n: Maybe once Rom comes back, we will go and find Blanc and take care those bandits.

Ram: (smile) Sweet and I hope I see your CPU form in battle.

Y/n: Yeah hope so.

Then Rom came back with a book and she hands it to Y/n.

Rom: This was Blanc, this was her favourite book to read.

Y/n takes the book and shows it yo Giggles and he sniffs it and she berks and jump out of Y/n's lap and hops out of the door and hops away.

If: Quick let's go after him!

Y/n: Right.

They stand up and followed Giggles as they followed Giggles into the forest as they continue to follow Giggles to find Blanc and possibly the bandits.


We see Neptune and Nepgear back home after there job and Neptune hop onto the couch and sigh of relief.

Neptune: (sigh) What a day.

Nepgear: (smile) Yeah lucky everyone in a nearby village would be safe now the evil mob wolfs are gone.

Neptune: Yep and now I can lay here and relax as nothing is not gonna stop me.

Histoire: Neptune, Nepgear there yous are, something is wrong.

Then Histoire enters the living and Neptune sigh and sat up as Nepgear asked Histoire.

Nepgear: What's wrong, did something happen while our mission?

Neptune: If it is something to do with me, then I didn't do nothing.

Histoire: No it's something odd about the share crystal. For some reason people's share energy is just gone.

Nepgear: But we helped many people, how would people lost faith on us now?

Histoire: I don't think its not us, I think it's something else.

Neptune: Probably that old witch that I don't know her name, she's manybe the one that is costing it.

Histoire: No I don't think so.

Neptune: Eh?

Histoire: Who ever this person is different to all the enemies we have faced. I've been looking down to some books and I found something that may match the cost of it.

Histoire summon a book and it lands on the table ane Neptune and Nepgear look over and Neptune asked.

Neptune: Darkness Heart? Who's that?

Histoire: Well Darkness Heart is not only a male CPU but the first god to ever been falling into darkness. He fall into completely into darkness that he realised that if there is ever gonna be peace, everyone must face the darkness and fear. He used his powers to sent people into a trans that they have to face with tollty fear and darkness.

Neptune: Woah he sounds scary, how come we never met him?

Histoire: He was sealed many years ago by the passed God's and he was locked away forever but I feared that he maybe freed and continue his goals to bring darkness throughout this world.

Nepgear: (scared) May goodness, Th-that is scary to think about it.

Neptune: Relax Nepgear, we are fine as long we stick together. Besides we have a new CPU that is also male and he will deal with this darkness jerk.

Nepgear: (smile) Yeah your right.

Histoire: (thought) That's gonna be my other question that I must asked. Why is Y/n here and why is he a CPU all of a sudden?


Outside of Lowee we see Y/n and the rest followed Giggles to a lake were Giggles stop and they catch up and they look around but nothing was there.

Ram: Where is she?

Rom: She's not around here?

If: Do you think she must of moved?

Y/n: Maybe.

Giggles berks at the bushes and hops over and Y/n follows Giggles and Giggles jump into the bushes and Y/n push the bushes to the side and was shocked to see Blanc laying there unconscious as Giggles was near her.

Y/n: Over here!

They run up and they were shocked to see Blanc injured and uncle and If and Y/n pull her out and set her down on the ground near the lake as Compa took out he medical kit and patch Blanc up.

Rom: (worried) Is she gonna be fine?

Compa: Yeah don't worry.

Ram: (anger) How dare these bandits mess with our big sister like that, they will pay.

Ram was about to go find them when Y/n grabs her shoulder and said to her.

Y/n: Hold on Ram, we don't know where they are at and don't worry, they will pay for Blanc.

Ram: Yeah your right, sorry about that.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Ram.

Ram: (smirk) You also have a nice grip.

Y/n was confused when he realised he was still grabbing her shoulder so he let go with a little blush on his cheek while Ram smirks. Then Blanc groaned and open her eyes and Y/n and Ram rush over.

Rom: Blanc! You ok?

Ram: You alright big sis!?

Blanc: Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Damn I shouldn't have seen it coming.

Y/n: What happened?

Blanc: I was chasing those assholes through the forest when they ambush me. I transform into my CPU form but they attack my with military explosions and next thing I knew, I was knocked out.

If: (surprised) Military weapons?! How?

Blanc: They must of took it without me knowing, damn it!

Y/n: Don't beat yourself Blanc we put them to there cell and they will pay.

Blanc: Thanks, never get your name?

Y/n: Name's Y/n and this is Giggles, he was the one that found you.

Blanc: A doggoo? How odd?

Y/n: You don't sound.....surprised?

Ram: She never dose unless it's anger or joy but you rarely see her happy sometimes.

Y/n: Right but still, how are you gonna find these bandits?

Blanc: Actually before I fell unconscious, I heard one of them mention about a location I haven't looked let and that's maybe they are at.

Y/n: Right let's head there.

Blanc: Right. Ow!

Blanc groaned and sat back down and Compa bend down to her and said.

Compa: You need to rest, you are badly hurt.

Blanc: But the bandits?

Y/n: (smirk) No worries Blanc, I can handle them and get it done.

Blanc: Really?

Y/n: (smile) Sure.

Ram: Then I'm coming as well.

Rom: Yeah me too.

Y/n: Alright and you go with If, Compa and Blanc once I return ok Giggles.

Giggles nods and hops towards If as Blanc reach into her pockets and pull out a map and hands it to Y/n

Blanc: Ok, here take this map, it will lead you to there camp.

Y/n takes the map and nods looks ivee it and nods.

If: We meet yous back at Blanc's mansion ok?

Y/n: We will, let's go.

Y/n, Rom and Ram went off as If, Giggles, Compa and Blanc watch them go.

Blanc: So is he a new friend you two met?

Compa: (smile) Yep and he's even a CPU as well.

If: A pretty strong one, just hope they will be ok.

Blanc: too.

Blanc kinda blush a little which surprised her as she never have any feelings like that before.


Y/n, Rom and Ram arrived at the location and they hide in the bushes while they peek out and see the bandits camp as they see bandits walking are and doing there tasks. Ram points over and they see the stolen military weapons they stole.

Rom: (whisper) Theh are armed to the teeth.

Ram: (whisper) Yeah no kidding, let's charge in there ans get some action.

Y/n: (whisper) Wait we don't know how many they are, we need to plan this out.

Ram: (whisper) Oh come on we should go in there and face them, I can't just stand there and wait anymore.

Rom: (whisper) Yeah but still we need to plan somewhere before we attack.

Ram: (whisper) Yeah I guess your right but still......

Then Y/n noticed a red dot on her forhead and he looks around and saw a sniper at the trees and he realised he found us and he shouted.

Y/n: Look out!

Y/n tackle Ram to the ground and a sniper fire was heard and the bullet missed and Y/n quickly took out his pistol and fired at the sniper and the sniper was taking out but all the bandits heard it and turn to where Y/n, Rom and Ram are at.

Y/n: (thought) Damn they found us! Wait.... why is my hand....squashy?

Y/n looks down and blush bright red as he realised he accidentally grab one of Ram's breast and Rom kinda blush a little and Y/n let's go and said.

Y/n: (blush) S-Sorry about that Ram!

Ram: No that's ok, besides I don't mind.

Y/n: (blush) Wh-What?

Then bullets went by them as they duck down as Bandits kept on firing at there spot

Rom: What are we going to do!?

Ram: Time to sure those puncks who we are, ready Y/n?

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah let's go!

They exit out of there spot and they charge at the bandits as Y/n took out his twing blades and slice the bandits gun up and kick the bandits away and even block the bullets with his twing blades and then he rush over at the bandits and punch the two bandits and then kick the other bandit in the balls and round house kicked him and he drop something onto the ground.

Y/n picks it up and press the button and it open up to revealed a engery sheild and he turn and block the bandits bullets with the sheild.

Y/n: (surprised) Woah guess this is mine now!

Y/n rush over and tak eoyt the bandits while Ram and Rom take out the last remaining bandits but then they heard something and they look over and see a bandit with a machine gun and he aimed it at Rom and Ram.

They try to take cover but Rom trip and fell onto the ground and Ram turn stack and see Rom on the ground and the bandit aim his machine gun at her.

Ram: Rom!

Rom was scared as the bandit open fire and the bullets head towards her but then Y/n got in front of her and block the bullets with his energy sheild as he holds it as Rom wa surprised that Y/n saved her.

Then Y/n took out his Smg and fired back at the bandit and managed to shot his hand which cost him to drop his machine gun and Y/ run over to the last bandit and jump into the air and stick out his feet.

Y/n: Rider.....kick!

Then he lands a hit on the bandits head and he fell onto the ground as Y/n lands on his feet with a smirk and dust off his hands for a job well done.

Ram runs up and helps Rom up and Y/n runs back to them and asked.

Y/n: You ok Rom, that was close.

Rom: (blush) Yeah ut was but you saved me so thank you.

Ram: Not just her life my life as well so I own you on handsome.

Y/n: Thanks, you think that's the last of them?

Ram: Hope so, let's call the police and get them here.

Y/n: Right.


Aftee the police take the bandits away along with the stolen military weapons. Y/n, Rom and Ram return back and see Blanc was taking care of by Compa, If and Giggles as Blanc sat on the couch and they told them what happened.

Blanc: Woah you saved my sisters from those bandits?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, one try to snipe at Ram and the other try to gun down Rom.

Blanc: Well thank you very much for saving my sisters lifes, I own you one.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks sorry about you getting hurt and all.

Blanc: That's ok, I'll be fine.

Compa: She will be healed for a week.

Y/n: Hey mind if I stay here and make sure you will get healed?

Blanc: (blush) Really you do that?

Y/n: (smile) Sure it is the least I could do.

If: Alright then, me and Compa will head back to Planeptune and see what's up.

Compa: We see you back Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) You too, catch yous later.

They nod and they walks off and out of Blancs mansion as Giggles hops onto Y/n's lap and Y/n smiles and pets on Giggles head and said.

Y/n: (smile) Well Giggles, looks like it's our job to make Blanc better.

Giggles nods as Rom and Ram smiled and so as Blanc which surprised her as she rarely smiles before but glad that things are quiet now now the bandits are in there cells.

To be continue.......

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