Chapter 39: The squad

We see Y/n entering Mark's lab and once he step inside he look around for him only to not be seen. He was called here by Mark for something so he arrive here to see what he wants only to not be here.

He walk around his lab, looking at all the test tubs and chemicals he has within his lab. He even walked up to a class case that contains a mysterious cube inside as he was about to poke at the glass when suddenly a robotic voice said behind him.

???: I rather not touch that if I were you.

He jumped and turn around to be met with a robot standing in front of him as he seems pretty friendly as the robot stared at him.

Y/n: Wow Mark made a robot. Huh, pretty cool.

The Assistant: My name is The Assistant and I was built to work as Dr Mark's assistant on his research.

Y/n: (smile) Huh that's pretty cool. What can you do?

The Assistant: I can carry objects to Dr Mark and aid him on any experiments he has.

Y/n: (smile) Must be exciting.

The Assistant: Indeed.

Soon Mark came into the room and as soon he spotted Y/n he approach him.

Mark: Sorry for not being here, I have to do something but I'm here now. I see you met my robot Assistant.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. Pretty cool bot. So what's the trouble?

Mark: (smile) Oh no, there is no trouble I just needed some help with my research.

Y/n: And that is?

Mark walks over towards a table and activated a hologram that shows what seems like an old city.

Mark: Reports say that a group of people have discovered an abandon city like ever before. Unfortunately I only gotten the coordination of its location but I decided to sent a team over to head inside the city and bring back anything important.

Y/n: So your sending me, IF, Compa and few other people to this city?

Mark: Actually I've call apon four people to go with you on this job. They are shown to be the best so I believe you five will succeed.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds cool to me. Let's go and meet them.

(Moments later)

We see the trio standing outside of the exit as Mark introduces to his team that he will be taking them which where K-Sha, C-Sha, S-Sha and B-Sha.

Mark: This is Y/n and he'll be leading you on this job. Bring back anything important and stay safe. Good luck.

Mark and The Assistant leave as Y/n looks at the four girls as he climb down the steps and then said.

Y/n: (smile) Hi. You all have interesting names.

B-Sha: (smile) Thanks and it's gonna be awesome working with Red Heart! Don't you think so C-Sha?

C-Sha: (smirk) Indeed not to mention how cute he is.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. So ready to take on this job?

S-Sha: Guess so. E-Sha wants me to go out and do some jobs anyways.

Y/n: E-Sha?

B-Sha: (smile) S-Sha and E-Sha shared a body andonly S-Sha can listen and talk to her.

Y/n: Huh so like a split personality?

E-Sha: Yes.

Y/n: Well I have no problems with that.

He then turn to K-Sha which she immediately blush as the two lock eyes at each other.

K-Sha: (smile) Hi there. You seem to be shy aren't you?

K-Sha: N-No.....its just that.........your soo handsome.

She then launches towards him, the two fell onto the ground as she breaths heavily on top of Y/n as she have crazy like eyes as K-Sha asked him.

K-Sha: Your totally gonna be my husband! Let's get married and live happy forever and ever and ever and ever qnd ever and ever and ever and ev-

Then C-Sha picked K-Sha up as Y/n gets up and was still surprised by this as C-Sha says to Y/n.

C-Sha: My apologies about her. She have her eyes on you ever since the news came out about a Red god.

Y/n: Oh that's alright but anyways let's not stand here and let's get to work.

They agree and they head off to the abandon city and start their investigation on it.

(Moments later)

After q long journey they arrived at the location as we see them approaching the abandon city and it looks very ancient as they stood at the entrance of the city, seeing nothing but destroyed buildings, holes on roads and no sign of life anywhere except for themselves.

S-Sha: This place is creepy. E-Sha finds it very scary standing at the entrance.

B-Sha: (smile) No problem! We've been through this before so this can't be difficult as long we stick together.

Y/n: (smile) Agree. Let's see what we can find.

When Y/n take his first step he suddenly felt chills around his body like something immediately stopped him for a second. The Four girls were confused on why he stopped but he shake away the chill and turn back to the girls, giving them a thumps up, signalling that he is alright.

With that they walk through the abandon city, trying to find anything important to bring back to Mark but nothing so far as they kept walking and looking around.

K-Sha: Wonder what happened here?

S-Sha: Hard to say but I'm not interested of guessing what happened here.

B-Sha: Maybe there was a war going on here?

C-Sha: If that's the case then what were they fighting?

Y/n: Well hopefully whatever it attack them isn't here.

They agree as they keep on moving however Y/n felt something strange. He feels angry about something but wasn't sure what it was or why. He then heard whispers which he stop and look around and there was nothing around him.

C-Sha: You alright?

Y/n: Yeah I thought I.....heard something.

S-Sha: Hey look.

They look at what S-Sha was pointing at and it looked like a huge building which they walk up to the building and then enter inside and look around but there was nothing.

B-Sha: What is this place?

Y/n: I think this must be where the leader lived.

C-Sha: Looks more destroyed the the city it self. This must be where the attack started.

Y/n: Yeah.

He then turn to an hallway and has a strange feeling to go to the hallway so he goes down and soon come across a door and that's when he hears whispers coming from at the other side. He opens the twin doors and was met a glowing object sitting on a table as he walk towards it and looks at the glowing object.

It was glowing out what seems like a red crystal with some liquid inside as he picks it up and looks at it and immediately flashes of appear in his head as he collapse onto both his knees and groan in pain and let's out a angry yell as he feels extreme aggressive boiling up in his body.

Soon the girls arrived to see him groaning in pain as C-Sha rushes over towards him.

C-Sha: Are you okay?! Say something?!

Y/n: Go......away.

C-Sha: Whatever is wrong with you, we can help! Let us he-

Y/n: (demonic voice) I SAID GO AWAY!!!!

The girls step back in shock as Y/n stand out and yell once more and then tosses the crystal at the other side and then sat onto the floor while B-Sha and K-Sha rushed over to him while S-Sha turns towards the crystal and then quickly pick it up and put it into a box as Y/n stood up with the help of B-Sha and K-Sha.

K-Sha: Are you okay darling?

Y/n: Y-Yeah I'm fine. Sorry I.....I didn't know what came over me.

S-Sha: I think this crystal has something to do with it.

They look at the box that holds the crystal inside and it start to glow even more like it wants to be free.

K-Sha: What is it?

C-Sha: I don't know but it seems to infect anyone who is a god or goddess.

Y/n: No. It......It for some reason sensed my anger and try to take over of my body. I wants me.

B-Sha: Can that be possible?

C-Sha: Maybe. Still it seems like we got what we cam here for, let's head back and give thid to Mark.

They make their leave but before Y/n can leave the room he turn and spotted a book underneath a table. When he turn around and pick it up, it turns out to be a journal so he take the journal and catches up with the others girls and they head back home.


Mark places the crystal within a secured case which blocks its effects towards any CPU's and after that he does test on Y/n ans seeing that he is in any danger and after a while Mark tells Y/n and the girls.

Mark: You will be fine. Whatever that crystal was must have increased your aggressive and anger.

Y/n: At least that's good.

C-Sha: The city was in ruin. There was nothing that shows any signs people or whoever ruled it.

Mark: That is suspicious. Whatever happened to that city is lost in history.

Y/n: Not exactly. I found this this just before we left.

He pulled out a journal and hands it to Mark as he look at the journal while Y/n tells him.

Y/n: It didn't say who wrote it but that journal might give us some answers we needed.

Mark: Right. I'll read through the journal and tell you what I've found. But besides that, thank you all for the help. Now if you excuse me I'm going to get back to work now.

Once that the five of them leave as the four girls hop into the elevator while Y/n stood outside as he tells them.

Y/n: (smile) It's nice working along side you four.

K-Sha: (smile) Of course! Perhaps we need go on a date someday to get to know each other more.

Y/n: (little blush) Yeah maybe someday.

C-Sha: Still are you really okay?

Y/n: I'm okay. I'm kinda afraid of what that crystal will do if touch it again. But hey, you girls have my back right?

C-Sha: (giggle) Of course we will. Say if you do wanna go out a date with one of us, call me for a date and we can have a "Great time."

B-Sha: (smile) Same here.

S-Sha: Not interested with this date thing...........(sigh) E-Sha says we be glad to go on a date so sure, why not.

Y/n: (smile) Well take care you four.

Once that they close the elevator and they were gone. Once that Y/n turn and make his leave as he walk down the hallway when suddenly a ghostly figure appears behind him as the ghostly figure floats towards him and gets closer and closer to him until he touch the back of his skin which he spin around only to see nothing.

He got the chills again as he keep walking while we cut to Mark's lab as we see the case on his table as he sees the crystal inside glowing even brighter as a reflection of Y/n is seen as the crystal has founded a new host to take over....all he needs to do now is to wait.

To be continued...........................................

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