Chapter 34: The Alola world (Arc 3)

Through what seems like a portal we see two Ultra beast which are a huge bat and a huge lion as they were travelling through the Ultra portal when they stop dead in their tracks when they spotted something large heading towards them.

The two get ready to battle whatever it was while all the a sudden a huge beam came firing and hits the huge lion, costing it to be sent flying back while the huge bat let's out a roar while the large creature flies even closer to the two while on top of its head was Arfoire as she smirks to herself  as she calls out.

Arfoire: (smirk) Okay then my huge pet beast, let's see what you can do!

The beast roars and charge towards the two Ultra beast which they battled all while this beast cost an effect within the Alola region.


At the pokemon school we see Y/n, Neptune, Noire, Blanc, Vert, Plutia and Unzume at the classroom of the pokemon school and noticed its a cloudy day as Y/n look out to see the clouds.

Y/n: Huh usually it would be a nice day.

Unzume: Well whatever is going on, hopefully it doesn't ruined the festival that is gonna happen soon.

Neptune: (smile) Yeah I can't wait for the festival to begin!

Y/n: Is it today? Usually there will be decorations set up for the festival right? I didn't see any decorations while I was walking through town.

Vert: Hhhmm come to think about it, I haven't seen anyone besides some pokemon and children.

Noire: No adults?

Blanc: That's odd.

Ash: Morning!

Then Ash, Pikachu, Roton dex and Poiploe show up into class ans sat down which Y/n walked over to him and ask.

Y/n: Hey Ash, how's your day?

Ash: Very odd.

Y/n: Odd?

Noire: How so?

Ash: Well Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet were acting not their usual self's. They were were tired and never do much but laying around, eating and sleeping.

Noire: So basically they are being lazy?

Unzume: I mean I understand there is a thing called "lazy day" but today is the Manalo festival, aren't they nor excited or something?

Y/n: Yeah, maybe they're sick?

Ash: Maybe but I'm not too sure what's going on.

Pikachu: Pika.

Soon Ash's classmates came in and they were either upset or mad which Y/n ask them.

Y/n: Um what's wrong?

Mallow: (anger) It's my father! He's laying around while I have to clean the whole restaurant with Tseareena!

Lana: Our father and mother were also laying around and not doing anything. They didn't bother when Harper ans Sarah were trying to make them play.

Lillie: And Hobbes looked incredible tired when I got into the car. He passed out in front of the entrance.

Kiawe: My parents were sleeping so I have to work around the farm with my little sister around the farm.

Sophocles: My parents didn't make me anything because they were tired and never seem to wake up and make us any food.

Neptune: That's so sad.

Noire: That's you all you have to say?!

Vert: Come to think about it, your principle seemed to be not himself.

Noire: Which I'm glad by away, his puns are really are dumb.

Y/n: Wait something is not right here. It seems all adult became lazy and unwilling to do anything. Something is really going on.

Roton Dex: Perhaps we can tell Lusamine about this. Maybe she had the answer to this strangest that is going on.

Y/n: Right.

(Short while later)

We wee everyone at the Ultra guardians underground base as they call in Lusamine through the screen and when the screen opens it shows a empty desk which they were confused for a bit.

Y/n: Um Lusamine?

Then a hand stick out and Lusamine stood up with her hair a mess, looking tired and letting out a tired like groan as she said in a tired like tone.

Lusamine: (computer call) Alola class....what's happening?

Y/n: Okay usually Lusamine would be hyper a bit.

Neptune: Yeah what's with you girl?! You look tired and like Noire!

Noire: I heard that!

Lusamine: (computer call) Nothing about you?

Lillie: Mother! Something strange is going on and we need to know what's going on!?

Lusamine: (computer call) And that is?

Y/n: Well all the adults seem to be tired and unwilling to do anything. The only once that ain't infected by this is the children and the pokemon.

Lusamine: (computer call) Well.....We have been noticed some chances in our facility as well. Perhaps something is going on with a Ultra portal that we have been detected, I don't know.

Blanc: An Ultra beast portal?

Unzume: Could that be our way home!

Kiawe: That or another Ultra beast is coming.

Y/n: Well that can't be good.

Lusamine: (computer call) Well we'll meet you at that temple or something. Ultra guardians......blast off.

The call ends which leave them a bit dumbfounded by it while Ash ans his classmates get changed and they head off.


They all arrived at the temple that Lusamine was talking about as they arrived there and look around. Y/n and the other goddess were amazed by the temple as Y/n ask.

Y/n: Wow so this is where you guys go to save Lusamine?

Lillie: (smile) Agree and the first time to go through a Ultra world.

Neptune: (smile) Oooohhhh sounds exciting!

Noire: Still I feel a strange but strong energy in this area. Do you think this is it?

Blanc: Maybe but not too sure.

Vert: Has Lusamine look into this temple?

Kiawe: Yeah but there's nothing to be found.

They continue to talk while Y/n looked around and then noticed Poiploe fly by him and seemed to found something which he walked over and once there he noticed what looks like a secret door to which he opens and it did open.

Poiploe enters and Y/n follows him as they climb down the long staircase and once they reach the bottom step, they walk up to what seemed like ancient drawing of a huge beast battling against two legendary beast and four Alola guards which Y/n finds it very familiar so he pulled out his phone and pulled outba picture of Poiploes drawing on the wall and see they are a match.

Y/n: Wait, are you trying to tell us something?

Poiploe turn to him while Y/n turns back the drawing and knows something is gonna happen so he race back to the surface and told everyone what he and Poiploe found and show the two pictures he token, one at Kukui's house and the other below them.

Roton Dex: The two are exactly the same!

Y/n: Yeah. Poiploe must be telling us something. Possibly saw something in either his dreams or in his memories.

Ash: Is that true Poiploe?

He noded while they try to figure our about the picture when suddenly Garchomp landed down in front of them q blonde boy climb out of it wearing a black Ultra guardian uniform as he turn to them.

Neptune: Wow! Whose this mysterious and serious new character?!

Lillie: (surprised) That's my brother Gladion, what brings you here?

Gladion: My mother told me on what's going on and Silvally senses something big is coming.

He then looked over to see Y/n and the goddess which he ask.

Gladion: So they are the people from another world?

Neptune: (smile) Yep~! The names Neptune, aka purple heart and goddess of a Planeptune! Hey nice pokemon! Where did you get it?

Gladion: Let's move on. Its not only effecting people but also our Z moves as well. It seems they have gone weaker recently.

Ash: Really?

Lana: Dose that means they won't work?

Y/n: Okay so let's set up the things we know. Adults seemed to turn lazy, there is a huge threat coming, the Z move crystals ain't working and the only once that aren't infected are the children and pokemon.

Mallow: But what about you and the others? Surely most of you are adults right?

Noire: Yeah but it seems due to us being not from this world and having god like powers, we're probably not infected by this sort of chance.

Plutia: (smile) Yay so we're safe!

Unzume: Where not for long as soon this new threat shows up.

Suddenly there was a blast which they looked up and see what looked like a Ultra portal and two creatures came out of the Ultra portal.

Neptune: (surprised) Holy Alola guys! There they are right now!

Ash: No wait! That's Nebby and Lunala.

Y/n: Who?

Kiawe: Two legendary Ultra beast that Ash saw in his dream.

Mallow: The Lion is Nebby. We named him when he was just a baby.

Vert: (smile) Aaaww that's so adorable!

Y/n: So if they are not the threats then wha-

Suddenly there was a huge roar and they look back up and then see a head to what looked like another Ultra beast and soon it break through the portal and let's out a roar that shake everything around them.

Neptune: Not to be a wise girl right here but I believe that might be the threat.

Roton Dex: Ultra beats unknown! This must be a new Ultra beast!

???: Well, Well, Well, Look who finally show up!

Suddenly something leap out and fly down and crashed ih front of the temple which they turn as the figured stood up and once the dust clears up, Y/n and the goddess were shocked to see Arfoire with her stronger form.

Arfoire: Looks like you got some new friends. That's good, I'll be looking forward of Killin them rightbin front of you all.

Gladion: (shocked) Whose she?

Neptune: (smile) Oh she's our enemy from our world. Now what was hew again? Art-Four, Witch Queen, dark women?

Arfoire: (anger) It's Arfoire you little brat! You've already forgotten about me!

Y/n: To be fair you were gone ever since Dark-Striker took over Planeptune.

Arfoire: Well if you must know I was betrayed and was sent into a unknown dimension where I never escape! However that's when I found out I was not only. This beast was also imprison as well so I set it free and have it to open a crack into different dimensions in hopes you all will be sent here and it worked!

Neptune: So.....your the one who sent us into a wonderful world with cool beaches, delicious food, friendly people amd cute and adorable pokemon...................................THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Arfoire: (anger) Your not suppose to thank me, we're enemies!

Mallow, Lana and Lillie: (thought) It seems Neptune doesn't care while their enemy gets mad.

Noire: So what is your goal with this beast of yours?

Arfoire: (smirk) Glad you ask. This Ultra beast can not only drain the spirits of people but it can also take over pokemons bodies, making them stronger and more powerful then ever! Here, I'll give you an explainable.

She snap her finger and her beast roars and gose towards Lunala and catches the pokemon and suddenly I start to fuse with Lunala as they watch in shock as Arfoire's Ultra beast has taking control of Lunala as it let out a huge roar, showing how strong it is now.

Everyone was shocked by this while Arfoire smirks to herself as Gladion turn to her and asked her.

Gladion: What are your plans with them?!

Arfoire: (smirk) It's simple boy. I will use my beast to take over this world and then go to Hyperdimension and take over that one as well! The unstoppable force of three Ultra beast will make me unstoppable! Speaking of which, get the lion!

The controlled turn itself attention to Nebby and charge towards him while he tries to get away as they fly off.

Ash: We're go and help Nebby!

Y/n: Right, Unzume, Plutia go with them. Me, Neptune, Noire, Blanc and Vert will take care of Arfoire.

They agree and Unzume hops on with Ash while Plutia hops on with Lillie as they take off in their flying pokemons and once that Y/n and the four goddess stare at Arfoire who pulled out her spear and said.

Arfoire: (smirk) The last time we met I was weak but now I'm powerful then ever before. There is no way you can beat me!

Y/n: You may say that Arfoire but in the end you will always lose no matter what! Ready guys?

Noire, Blanc and Vert: Ready!

Neptune: It's CPU time!

And so the five of them transformed into their CPU forms and once that, they were ready to battle Arfoire.

Red Heart: You wanna rematch Arfoire? Then get ready because we're ready for you.

Arfoire: (smirk) Then show me what you got!

Immediately Arfoire charges towards them and immediate blows them away, sending them back a bit as Red Heart stood his ground and then charge towards Arfoire, swinging his two swords back only for Arfoire to block them as the two have a blade lock until Purple Heart and Black Heart charge towards her but Arfoire kicks Red Heart back, crashing into them while White Heart swings her as towards Arfoire but she immediately blocks it with her spear and then grabs her hilt and tosses her towards Green Heary which Green Heart catches her.

Arfoire smirks but then Red Heary dashes towards her, grab her and took her in the air as they blow punches at each other. Then Arfoire kicked Red Heart back, forcing him to let go and then she tackles Red Heart and they were sent fair away from the others as they see them moving away from them.

Purple Heart: Come on we gonna help him!

They agree and they fly off to help out Red Heart and then seconds later a helicopter arrived at the location as it land and Lusamine, Burnet, Wicke and Faba arrived while they were still lazy looking as they look around to see no one.

Faba: Are we late?

To be continued................................................

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