Chapter 33: The Alola world (Arc 2)
It was a warm day at the beaches of Melemele Island within the Alola region where we see Y/n, Neptune and Plutia at Ash, Pikachu, Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet's small wooden home as we see Neptune playing with Ash's Pokemon at the beach as she runs around with them having fun while Y/n and Plutia are seen standing near the house with Plutia holding Ash's sleeping Rowley which Plutia finds it very cute and soft.
Y/n check his phone but there was no signal since the phone he has is from the Hyperdimension so it's useless unless they get back home. Y/n close his phone while he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Okay so we're trapped into another new dimension where animals has powers and people catch them with round balls called pokeballs. Man this world is a but weird but disbite that it is kinda peaceful.
Ash: So is there any pokemon in your world?
He turn to see Ash walk down the steps with Roton Dex as Y/n reply to Ash's question.
Y/n: Well sort off. They are similar to pokemon but I don't think not the pokemon you should try to catch.
Ash: Why is that?
Plutia: There are very mean monsters that will eat any human they see.
Y/n: Yeah, like what Plutia says.
Ash: Oh....okay?
Then Y/n noticed something on Ash's wrist so he points at it and ask.
Y/n: What's that in your wrist? I can feel this strange engery and I think that's something to do with it.
Ash: Oh this! It's my Z move crystal.
Y/n: Z move crystal?
Kukui: Z move crystal that the Alola region has for a very long time.
Then Kukui and Burnet came out as they over heard Y/n's question as the two gose on to say.
Kukui: (smile) There are four islands and each one has a trail that trainers must complete in order to get their own Z move crystal. The trainer and his or her pokemon have to be bounded to not to each other but to this region as well.
Burnet: (smile) It grants the pokemon an ultimate ability once their hearts are truly bounded with this region. The bracelet that Ash has around him allows him to install the Z move crystal and use it.
Neptune: Oh! Kinda like a share crystal!
Kukui: Share crystal?
Y/n: It's like a power that we use to transform into our god or goddess forms. I'm kinda special since not only I'm the girst male person to be a CPU but i have forms as well.
Ash: (surprised) Wow that's soo cool! What can you do in your CPU form?
Y/n: Well flight, teleport, increased strength, increased speed and anything else. We've faced a lot of threats in our world, wven those that almost ended the world.
Kukui: (surprised) Well that's quiet interesting.
Y/n: (nervous smile) You have no idea.
Plutia: (smile) Y/n is a famous hero in our world.
Burnet: (smile) Well that's great to hear, maybe we can hear more of your stories and get to know you more in school.
Y/n: (smile) Sure, we don't mind to share some info about ourselves and our world.
Ash: (smile) And we can do the same as well!
Y/n: (smile) Can't wait.
Y/n: (thought) Man this Ash is sort of like me but younger. I like this kid.
They arrived at the school and Ash and the others were at class and sat down while Y/n and the others were standing in front of the class as Kukui tells everyone.
Kukui: (smile) Alola students! Today is quiet a special day because we're have interesting people from different world who would like to tell us what their world is like and after that we tell them what our world is like. So who wants to start?
Y/n: (smile) I'll start.
He step forward and clear his throat and then wave to everyone as he said.
Y/n: (smile) Hello or Alola, sorry not use to say that. (Cloar thoat) My name is Y/n L/n also known as Red Heart. To surprise you all Hyperdimension was not actually where I came from but I came from another world where everything is normal, no pokemon, no monsters and no goddess or gods. Everything was peaceful and I was a high schooler before I enter the Hyperdimension. You may wonder how? Well let's just say don't buy strange looking devices that are free.
Ash and the others chuckle and then Neptune came up cheerfully and called out in a cheerful tone.
Neptune: Alola everyone! My name is Neptune also known as Purple Heart and I'm the leader of a nice and small nation called Planeptune. I love to play video games, spent time with Y/n and love pudding! I also love your cute and adorable pokemon!
Mallow: (smile) Aaaww ain't she cute!
Lana: (smile) She's sort off acts like Olivia.
Then Noire came up next and once she's up she said.
Noire: My name is Noire from Lastation, my goddess name is Black Heart. I maintain order within my nation and other nations and make take my job very seriously.
Neptune: Tell them you make customs!
Noire: (blush) What?! I'm not telling them that and how do you know that?!
Y/n: (thought) Knew this world happen.
Once that Blanc came up next as she just stare at Ash and the others and then said.
Blanc: My name is Blanc from Lowee, I'm also called White Heart............that's it.
Ash and the others were a bit surprised that's all Blanc has to say which Y/n explain.
Y/n: Sorry about that, Blanc is not a type of person to share some information about herself.
Roton Dex: So she's shy?
Blanc: (anger) What was that?! I'm not shy!
Roton Dex: (scared) S-Sorry!
Y/n: (nervous smile) Hahaha, that's okay Blanc let's move to the next person.
He gently pulls Blanc aside as Vert came up next with a smile on her face and said.
Vert: (smile) Greetings, my name is lady Green Heart but you all can call me Vert. I am the goddess of Leanbox and I love this peaceful world, your pokemon and all of you. Its nice to meet you all.
Mallow: She's almost like you Lillie.
Lillie: (smile) Yeah, don't you think so Snowy?
Snowy agrees and then Unzume and Plutia were up next as Unzume starts by saying.
Unzume: (smirk) Sup! Names Unzume aka Orange Heart. I have this split personality when I transform into Orange Heart.
Plutia: (smile) Me too! Hi, I'm Plutia but others call me Iris Heart.
Ash: Split personality?
Y/n: Well when Unzume transforms into Orange Heart, hee personality is like a cheerfully, cute girl.
Unzume: (blush) You don't have to say that to everyone.
Mallow: (smile) That's cute! What about Plutia's personality?
Noire: Um......Best you'll find out some day.
Sophocles: Why?
Noire: Trust me, her personality is.......quiet different to Unzume's.
Kukui: (smile) Well with that done, how's about we tell our new guests a thing about this region.
Mallow: Oh! There is the Manalo festival coming soon!
Y/n: The Manalo Festival?
Kiawe: The Manalo Festival occurs every 21 years during the solar eclipse. On that day, each of the Island Kahunas go to the respective ruins of Alola's guardian deities.
Neptune: And who or what are these Alola's Guardian deities.
Lillie: (smile) They are the four Legendary pokemon that protected the four islands of the Alola region. Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu and Tapu Fini.
Lana: (smile) We met four of them a while back when we first met an Ultra beast.
Y/n: So four islands, four Legendary guardians and they protected each four islands. That's sounded like what our world is like.
Lana: (smile) Still just in five days, we will start the Manalo festival and have some fun.
Vert: (smile) That sounds like fun!
Noire: Still we need to find a way to get back home.
Neptune: (smile) But it can't hurt to stay here a bit more and enjoy the festival.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it actually sounded like fun.
Noire: (sigh) Alright then but after this we're finding a way to get back home okay?
Neptune: (smile) Roger that!
School ended and we see Ash, Pikachu, Poipole and Y/n head into town so Ash can show Y/n around while the other goddess hang out with Ash's class. Ash tells him his story and his adventures which surprised Y/n a bit.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow that's some adventure you and Pikachu been through.
Ash: (smile) Yeah we have, but your adventure was wild.
Y/n: (smile) Well that's what happens when you brought a strange looking device at the store.
He turns to Poiploe which he flies around him and then Y/n ask Ash.
Y/n: So this Poiploe, what are those things that he shoot at on his head?
Ash: (smile) That's just paint.
Y/n: Oh well that's good because i wasn't sure what it was when i first met it. Speaking of which this Ultra guardian, how was it formed?
Ash: Well before you guys came Lillie was afraid of touching pokemon and she was captured by Faba so she can forget his project to open a Ultra portal. We did rescue her and she managed to overcome her fear and she can touch pokemon but then he kidnapped Nebby to use him to open the Ultra portal. An Ultra beats came and kidnapped Lusamine but we saved her but she believed there is other Ultra beasts out there so she wants us to track them down and return them back to their own world.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow! That's some story. What happened to this Faba guy?
Ash: Well he apologised and now made these Ultra pokeballs so we can catch them and release them back to their world.
Y/n: Huh.....Well he was lucky that he wasn't arrested or fired.
Ash: (nervous smile) Yeah but he's good now.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Y/n: Well at least that's good to hear. Say how long have you been with your Pikachu?
Ash: (smile) Since the beginning! He was my first pokemon and has been my buddy throughout our journey.
Pikachu smiled while Poiploe smiled as well and hugged Pikachu which he laugh while Y/n smiled and it reminds him of Giggles and wishes he was alive so he can meet Pikachu. Suddenly three motorbikes ride up to them and stop in fron of them as Y/n sees three teenager gangs as they climb out of their bikes as one of them said.
??? 1: Well, Well, Well, look what we got here? A newbie. Where are you from newbie?
??? 2: (chuckle) Nice one.
??? 3: Yeah what are you doing here?
Y/n: Who are these punks?
Tupp: The names Tupp, that's Rapp and Zipp. We're apart of a gang called Team Skull.
Rapp: Thats right!
Zipp: You better watch it newbie.
Y/n: (thought) Tupp, Rapp and Zipp? I've heard many weird names but those names are the weirdest.
Ash: What do you guys want?
Tupp: We can't help but heard someone new came to this island out of nowhere so we just want to come over here and see if it's true and it looks like it is.
Y/n: Well what do you want from me?
Tupp: How's about we have a pokemon battle! If we win, we can take your pokemon!
Rapp: Yeah! Let's have a pokemon battle!
Zipp: Unless your scared.
Ash: (anger) Now hang on, he doesn't have a-
Y/n: (smirk) Sure.
Ash and Pikachu turn to Y/n in shock as he step forward with a smirk on his face while Tupp said.
Tupp: Alright then, pull out your pokemon and let's battle.
Y/n: (smirk) Sure but since I'm new here I would to make this battle interesting.
Tupp: And what would that be?
Y/n: (smirk) Have your pokemon attack me instead.
The trio were shocked and confused while Y/n see their faces and ask them.
Y/n: (smirk) Oh, did I surprise you three? If you don't want to then I guess we can leave.
Tupp: F-F-Fine! We'll accept! Come on out, Salamdit!
Zipp: You too Garboder!
Rapp: Let show him Zubat!
Their three pokemon is summoned as Y/n look at them and smirk to himself as he crackle his knuckles and then said.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright then, let's dance!
He then transform into Red Heart right in front of them which shock the trio even more to see he's not a normal human.
Red Heart: Okay then, show me what your pokemon can do!
The trio were still shocked but Tupp shake away the shock and called out.
Tupp: I don't know what you are but we'll show you! Salandit use Poison tail!
His Salamdit rushed up to Red Hearts and land a hit at him with his Poison Tail. But nothing happened as Red Hwart just chuckle to himself which made the trio shocked.
Red Heart: You kidding me? That tickles.
Tupp: What the- There's no way that can be tickling!
Zipp: Don't worry we hot this! Garbodor use Sludge bomb!
Garbodor lifted out his fingers ans fires Sludge bomb at Red Heart which he immediately disappeared and as soon the Sludge bombs gone pass him he appears in the same spot which shocked Zipp and Garbodor.
Red Heart: Man that was slow. Whose up next?
Rapp: Zubat use shadow ball on this newbie!
Zubat fires a shadow ball at Red Heart which he catched it and throws it up in the air like a ball which shocked her and her Zubat.
Red Heart: You three ready to give up now?
Tupp: Not a chance!
Red Heart: Okay then.
He then tossed the shadow ball in the air and then he summons both his swords and then cross them together and then he quickly swings his sword towards their three pokemon and then two red beams came out of his twin swords and hit their pokemon, sending them flying back and crash into the trio as they fallen unconscious.
Zipp: (shocked) No way!
Rapp: (shocked) There's no way he could beat our pokemon!
Tupp doesn't believe this as he glare at Red Heart and next thing Red Heart sees was them climbing back onto their motorbike and riding off.
Tupp: This ain't over! We'll be back!
Red Heart just chuckles as he changed back to his human form while Ash, Pikachu and Poiploe were amazed.
Ash: (surprised) Wow that was awesome!
Y/n: (smirk) Now you see how powerful we are in our world?
Ash: (smile) Yeah, your incredible.
Pikachu: (smile) Pikachu!
Poiploe: (smile) Poiploe!
Y/n: Well let's get out of here before they come back.
Ash: (smile) Right!
And so they leave the area as he and Ash talk more to each other as Y/n likes Ash and finds him like a little brother to him as the two continue talking as Y/n and the goddess stay around the Alola region until Lusamine and her researchers find a way how to get them back home.
To be continued.............................................
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