Chapter 32: The Alola world (Arc 1)
Y/n is seen standing in front of the mysterious portal in the middle of the field as he continues to stare at it, wondering what it could be and where dose it lead to. We see Neptune, Noire, Blanc and Vert also looking at the portal for a bit and wondering the same thing. Then Neptune decided to throw some rocks through the portal and see what comes out. It wasn't long for Noire to bark at Neptune.
Noire: What do you think your doing?! Are you trying to bring something dangerous here?!
Neptune: (smile) Sorry I got board. Seeing a new and mysterious portal makes me want to go into it.
Noire: Absolutely not! We'll wait here for Histoire to arrive and she'll decide on what to do.
Vert: Strange the portal is quite different to the portals that we've have. Whatever this portal might be, I could take us to a whole new world.
Blanc: Maybe a world that we could never imagine.
Neptune: (smile) Then why are we standing around here for? How's about we take a quick peek?
Noire: I said no!
Y/n: Noire is right. We don't know what's the other side od this portal. For now we just need to wait for Histoire and see if she have any ideas.
Neptune: Okay.
Unzume: Hey guys!
Then Unzume and Histoire make theie way over to them with Plutia with them, being sent here to investigate as well. Y/n walked up to them and ask Histoire.
Y/n: So any leads to what this portal might be?
Histoire: Well I'm not too sure.
Y/n: Not too sure? What do you mean?
Histoire: We have the technology to communicate with someone at the other side of that portal. It's how we gain connected with Plutia in her dimension. However this one is very much different, whatever this world maybe it ain't high tech and this portal was open by not a devices but rather on its own.
Y/n: So there's like a crack to a different dimension where technology is small?
Histoire: I guess if you put it that way yes.
Unzume: Whatever this portal might be, it might not be safe.
Plutia: It might be very dangerous and danger is bad.
They turn back to the portal as Y/h walk up to the portal and looks at it for a bit and then turnnhis head to the rest and said.
Y/n: We might as well leave it be and forbidden anyone from getting close to it. We don't want it to-
Suddenly there was a blast that sent them flying back however Y/n stop mid air and felt like he was pulled towards the portal. The others stood up and then sees him being pulled towards the portal.
Y/n: What the hell?! Guys!
They try to pull him away but it was too late as Y/n was sucked into the portal as the other goddess gets up and Neptune said.
Neptune: Why dose main characters always gose first?
Noire: Who cares! We gonna bring him back!
Blanc: But wr don't know what this portal leads us.
Vert: (smile) Well that's part of an adventure.
Unzume: I'll come with you!
Plutia: Same!
Histoire: Just be careful, who knows what this new world might be.
Noire: Right.
Neptune: (smile) Alrighty then, let's go and save Y/n!
And so they leap into the portal and now it was just Histoire who waits for them while also hoping the portal will not close while they were in there.
(Unknown dimension)
We see Y/n being sent flying through the portal and after a while of him yelling he spit out at the otherside as he crash into a few tree branches and land hard onto the ground.
He groan a bit while he slowly gets up and look around to see he is in the woods but the woods isn't familiar to him in any way.
Y/n: Guess I'm in this new dimension, question is where?
He looked around and he decided to make his walk through the woods and try to find any civilian as best he can.
Y/n: (thought) Damn it's a bit warmer here. Must be a new season or something. Maybe I should turn back and find that portal, surely I can't be that far.
He turn back only to see nothing but trees as he look around him and then let out a sigh.
Y/n: Crap, I'm lost.
He sigh but decided to keep on walking and searches for anyone he can find to help him. It wasn't long for him to realise there isn't a singal wildlife within the woods and its pitch quiet.
Y/n: Okay this is kinda creepy. If only there is something that is less creepy.
Suddenly he heard what sounded like something coming so he hide behind the bushes and waiting for a huge scary monster or something deadly to appear but he was surprised to see a huge bear like creature with pink fur on it's head, black fur on its body and have a pink tail.
It looked around while Y/n stares at a bit with a bit of surprise on his face.
Y/n: (thought) Huh this creature doesn't seem to be bad. Maybe this new world ain't so bad after all.
Suddenly he accidentally snap a stick whoch cost the bear like creature to turn and spotted Y/n which he was force to come out while he raised his hands in the air while he tells it.
Y/n: I'm not here in any trouble, just want to find a way back home. Can you help me?
The creature stare at him a bit and then kneel down for some reason which at first confused Y/n a bit but suddenly the creature quickly dashes towards him while making a cute yell.
Y/n: (thought) Oh crap!
He move out of the way as the creature runs pass him and then turn and make a cute yell once more and then glare towards him once again. Y/n sees this and makes a run for it while the bear creature chase after him.
It chased him through the woods and he turn only to see it smashing away the trees with only its bear hands.
Y/n: (thought) Holy crsp this one is strong!
He keeps on running and after a while he break out of the bushes and enter what seems like a open field as he catches his breath and turn back only to see the creature burst out of the bushes while he turn to face it.
Y/n: Okay then. If you can't leave me alone then I guess your not friendly. So how do we do this? Easy way or hard way?
The bear creature charges towards him which ment the hard way so he transformed into Red Heart and immediately catches the bear creature on its shoulders as he slide backwards but stopped and the two struggle to each other for a bit and then Red Heart grabs the bear creature and tosses it far away as it was sent flying and then disappeared from sight.
Red Heart breaths a sigh of relief after that as he sat down on the ground and ask himself.
Red Heart: (thought) Okay now I know this world ain't as friendly. Still I hope Neptune and the others are alright, they might already come here and find me. Still I need to find someone that can tell me what is this world? If there is any humans in this world?
He looked around for a bit and then was about to leave when suddenly something fly by him and then look up to see six creature fly over him as he let out a sigh, meaning he is in deep trouble and then ready him.
???: Poip?
He turn around and jump back in surprised to be faced with a alien like creature flying off the ground and staring at him.
Red Heart: (thought) Okay first a gaint strong bear and now an alien floating right in front of me. Is it even friendly?
He stare at the alien creature for a bit and suddenly it smiled and then shot what seems like paint on it's tail at Y/n which made him stumble back while he rub the paint off of his face.
Red Heart: What the hell?! Your lucky I was wearing a helmet otherwise my eyes would have sting!
???: Wow this one can talk!
Red Heart: Well of course I can- Wait?
He turn to be surprised to see humans but he was not suspected to see kids wearing what seems like team uniforms as they stare at him in surprise.
Red Heart: (thought) Finally some people. Still what's with those outfits? Are they in a team?
??? 2: (surprised) Wow I've never met an ultra beast who can talk!
??? 3: (surprised) Amazing!
2: (smile) How interesting.
Red Heart: Ultra beast? Hang on a minute here I'm not Ultra beast, I'm a CPU.
??? 1: CPU? Like something within a computer?
Red Heart: Um something like that but different. Look who are you kids?
Ash: (smile) Names Ash Ketchum and this is my partner Pikachu.
Pikachu: (smile) Pikachu
Mallow: (smile) I'm Mallow.
Lana: (smile) Lana, it's nice to meet you.
Lillie: (smile) My name is Lillie, it's nice to meet you and this is snowy.
Sophocles: (smile) I'm Sophcles and this is Togedemaru.
Kiawe: And I'm Kiawe. We're Alola's Ultra guardians.
Red Heart: Ultra Guardians? As in, you all are super Hero's?
Ash: (smile) Yep! Our job is to bring Ultra beast back to their world. Well the one that shoot paint on you is Poipole and sorry about that.
Poipole fly around all cheerful while Red Heart ask.
Red Heart: So this alien thing is a Ultra beast? Okay I'm starting to get confused right now.
???: Y/n!
Then Purple Heart, black Heart, White Heart, Green Heart, Orange Heart and Iris Heart fly over and land next to Red Heart and then look over to see some kids with their weird creatures.
White Heart: Who are those kids?
Green Heart: (smile) And what are those adorable creatures they have on them.
Purple Heart: Greetings! We're CPU's from another world and we didn't came here to cost ant trouble.
Ash: (smile) That's fine.
Mallow: Still what is the difference between Ultra beast and you all?
Red Heart: Well can Ultra beast do this?
Then they all changed into their humans forms with surprised them.
Neptune: (smile) Yo what's happening!
Noire: I don't know about this Y/n. Can we even trust these kids?
Y/n: Well they're not as dangerous then that bear creature that attack me. Still we won't be long, we just need to find that portal and head home.
Noire: Yeah about that.
Y/n: Huh?
Blanc: After we came through the portal, the portal close behind us and now.
Unzume: Looks like we're trapped here until we find a why to reopen that portal.
Y/n: Great.
Plutia: How sad.
Ash: (smile) Hey we can help!
Y/n: How?
Lillie: (smile) My mother can open a Ultra portal to sent you all back home.
Y/n: Huh well that's good to here! Take us there!
They arrived to the Ultra guardian base which I'd underneath a school as Lillie's mother named Lusamine appears on the screen while Neptune, Plutia and Vert get along with Ash and the other of hid friends cute creatures as Y/n explains to Lusamine about their world and she node and said.
Lusamine: (computer) I see. Your world is very much different then the Ultra beasts worlds that cross paths here.
Noire: So what are these "Ultra beast" and are they a threat?
Lusamine: (computer) Ultra beast we pokemon from a different dimension that accidentally stumble apon this world. They are shown to huge pokemon with powers unlike any pokemon ever have.
Y/n: Pokemon? You mean Ash's Pikachu and the others?
???: That's correct, this is the world of the pokemon.
Then another pokemon appear as Y/n turn to it and it looked like a floating tablet which he ask.
Y/n: Huh cool tablet.
Ash: (smile) That's Rotom dex, he holds information to all pokemon.
Y/n: (smirk) Huh well that's cool.
Rotom dex: (smile) Well thank you.
Lusamine: (computer) Still we'll try to find your world but it may take longer then we may thought. In a mean time you'll be staying at the school for the time being. I'll update you all with the progress.
Noire: Well at least that's good.
Soon the call ends and Ash walked up to them and tell them.
Ash: (smile) Looks like you all will be staying here for a bit. This is gonna be great.
Unzume: (sigh) I don't know about that.
Vert: (smile) Oh I'm sure this will be great. Besides look at all of these adorable pokemon, ain't them cool.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and some are pretty cool like that huge turtle thing with spikes behind it.
He walked up to it as Kiawe walked up and tells Y/n.
Kiawe: That's my turtonanor.
Y/n: (smile) That's a cool name. Maybe this world ain't so bad after all.
Kiawe: Just don't touch Turtonaors spikes on his back?
Y/n: Why?
Then he touched Turonaors back and suddenly there was a huge explosion and once the smoke clear up everyone was covered with black smoke as Y/n cough out a smoke while he said.
Y/n: Oh....I see why.
Noire: What is wrong with you!? Are you really trying to blow us up!
Y/n: How was I suppose to know his spikes blows up!?
Neptune: (smile) I think we're gonna like this new world and let's hope nothing bad happens.
Blanc: You may have jinxed it.
In a unknown world and within the dark canyon we see a mysterious figure sitting on top of a rock and breathing heavily and was close to death when suddenly a Ultra portal appear in the sky which the figure looked up and then get up as she stare at the portal and then smirked.
???: (smirk) Finally, it appears. Now let's go and see what this one may leaf us, my new pet.
Suddenly there was huge glow behind her that shine on her and to shows Arfoire with a evil smirk as she and the other huge creature gose through the Ultra portal and once through the portal closes and now this other world is empty with no life what so far.
To be continued.................................................
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