Chapter 30: Love is in the air
We see Y/n walking through Nep tower and listening to some music through his ear phones as we see him listening to the song. He hum to the song and was just minding his business when he heard a crash which he stop and look around to see where the crash came from. He looked around and see there was nothing so he shrugged to himself and gose back to listening to his music.
Then there was another crash but this time it was close so he removed his ear phones and listened very carefully, trying to figure out where the noises are coming from. Then he heard something that was coming from Marks lab which was next to him so he open the door and peak his head into the room.
Y/n: Yo Mark is everything alright here?
He sees that the lab was turned upside down and it looked like a tornado came and made a huge mess. He step into the lab and finds Mark kneeling down and checking the shelfs while in a panic so he walk up to him and kick him in the leg which he got startled and cost him to hit his head and crawl out to see Y/n.
Y/n: Hey what's going on?
Mark: (panic) Oh it's just you! Uuummmm nothing! Nothing at all. I was just......looking for something.....that's all.
Y/n: Well do you want me to help?
Mark: (panic) NO! I mean no thanks I'm good. I'm alright looking for it myself.
Y/n: Um are you sure? You look a bit stress?
Mark: (sigh) Okay, Okay. I'm gonna tell you something and don't get mad Okay?
Y/n: Um Okay?
Mark: Okay, so a few days ago I've made a potion that cost the person to fall in love the first person he or she sees.
Y/n: So like a love potion?
Mark: Yes and I only made it to test it's effects and nothing else. After a was done I realised i ran out of test tubs so I have to use a empty perfume that I've gotten to contain it and once that I went to bed. When i woke up and check on the love potion I've made, it was gone!
Y/n: How did you left it somewhere you forget?
Mark: No I remember I placed it on a table but when I woke up it was gone! I worry that someone must have stolen it and abuse it's power!
Y/n: Calm down Mark we'll find it for sure. It can't be hard to find right so it must be here.
Mark: I guess. Wait! I have a secret camera placed here! Maybe it caught someone enter here and took it!
Y/n: Good idea, let's check the security room and see what the cameras have caught.
Mark: Let's go.
(Short while later)
We see the two arrived at the security room and they watched last night footage and they do see someone enter the lab, look around and then grab the love potion that was on the table and then leave the lab.
Mark: Damn disbite the night version camera's working, we can't see their face!
Y/n: Seems like it was 10:30 in the morning when it happen. First off; You didn't wake up until later on?
Mark: Well I am a scientists after all. Scientists work all night to get theie research done.
Y/n: Right and second; It could be someone within the building that must have gained access to your lab.
Mark: Maybe but who?
Y/n: Hhhmmm maybe we ask Neptune and the others at the living room. Maybe they see someone enter your lab or they know where your potion might be.
Mark: Good idea. Let's go and ask them.
And so they make their way and soon they reach the living room where the others are at and they spotted Vert over there so the two walk over to her and Y/n ask her.
Y/n: Hey Vert Mark lost something at his lab and we want to know if you-
Vert: (moaning) Oh your a good kisser.
Blanc: Just shut up and kiss me more!
The two froze a bit and they must have not heard right but then Vert turns and they were completely shocked to see Vert and Blanc kissing while making some moans. Then the two stop making out and look at each other with love in their eyes.
Vert: Oh Blanc~!
Blanc: Vert~!
Y/n: (blush) Um what in the world is going on in here?! I thought you all were-
Suddenly they hear more moans and looked over to see Neptune and Noire also making out while the two were sharing moans while Y/n blushes even more.
Y/n: (blush) Not you two! What is going on here?!
Mark: Oh no! They must have been infected by the love potion and now they are fallen in love to each other!
Y/n: (shocked) SAY WHAT?!
Uni: (moan) Oh Nepgear~!
Nepgear: Your so cute Uni~.
They looked over at the kitchen to see Uni and Nepgear also making out as well as the kitchen and making out just like the rest.
Y/n: Wait? Where is Rom, Ram and Miya?
Mark tap his shoulder which he turn and then sees Rom, Ram and Miya sat on the couch and Rom and Ram were taking turns kissing Miya as they too were having a three way and soon the trio collapse onto the couch and continued making out and sharing some moans as Y/n and Mark watched all of this happening.
Y/n: (shocked) Okay should we call in some help?
Mark: Agree. We should call in Compa and IF.
Y/n: Good idea.
(Seconds later)
We see IF and Compa arrive and at first the two were a bit confused on what Y/n and Mark have told them but when they show them what they mean they immediately understood what they mean.
IF: Um this is something I was not suspected to walk in everyday.
Compa: (smile) I think its kinda cute they are loving each other don't you think Y/n?
Y/n: Um yeah they really do "love" each other........a lot.
Y/n: (thought) Well at least this is the first time I see Vert and Blanc getting along.....Well sort off.
IF: So doc, is there anyway we can fix this problem and get them back to normal?
Mark: There is one way. There is a flower that may contain a cure that can put the goddess back to normal.
Y/n: That's good so where is it?
Mark: It's called Blue Dawn flower and it's located at a field called the beauty flower field. That where you will find it.
Compa: (smile) Beauty flower field?! That sounds very nice and romantic.
IF: So we get the flower, bring it back and you make the cure, on it.
Mark: Still you gonna be careful. I've heard that field has a plant monster that comes out whenever he's hungry. You must be careful of it and get that flower.
Y/n: Right we get that flower for sure.
Mark: Good. While you all do that I'll search for that love potion. I bet someone is probably still in here running around with it.
Y/n: Right let's go and find that flower!
IF: Wait what about them? You think they be fine on their own.
Vert: Oh Blanc~ your grabbing my boobs~!
Blanc: They are fricking huge but.......i love them just like I love you.
Vert: (moaning) Oh Blanc~!
Y/n: Yeahhh they will be alright, let's just hope Histoire doesn't find out about this once she comes back.
Mark: Right. Good luck and be back before Histoire will kill me.
Y/n: We will don't you worry.
We see Y/n, IF and Compa making their way through the path ans searching for this field that has the flower they are looking for to make a cure. After a while of walking they finally found the field and it looks very beautiful as we see them on top of a hill.
Compa: (surprised) Whoa look at all the pretty flowers!
IF: There's like a lot of them! How the hell are we gonna find the flower in here?
Y/n: Apparently this flowers is blue while this field is all red, orange, yellow and whites so it won't be hard for us to find a flower which is blue. It be easy.
IF: Hope so.
They make theie way down the hill and they walk through the field of flowers and looking around for the flower they are looking for. They split up and search around for the flower they are looking for. They move some flowers a bit and searching for them.
It took them a while and they couldn't find it yet. Then Y/n looks over to see Compa looking at the flowers so he walk up to her and ask her once he walked up to her.
Y/n: (smile) You like this place?
Compa: (smile) Yeah it's very pretty and the smell, it smells great!
Y/n: (smile) Same. I like the smell of flowers wherever I'm near one.
Compa: (smile) Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Compa: (smile) If we ever get married, what flowers do you like to have?
Y/n: (blush) Huh?!
Compa: (little blush) I know it's a bit too early to ask but when we do decide to get married, I would like to have pretty flowers just like some of these. What do you think?
Y/n: (little blush) U-Um....w-well......i-i-i.
Compa giggles and find it pretty cute while IF is seen looking around wnd soon finds the flower as she pulls it out from the ground and called out to Compa and Y/n.
IF: Hey guys I found it! Let me tell you that was pretty easy as I thought. I thought we have to fight a plant monster or some-
Suddenly she was grabbed by the leg amd dragged upside down while Compa and Y/n turn and then a large plant monster came out from the ground. It had the heard of the flower with huge teeth as it roar at Compa and Y/n.
Y/n: Looks like that thing ain't leaving without a fight!
Red Heart: I got this!
He flies towards the plant monster as he summons two swords as he charge towards the plant monster but the plant monster summons vines out of the ground and attacks Red Heart with the which he dodged and slice them up with no problem.
Then he charge towards the plant monster and slice off the vine that was holding IF off and she fell but Red Heart grabbed her and set her down onto the ground.
Red Heart: Get to safety, I'll finish this thing.
IF: Right!
IF heads back to Compa as Red Heart swings both of his swords as he formed a X with his two swords and then his two swords glow Red and then once charged up he charges towards the Plant monster and sliced the plant monster as the plant monster roar and then fell onto thr ground.
Red Heart lands onto the grounr and turn to see the plmat monster is defeated as he snap his fingers and said.
Red Heart: Now that's how you chop down a plant monster.
IF: Good job Y/n. Now let's return this plant to Mark and he'll make a cure.
Compa: (smile) Let's go!
They return with the flower as Mark starts making a cure and it wasn't long for him to be done. Once that he sprays the cure to the goddess and they seemed to cured as they stop moaning and kissing but now it's replaced with the and confusing so they explain what happened.
Neptune: Huh that explains why your lips taste like coffee. Pretty nice though.
Noire: (shocked) YOU SHUT UP!!!!
Nepgear: (little blush) long we know?
IF: Maybe 15 or 25 minutes of more.
Nepgear: (little blush) Oh.....i see.
Uni: (little blush) Jeez how embarrassing.
Vert: (smirk) I don't know about that, I think that was quiet fun. Maybe we should do that next time.
Miya: No way!
Ram: (smile) Yeah but this time Y/n will join us!
Rom: (little blush) Y-Yeah....same.
Blanc: (anger) I swear someone is gonna be dead. Whoever done this I will kill them!
Then the door open behind them and they turn around to see RED there holding the now empty love potion while the rest stare at her and the empty love potion.
RED: Oh I there guys! I see the fun has ended.
They all stare at her for a bit and then Y/n ask.
Y/n: Wait what are you doing here RED?
RED: (nervous chuckle) Well you see, I came here to see you but I got lost so I just want to this lab I think it was and look around. Then I found this potion and this sticky note on it that said "Love potion" and that's when I have a perfect idea! I figured you will be in the living room with the other girls so I sprey the living room and at first I figured you will be in it when I found out your not I search around and continue to spray it around the place in hopes you might smell it. Long story short, I waste it all of it and now it's empty. But hey everything is normal now so everything we go back to normal right?....Right?
Noire: RED.
Suddenly both Noire and Blanc face were nore scary as they walked up to her while RED nervous smile turned to fear as they glare at her.
Noire and Blanc: (anger) Your dead.
RED: (nervous chuckle) I...I love you too?
Seconds later she turn around and run away while Noire and Blanc chased after her while the rest laugh a bit as Noire and Blanc hunt RED down.
Later we see Y/n, IF and Compa at the living room and having some candy stick that Y/n found as IF sigh and said.
IF: Glad that's over. You know I feel kinda sorry to RED. Well, kinda.
Conpa: (smile) Still it was cute for the others to fall in love and liking each other.
IF: Um yeah whatever you see.
Y/n: (smile) Well look at the bright side, at least it wasn't some crazy adventure like before right?
IF: Guess that's true.
Then Y/n dig his hand into the box and pulls out one candy stick left which he look at IF and Compa and said while he hand it to them.
Y/n: Here you two can have it, I think I have enough today.
Compa: Um sure but it's only one left.
IF takes the candy stick and looks at it for a bit and then suggest.
IF: Maybe you and I can just share it.
Compa: Guess that could work.
Y/n: (thought) Wait this reminds me of a anime scene were two girls have this one candy and they each take a bite at one end to the other and slowly move the candy stick towards their mouths until-
A thought of that made Y/n blushed even more until he was red all over his face and then fell onto the ground while IF and Compa see that and they were a bit confused.
Compa: Huh wonder what's wrong with him?
IF: Don't know but let's share this.
IF breaks the candy stick in half and hands Compa one end of the candy stick while IF eat the other as they eat the candy while Y/n realised this and felt kinda dumb to imagine it to happen.
To be continued.....................................
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