Chapter 3: A request from Lady Green heart

In planeptune we see Y/n and Jiggles at the guild and looking at some jobs on the board and Y/n was picking out some papers off the board and pick which one.

Y/n: (thought) Ok we can take out a bandit camp somewhere near a village or we could get ride of monsters that has been terrorising a nearby home? This is kinda difficult to pick.

Compa: (distance) Hey Y/n and Jiggles.

Y/n and Jiggles turn and If and Compa walk up to them.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Compa and If here to pick a job.

If: Actually we're heading out. So what are you doing?

Y/n: Trying to pick out a job to do.

Compa: What about you come with us?

Y/n: That sounds fun, where are we going?

If: We are heading to Leanbox to help out Vert.

Y/n: Is she a CPU?

Compa: Yep including her sister, there need some help so we're gonna visit them and see whats up.

Y/n: Well guess you count me and Jiggles to come with yous.

If: Alright let's head there now before its too late.

Y/n and Compa: Ok.


We see If driving her car with Y/n on the passenger seat and Compa at the back holding Jiggles on her lap.

Y/n: You have a nice car.

If: Thanks I try to keep it that way.

Y/n: So how do you two got close to the CPU'S?

Compa: Well years ago we encouraged a memory lost Neptune and we help her try to get her memories back and after that we are friends with Nep and the rest of the CPU'S.

Y/n: Thats an inspiration story how you two met Neptune.

If: Yeah we encountered many close calls in our adventures with Neptune and the rest of the CPU'S we even have to fight off other evil goddess that wanted to take over the world.

Y/n: But yous managed to pull it out in the end right?

Compa: (smile) Yep because no matter what the four goddess will always win.

If: Huh is that?

Then If pull over her car and beside her seat was a girl with long pony tail hair as If pull down her window.

???: Hey If where are you going?

If: Heading to Leanbox to help out Vert.

???: I see and who's that kid?

If: This is Y/n and Y/n this is Uzume another CPU.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you Uzume.

Uzume: (smile) Nice to meet you kid, so your heading to Leanbox as well huh?

If: Yeah why do you asked?

Uzume: Well I'll explain while we head to Leanbox.

If: Alright hope on.

Uzume walks around and hop onto the back seat behind Y/n and If drives off while Uzume explains.

Uzume: There is this guy who has been given people terrible thoughts and even one time turn a whole village violent against each other.

Compa: (shocked) My word.

If: Has anyone try to stop him?

Uzume: They tried but they will be defeated by this guys cult who reshapes him as a god.

Y/n: That's crazy.

Uzume: Yeah no kidding. So Y/n whats your back story?

Compa: Y/n is also a CPU and he's very strong.

Uzume: (surprised) Wait your a CPU as well?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I guess it kinda surprised you right?

Uzume: (smirk) Surprising? Yeah right I believe you when I see it.

Y/n: Alright.

Then Jiggles jump onto Uzume's lab and Uzume looks at Jiggles and her voice turn into a cute anime girl when she spoke.

Uzume: (smile) Hello little dogoo I see your a friendly one as to the rest to all the doggos I've met. Your a cute little dogoo are you. Yes you are, yes you are.

Compa and Y/n turn to her in a weird look and Uzume noticed this and she clear her throat ans talk normally.

Uzume: I-Is this your dogoo Y/n?

Y/n: Ummm yeah his name is Jiggles.

Uzume: Huh thats a cute name.

Y/n: um thanks Uzume.

Y/n: (thought) Did she spoke like those anime girls? I must be imaging it right? Well she spoke kinda cute but better not say that otherwise she may get embarrassed.

(Hours later)

Soon If, Compa, Y/n, Jiggles and Uzume arrived at Leanbox and Y/n was amazed how peaceful it was and how beautiful it was almost better then Planeptune. If park her car and they got out ane walk the rest yo Verts home.

Y/n: This place seems pretty awesome.

Compa: This is how Vert likes it. This is actually the only place that doesn't hold military like weapons or anything military equipment. Its actually the most peaceful lands ever.

If: Many old people, people want to go on a holiday or anyone else come here and relax or go on an adventure.

Y/n: Sounds pretty fun maybe I come visit here someday. What about that idea Jiggles?

Jiggles nods for agreement and they walk for a while until they arrived at a huge mansion with a fountain at the middle of the stairs with water spitting out towards the sky. This surprised Y/n of this and they walk up the steps ans If nock the huge door and a young girl open the door.

???: Hey If what are yous doing here?

If: (smile) Hey Miya,We are here for a request from Vert and we wonder we could help.

Miya: Sure come in.

They all enter the huge mansion and they walk through the halls and Miya aksed about Y/n ans If told her and she was surprised about Y/n is a CPU.

Miya: (surprised) Wow your a CPU as well!?

Y/n: Yep and this is my buddy named Jiggle I've saved in the cave.

Miya: Thats very interesting, I never knew someone could have make a dogoo as a pet.

Compa: So what's been happening Miya?

Miya: Well its about this cult that has been spotted in an abandon building not far from here.

Uzume: Is it that same cult who follows that guy who makes people turn violent against each other?

Miya: Maybe but many reports show that they call themselves the Darkness reborn.

If: The Darkness reborn. That doesn't sound good.

Miya: Yeah there everywhere across this land and many other lands.

If: Wheres Vert?

Miya: She over by this door.

They reach up to the door and Miya open the door and they head inside the living room where they see Vert sitting on the couch drinking her tea when she look up to If and the rest.

Vert: (smile) I'm so glad that all of yous are here to visit me.

If: (smile) Hey Vert hope we didn't interrupted you from anything?

Vert: Not at all Iffy. May who is this handsome boy.

Y/n: (blush) Me?

Vert: (smile) And I see you have a cute dogoo as your partner I'm I right?

Y/n: Yeah his name is Jiggles and my name is Y/n, its nice to meet you Lady Vert.

Vert: (smile) Please call me Very ans that is a very nice name to your pet.

Compa: Not only that Y/n is also a CPU as well.

Vert: (surprised) A CPU? How surprising to hear.

Uzume: Yeah me too.

If: We are actually here for that request you put up about this cult?

Vert: Ah yes they have been spotted at this abandon farm that they use to serve this mean god they follow. I want yous to head there and arrest them and bring  them back here.

If: You got it Vert.

Y/n: So how do we find this abandon Farm?

Vert: Miya will show you where to find it.

Miya: (smile) Yeah I've gone some research to were that farm is right thanks to eye witnesses so it was a peace of cake.

Compa: (smile) Thats great.

Uzume: (smirk) Let head there and ruin there party.

Y/n: I agree on you too Unzume lets head there.

Miya lead them out of the room and Vert just watch as Y/n walks off and Vert smiles.

Vert (thought) That boy looks very cute and he is very handsome as well. Maybe I can let him to stay here for a bit or too.


Miya lead them through the forest to the abandon farm and Y/n was walking next to Miya and Miya turn to Y/n and asked.

Miya: So are you really a CPU?

Y/n: Yep I can transform if you went me to proof it.

Miya: No its better we wait until we get there.

Y/n: Alright so what dose you and Vert do?

Miya: Well my big sister only plays video games, read a lot of manga and always fells asleep in day times because of all those nights of playing games. I on the other hand help things around and even try to help Vert with somethings before she falls back to sleep.

Y/n: I see.

Miya: I don't have a CPU form like the rest of the sisters but I will one day.

Y/n: Maybe I could help you yo become a CPU.

Miya: You sure?

Y/n: Yeah sure I maybe new with my CPU form but I could try.

Miya: (smile) Thanks Y/n.

Miya: (thought) I must admit he is nice and kind as well.

Miya blush a little now she thinks about it but she shake it off and very soon they arrived at an abandon farm that has a huge barn on the lift and an old house on the right.

Compa: So where are they at?

Miya: If I'm right people said they head into that barn over there.

Uzume: Alright lets head in there and.....

If: Hold up Unzume.

If grab Unzume by the back of her shirt and Unzume stop and turn to If.

Uzume: Ow! What was that for?!

If: We need to be stealthy. We don't know how many they are.

Y/n: If is right and it looks like its empty for now but they maybe come back.

Uzume: So what should we do?

Y/n: Maybe we can wite until it gets dark and then we see if they come.

Compa: Its getting dark soon so we can hide in the house and wait.

Uzume: (sigh) Fine we wait.

Miya: Thats good let's do that.

They head inside the house were inside was a mess but its maybe a good place to hide in so they sat around in the living and wait until nighttime comes.


Y/n and rest were still sat around while they wait of the cult memories to come. If place down some touches around the room to give them some light. Jiggles was sleeping on Y/n's lap with Miya next to him when Miya turn yo Y/n and asked.

Miya: Hey is it ok I pet your dogoo?

Y/n: (smile) Sure.

Miya pets Jiggles head and Jiggles smiles while sleeping and Miya smiles and said.

Miya: (smile) He's very cute.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah he is.

Miya looks uo at Y/n and seeing him smile making her heart skip a beat ans she blush a little.

Miya: (thought) Why dose my heart skip a beat so fast when I look at him? I mean his nice and kind but i never suspected him to look cute and...and.....

Miya blush even more and shake her head yo get ride of the blush.

Y/n: Is everything ok Miya?

Miya: Oh yeah everything's fine.

Uzume was look through thw broken windows until she spotted something and turn to everyone else.

Uzume: Put out all the lights. I think i see something.

They all took out the touches and they pile up to the window and they see people with black cloaks coming out of the forest and walk into the farm and into the barn.

Compa: (scared) Its soo scary.

If: I agree but we have to do this. Compa you stay here and if anything gose down get help.

Compa: Ok.

Y/n: Take care of Jiggles as well. I don't won't them to hurt him.

Compa: Ok good luck and be safe.

Y/n: (smile) We will don't worry.

As soon the blck cloaks enter the barn Y/n, If, Uzume and Miya all exit out of the house and they slowly ans carefully go over to a barn and If put her ear onto the door and hear talking.

If signals Y/n to go through the side and try to find out whats going on. Y/n nods and he gose around the side and see a open window so he sneakily walk over to it and he peek over and see all the people in black cloaks piled up in a line while one cloaked person was facing all of them and Y/n could hear what they were saying.

Cult leader: My brothers and Sisters. We are gathered here today to serve our god that will destroy the weakness within us and show us that fear is nother if we destroy the once that treasure us the most. The four goddess believe of hope but hope is a lie and our God has show us this with his powers. We will show not just the four goddess but the world that there is hope if you believe in one thing....Darkness.

Y/n find this very weird and creepy so he move away from the window and he sneakily walks back to Uzume, Miya and If and he whisper to them of whats going on.

If: (whisper) So there gonna try to proof the world that Darkness is there hope?

Y/n: (whisper) Yeah its kinda weird.

Miya: (whisper) Then we have to stop this now.

Uzume: (whisper) Then what are we waiting for lets do this carp.

Uzume stood up and kick and barns doors open and all the cultures turn and see them.

Uzume: Alright you crazy cult, party is over!

Cult leader: Intruders destroy them!

Uzume: (smirk) Ha! I like to see yous try. CPU transformation!

Then there was a huge flash and Unzume tranform into her CPU form.

Orange heart: CPU transformation complete ~!

Y/n: (thought) Wow her CPU voice is similar like last time,

Orange heart: Y/n you transform as well beat these bad guys.

Y/n: Right.

Y/n transformation into his CPU form and stand next to Orange heart.

Miya: (surprised) Wow!

If: I guess you believe us now huh?

Miya: (surprised) Yeah but still Woah!

The cults were scared as they stare at Red heart and there leader point at Red heart and said in a fear voice.

Cult leaded: (scared) I-Its the demon of hope! He has come to destroy the Darkness within us.

Miya and If: The demon of hope?

Cult leader: Destroy him before he'll ruin our Lords plans.

The all charge at Red Heart when Orange heart came in front of Red Heart and fired her sonic blast that sent the cults flying away.

Red Heart: (surprised) Wow nice work Unzume.

Orange heart: (smile) Thanks Y/n.

Cult leader: You'll pay for this demon of hope.

Red Heart: Ok can you tell me what that means?

The cult leader pulls out a dark crystal and then he swallows it and then he grunted a bit and he start to glow bright and they all exit out of the barn and the banr exploded and the cult leader has turn himself into a massive monster as he roars into the air.

Orange heart: (surprised) Wow the bad man has turn into a huge big bad man!

If: (surprised) Yeah by only using a crystal.

Miya: (thought) That crystal. That's the same one when Noire give us to see what it is.

Red Heart: Well its doesn't matter this guy is big if we work together. Let's do this Unzume.

Orange heart: (smile) Yeah lets do this.

Red Heart and Orange heart charg at the huge monster and the huge monser reach by its arm and was about to slam on them but they dodge out of the wat and Orange heart fired her sonic blast at the huge monster while Red Heart slash his feet with his sword costing it to fell onto its knees.

Then Red heart jump into the air and try to strike at the monster but the monster grab Red Heart and he gets squeeze by its huge hands when Orange heart blast him on the head with her sonic blast that makes the monster to release Red Heart and he landed onto this feet and turn to Orange heart and give her a thumps up.

Orange heart did the same and Red Heart see the monster was about to stomp on Orange heart so he dash over to Orange heart and when the monsters hand was close to slam on her. Red heart arrived and grab the arm up and holding it and this made Orange heart surprised of Red hearts straight.

Red Heart: You ok Uzume?

Orange heart nods and If came up from the side and fired her pistol at the monster and the monster move away its hand and Red Heart see this and he fly up towards the monsters face and upper punch the monster in the face and then he punch the monster on the stomach that made the mother spit out the dark crystal and then the monster slowly grows back to a humans size and the cult leader was back to normal.

Red Heart catches the dark crystal and looks at it and can feel the evil within it.

Red heart: (thought) I can sense all the evil within this crystal. What even is it?

Red Heart landed slowly on his feet and turn back to his human form and Y/n walk back to everyone else and Compa and Jiggles run up to them and Y/n show them the dark crystal.

Miya: That's the same crystal when Noire give us it.

Y/n: Really when?

Miya: last week but now we have anyother question. What do they mean by demon of hope?

Y/n: I have no clue.

If: Well what ever they were on about lets call the guards so they could arrest them.

Y/n: Right.

Then Orange heart came up to Y/n and said.

Orange heart: (smile) Thank you very much for saving us Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Uzume.

Orange heart: (smile) Your a very nice boy, I hope we can do this again sometime.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah me too.

Orange heart turn back to her human form and after the guards came and arrested the cults they head back to Leanbox and yo Verts mansion.


They were at Verts mansion in the next day and they were at Verts living where Vert thanks them for her help.

Vert: (smile) Thank yous very much for helping me arrested those cults.

If: (smile) No problem Vert, anytime.

Vert: I heard from Miya that you are a CPU. How surprising to hear a handsome boy can become a CPU.

Y/n: (smile) Well Im just glad things are over and you are happy.

Vert: Yes and I have a reward for you for helping me.

Vert walks over to a table and picks up two swords and walks towards Y/n and hands them to Y/n.

Vert: I got these swords from the shot that I thought i may use one day. But unfortunately I didn't so I pass these to you so you can use them.

Y/n take the swords and looks at them in amazement and turn to Vert.

Y/n: (smile) Woah there pretty cool. Thanks Vert.

Vert: (smile) No problem and you are always welcome to come and visit as much as you like. We can even go on jobs together if you like.

Y/n: (smile) Sure I'll come back ans visit some day.

Vert: (smile) Good take care you all.

They all left Verts living room and out of the door where Vert stares at Y/n walking away and Miya asked.

Miya: You ok big sis?

Vert: Yes I was thinking how handsome Y/n is. You think the same as well right Miya?

Miya: (blush) W-Well I think he's a kind boy that's all.

Vert: (smirk) Are you sure?

Miya: (blush) Yeah I'm sure!

Then Miya walks away and out of the door. Once out she could feel her heart skip a beat even more when she thinks about Y/n more.

Miya: (thought) Oh man....I feel butterfly's again. Maybe I do have feelings towards Y/ I?

Miya shake it off and walks away still thinks about Y/n more and more as she walks away.

To be continue........

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