Chapter 28: It's the younger sisters turn (lemon)
It has been a day since Y/n and others have came to the Ultra Dimension to save Plutia's world from the likes of Yellow Brother and his rule. Once that was done they can enjoy and relax as we see Y/n in bed sleeping in as he lightly snores while he roll around in bed and enjoying his sleep.
Then he hear a door bell ring which he groan a bit and then the door bell ring more and more which he groan even more so he gets out from bed and gets changed to his clothes since he was wearing his underwear as he make his way to the front door and once there he opens and he sees Nepgear and Uni there as they turn and see him.
Nepgear: (smile) Hi there Y/n. How are things?
Y/n: Oh pretty good. I was just sleeping in. How's things with you two?
Uni: Pretty good. Say mind we come in?
Y/n: Yeah sure, come on in.
They step inside and soon we see them in the living room as Y/n pour them some tea to them and hand the tea to them and sat down next to Uni.
Y/n: So what brings you two here?
Nepgear: (smile) Well we were wondering if you want to join us to one of 5pb's concert that is happening at Leanbox?
Y/n: (smile) Sure that sounds fun. I'll invite Neptune and the others and we can-
Uni: No No No, this is gonna be me, Nepgear, Rom, Ram, Miya and you. Just the six of us. Besides the goddess are busy with some paperwork so there won't be any time.
Y/n: Oh....Well that's a shame. Well I guess I can spent some time with you guys. Let me grab my stuff and we can get going.
Y/n make his leave to gather his stuff and while he's gone Nepgear seemed to be nervous and ask Uni.
Nepgear: (nervous) You sure about this Uni?
Uni: Hey Noire and the others have their turn with Y/n a while back, now it's their younger sisters that will take turn.
Nepgear: (nervous) Still though, I feel kinds nervous. This is the first time we ever gonna do this.
Uni: (smile) It will be great! Trust me, just remember the plan after the concert okay?
Nepgear: (nervous) R-Right.
Soon Y/n came back as he walk up to them and tells them.
Y/n: Alrighty then, I'm ready. Let's go!
Uni: Great! Let's changed into our CPU forms and fly over there.
Y/n: (smirk) We don't have to fly. After all I have my car, come on!
They figured why not and soon the garage door open and Y/n ride out of the garage with Nepgear and Uni as they head off and meet up with the other sisters.
Outside of the contract within Leanbox, we see Rom, Ram and Miya standing outside and they were waiting for Y/n, Nepgear and Uni to show up. Soon they see Y/n's car came into the parking lot and then he parked somewhere close to the trio as he, Nepgear and Uni came out and walk up to them.
Ram: (smirk) Hey there you three! Ready to have the best time in your lives!
Rom: (smile) This is going to be great.
Y/n: (smile) I can really tell. So what should we do once we get in?
Miya: Well the show won't begin for 30 minutes so my guess being we should get some snacks and find our seats.
Nepgear: Hope its not packed.
Miya: (smile) Don't worry, I got VIP tickets so there will be a rook for us to enjoy wit a perfect veiw for us to watch without being blocked by a crowd of people.
Y/n: (surprised) That's very cool Miya!
Miya: (smirk) That's right. So let's head in and get what we need and enjoy the show.
They agree and they enter the building and see how huge the place was. There were many food stations which crowds of people buy as they get as much snacks as they needed and once they got what they needed, they head to the VIP room and it was pretty nice. It had comfy chairs, a table in front of them and speakers at each side od the wall so they can listen to the music.
They sat down and they relaxed a bit as they look down to see a perfect veiw of the stage which Ram said.
Ram: (smile) This is soo cool!
Rom: (smile) Same. This is amazing!
Miya: (smile) Yep and with no one around to bother us, this will be a great day!
Y/n: Say is it me or is there a lot of male people in this concert then girls?
Uni: Either some just like her song or some are just perverts.
Miya: Yeah 5pb has many fans, which ment a lot of male fans.
Y/n: Yeah that's kinda similar to my world.
Nepgear: Say Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Nepgear: What happened to Yellow Brother after you, Neptune and the others defeated him?
Y/n: He's probably imprison for his crimes.
Uni: It surprised me that he is a CPU as well and is the brother of Peashy.
Y/n: Yeah it's crazy to think.
Miya: You think he'll ever return to get revenge?
Y/n: Maybe but I won't be surprised if he dose find himself here and tries to get revenge. (Sigh) Why isn't there a male CPU that isn't a psychopath, evil or just hates my guts.
Nepgear: Maybe there will be one someday.
Y/n: Yeah I hope.
Ram: Look! The concert is about to start!
They hear the crowd cheered and soon 5pb walked on stage as she smiled at the crowd and cheerfully said
5pb: (smile) Thank you all for coming here today! Now with no further then do, let the show begin!
The crowd cheered once more as she starts her song which was Awesome to hear as the crowd cheered for her while Y/n and the others listened as well. Some of the crowd even join the song as they sing while 5pb sing and dance as spot lights were shooting out as the crowd cheers in joy.
Y/n drinks his cup and can't help bit feel that someone is watching him so he looo around to find anyone but due to how much people was there, it was hard for him to find thid person so he ignores it and continues on enjoy the show while across from them we see a figure watching Y/n and then turn and disappeared intonthe darkness.
After the show ended we see Y/n existing out of the concert and waiting for Nepgear and the others as they are away to the bathroom. He pulled out his phone and was searching through when suddenly he heard something at the left side of the building that leads to the alleyway which he make his way over and peak over.
He sees 5pb standing out at the exit door while two creeps approach her.
Male creep 1: (smirk) Hellomthere darling 5pb. Wanna come to our place for some fun~?
Male creep 2: Hehehe Yeah, wanna come?
5pb: (nervous smile) That's sweet but sorry I can't, maybe next time.
She turns to the door but the first creep grabs the door handle which shocked 5pb as he look at her and tell her with a creepy smile.
Male creep 1: (smirk) Come on, we're good friends here. We just want to hang out with you.
5pb: I'm sorry but that's a no!
Male creep 2: (smirk) Well now we're not asking you.
They then start to grab her as she scream for help and before they can do anything to her, suddenly a sound of a gun gose off as they look over and see Y/n as he have his pistol out and he aimed it at the two creeps and tell them.
Y/n: I suggest you let her go or else.
The two creeps got scared so they let her go and make a run for it as they disappeared around the corner. Y/n rushed up to 5pb and ask her.
Y/n: You okay? Did they harm you?
5pb: No they haven't. Thank you so much for the save, I owe you big time.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem.
5pb: Wait....your Y/n L/n aka Red Heart? Whoa! It's a honor meeting you here!
Y/n: (smile) Same with you. I've seen your show and it was amazing.
5pb: (giggle) Thanks. Still Thank you again for this. Please, there has to be something I can give you for saving my life.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright. You don't have to give me anything.
5pb: (smile) How's about this! I come by your place and we hang out!
Y/n: (smile) Sure. Here's my phone number.
They share their phone numbers and once that 5pb heads off as Y/n exit out of the alleyway and look at 5pb's phone number on his phone and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) I've never gotten a pop stars phone number in my life. To many pop stars fans it be impossible to get someone's phone from their pop star.
Nepgear: (smile) Hey Y/n!
Then Nepgear and the others came over as he slide his phone into his pocket and turn to them.
Miya: Why were you in the alleyway?
Y/n: (smile) No reason. So where to now?
Uni: (smile) Well I know one place we can spent the night, come on!
Uni grabs Y/n's hand and they head off, taking Y/n somewhere to spent the night together.
It was the afternoon as we see Y/n in a hotel room that seemed to be nice but he wonders what the girls are up to.
Y/n: (thought) Why do I have a feeling the girls are up to something? Well hope it doesn't take them long.
He then lay down onto the bed and look up at the ceiling as he reach up his hand into the air and looks at it and then let's out a sigh as he set his arm down and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) I've been through so many adventures and faced many threats in my life. However there is questions I still want to know. Why was I chosen to be the first? Why was there only goddess before I came? What happened to all the male gods and more importantly....if I was sent here to be a new god....then dose that mean there is more like me that is stuck in this world? Well....i haven't seen Blue Heart for a while so maybe once I meet up with him I can ask him about it. Still what is my purpose as God's? It doesn't seem I have a nation of our own so what point is of having a God if goddess are around? Is it for something serious or what?
Uni: We're back!
He sat up from bed and looks over and he was immediately stunned to see them wearing bunny outfits as they enter the room with Nepgear and Uni in front of them.
Y/n: (thought) Yep! I knew they were up to something alright!
Uni: Listen up Y/n! Neptune and the other goddess have already hate their go with you so it's our turn with you!
Ram: (smirk) Yeah so get ready because this night ie going to be even more greater.
Rom: (nervous) S-Same.
Miya: (smile) Guess let's start this party.
They lock the door behind them as Y/n knew what's coming next so he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Well, here we go again.
(Lemon start)
Short while later we hear moans as we see Nepgear going first as we see her sitting on Y/n's lab with the two making out. Nepgear was making some cute moans as they made out which Y/n thinks is adorable as he kiss her even more while he grab her butt which she let out a gasp but allows him to grab her butt and the two made out while Uni and the other wait for their turn.
Ram: Look at them go!
Rom: (surprised) Oh Whoa, so amazing.
Miya: I find Nepgear's moans a bit cute.
Uni: Come on Nepgear, let us have a turn!
Soon Uni came up and Nepgear sadly stop and get off of Y/n, allowing Uni to sat on his lab and the two kiss and made out. Uni gose a bit faster as she moved her tongue into Y/n's mouth which made him moan even moan even more and kiss her back.
They wrap around as they kiss and made out more. Soon it was Ram and Rom's turns as the two sat onto the bed and they each take turns kissing Y/n and sharing their moans to Y/n.
Miya: You know what, screw this.
Miya calm onto the bed and pulls off Y/n's treasures and underwear and starts given Y/n a blow job which made him moan.
Nepgear: (blush) Oh my!
Uni: (surprised) Well that was surprising. Yeah you know what, screw it.
She then grabs Nepgear and kissed her on the lips which surprised Nepgear and making her blushed but at the same time feels turned on and the two made out as they share some moans and soon they fell onto the floor.
After all of them made out and sharing some moans, they took off their clothes and throw them aside and now they were all naked with Ram grabbing at the left side of the bed as Y/n sticks his dick into her wind starts thirsting his dick into while she shares some moans and felt amazing as he dose it.
While that we see Nepgear pinned Rom against the wall as the two share some moans as they kissed whioe the two were turned on, even Nepgear reach down to her vigina and stick her fingers in which made Rom moan in adorable way.
Then Nepgear bends down and starts licking Rom's vigina which she let out some soft moans and breaths while we see Miya and Uni doing a 69 as they stick their tongues each of their viginas while sharing some moans.
Then we see Uni making out to Rom and Ram as Rom ans Ram take turns kissing Uni whike we see Y/n, Nepgear and Miya on the bed as Y/n start thrusting his dick into Miya while sticking his fingers into Nepgear's which the two made some moans as Y/n gose fasted and harder.
Y/n: (moaning) There it cums! There it cums!
Then they let out a loud moan and soon we see all the girls on the bed while Y/n is laying on the bed as they start licking his dick while they share some moans making him even more turned on as they continue to do their work.
Y/n grabs tightly onto the bed and after a while he felt a big one coming and after a few moan licks, Y/n let's out a moan and cum burst out of his dick and spread it onto the girls.
Y/n was breathing heavily, can't believing he unleashed a big one tonight as he lay on his bed while the girls lay with him as they cuddle with Y/n as he pulled over the blanket over them and shut off the lights.
(Lemon ends)
We see Y/n and the girls laying in bed as the girls cuddle him as Y/n slowly starts to fall asleep but he take a look at the girls around him and let out a smile. Soon he falls asleep while we cut to the town of Leanbox as we see the same figure from before as he turns to the alleyway and once he was all in the clear, two other figures appear in front of him.
??? 3: It seems he is getting stronger then you believed. But not strong enough.
??? 1: I see. He is our last hope so this dimension and many others will be protected.
??? 2: Dose that mean this is the time we reveal ourselves to them?
??? 1: Not yet. When the time comes we will reveal ourselves to them and tell them all the everything and why they came to excites.
??? 2: I hope so.
The three figures turn and there was a blinding light lioe they open a mysterious portal and once they walk through the portal, it shuts and they disappeared from this world but for how long?
To be continued.....................................
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