Chapter 26: The Ultra Dimension (Arc 3)

We see Y/n, Ultra Noire, Ultra Vert, Neptune and Ultra Blanc as we see them making their way through the forest as Ultra Noire leads them to a lab they have found a while back in hopes they can find a weakness to Yellow Brother so they can defeat him and retake Ultra Planeptune if possible.

Neptune: Jeez we have been walking all day! Can we take a break or something. Maybe have some lunch?

Ultra Noire: We can't. We need to find this lab before Yellow brother can make his strike on any of our nations. Besides the lab isn't that far, I remember this path before.

Y/n: Let's hope it's abandoned otherwise it might be hard to try to get in.

Ultra Vert: If Yellow Brother is made there then perhaps there is some guards protection the lab.

Ultra Blanc: That's one possibility.

Y/n: I just hope Noire, Vert, Blanc, Uzume and Peashy are alright.

Ultra Noire: I'm sure they be fine. The five of us is enough to find this lab and find any information about any weakness to defeat Charles and free Ultra Planeptune.

Neptune: Hey look! There's that lab up ahead!

They see a lab ahead so they make theie way towards tne lab and soon they arrive at the lab and they see that it's left abandoned as they look around and they don't see anyone around.

Ultra Noire: Huh looks like we're in luck. There's nobody here.

Ultra Blanc: It could be a trap.

Y/n: Then that means we have to be careful and not trip any alarms. Ultra Vert, Ultra Blanc and Neptune, stay here and call out to us if any guards arrive. Ultra Noire your with me, let's see what we can find.

Ultra Noire: Right.

The two head inside while the rest stay outside. Ultra Noire and Y/n make theie way inside and they see the lab in a huge mess. Ultra Noire flip the lights on and it seems like there was a raid happening here because there is many paperwork on the ground and glasses being broken and shattered.

Ultra Noire: What in the world happened here?

Y/n: Something not good.

Y/n sees a computer so he make his way over there and turns it on. Soon the computer turns on and there was a password that he needs to enter.

Y/n: Crap needs a password.

Ultra Noire: Maybe there is one around here somewhere. Let's look around.

Y/n: Right.

The two look around as they check in cupboards and draws but there was nothing. During the search Y/n looks over at Ultra Noire and then ask her.

Y/n: So I have a question. What's your relationship with Plutia?

Ultra Noire: Why asking me that?

Y/n: Just curious. I mean our version of Noire can't stand against Neptune's childlike personality. While Plutia is more like a sleepy type girl who rather makes stuff dolls then trying to annoy our Noire.

Ultra Noire: Well she's okay I guess. I mean her sleeps maybe annoying but not as annoying as Neptune's. But when it comes to Iris Heart on the other hand.....Well let's just say that's a different story.

Y/n: A different story?

Ultra Noire: You know how Iris Heart can be when it comes to her enemies. She will not stop until they are "punished" if you know what I mean.

Y/n: I see.

Ultra Noire: I actually feel bad for you since I know Plutia has a crush on you which ment Iris Heart might have done some other things to you.

Y/n: Well.....come to think about it I don't think she never done anything to me when she first turned into her goddess form.

Ultra Noire:..........What?! You mean she didn't try to put you in some punishment like situations or wipe you?

Y/n: (shocked) You make it sound like she's evil?!

Ultra Noire: Well it's just.......Well....what did she do instead?

Y/n: Well she just flirts and other stuff that's similar to Vert or RED.

Ultra Noire: RED?

Y/n: It's a long story. Still she's just like those two.

Ultra Noire: Huh.....well I was suspected for her to do other stuff like starting up an orgy part with the othe goddess or something. I mean she really probably wants to do any sexual things if she even have a lover or something.

Y/n: (blush) U-Um y-y-yeah.....that would be something that....she will do.

Ultra Noire:....Wait did she start up an orgy party with you and the other-

Y/n: (blush) Oh hey look I think I find it!

He pulls out a small book which had the password so he make his way over and type in the password. Soon they were in as they look through the files and they were amazed by all of this.

Ultra Noire: (surprised) Wow look at this! It seems he's like Peashy but with his intelligence increased.

Y/n: (surprised) Yeah and it seems whoever made him must have made plans for him and may have succeed. Wait, I got something!

He opens up a file that shows the weakness of Yellow Brother and it shows a crystal which Ultra Noire called out.

Ultra Noire: That's a anti crystal!

Y/n: The Anti crystal?

Ultra Noire: It's a very dangerous crystal to CPU's and it drains CPU's power. Exposed of it too long will kill a CPU.

Y/n: So a weakness to Yellow brother is also a weakness to CPU's? Guess that means we have to find it.

Soon a map appears on the screen that shows where the Anti crystal is which is at Ultra Planeptune and within Plutia's tower.

Ultra Noire: Great looks like we have to go in there and get it.

Y/n: Looks like we need to attack Ultra Planeptune now in hopes to get it. Let's tell everyone else.

Ultra Noire nodes as Y/n copied the files and exit out as they leave the lab as Ultra Noire immediately stopped while Y/n slide the chip into his pocket and says while he walk up to Ultra Noire.

Y/n: Guys we found his weakness. We should get out of here before-

Suddenly he was grabbed and lifted up in the air by Yellow Brother along with his soldiers that have Neptune, Ultra Blanc and Ultra Vert as two other soldiers take Ultra Noire as Yellow brother looked at Y/n and then tossed him.

Y/n slide back until he stopped and looked up as Yellow Brother tells him.

Yellow Brother: Planing to find a weakness to use against me? Your a fool, you can't beat me.

Y/n: Your not the only strong CPU that told us that. We can beat you for sure.

Yellow Brother: I like to see you try.

He immediately charged towards Y/n as he immediately trundd into Red Heart in his upgrade form as he blocks a pub from Yellow brother.

Yellow Brother: Interesting. It seems your a very different CPU. I wonder how many forms you may have!

He then swings his spear which hits his chest. Red Heart leaps back and summon his engery bow and fired several arrows at him but Yellow Brother blocks the shots while he rushes towards him and then Red Heart swap his engrry bow to his engery spear and blocks Yellow Brothers strike.

The two clash blades whioe they each dodged their strikes and blows as they spin their spears around as they clashed. Soon the two clash theie spear and enter a blade lock as the two look at each other and then Red Heart kicks Yellow Brother away and then swing his spear that created a red engery wave that hits the guards, sending then flying while Neptune and the rest were free.

Neptune: Yes! Now let's do this!

Red Heart: No! Someone has to go back and tell the others. Here, take this!

He tossed the file towards them which Neptune catched ad Red Heart blocks a spear strike whioe he tells the rest.

Red Heart: Get out of here! I'll hold him off!

Neptune: No way! We're a team and teams never abandoned each other!

Red Heart: Just go now! I'll be fine.

Ultra Noire: He's right Neptune! Sorry but someone has to bring this information to the others.

Ultra Blanc: Be safe Y/n.

Ultra Vert: Make it back safe!

Red Heart nodes ad he continues to strike and block blows at Yellow Brother as Neptune watch this happen whioe the rest makes a run for it. Neptune knows they be back for him so she rush after the rest while Yellow brother and Red Heart battle.

Yellow Brother keeps going as Red Heart nows gose on a defensive and summons a engery shield to block his strikes until Red Heart managed to knock hid spear away and then Red Heart lands a hit at Yellow Brother with his shield and swing his spear to land a blow but Yellow Brother grabs grabs and he hits his shoulder with his own and then kicked him.

Sending Red Heart flying back and landing hard onto thr ground. He slowly gets up as Yellow Brother tossed away his spear and then charge towards him and swing his spear, ready to stab him but Red Heart grabs the blade of his spear as he struggled to hold it while Yellow Brother tries pushing his spear towards his face.

Then Red Heart moves away Yellow brothers spear were and leaps up and lands a punch at him. Yellow brother stumbles back but stood his ground as Red Heart charge towards him when suddenly he was hit by a shot of a tank and was sent flying and crashed into the labs walls.

Soon tanks appear as they surrounded the lab as Yellow brother gets up and stare at the lab for a bit as he raised his hand into the sky and then pointed down at the lab.

Yellow brother: Fire.

The tanks open fire and blow up the lab within seconds with a huge explosion which Neptune and the rest hear behind them in the distances. They hope Y/n is okay as they continue heading back to Ultra Leanbox. We then see Red Heart coming out of the rubble as his armor was torn and bits of it have fallen apart from the explosion as he slowly gets up and looks around.

He only sees smoke but then turns around and then Yellow Brother strike a blow at Red Heart which he fell onto the ground as Yellow Brother points his spear and suddenly a shock of electricity zaps Red Heart as he screams in pain. Yellow brother increased the bolts even more as Red Heart slowly reach out and try to grab the spear but when Yellow brother sees this he tapped his spear at Red Hearts armor and increased the bolts even more which made Red Heart yell out even more until he turn back to his human form and fall unconscious.

Yellow Brothee stopped and step back as two guards apoorches tye unconscious Y/n as Yellow brother tell him.

Yellow brother: Take him to my tower.

The two node as they grab the unconscious Y/n and Dr him away while Yellow brother flies off and returning back to Ultra Planeptune with a new prisoner.


???: (whisper) Hey. Hey! Hey! Wake up! Wake up!

Y/n slowly wakes up as he groan and slowly opens his eyes. We see himself laying in the middle of the floor as he slowly gets up and looks around and realised he's in a cell as he look around, trying to find a way out when a familiar voice called out to him.

???: Your awake! Thank goodness. I thought you never wake up.

Y/n: Histoire? Is that you? Where are you?

???: Over here!

He looks over at his cell and looks up to see a small bird lioe cage that had Histoire but she looks very small then his Histoire back in his world.

Y/n: Okay so you must be this Ultra world's Histoire correct?

Ultra Histoire: That's right. You must be from Neptune's original world correct?

Y/n: Yeah names Y/n aka Red Heart. What are you doing here?

Ultra Histoire: When Charles took over this tower, I was taking as a prisoner and asked us many questions about the where abouts of the other goddess.

Y/n: Us? You mean we're not the only once here?

???: Hey you stranger!

He looks over to see two kids in the cell next to him as the two familiar to him so he asked.

Y/n: Um who are you two?

Ultra Histoire: That's IF and Compa. They too were taking prisons by Charles when he took over the-

Y/n: (shocked) Wait......THESE TWO KIDS ARE IF AND COMPA?!

Ultra Compa: Sshhh not to loud sir. He might hear you.

Ultra IF: Don't worry Compa! I'll break us out of here somehow!

Y/n: (thought) Okay tiny Histoire and now kid versions of IF and Compa!? This world gets weirder and weirder by the minute.

Ultra Histoire: There is no use. Soon his plan will finally be complete.

Y/n: Plan? What plan?

Ultra Histoire: Charles has created a machine that can only mind control only Ultra Planeptune. It's due to it being a prototype but soon they will be finished a complete version of it and once that's activated, the whole nation will turn against the goddess or any CPU's within seconds.

Y/n: Well that can't be good. Luckily for us we just found a weakness to defeat Yellow brother and it's somewhere in Plutia's tower.

Ultra Histoire: Well your in luck! We are at Ultra Planeptune towers detention centre.

Y/n: (smirk) Awesome! Now I need to find a way to escape somehow.

He looks over to try to find a way out. Then he sees a hand scan beside of his cell as he look at it and then have an idea. He reach his hand over through the cell gate and opens up the hand scanner panel and starts messing with the wires.

Ultra Histoire: What are you doing?

Y/n: A while back me and Neptune were doing a bet on which one of us is very quick of escape a cell. Neptune lasted 10 hours while I lasted 6 hours. It's due to me messing with ethw wirse a bit which.....kinda made Histoire mad but I was wondering if this works in this world.

Soon he wad right as the cell doors open and he step out and look around for any guards.

Y/n: (smirk) Awesome!

Ultra IF: (surprised) Whoa that's soo cool!

Ultra Compa: Yay his free!

Ultra Histoire: Now break us out before any guards come!

Y/n nodes as he let's Ultra IF and Ultra Compa go while he finds a key and opens Ultra Histoire's cell which they are now free.

Y/n: Okay then let's do this.

He was about to transform inro his CPU form when suddenly there was a shock fo electricity which hurts as he wonders what was that and see a bracelet on his arm.

Ultra Histoire: They must have put that on you so you won't transform.

Y/n: (sigh) Looks like I have to do this without my CPU form. Still we need to locate the Anti crystal and stop Charles plans.

Ultra Histoire: (shocked) The Anti crystal?! I don't know, it pretty dangerous for CPU's.

Y/n: We got no choice. If what you saying is true then Neptune and the others have no chance against Charles now he has the whole nations on his side.

Ultra IF: Yeah time to kick some butt and save the world!

Ultra Conpa: You said it Iffy.

Ultra Histoire: I suppose you have a point there. Okay then. The Anti Crystal is being contained at the 14th floor.

Y/n: Cool! What floor are we in?

Ultra Histoire: Floor 6th.

Y/n: Then it looks like we have some stairs to take then. Come on, let's go!

They head off to find the Anti crystal and stop Charles plans to ever to succeed and save Ultra Dimension and the CPU's.

To be continued......................................

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