Chapter 24: The Ultra Dimension (Arc 1)
At Planeptune's hospital we see many doctors and nurses walking by talking or getting to their work placement while we see a few patients waiting for the doctors to call up to them. At the waiting room we see Y/n and Mark sat down and waiting for the doctor to come out and tell them about Plutia after she fell out from the sky and then falls unconscious.
They waited for a while and then Neptune, Nepgear and Peashy arrive as they rush over to the two and once there Nepgear ask the two.
Nepgear: Is Plutia alright?!
Y/n: No idea. The doctor should be out right now.
Neptune: What exactly happened to her? I was just enjoying by bowl of pudding when you called and told us that Plutia is here and badly hurt.
Mark: She fell off the sky and it appears that something must have happened to her because she was bleeding out and looked like she was in a massive fight.
Peashy: Well no body gonna mess with one of my friends!
Y/n: Same here.
Then finally the doctor came out of the room as Y/n and Mark stood up and turn to face the doctor as he told them.
Male doctor: Lady Plutia would be fine. It's a good thing you called us just in time.
Y/n: What are her injuries?
Male doctor: It appears she suffered some injuries on the waist and back as well as other things. Who ever did this to her must be brutal and powerful.
Neptune: Can it be Blue Heart?
Y/n: No Blue Heart isn't that strong enough to take on Iris Heart. It has to be something way more stronger then her to face her head on.
Male doctor: She is awake now if you all wanted to see her.
Y/n: Of course, thank you.
They enter the room and once inside they form around Plutia's bed as she sat up and looks around to see everyone is here.
Plutia: Glad you all are here. Thought I would never make it.
Neptune: (smile) Well it's glad to see you after a long while. So what's happening, who beat you?
Y/n: Yeah who did this to you?
Plutia: It was another god in my world that did this to me.
Y/n: (surprised) You mean there is another god in your world? Who?
Plutia: I...I can't remember. All I do know is me, Noire, Blanc and Vert were just relaxing....relaxing...and relaxing. When all of a sudden this thing attacked us and took us all out within seconds. Try to fight back but he was way too strong. There was nothing for us to do so we run away but.....when I return back to my was already taking over by that God and I was beaten even more. Then I've managed to get through the portal and here we are.
Neptune: So it seems like we have a new threat in Plutia's world. Such Classic moments that characters like us can't take a break for once in their lives.
Nepgear: Do you know what this god looks like?
Plutia: I'm bad at remembering things. All I do know is that he's already taking over my nation and other nations might be next. I feel very worry for my friends.
Y/n: Don't worry Plutia, we'll stop this god and take back your nation. I'm sure of it.
Plutia: (smile) Thank you Y/n. Your the best.
Y/n: (smile) Just get some rest okay.
Plutia: (smile) Okay.
She then immediately falls asleep which is their time to leave and head to Neptune's place to form the other goddess so they can talk about the plan to save Plutia's world.
Soon the other goddess are formed and they were told by Y/n what has happened except for Noire who already knows but still they form around as Histoire opens a hologram of ultra dimension as she explains.
Histoire: This is the ultra dimension. This dimension is kinda similar to this one but with a few differences. As you all may know Plutia is one of those differences.
Y/n: So I guess Plutia is the Planeptune's nations at the ultra dimension.
Neptune: (smile) Yep! There is other differences as well but you'll see once we get there.
Noire: Still who ever this new god maybe must be powerful. We all know how strong Iris Heart really is in combat.
Blanc: Well except when she is facing against Darkness Heart.
Vert: Still who ever this new threat maybe he or she had taking over Ultra Dimension's Planeptune and who knows if the other nations are next.
Unzume: So what's the plan? Who ever this new god maybe, he or she might already finished off with the other nations and now has his sights on this one.
Histoire: I agree. So I think the best idea is to teleport a few into each four nations. That way we can protect them long enough so we can figure out how to fight back. Noire will go to Laststion to help out Ultra Noire, Blanc will go to Lowee to help out ultra Blanc and Vert will go to Leanbox to help out Ultra Vert.
Neptune: (smile) Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnndddddddd the rest of us?
Histoire: Unzume, Y/n, Peashy and Neptune will go to Planeptune to figure out what is going on and head to either of the three nations. Nepgear and the other sisters will stay here and monitor the nations while your all are gone.
Y/n: You okay with this Nepgear?
Nepgear: (smile) Don't worry I'll be fine. Ain't the first time I've taking care of Planeptune while Neptune is away.
Y/n: Alright then let's do this!........So how do we get to the ultra dimension?
Mark: (smile) Glad that you ask!
Short while later we see them at his lab as he shows them a portal like devices which he turns on and the portal opens up.
Mark: (smile) This machine can allow us to transport to different dimensions including the ultra dimension. Just need to set the coordinations and you all should be good to head in.
He turns to set up the coordinations while the rest waited.
Vert: (smile) I can not wait to meet my Vert self. Its been a long while since we last met.
Y/n: So how can I tell the difference between you and the other goddess?
Blanc: They wear different clothes and goddess forms unlike us.
Vert: (smile) Indeed, say I can introduce her to you and we can show you our double bounce to you.
Y/n: Double bounce? What is th-
Blanc: (scary tone) Don't you dare ask that.
Y/n: (scared) Yes ma'am!
Mark: Okay the first coordinations is set. Noire your first.
Noire: See you guys at the otherside.
She walks over to the portal and then gose through. Once that Mark set up another coordinations and then calls out.
Mark: Your turn Blanc.
Blanc: Finally.
Blanc walks over to the portal and then gose through. Mark set up another coordinations and once he is done he calls out.
Mark: Vert your turn.
Vert: (smile) Good luck and we'll see you all at the other side.
She winks at Y/n and then gose through the portal. It was now Y/n, Neptune, Peashy and Unzume's turn as they waited until Mark calls out.
Mark: Alright you four are last. Good luck.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Ready you two?
Unzume: (smile) Always.
Peashy: (smile) Same here!
Neptune: (smile) Lllllllllleeeeeeettttttttsssssss go!!!!!
The trio rush towards the portal and then gose through and once that the portal suchs off as Mark and Nepgear hopes they be alright. Then IF and Compa enter the room with some food as they step into the room and looked around and IF asked.
IF: What did we miss?
There was a flash of light and soon we see Y/n, Unzume, Peashy and Neptune standing at a empty park as they stand up and look around. The location and feeling is different as they look around and see a lot of difference in this ultra dimension. Taller buildings, people wearing different and unknown clothes and a few other difference as well.
They exit out of the park and into the street as they walk through and Y/n sees a lot of things different around here as he says while they walked.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow this place is very different.
Neptune: (smile) Yep. I've been here a few times and it was fun.
Unzume: Hope the rest made it to their own nations safe.
Neptune: (smile) I'm sure they are fine! So, where should we start first?
Peashy: Let's find this god and beat him up for beating up Plutia!
Y/n: I think we should head to Plutia's home and see what we can fin-
Suddenly a newspaper hits Y/h on the face as he was caught off guard and managed to get the newspaper off of his face and he looks at it and theh he calls out.
Y/n: The hell?
The rest circle around him and the headline on the newspaper said "Tyrant goddess no more, war starts?" They read and the newspaper says how Iris Hearg was abuse in her power along with the other four goddess but a god managed to kick Iris Heart out of Planeptune and now rules it and plans to go to war with the other goddess.
Neptune: (surprised) Wait what?! Plutia a tyrant? There is no way!
Unzume: Usually she's kind in her human form. Yes she dose get scary in her goddess form but neither her goddess form won't abuse her power!
Y/n: Same and it looks like there is something happening at Plutia's home. Come on, let's go and see what's going on.
They agree and race over there and after a while they arrived and see a massive crowd of people gathered in front of Plutia's home as the four peek over to see a man wearing what seems like a suit with brown hair and yellow eyes gets on stage and looks at the crowd and then starts off by calling out.
???: People of Planeptune! I am glad that all of you will open your eyes and see how your goddess was not only corrupted but a tyrant as well! I thank you all allowing me to be this nations first male god to rule this nation! First order of business is to clean up the rest of the corruption by taking down the other three goddess of Leanbox, Laststion and Lowee once and for all! Once they are brought to justice I will appoint new leaders to take command of the other three nations while I also keep watch on them. Remember all goddess must be treated as a threat at all cost! If they are shown be weak then kill them once you see them!
The crowd cheered while Y/n, Peashy, Neptune and Unzume can not believe this. So they make their leave before they are being spotted but the man had already saw them leaving so he head inside once his speech was done and sighs and then said.
???: They are here.
Then a mysterious female figure appear out of the goddess beside him as a female voice tells him.
??? 2: Then you know what to do then.
???: Of course. I'll do what I must.
We see the four making their leave to Planeptune and during the walk Unzume ask them.
Unzume: Okay so who was that guy? Is he this god Plutia was talking about?
Neptune: No idea. I mean he could that god or maybe not. Either way we have ourselves this arcs villain.
Y/n: Who ever that guy was, hopefully he doesn't find out we're here.
Peashy: So where do we go first?
Unzume: I bet the rest are forming up at Ultra Vert's place along side Vert so we should head there and meet up.
Neptune: (smile) Right and we make a plan and save the day!
Y/n: Still why would everyone thinks that this world's goddess were tyrants? That guy might have spread some fales rumours about them.
Unzume: Maybe but nothing we can do now except but regroup and think of a plan.
Y/n: Agree. We should-
Suddenly all four stopped and turn around as they felt something coming towards them so they look around but there was no sign of anything.
Neptune: Huh....Guess it's nothing. Well, time to turn around and-
Suddenly something appear in front of Y/n, grabs him by the face and slammed him onto the ground whike dragging him across the street.
Unzume: Y/n!
Y/n can barely see this attacker but then the attacker tossed Y/n away and he slammed into a wall. He fell onto the ground and slowly sat up and look up when a blade was pointed at his face and Y/n can see a male yellow armor god looking down at him.
???: You shouldn't have come here god.
Y/n: (smirk) Sorry but I'm not gonna ignore a call for help from one of my friends.
???: You mean a tyrant goddess.
Y/n: She's not a tyrant! How dare you!
Red Heart immediately punches the unknown god in the face that sent him sliding back whike Red Hearg charge towards him and try to land a kick but the unknown god grabs his leg and then slammed him onto the ground. Then he drag him along the floor and then tossed him away.
Red Heart slammed onto the roof of the car while the unknown god dashes towards him, leaps up in the air and was about to slash at him when Purple Heart appeared and block his attack so Red Heart can move out of the way.
Once Red Heart is out of the way the unknown god and Purple Heart share some glares and then he strike a kick at her in the stomach that cost her to be sent flying but Red Heart leaps up and catches Purple Heart and lands on the ground.
Red Heart: You okay?
Purple Heart: Yeah I'm fine. He is very powerful. I didn't see him coming towards us.
Red Heart: Same here. He's very fast as well. Too fast in fact. No wonder he managed to beat Iris Heart.
The unknown god charges towards the two but they Orange Heart appear and fired a sonic blast that made him stopped him in place before Yellow Heart came down and strike a surprise blow at the unknown god and then kicked him back.
The unknown god stumble back but he stood his ground as he looks up to see now four of them form together and ready their weapons as they stand guard.
Red Heart: Okay punk, tell us who you are and why are you doing this?
???: I was born to be this world's last hope. The goddess must be destroyed no matter what. Especially those who invaded our world.
Purple Heart: We're here because Plutia needed our help and now we are here and we're going to take you down.
Orange Heart: (smile) Yeah with our awesome power of friendship! You'll never gonna beat us!
The unknown god looks at them and then he landed on Yellow Heart as the two looked at each other and then he said.
???: So your the one that I was told. Who knew taht you'll be working along side them rather fighting with me.
Yellow Heart: Um what?
Red Heart: What are you talking about dude? You two know each other?
Yellow Heart: Not to me know.
Yellow Brother: You should know. After all.....I'm the brother of Yellow Heart. You can call me, Yellow brother.
The four were shocked by this. Not only Yellow Heary had a brother but her brother is also a god as well.
Unzume: (shocked) Holy pudding on a Saturday! You and Yellow Heart are brothers and sisters?!
Purple Heart: (shocked) That's impossible! How can a goddess have a brother instead of a sister?!
Yellow Brother: The world works in mysterious ways Purple Heart. But now matter if she is my sister or not, I rule this nation now and soon many others as well. So I give you a chance to leave or else.
Red Heart: Not a chance man. I won't disappoint Plutia or make her even more sadder. Your going to pay for what you did to her along with her friends!
They all get into a battle stand ready for a fight while Yellow Brother sees this and lend out a chuckle and then tells them.
Yellow Brother: So be it then.
He ready his weapon and dashes immediately towards them as the four were ready for a battle against Yellow Brother.
To be continued....................................
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