Chapter 23: A Creeper situation

At the open grass feild we see Red Heart leaping explosions as he junos back, trying to get away from each explosion that comes at his way. Soon the explosion stops as Red Heart slide back with his feet and looks up to see nothing but smoke but then Blue Heart burst out from the smoke and was about to land a punch at him but Red Heart ducks down as Blue Heart's fist gose above him as Red Heart is down.

Once that Blue Heart stops and turn to Red Heart while Red Heart turns to face Blue Heart as he gets into his fighting stands.

Blue Heart: Been a long while since we fought. Must say, it impress how skilled you are since the last time we met.

Red Heart: What can I say? Been training for a long while.

Blue Heart: Same here!

Blue Heart charge towards Red Heart and throws his fist for a punch but Red Heart blocks it and blocks more punches from Blue Heart while he returns back with some blows at Blue Heart as well.

Then he leaps over Blue Heart and lands behind him while Blue Heart turns around to face him but Red Heart immediately spone around and swing a kick at Blue Heart in the face and then he lands a powerful punch at his chest which slide Blue Heart back far. Then he slammed onto a tree as he breaths heavily whipe he looks up at Red Heart while he looks back at Blue Heart.

Blue Heart: We end this fight here but I'll be back and I'll be stronger. Just you wait and see.

Then he leaps up and he flies off while Red Heart watch him go. He breath in a sigh while he change back to his human form as he sigh once more. Then his phone start to ring which he pulls out his phone and answers it.

Y/n: Hello~? This is Red Heart speaking.

Uni: (phone) Hey Y/n! Sorry to bother you but are you busy?

Y/n: Nope. Actually I was just done so what's happening?

Uni: (phone) Can you come by to Laststion and help us out with something.

Y/n: Ah so I guess Noire change her mind about those Sentinel Corporation soldiers? Don't worry I'll be there and-

Uni: (phone) It's not that. You see....someone has sent some links of her embarrassing pictures online and we could use your help with this.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. I'll be there right away.

Uni: (phone) Thanks Y/n, see you there.

The call ends as Y/n slide his phone into his pocket and turn to head to his car while he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Wonder how something break pass Noire's security system? Either this person must be lucky or very smart. Either way, let's see if there is anything I can do.

He enter inside his car and once inside and start up the engines he suddenly got an idea.

Y/n: (thought) Wait a minute! I think I know on person who can help Noire out with this hacker online. I can pick him up at Planeptune and head to Laststion as soon as possible.

He start off his car and drives off back to Planeptune to pick up someone and then head to Laststion.


At Laststion we see Noire in her office having her head on the table as she feels embarrassed for the links that were sent on the internet while Uni tries to cheer her up by giving her some black coffee as she set on the table.

Noire: Thanks Uni.

Uni: (smile) No problem sis.

She takes the black coffee and takes a drink when the elevator doors open and they turn to see Y/n and Mark step into Noire's office and walk up to her desk.

Noire: Hey Y/n, glad your here and.....who are you?

Mark: (smile) Names Dr Mark. Y/n told me about your situation and I said i can help out by location this hacked.

Noire: Oh thank god yes! Thank you so much!

Mark: (smile) No problem. Let me see what this hacker linked and I might locate this hacker.

Noire hands him the laptop and he dose his work while Y/n turns to Noire and ask her.

Y/n: So how did this happen?

Uni: It happened a few hours ago. I've noticed there was a lot of people liking Noire for some reason and at first it was no big idea but after a while we found out what happened.

Uni pulls out her phone and shows Y/n many cosplay's of Noire that were not bad.

Y/n: So this is what this person sent? Just Noire cosplaying?

Noire: I know it's soo embarrassing! I'll never go outside ever again.

Y/n: Well I actually find these pictures cool Noir.

Noir: Really? You don't find me as a nerd or a loser?

Y/n: (smile) Of course not. I can tell your really happy in this pictures and I think it's cute for you to cosplay like this.

Noire: (blush) Th-Thanks Y/n.

Mark: Okay got it!

Y/n: You found the person?

Mark: Well I couldn't find the exact location of the person but I do know where this person is at.

Noire: Where?

Mark: An abandoned building north from here. We can head there and find this hacker.

Noire: (anger) Right and teach that little pervert to never post those private pictures of me ever again!

Y/n: (shocked) Boy she is all fired up!

Uni: When it comes to creeps posting some embarrassing pictures on the Internet. She doesn't show mercy to no one.

Y/n: (shocked) Yikes.


The four arrive at the location and we can see them standing at the abandoned building as they enter inside and look around. The place was abandoned with some boxes being seen at the far end corners of the room while the four look around for the hacker.

Y/n: So what is this place before it was abandoned?

Mark: This place used to be a office building before it was shutdown due to poor living conditions and how the staffs are treated. They were selling it but that never came so this place was abandon ever since.

Y/n: (shocked) Jeez that is some back story. You think the reason why this hacker is here is because there is so many computers here?

Mark: Possibly. There were some computers that were abandon after the companies shutdown so it could be the reason.

Noire: Say Mark any ideas where this hacker creep might be?

Mark: If I have to guess....he could be at the top floor. The top floor has a lot of computers up there so we just need to head up there and we might find him.

Noire: Good, let's go!

Noire runs off and the rest catch up with her unknown there was a working camera on the ceiling above as they watch them enter the hallway.

We then see the four walking through the hallway with Mark shine his flashlight around whike the rest follow him.

Y/n: So any ideas who this hacker maybe?

Noire: I think I know but I don't wanna jinx it.

Y/n: Okay?

Mark: Stop. Do you guys hear that?

They stopped and listened. They can hear something approaching them up ahead and soon bullets fly out and they immediately find cover as a large robot with a machine gun on his right arm open fires at them while they get behind cover.

Mark: It seems that we were spotted when we first enter the building!

Noire: Damn it! We don't have time for this! We gonna get through!

Uni: Hang on! It's not targeting at us.

They peak over and realise the robot is firing at Y/n's cover as we see him with a rifle and peaks out and fire some shots at the robot. After a few hits the robot fell back onto the ground and shuts off.

The four walks over to the fallen bot as they look at the bot as Y/n asked.

Y/n: How come it was targeting at me rather them you guys?

Mark: Hhmm this bot must be programmed by someone to only target Red Heart which is you Y/n.

Y/n: Why? I didn't do to this hacker dude?

Mark: Well whatever the reason it proofs someone is here and we should keep moving up.

Noire: Right. Let's finds out my fears were correct.

Y/n doesn't know what she ment by that but either way they make their way as they climb up and finally they arrive at the top of the building and to an office room where Y/h peaks through the cracks of the door and see the computers gathered around and turned on and in the immediately was a robot sitting there and looking through the computers.

Y/n: I see another of those bots but this one is different. This one is pink?

Mark: Pink?

Noire: (anger) Oh I knew it!

Then Noire kicks the door open which surprised Y/n as they rush into the building while the pink bot turn down to face them.

Noire: (anger) I knew you were behind this Anonydeath!

Y/n: (thought) Anonydeath. Oh boy, he must be one serious bot or something.

Anonydeath stare at them for a bit and then suddenly he spoke in a girly and cheerful way which caught Y/n and Mark off guard a bit.

Anonydeath: Hello Noire it's been a long time girl~!

Y/n and Mark:............Eh?

Anonydeath: I see your good as always! Oh who I'm I kidding, your always perfect Noire~!

Y/n: Um Noire....can you tell me who is this bot?

Mark: And why dose he sound like a girl but at the same time sound like a guy?

Noire: He's that little creep that has been stalking me throughout our home and capture pictures of my embarrassing moments and threatened to link them onto the world.

Y/n: (surprised) Wait stalker?!

Mark: (surprised) You mean Anonydeath is in love with you?

Anonydeath: That's correct~! I always loved her sweet voice and her cute look and not to mention her great body! I try to get some cute pictures of her by threaten to sent some embarrassing pictures across the world.

Uni: Okay so why now? What is your reason for sending them right now?

Anonydeath: Oh that's because I felt heartbroken when he took Noire away from me!

Anonydeath points at Y/n while he gose on to say.

Anonydeath: I know I have to do something so I sent some embarrassing pictures so he can break up with Noire and we can be together again~!

Y/n: Well I hate to break it to you but that did not work. I like Noire just the way she is and if she likes the cosplay to make herself happy and I'm okay with that.

Noire: (blush) Y/n.

Anonydeath: Aaawww that is soo cute~! But I hate to break it to you but since we're enemies I have no choice but to kill you and take Noire for myself. Boob~!

He presses a button and a lot of robots turns on and walks towards them and they were about to fire at them but Mark slammed his hand onto thr ground and form a dorm engery shield that blocks the incoming bullets as they the robots open fire at them.

Noire: Wow nice one Mark.

Mark: (smirk) That's the power of technology.

Y/n: (smirk) Okay let's do what we do best!

Uni: (smile) Right behind you.

Noire: (smile) Right!

The trio changed into their CPU forms and they fly around and destroying every robots in the room as they slice them up while the robots blow up. After a while the robots were destroyed and the trio float over to Anonydeath who looks at them and start to clap his hands together.

Anonydeath: That was amazing. Really it was. Say, maybe we can set aside our differences and let me go? Okay?

The trio look at each other in silence for a bit and then Red Heart asked Black Heart.

Red Heart: You wanna beat him up?

Black Heart: (smirk) Sure thing, thanks.

Anonydeath: Well this is bad......but good at the same time.

(5 hours later)

We see Anonydeath tied up while being unconscious as we see Mark hacking through Anonydeath's computers and see all the embarrassing pictures being linked as Mark tells the trio.

Mark: I can delete them all so no one will not have to see your embarrassing pictures ever again.

Noire: That's a relief.

Y/n: Say I know this might be wrong to ask but you sure you wanna delete the pictures? I mean a lot of people seemed to like you cosplaying and this might shows that goddess can also have fun as well. I mean back in my world, there is many people cosplay in different event or holiday and  there have been a lot of pictures being sent around the Internet and everyone finds these people cosplaying pretty cool.

Noire: Really? You thinm it's okay to express my likeness of cosplaying and let the world know?

Y/n: Well it's not my right to decide but I'm just saying. It doesn't hurt to have your nation know a bit about you.

Noire thinks about it and looks on the screens of her cosplay pictures and hoe much many people liked it. She then crack a smile and tells Mark.

Noire: (smile) Mark, leave it be.

Mark: You sure?

Noire: (smile) Yeah. I think it's time Laststion to know a bit more about their goddess.

Uni: (smile) If there is any trouble I can sure help.

Y/n: (smile) Same here.

Noire: (smile) Thanks you guys.

Mark: So what are we going to do with Anonydeath?

They turn to the unconscious Anonydeath as Noire tells Mark.

Noire: Well he is a wanted criminal and was apart of the Seven Sages so.....we can arrest him for his past crimes.

Mark: Right.

(Sometime later)

It was the afternoon as we see Y/n relaxing at the balcony as he stand there watches the sun setting down while Noire walks up next to him and sent next to him.

Noire: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah, what's up?

Noire: Thanks for helping me. Sorry if I bring you along to meet that pervert bot.

Y/n: (smile) That's alright Noire. Just glad I can help you and overcome your fear of your cosplaying.

Noire: (smile) Yeah and your right. Besides some perverts, my nation actually likes my cosplaying.

Y/n: (smile) That's great to hear. I told you they will like your cosplaying no matter what.

Noire: (smile) Yeah again, thank you for everything.

She then lend over and kiss him on the lips which Y/n kiss her back and soon they stop kissing and look at each other.

Noire: Say....wanna come in and see my cosplay collection?

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing!

Noire: (smile) A bit warning. I have a lot of cosplaying clothes in my closest.

Y/n: (smile) So many you brought another closest?

Noire: (giggle) Come on, let me show you.

The two were about to head inside when suddenly Y/n felt something and turn and look up at the sky which Noire stop and turn to see him looking up at the sky.

Noire: What's wrong?

Y/n: I feel.....something weird. Wait, is that?

Then he sees something fallen from the sky  and it looks like it is coming down fast. It wasn't long for Y/n to realised it was a person as the person screams whike fallen and seconds later the person crashed onto Noire behind Y/n. Y/n quickly turn around and as the dust clears up, he was surprised to see Plutia sat up while shaking her head while Noire is on top of her.

Y/n: (surprised) Plutia!?

She opens her eyes and turns to see Y/n and suddenly she start to tear up which Y/n was worried something happened to her.

Plutia: (tears) Y/n! Y/n it's terrible! Very terrible!

She rush over and hug Y/n while she cries then Uni and Mark arrive at the balcony while Noire gets up while Y/n asked Plutia.

Y/n: Plutia what happened?

Plutia: (tears) My world....My world is in trouble.

Y/n: Why what's going on?

Before Plutia could say she falls unconscious as Y/n immediately catches her and set her down on the ground.

Y/n: Plutia! Plutia are you okay?! Plutia!

Uni: (shocked) Oh no Plutia!

Mark: I'll call the ambulance right away!

Mark rush off while Y/n gently shakes Plutia when he felt something wet on his hand and looks at his hands to see red stuff on his hands which shocks him to realise what they are.

Y/n: (shocked) Is this....blood?!

To be continued.........................................

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