Chapter 22: Flast chest matters!
We see Y/n at the guild within Planeptune as he look through the jobs looking for one to pick out. The other guild members were walking about chatting or having drinks after a successful job being complete while Y/n stood in front t or the Job board and looking for a job.
Y/n: (thought) Damn so many jobs to take and I have no idea which one to pick. Too bad IF and Compa were already away on their own jobs. It be fun if the trio can take on a job together, but guess I needed to do some jobs on my own then.
He looks through th jobs and finds one that suit him way. He reach over to grab it but then another hand grab the job which Y/n turn to see a unfamiliar female adventure as she turn to him and then the two immediately let go while the female adventure tells Y/n while she wave her hands in front t of her.
???: Whoops, sorry about that man, didn't see you there when your picking out a job!
Y/n: Oh no I'm shouting be the one to apologise. I didn't know you were right next to me. Say I've never seen you before, are you new here?
Rily: (smile) Yeah that's right. Names Rily, I'm kinds new here but I know how guilds work.
Y/n: (smile) Sweet. Well my name is Y/n, nice to meet you.
Rily: (surprised) Wait Y/n? As in...Red Heart?
Y/n: (smile) Yep. Surprised?
Rily: (surprised) Very much surprised! Never suspect to meet a male CPU here. No wonder this place is famous.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah can't blame you.
Soon we see the two sat at the cafeteria area as they order some tea while the two talked.
Y/n: So what brings you here?
Rily: Well me and my girlfriend decided to move here and try to live out our new life's. We were getting tired living in the countryside so we decided to move to Planeptune to find new purpose here.
Y/n: (smile) That's cool to hear. So you came here to take on as an adventure?
Rily: (smile) Yep, my girlfriend is gonna try to get a job as a researcher and work along side with the other researchers. She's cute when she gets all excited when she discovered something ancient when we were kids. Although moet stiff are just useless junk but still, cure.
Y/n: (smile) So you two been together ever since you were kids?
Rily: (smile) Yep. Her name was Elena and at first we were best friends but soon our feelings were getting strong and next thing we know, we became a couple. So what about your story? How did you became a CPU?
Y/n: That's a long story but let's just say a brought something and next thing in know, I became a CPU.
Rily: (chuckle) Probably save those stories when ever we have a chance. So what should we do?
Y/n: I guess we can take on a job together. Problem is, I don't know which job to pick.
Rily: (smile) How about this one.
She then place down a job paper onto thr table and shows it to Y/n as he take it and look through it.
Y/n: Huh looks like bandit problems at Lowee. Blanc isn't gonna like that.
Rily: (smirk) So wanna beat down some bandits?
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah, let's go!
???: You can count me in as well!
Then the two turn to see another female adventure standing next to their table.
Rily: Um sorry but who are you?
Y/n: Oh I know you. Your that hero named Nisa I'm I right?
Nisa: (smile) That is correct! The names Nisa and I'll be apart of your team member and protect you two from evil beings.
Rily: Huh seems like we got a team ready. Let's head yo Lowee and teach those bandits a lesson.
Y/n: (smile) Right. Let's go!
(Sometime later)
Snowflakes fell from the sky and gently lands onto the ground as we see the trio walking through the snows of Lowee while looking for a bandit camp anywhere. They have been searching for a long while but there was no bandit camps anywhere. Nisa was walking next to Y/n while Rily was behind.
Nisa: (smile) I'm very glad that I'm working along side you Y/n! This will be great!
Y/n: Oh so you heard what happened to Planeptune couple of months back?
Nisa: (smile) Indeed! How you bravery took on a evil villain, how you never gave up and how you shown that no matter happens we should never gave up for what is right! I always like about you Y/n, your so brave, selfless and-
She stopped immediately and blushed in embarrassment when she realised she is acting a bit too excited as she clear her throat and says to Y/n.
Nisa: (little blush) M-My apologies about that. I-I got carried away a bit Huh.
Y/n: (smile) No need to apologise. I get that a lot with other people who saw me and I really don't mind at all. Glad to know your fighting the same cost as I am.
Nisa: (blushing) Th-Th-Thank you Y/n.
Nisa's heart skip a beat while Rily looks around and realised that things are quiet and she ask the rest.
Rily: Say is it me or are things a bit...too quiet?
Nisa: Yeah you believe this might be an ambush.
Y/n: Probably is one since we're walking through the woods whioe we can't hear anything around that. Either the woods is silent or-
Suddenly bandits came out of the bushes and surround them with knifes and guns as the try were back to back while they stare back at the bandits.
Y/n: It is a trap.
Bandit leader: (smirk) Looks like it's our lucky day boys. Let's grab their shit and get the hell out of here!
The bandits lend out a chuckle while the trio just smirked as Rily pulls out her sword while Y/n pulls out two swords while Nisa gets into her fighting position.
Nisa: You bandits will not get away robbing and taking away innocent peoples staff. We will bring justice to those who have been robbed by the likes of you and we will bring you all to justice!
Rily: I'm getting a feeling she might say that when ever we encounter a bad guy.
Y/n: (smirk) I think she's cool saying it.
Bandit leader: Get them boys!
The bandits charge to attack them but Nisa starts off by leaping up and striking a kick at a fee bandits while Rily blocks their blades and push them back. One bandit aimed at her but then Y/n slice off the bandits barrel and then gets punched by Y/n as he turn to Rily and node to her.
She nodes back and turn to take down another bandit while Y/n dodges a swing and kicks the bandit back and then swap one of his swords with a pistol and shot their swords out of their hands and then take them down.
Nisa: Nice shot Y/n!
Y/n: (smirk) Thanks.
He dodges a incoming steel rod and then throws a punch at the bandits stomach and then punched him upwards in the cheek. Nisa dodges a few punches and swings as she land some kicks and punches at the incoming bandits that come at her way. Then one try to charge at her but Nisa fell onto her back and caught the bandit by her feet and lift the bandit upwards over head, sending the bandit flying and then crashing into the snow.
The trio continues to battle the bandits but then two bandits suddenly came out of the bushes while screaming and running towards them.
Bandi 1: Boss! Boss! She's coming! She's coming!
Bandit leader: (scared) W-Wait what? You mean....oh crap!
Rily: What's going on?
Y/n: No idea.
Suddenly there was a huge thud in the distances as the trees fell while something or someone is coming towards them which terrified the bandits as the bandit leader calls out.
Bandit leader: (scared) L-Let's get the hell out of here!
The bandits try yo make their leave but then a large tree was thrown and it crashed in front of the bandits and they were stuck.
Bandit 3: (scared) Oh crap! Oh crap! She's coming! She's coming!
Bandit 4: (scared) I don't want thw white demon to kill me! I'm too young to die!
Y/n: (thought) White demon? What the hell are they talking about?
Then someone appeared out of the bushes and the trio were surprised to see White Heart as she glare at the bandits that were scared as ever.
White Heart: Found you, you little shits.
Nisa: (surprised) Lady White Heart?
Rily: (surprised) Wow so that's lady white Heart!? But why do they call her the white demon?
Y/n: I think I know. Let's just say, they might have said or done something to piss her off. Trust me, you never wanna piss her off.
White Heart: Oh hey there Nisa and Y/n. Who's your new friend?
Rily: (surprised) O-Oh Um the names Rily ma'am! N-nice to meet you!
White Heart: Oh same now move, I'm gonna teach those punks a lesson.
She walks towards them but Nisa gets in her way.
Nisa: Wow Lady White Heart, I know they are bandits but what is the reason for changing into your goddess form?
White Heart: They insulted my chest and now they must die for it!
Rily: Wait? She got mad for them mocking at her chest size? She's got to be kidding us right?
Y/n: I would agree with you but you have no idea what Neptune and the rest talk about when ever breast size is brought up.
Nisa: True that is very mean to say uo someone that can't do anything about. But there's no reason for attacking them on your CPU form.
Y/n: (thought) Well looks like those bandits were lucky that Nisa is here to stop Blanc from breaking their necks.
Bandit leader: Yeah! You tell her pimple-nipple!
Nisa: !!!
Bandit 1: No matter how jacked her weaponry, your justice will triumph! We believe in you flatty!
Y/n slowly place his hand onto his face while Rily can't just believe what they just said. Nisa stood there a bit and the turn while she tells White Heart with a angry tone.
Nisa: (anger) Lady White heart, I'll be your wingman!
White Heart: (anger) Let's go Nisa, burn them to ashes!
Nisa: Kill all who deny the allure of model-breasted girls!
Then the two start to beat down the bandits as they yelled in pain while both Y/n and Rily stood there as Rily asked Y/n.
Rily: Dose this usually happen when ever something mocks at her chest?
Y/n: Yep and those who do might already be dead before they know it.
We see them at Blanc's place with Rom and Ram as we see them in the living while Blanc is sitting on Y/n's lap while drinking her tea like everything is normal while Rom and Ram sat next to Y/n grabbing each of his arm while Rily and Nisa sat across of them.
Rily: Soo......I guess your calm down now.
Blanc: Yes. As long I'm with Y/n here, I'll be calm. Besides he's the only man who doesn't judge on my chest right Y/n?
Y/n: Unlike those bandits or any other perverts, I'm not the guy.
Nisa: (smile) That's a like about! You never care about what size our chest are and that's what I love about you.
She then blushes a bit realised she said it while Y/n also blushed while he cleared his throat and said.
Y/n: Um let's change the subject and talk about things that are going on. How's things with the three of you?
Ram: (smile) It's been great! It's even better with you here.
Rom: (smile) Yeah same.
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm glad for it. Say have you three ever met this guy named Theodore?
Blanc: Actually yeah we have. He came with his own militia army and told us about making a small base here so we can keep our country safe.
Rily: Is it that Sentinel Corporation that has been open a while back after Darkness Heart's defeat?
Blanc: That's right. He told us that our nation will be better protected with soldiers working along side us and keeping us safe.
Y/n: What did you say?
Blanc: At first I wanna tell him to fuck off but then I decided to give him a shot and just accept it. To be honest, they're not annoying as I think they are. They set up a small base outside of Lowee and have a few soldiers patrolling town.
Y/n: Has Noire agree to their offer or whatever happens with her?
Blanc: I believe so.
Nisa: Then what about Neptune?
Blanc: I believe they already set up a small base there as well. The only one that doesn't is Leanbox.
Y/n: I don't blame Vert though. Her nation is very peaceful without any military soldiers or guns at her nation. To be honest, I kinda don't trust Theodore a bit.
Nisa: Why is that?
Y/n: No idea. Its just how he has a massive military army suddenly out of nowhere and now he's showing it to the public? I don't think I can ttust him for a bit.
Blanc: As long his soldiers done their jobs, I won't complain. So Rily, is this your first time meeting a goddess?
Rily: Yes ma'am. Its an honour getting to meet you and be looking forward to meet the others as well.
Blanc: I'm glad for that.
Y/n: (smile) Well guess we should leave now our job is done.
Rily: Agree. I might get home and check things with my girlfriend.
Blanc: Okay then. See you later Y/n.
Ram: (smile) Be back and we can go out somewhere special~!
Rom: (smile) Yeah!
Y/n: (smile) I will catch you three later.
Once that the trio leave Blanc's place and head their way back to Planeptune to enjoy the rest of their evening.
It was the evening as we see Y/n and Rily walking and arriving at Rily's home which is an apartment building they arrive at the room Rily and her girlfriend is living and Rily opens the door and calls out.
Rily: Elena I'm home~!
Then Elena came out from the kitchen and see Rily home as she smiled and says.
Elena: (smile) Welcome home Rily! How was work?
Rily: (smile) Pretty good, yours?
She walked over and kissed Elena on the forhead which she giggled and tells Rily.
Elena: (smile) I got the job and I'm assigned as a researcher partner with another researcher.
Rily: (smile) That's good to hear.
Elena smiled and looks over to see Y/n and ask.
Elena: (smile) Who's your new friend?
Rily: (smile) That's Y/n aka Red Heart.
Y/n: (smile) Yo!
Elena: (surprised) Your Red Heart? I apologise for bring rude!
Y/n: (smile) Oh no it's fine really. Nice to meet you Elena, I can tell you two are a great couple.
Rily: (smile) Yep we are a great couple.
Elena: (smile) Do you have relationship that you love?
Y/n: Let's just say....I have a lot of relationships with many girls.
Elena: (smile) Oh I see, well lucky you. Hey, I'm thinking having take away for dinner. You wanna join us?
Rily: (smile) Yeah and you wanna tell us how you got your CPU form and how much adventure you've been through right?
Y/n: (smile) Sure I'll be happy to stay here for a bit and then you.
Elena: (smile) Great. What do you two want?
Rily: I'm hungry for some pizza. What about you Y/n?
Y/n: (smile) Sure, I'm down with it.
Elena: (smile) Pizza right away then.
Elena gets on the phone and order some pizza while the rest get the table ready for dinner. Soon after the pizza guy delivered them the pizza and they sat around the table while they tell each other their stories and sharing some laughs as the night came as the three continue to enjoy themselves throughout the night.
At the Sentinel Corporation HQ we see Theodore walking through the halls of his building looking to be nervous as he straightens his tie and soon arrives at a secret room which he open and step inside.
The room was completely dark as he walk in the middle of the room and once in the middle he stood up straight and looks up straight as a red light flash onto him along with a deep and mysterious whisper that Theodore can only hear as he nodes and says.
Theodore: Yes. Lowee, Planeptune and Laststion has now have military soldiers although Leanbox refused to. Lady Green Heart says that her nation has been peaceful without military soldiers or any military vehicles. I try my best but she refused.
Then the whispers spoke to him which he nodes a few times and then said
Theodore: If we do that then the rest of the goddess will find out and stop us. Allow me to think of one and trust me, I will not fail you.
The whispers spoke more while Theodore nodes to the thing and then bows and says.
Theodore: Yes sir, I'll get it done.
Then the red glow disappeared leaving Theodore into complete darkness as he stood up and wipe a bit of sweet off of his face and then turns and leave the room and try to think of a plan to convinced Vert to have his militia into her nation so he can please "it" by any means necessary.
To be continued.....................................
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