Chapter 21: The Sentinel Corporation

We see images of the attacks of Planeptune, Laststion, Lowee and Leanbox by the hands of the Seven Sages with buildings being destroyed, fires everywhere and a lot of people injured throughout this battle. But that was three months ago and now the four images is shown as a background of a daily news as a man is seen standing behind the images looking at the camera as he tells the people who is watching the daily news.

News guy: Three months ago, an attack by the Seven Sages lead by Dark-Striker left a massive impact to all those who witnessed this act of terrorism. The battle was devastating however with the help of the goddess as well as Red Heart, the first male CPU to ever exist defeated Dark-Striker and the Seven Sages and now the nations will rebuild that the Seven Sages have trashed.

Then the images changes to buildings being repaired as well as people within shelters to stay until their homes are repaired.

News guy: Repairs and going on the way as all four nations are trying their best to repair the damages cost by the Seven Sages but with enough effort we've managed to repair most homes and now things are slowly going back to normal and the people will return home safe and sound.

Then the images changes to mysterious people and armed soldiers with weapons as well as monsters attacking vehicles and crime taking place.

News guy: Unfortunately there have been a high rate of monster attacks and crime in many towns and villages, the goddess are doing their best to stop these crimes and monsters but its still in progress.

Then the images changes to a company logo that has a blue shield with the words written on it that said "The Sentinel Corporation."

News guy: But surprising news a mysterious private military company called "The Sentinel Corporation" has suddenly gone out of their way to keep crimes and monster attack rates down and they are shown to be very armed when it comes to their military high tech vehicles and weapons. The founder of this company is named Theodore Paterson who is the CEO of the company and he says that he will rebuild all four nations at any cost, such honourable words.


Near Planeptune we see a new house standing on a cliff looking down at Planeptune and this house is homed to  Y/n L/n aka Red Heart as his gift by the goddess for helping them of defeating Dark-Striker and saving the world.

Sun is setting up as we cut to a bedroom where we can hear Y/n's gently snoring as the sun light hit through his glass window as Y/n slowly wakes up and once he is fully awake he sat up from bed and lend out a yawn follow by a stretch. Once that he leave his bed and walks over the window and opens up the blinds and feel the warm sun as he lend out a sigh as he open the window and look at the nice new day.

Then a light moan can be heard as Y/n smiles and turns back to his bed and walks over and says while he grabs on the blankets and throw it over to reveal IF and Compa sleeping on his bed.

Y/n: (smile) Morning you two. Time to get up.

IF: (yawn) Damn morning already? I'm not feeling to get up yet.

Compa: (yawn) Too sleepy to get up.

Y/n: (chuckle) Alright then, I'll get ready some coffee for us.

He kissed both of them and left the room while IF and Conpa get a few minutes of sleep as we cut to the kitchen to see Y/n making some coffee for him, IF and Compa while he put on some nice music on his radio to start the day. Once done he placed two coffees on the table for IF and Compa and then make his way to the balcony to look at the veiw of Planeptune as he take a sip of his coffee and after that lend out a sigh and continues looking at the veiw.

Y/n: (thought) Man months have gone by ever since I came to this world and my life is the best now. I was once just a normal teenage boy that no-one talked to and now I'm a famous hero and have a harem of girls fall for me. Man eveyr pervert guys back in my world will call me a god for having so many girls fall for me.

He takes another drink of his coffee and he looks at his mug as he thinks to himself once more.

Y/n: (thought) Still disbite the awesome life I have there is also several questions that I need to know. Like, why I'm I here? Is there a purpose for me to be a god? Is there more male CPU's like me still out there and more importantly what happened to Arfoire? Disbite every Seven Sages that are arrested, Arfoire is still out there somewhere and she might come back to take revenge. Still we make sure we be ready for her return.

Then IF and Compa enter the kitchen dressed and all as they grab each coffee and take a drink. Y/n turns to see them with a smile and finish up his coffee and now we see them in the living watching some TV and then the news comes up and they were interested about the Sentinel Corporation.

IF: The Sentinel Corporation? I've never heard of that company before?

Compa: Apparently it's a private military company and theie job is to secure and protect anyone from threats across the world.

IF: Still I don't trust them.

Y/n: Why they sounded cool plus this looked to be organised.

IF: Yeah but it's like the cliche "Business men or women turns out to be evil" type of way. I mean a company suddenly appear and wants to help. I don't know by this.

Compa: (smile) Still at least they are helping us.

IF: Yeah but for how long?

Y/n kinda agree to her but he's not too sure. Still he sat up and tells IF and Conpa.

Y/n: Well I better head to Nep's place to talk to their private scientist who is researching the share crystal.

IF: Really? Nep hired a scientist?

Y/n: Well it was Histoire. She needed someone to help her study the share crystal so she hired a scientist to help.

IF: Alright then. Well Compa and I probably head to the guild to take on a job. Say, thanks for letting us crash here for the night.

Compa: (smile) Yeah it was very nice for Nep and the rest to give you this place to stay.

Y/n: (smile) No problem, glad you like it here.

Then IF walks up and kissed him in the cheek and Compa also kissed him in the other cheek. Once that the two make time leave as they wave to Y/n goodbye and make their leave on IT'S bike. Y/n watch them leave and then head to his garage and open the garage doors to reveal a nice car that he got himself when he gotten a large amount of reward money from a job last month ago.

Y/n: (smirk) Let's roll.

He puts on his Red sunglasses and climb inside his car and rides off to Neptune's place.


Inside Neptune's tower and within the share crystal room we see a male scientist looking down at his clipboard and moving around as he looks up at the share crystal and then down at his clipboard. Then the doors open and Y/n enters as the male scientist looks up to see Y/n.

???: (smile) Ah you must be Red Heart is that correct?

Y/n: (smile) Yep. Names Y/n snd you must be?

Mark: Doctor Mark. It's a honor meeting you here.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. So any news about the share crystal?

Mark: Actually yes. It seems that the share crystal is far more powerful then before.

Y/n: Really? How can you tell?

Mark: For one it's glowing a bit brighter, Neptune did say she feels more stronger and it seems the share crystal is shown to have no weakness what so far.

Y/n: Like it can't be destroyed or get corrupted?

Mark: Yes. Say whne you fused the share crystal, did you do something to it?

Y/n: Not really no. I mean all I did is fussing it and I gain a new form and use this power to defeat Darkness Heart.

Mark: I see. Well I'll continue study this and see I can find anything else.

Y/n: (smile) Right. I'll tell Neptune and the rest about it.

Mark nodes as he continues writing some notes on his clipboard while Y/n make his leave and head to the living room when he was suddenly tackled by Neptune as the two fell onto the ground while Neptune cuddle and hug him.

Neptune: (smile) Hello Y/n~! Boy I miss you soo much!

Y/n: (chuckle) Nep you know I always come here to visit you. Just like I always visit everyone else.

Neptune: (smile) Yeah I know but I can't help myself. I wanna see our handsome boyfriend and have a cuddle.

Y/n: (smile) Good to see you as well.

The two sat up and Neptune gives him a kiss on the lips as the both lend out a chuckle and then Nepgear appear as the two stand up and then Nepgear walks up and kissed him on the lips which made her blush and nervously say.

Nepgear: (little nervous) H-Hello Y/n. H-How's things?

Y/n: (smile) Pretty good as always.

Nepgear: (little nervous) R-Right. I'm sorry for acting like this.

Y/n: (smile) No need to apologise. Besides it's pretty cute.

She blushes even more but a smile appear on her face. Then Y/n looks around and then ask the two.

Y/n: Say where is Plutia and Peashy?

Neptune: Oh they're just away to their dimensions for a few days.

Y/n: Oh well taht sounds goo-.....Wait? Dimension?

Neptune: Yep! It's a long story but they are from the ultra Dimension which is similar to here but with a few differences.

Y/n: And you guys can go to her own world with no problems?

Nepgear: (smile) Yeah. The share crystal can actually take us there when ever we want. Maybe we can both go there right now so you can see her world.

Y/n: Another dimension huh?.....sure we can head there and have a look.

Neptune: (smile) Awesome! Let's go and see how Plutia and Peashy are-

Histoire: Not so fast!

Then Histoire flies over to them and once she approaches them she tells them.

Histoire: I've just gotten off a call from Miya, you three might need to go to Leanbox right now.

Y/n: Why? Is the trouble?

Histoire: Well....yeah but not the trouble your thinking off.

Y/n, Neptune and Nepgear: Huh?


At Leanbox we see Military dropship flying over Leanbox and flying around the nation as a few land down and pour out soldiers and as they form up and stand at attention as we see a few marching through the streets while citizens wonder what is going on ad they watch the soldiers marching down the streets.

We see Y/n, Neptune and Nepgear just arrive at Leanbox to see the soldiers marching through the streets as they watch them go while Nepgear wonders.

Nepgear: I wonder whats going on?

Neptune: Maybe they are here for the last piece of cake at the bakery?

Y/n: Well what ever it's going on, let's hope danger isn't coming.

Then a strong wind blows over them as they look up to see a dropship flying over head as the dropships looks around and then flies off.

Neptune: (surprised) Wow looks like those guys pulled that off from a video game.

Y/n: Come on, let's see what's happening with Vert and Miya.

The two agree and they make their way towards Vert's place and once there Miya opene the door for them and they walk inside.

Miya: Thanks for coming. Vert is really mad and I figured she might need some help.

Y/n: No problem Miya. Say who were those soldiers outside? I thought Vert doesn't like guns or anything destructive in her nation.

Miya: They just came in this morning and this guy came here and he says he is the CEO of the Sentinel Corporation.

Neptune: You mean that mysterious company from the news?

Nepgear: And the CEO is here?

Miya: Yeah. Come, I'll show you where they are.

Miya leafs them and soon they arrive to a cracked open door which they peak over to the living room to see Vert sitting across looking to be upset and looking at a man who is sitting across from her and taking a sip of some tea as he takes a drink and she it on the table and tells Vert calmly.

???: Lady Green Heart, we all due respect this nation is the only nation without any military or anything that is protected your nation from any attacks. I assure you, your cods of "no military weapons" is still attached and untouched. We just figure we set up a few bases here while keeping an eye on your nation from any terrorist attacks.

Vert: Look I appreciate with the protection I really do, but I will not allow this to just happen. My nation has been peaceful for years and I will not allow any military company to come in and set up a base to ruin my nation.

???: (smile) You got to understand that we are here to protect the citizens of this nation and to make sure you and the other goddess will have a nice and calm life while we protect your nations from any threats.

Vert: Again I am appreciate with it but we are fine handling the threats on our own. I hope you can understand that.

???: I do....I really do. But what if your awake and something happens to your nation. What if you were captured or even worse....were killed. This nation cannot run without a goddess and you needed someone to keep the citizens safe while your gone. Allow me and my soldiers to protect your nation and to make sure nothing will not happen to your nation.

Y/n: Sorry for interrupting but I would like to say one thing.

They look to see Y/n and the rest behind him as Y/n walks over next to Vert and then tells him.

Y/n: Vert's nation has been peaceful throughout her years and when ever crime is around, she or the other goddess from the other nations will help her. There is no need for protection from your soldiers and she is very much happy to not have soldiers to ruin her peaceful and nice nation.

Vert smiles while the man just looks at Y/n and then he pulled up a smile and ask.

???: (smile) You must be the hero himself Red Heart? Is that right?

Y/n: Yeah that's right and your the company of The Sentinel Corporation?

Theodore: (smile) Indeed. The names Theodore and as the CEO I'll do anything I can to protect this world from threats such as the Seven Sages. But if you say Vert doesn't need protection then sure, i will allow that but here.

He place down his business card and slide it across them as he stood up as he straightens his suit and tells Y/n snd Vert.

Theodore: (smile) Call me if you decided to change your mind. Take care you lot.

He then make his leave and soon his company soldiers pack up and make their leave as they climb onto the dropships as we see Theodore in his dropship as they take off and leave Leanbox as the rest watched them go.

Neptune: (smile) Well that was easy.

Nepgear: I hope they are not mad.

Vert: (smile) They be fine. Still thanks for coming here and thanks for standing up to me Y/n. Your really are my best husband ever.

She then hugged him which his head was at her breast once more but he has gone used to it so he hugged her back and once she let's go Y/n looks down at the Sentinel Corporation business card and wonders who are these guys and where they get such great gear and weapons.

We then cut to Theodore's dropships as they return back to base while inside we see Theodore standing behind the two pilots as one of the pilots ask Theodore.

Male pilot: So what now boss?

Theodore: (smile) We will convince them sooner or later. After won't be long until they can't handle the situation and have no choice but come crawling back to me for help. They maybe goddess my friends.....but really, they'll break and ask for our help one day.

The pilot nodes as Theodore still smiles while the dropships return back to base and wait for Vert or maybe the other goddess to one day can't take it and ask Theodore for help and he'll make sure that will happen one way or another.

To be continued......................................

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