Chapter 18: The Dark and light civil war (Arc 4)
We over see Planeptune ad the whole nation turn into complete chaos and darkness as a large dark storm is seen floating over Planeptune shooting down dark lighting to the ground as we see the streets complete empty with no people around because they are inside hiding in order to protect themselves from the storm while we cut to Neptune tower.
We see Dark-Striker stareing out of the balcony looking at Planeptune with the corrupted share crystal attached to the middle of his head as he stare at the chaos that has been happening while a door opens behind him and Arfoire came up to him and says with a smirk.
Arfoire: (smirk) I can't believe we've done it. Who knew after all of these years we've finally won and now....the share crystal belongs to us at last.
Dark-Striker doesn't say anything but stood there while Arfoire smirks once more as she fold her arms and added.
Arfoire: (smirk) So when do I get my goddess powers? I mean you did say you can share some to me once the job is done right? I mean without me or the Seven Sages you would have never get to here.
Then Dark-Striker smirks and turn to Arfoire and walks over to her and spoke by telling her.
Dark-Striker: (smirk) Your right. I guess you do deserve to share this power. Besides, its only right that I can share it to someone.
He walk up to her and he places a hand at her shoulder which existed Arfoire as she shuts her eyes and ready to be turned into a goddess.
Dark-Striker: (smirk) But then again, what is the point to give it to someone who will one day turn his back and kill their emperor.
Arfoire quickly open her eyes as a dark portal opens behind her as Dark-Striker pushes Arfoire into a portal and she fell through the portal as Arfoire can't believe this and called out.
Arfoire: (anger) YOU TRAITOR!!!!!!
Then the portal closes as Dark-Striker smirks to himself, glad that she is gone while he turn to the veiw and look at Planeptune as we see the storm getting bigger and bigger and spreading more across Planeptune and the area it self.
At a small store in Planeptune we see Y/n, Neptune, Noire, Blanc, Vert, Nepgear, Uni, Rom, Ram, Miya, Unzume, IF, Compa, Plutia, Histoire and Peashy as they sat around at the empty store in silence. Unzume is sitting on the wall while Compa patch her injuries while Uni peaks through the window while Miya looks through the computer along side Blanc.
Y/n: Well got anything?
Miya: Yeah and it ain't good. That storm is spreading and soon the whole nation will be hit by it.
Blanc: Once that is done, there is no way to stop it.
Neptune: So what's the plan? Go out, beat this fallen God up and save the world?
Noire: Neptune we can't. Without our CPU powers, we don't stand a chance.
Neptune: What? We can't just give up! We can't let this creepy mean God take over. That will be totally lame.
Histoire: Neptune there's no point. With the share crystal being corrupted and Dark-Striker's powers involving ten times now, there is no point either of us can't stand a chance. Even if in combine force.....he'll still beat us.
Neptune: But......
Histoire: I'm sorry Neptune. But face it, we've lost.
They were all in silence believing they have failed but Y/n stood up and tells Histoire and the rest.
Y/n: No. We haven't failed and we're not sitting here and let Dark-Striker ruin everything in front of us.
He make his way out of the store when Noire rush over and grab him by the arm.
Noire: Are you stupid or something! If you go out there then you will die! How can we beat him without our CPU's forms?!
Y/n: We can face him without it. We all can't just sit by and watch the world go into darkness. How you all been through situations that is impossible but succeed in the end?
Neptune: (smile) Yep it was Nep it easy!
Histoire: Yes that is true but this is different. Dark-Striker is now powerful and without the share crystals power, we can't stand a chance.
Y/n: Well i think there is a chance we can. Right now that storm is going to spread to other nations and it will not stop until he has completed his work. We can't allow him to win, it's time for us to rise up and show him who we are!
Vert: He's right. I can't stand by a watch my beautiful nation fall. It's time we face him in battle.
Miya: Agree.
Blanc: Same. I'm going to break every singal bone if he even dares harm my nation.
Rom: Same here.
Ram: (smile) Me too!
Neptune: (smile) Yeah besides I can't allow my nation fall. Without it I'll be a goddess without one.
Nepgear: If your going then I'm coming as well.
Peashy: (smile) Same here!
Uni look at Noire as Noire look at Y/n, seeing his serious face as her arm start to shake and then she let go and tells him.
Noire: Fine I'll join. But you better not die okay!
Y/n: (smile) Promise.
Uni smiles and nodes while Unzume slowly gets up while she said.
Unzume: I'll come along as well. Time to get pay back for beating me up twice.
She then fell on one knee while Compa and IF catch her.
IF: Oh no you don't. Your staying here where it's safe.
Y/n: She's right. Your too injured for battle and we can't afford losing you. You'll be safe here with Compa, Histoire, Plutia and IF okay?
Unzume: (little blush) F-Fine but show him to never mess with us will ya?
He smiled and nodes as he turn to the others who wishes to come ad they node and he noded back and said.
Y/n: Let's do this.
They all arrive at Neptune tower ad they walk towards the entrance ready to face Dark-Striker and take back Planeptune. Soon Y/n and the rest stop and look up and have a feeling Dark-Striker has spotted them.
Dark Heart: So you all have come to your deaths.
They look down to see Dark Heart standing in front ofnthe entrance with hid new form as he take a few steps towards them while they pull out their swords and guns.
Dark Heart: You all should just give up and leave. It's over, I've won and you all have lost.
Y/n: (smirk) That's what all villains say when they won and spoiler they lost in the end.
Neptune: (smile) Yeah like you once we get back our nation and teach you a lesson!
Dark Heart: Do you honestly think you all stand against me? Ever well then, let's see pure mortals can do....against a god.
He slowly raised his hand at them and fired a blast that sent them back a bit. Y/n stumble back and rushes towards Dark Heart as he was about to swing his twin swords at him when Dark Heart raises his hand and stop Y/n from swinging at him. Y/n can't move while Dark Heart walks up towards him and then strike a kick.
Y/n was sent flying and land hard onto the ground while Uni fired a few shots at Dark Heart which doesn't phase him while Miya and Nepgear rush at him all together, trying to strike at him but he pulled his blade back and slashed at their blades, the impact sent the two flying while he turn to Uni and fire a blast that Uni dodged.
Then Vert rushes at him with Peashy ready to swing theie blades at them but Dark Heart froze them in place and then thrust his hand forward and sent the two flying. Then Rom appeared on the left side while Ram on the right as they aimed their staffs at them and then there was a burst of flames hit Dark Heart.
The two girls smiled but it was turn to shock when the flames turn into darkness and then burst out, hitting everyone around him with his dark flames. Dark Heart stood there while the rest slowly gets up.
Dark Heart: Is that all you got?
Blanc: No! This is!
Blanc charge at him as she swing her axe at him but Dark Heart catches her Axe with only his hand and then kicked Blanc back, sending her flying while he curshes the axe while look at everyone else.
Dark Heart: Let's end this.
He raised his hand into the eye of the dark storm and a bolt of lighting appear around them as they get hit by the dark bolts and then Dark Heart crushes his hand and the bolts exploded, sending all flying while screaming and soon see them all laying on the ground while Dark Heart stand over them and seeing that he has won turn to leave.
A bullet bounce off of his armor and he turn to see Y/n barely standing while he fire a few shots from his pistol at him while the bullets bounce out of his armor which made him laugh. He then suddenly appear in front of him and grabs him by the head, squeezing it while Y/n try his best not to scream in pain while Dark Heart just laughs.
Dark heart: You still fight disbite your lost. How pathetic. Your just a human like the rest and not a god like me. What makes you think you can stand against me?
Y/n: (smirk) Well no matter what happens....the light will win while darkness will fall.
Dark Heart: Is that your last words?
Y/n doesn't say anything while Dark Heart teleported but he and Y/n away and then we see the two floating on top of Neptune tower as Dark Heart looks at Y/n and tells him.
Dark Heart: You have lost this battle Y/n. Your friends will fall, this nation will fall and the world will know only one God and that God will be me. Just face have lost.
There was only silence while down at the bottom we see Neptune and the rest looking up with worry looks while Y/n can barely see Dark Heart and see the share crystal as he slowly forms a fist and said.
He quickly grab Dark Hearts head as Dark Heart try to get Y/n to let go but he will not as he pull out his SGM and fired a few round at him, making him to let go as his body slammed onto Dark Heart but he place his feet onro his chest and grab both his hands at his head and struggled to get the Share crystal out of him. He lend his head back while he lend out a yell while a glow appear and soon the Share crystal was free from Dark Heart's head as Y/n grabs hold of it as he and the Share crystal fell.
Dark Heart feel most of his power was gone as he look down and shake his fist in anger.
Dark Heart: That fool took it! No matter. Its filled in darkness so there is no way he can't pure it again.
Neptune and the rest where shocked to see Y/n falling and there was nothing they can do to catch him while we see Y/n cover up the share crystal seeing that he still can't transform.
Y/n: (thought) Come on! Come on! Please work damn it! Why isn't this thing not working!? Come on I know you were corrupted but I know you can pure yourself again. If you can't then I can help. Come on we need that power please! SHOW ME WHAT YOU CAN DO AND WE CAN BEAT DARK HEART TOGETHER!
Suddenly the share crystal glow once more and all of its darkness and corruption was gone but it lend out a glow they nearly blinds him as the light covers him. The ball of light slowly float down and gently lands in front of Neptune and everyone else as they stood there in shock while Y/n looks at them while Dark Heart lands behind him.
He turns to face him while slowly the ball of light fated away while Dark Heart crushes his fist in anger.
Dark Heart: How is it possible for someone like you can succeed and take my power away from me!
He fired a blast of darkness at Y/n but he catches it with only one hand and then return it back at him. Dark Heart gets hit by his own blast and steps back.
Y/n: This share crystal doesn't belong to you. It belongs to those who use it for good and help othings. Those who deserve to rule this world and I'll be with them to protect it.
Dark Heart lend out a laugh while he slowly gets up and tells him.
Dark Heart: You don't have a nation to protect! How can you call yourself a call if you don't have a nation to rule!
Y/n just smirks and look at the share crystal and to Dark Heart and tells him.
Y/n: (smirk) Who says I needed a nation to be a god? I really don't need a nation to show power and trust to everyone. All I need is to help others and do what I do best when I first came to this world. And that is protecting my friends.
Suddenly the glow from the share crystal glow out once more bit this time Y/n start to transform in front of everyone and they suddenly felt a strong power and soon the ball of light burst out and they all see Red Heart in a new form with the share crystal on his chest while he stare back at Dark Heart.
Neptune: (shocked) Holy pudding!
Nepgear: (shocked) I don't believe it!
Noire: (shocked) His power is unbelievable!
Uni: (shocked) Yeah I don't believe it.
Blanc: (shocked) Amazing!
Rom and Ram: (smile) Go Y/n!
Peashy: (smirk) Now he's in trouble now!
Vert: (smirk) What a handsome new armor and that power. I like it.
Miya: (shocked) Just like Dark Heart he fused himself with the share crystal but rather then fill in darkness, its filled in the light.
Dark Heart can't believe this while Red Heart stood there and stare back at him as the two gods stood there in silence until Dark Heart just laugh and tell Red Heart.
Dark Heart: Even if you have your CPU form back you still no chance against me.
Red Heart: Seriously dude. I have a share crystal on my chest. I'm pretty sure I can stand a chance.
Dark Heart: No matter! I'll take it back and finosh you and the rest once and for all!
He charge at Red Heart with his sword as he ready to swing it back but he was quickly hit by Red Hearts bow as he was sent flying and crush into the ground. Dark Heart nearly stood up and feel pain on his chest as he look down to see a wound punched through his armor which is impossible. He look up at Red Heart as he stood there and then Dark Heart charges towards him and swing his sword at him but Red Heart quickly summon his battle axe and block his strike.
The two blades clashed sent a shockwave as the two gods have a blade lock and then Red Heary pushes Dark Heart back and then then lands a fee strikes at him. This hurts Dark Heart as he stumble back but he manages to grab Y/n's battle axe and then kick him back.
He stumble back while Dark Heart stood up and slowly his armor patched itself and cover up the holes while Dark Heart just laughs and slowly float up into the air as he look down at Red Heart and tells him.
Dark Heart: Even if you have the share crystal on you it's too late. My storm is reaching the other nations as we speak and there is no way you can't stop it! I do not need a share crystal to proof to be powerful! NO MATTER WHAT, I AM A GOD!
Dark lighting bolts zap behind him as we cut to each of the four nations and in the distances the dark storm heading towards them as Red Heart pulls out his twin swords and tells Dark Heart.
Red Heart: Do you not hear yourself? Because if not then allow me to tell you. You won't win because I will and once I save this nation and others, your going to pay for everyone and everything you have harmed or killed!
Then flashes of Jiggles appear in his head and knows he wants revenge but can't allow his rage get to him so he shut his eyes....take a deep breath in and out and then open his eyes and leaps up towards Dark Heart with twin swords in each of his hands while Dark heart laughs and dive down at him as the two gods charge at each other ready to battle each other for the fate of this nation and the world.
Red Heart: Let's end this!
Dark Heart: I agree! Let's finish this rivalry once and for all!
To be continued..................................
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