Chapter 17: The Dark and light Civil war (Arc 3)
We see Lowee being invaded by Seven Sages forces as armed soldiers march through the city while Lowee soldiers fire back while standing there ground as their tanks roll in behind them and fire at them, blowing up the Seven Sages soldiers as they were sent flying.
We cut to jetfighters frying over Lowee as they fire at White Heart who slice them as they ho down. More came at her as she move out of the way as the jet fighters gone pass them. The pilot turn to White Heart but suddenly Red Heart flies towards the jet fighter and slice one up with his twin swords and then throw another at the other and it blows up.
Once he grabs his second sword he flies over the White Heart and they were back to back as helicopters appear around them and they start to open fire at them.
Red Heart: Looks like they sent more forces to take over Lowee.
White Heart: Yeah. Those fuckers better not trash anything important otherwise I'll be pissed!
Red Heart: Let's push them back and after this help out Neptune and the rest at Laststion.
White Heart: And update about them?
Red Heart: Not yet but they probably need some help over there. Still let's take them out and fast.
White Heart: I was thinking the same thing.
They start take down the helicopters out from the sky as they were sent flying down and crash into the ground. Red Heart sees some action down the ground so he land on the ground and swing his two swords at the enemy soldiers, sending them flying while they scream.
Soon they start to pull back as Lowee soldiers chase them out of Lowee while Red Heart breath a sigh of relief and transform into his human form while White Heary landed behind him as Y/n turn to her.
Y/n: Looks like those guys ain't gonna come back here again.
White Heart: Yeah thank god for that. Those fucker will pay if they ever come here again.
She too turn back to her human form as Y/n walks up and pet her on the head while he smiled at her.
Y/n: (smile) Still that was awesome when you were fighting those jets. Those pilots don't stand a chance.
Blanc: (blush) Th-Thanks. Y-You weren't so bad yourself.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Now let's see how's everyone else doing.
Blanc agree and they made their way over to Blanc's home to see how everyone else is doing and if there was any updates from Neptune or anyone at Laststion.
Once inside they enter the living room to see IF, Compa, Plutia, Rom and Ram as IF was trying to get a hold of someone by her phone while Plutia is laying on Compa's lap and sleeping.
Rom and Ram rush over and hugged Y/n while Blanc gets jealous while the two were glad that he is here as well. Th3y let go while Y/n asked IF.
Y/n: So anything from Laststion?
IF: Barley, there is a lot of static at their end. I think they might be fighting someone.
Y/n: Guess that means we have to go there and help them out then.
Compa: (smile) Yep! Let's go and-
Suddenly IF phone start to ring so she answered it and puts it over her ear. She node a few times and she have a shocked face and node before press speaker on her phone ans set it on the table as a voice of Miya is called out through the phone.
Miya: (phone) Guys this is Miya and you all need to hear this!
Y/n: If its about Neptune and the rest in trouble, we're going there right no-
Miya: (phone) Not that! Something is wrong! For some reason the share engery is slowly fading away! It's like there is something wrong with the share crystal.
Compa: Maybe its because of the battle that has been happening in all gour nations?
Miya: (phone) I don't think so but what ever it might be isn't good. You all need to get to Laststion and get Neptune and head yo Planeptune as soon as possible!
Y/n: Right! We get Neptune and the rest and head back to Planeptune as soon as possible!
Miya: (phone) Right. Me and Vert are getting ready to head to Planeptune right now. Be there quick!
The call ends as Blanc tells Y/n and the rest.
Blanc: This must be attacking Planeptune since Neptune isn't there.
Y/n: Maybe but why? Why lowering out Neptune and attack Planeptune. This doesn't make any sense.
IF: Still we should head to Laststion and help up Neptune and the rest there.
Compa: (smile) Yeah!
Y/n: Alright. Blanc can you take Plutia to Planeptune while we head to Laststion?
Blanc: Sure. Be safe.
Ram: (smile) Kick some butt!
Rom: (smile) Yeah!
Y/n: (smirk) I will. Come on IF and Compa, let's roll!
(Soon after)
They arrived to Laststion to see no one on the streets just like Lowee and Leanbox as they look around to try and find Neptune or anyone else but no sign of them.
They see some smoke and some building were damaged as they walk through the empty street searching for anyone.
IF: So if we were Neptune or Noire where should we be?
Compa: (smile) If it was Neptune she might be making some jokes and battling villains somewhere epic.
Y/n: While Noire might just tell her to shut up also at the same spot. Still we should keep our eyes open for them. They could be anywh-
Suddenly Y/n was crushed by something falling from the sky. IF and Compa turn around and they see Purple Heart sitting on Y/n after she fell from as her butt was sitting on Y/n's face. She shake herself and open her eyes to see IF and Compa.
Purple Heart: IF, Compa nice to see you both here. Where is Y/n?
IF: Um I think you should look down.
She dose so and see she is sitting on him so she stood up and help Y/n up.
Purple Heart: Sorry about that Y/n.
Y/n: No problem Nep. Guess I know how it feels like to be Noire's landing pillow. So what's been happening since we've been Lowee and Leanbox?
Purple Heart: You know just the usual type of things. Nepgear is helping Uni getting the citizens of Laststion to safety while Noire and Peashy are battling with the soldiers.
IF: My guess you were helping Peashy and Noire until something attacked you and send you flying and land on Y/n?
Purple Heart: Yes. He was quick but I know who he is.
Y/n: Really? Who?
Suddenly a strong wind blow by them as they turn around to see a large wind circling around and then it burst to reveal a purple ninja robot which surprised Y/n to see a ninja robot.
Y/n: (surprised) Okay now that's what I like a call a cool villain! So what's your name, "Giga Ninja? Jutsu boy? Aster Shinobi bot?"
Steamax: Your such a fool. My name is Steamax, an assassin and servant to General Accimojas.
Y/n: (smirk) Oh so your one of his loyal bots? Yeah I met him and let me tell you, he is a creep.
Steamax: You dare to mock him! You shall be punished for that! Battle me!
Y/n: (smirk) Gladly!
He pulls out his twin swords and get into a battle stand.
Y/n: (smirk) Okay dude, show me what you got!
Steamax: Witnessed my full jutsu training!
IF: Carful Y/n. He's pretty strong and fast as well.
Y/n: (smirk) No worries Iffy. I got this!
Steamax immediately appear in front of him and he clash his blade at him as Y/n quickly blocks his strikes. He alide underneath him and turn only to see that he was gone. Then he appeared behind him as he turn to see Steamax about to slash at him but Purple Heart blocks his strike and pushed him back.
Y/n: Alright he's mostly fast but that ain't gonna save him!
Purple Heart: Right!
The two dashes towards Steamax and the together they strike some blows at Steamax while Steamax quickly blocks the two strikes as Steamax leaps back but Y/n swap one of his swords to his SMG and open fire at Steamax. He blocked the bullets but this gives Purple Heart a chance to jump at him and swing her blade at him.
Steamax stumble back while Y/n dashes over to him and swings his twin swords at him and that made him stumble back and fell onto on knee while both Y/n and Purple Heart stood over him.
Y/n: (smirk) Guess all that training didn't pay you off huh?
Steamax: (evil laughter) You both are fools. You both have landed into my trap! You see, I actually have a second weapon!
Y/n: (thought) A secret weapon? It may sounds deadly but I wanna see what he has.
Steamax: Behold! My secret Jutsu attack!
Y/n was suspected many possible things he may pull off just to attack them. But he throw some magazines into the air and then slice up the pages as it slow fell and land everywhere in the street while Y/n and the rest were confused.
Y/n: Um I'm I missing something here? Dose these purples glow up like in that Inspector gadget show?
Steamax: Your a fool. Look at the pages and you can see.
Purple Heart: The pages?
Y/n just grab one page and says while he holds it in front of him.
Y/n: So what do they do? Show us our greatest fear or something like that? I don't seem why this is your secret wea-
Then he look at the page and just see a women with massive breast while wearing a beach outfit as he blushed and throws away the page.
Compa: Those are naughty books! Books that only adults can buy!
Steamax: Ha! This is the Five-Greed jutsu! Fall prey to your own lust!
Y/n stood there silent and just facepalmed.
Y/n: First I robot that destroy things and copy's them, a robot who is over upsets with Vert and now a robot who is carrying around basically porn books as a secret weapon? (Sigh) Let me guess, there's gonna be a robot who is a hacked but stalks on one of the goddess? You know what, whatever let's just take care of him and head to Planeptune alright Nep.
He stood there waiting for a response so he look over to see Purple Heart glancing over at one of the pages.
Y/n: Are you.....looking at one of the pages?
Purple Heart: Oh course not! I would never look at perverted pages!
But she glance at them once more which he breaths in a sigh.
Y/n: Compa, IF I kinda need some help here.
Compa: (smile) Don't you worry. All you have to do is close your eyes! Here I'll go first!
She dose close her eyes and try to walk over to him but she got pass him and stumble around, nearly tripping into things.
Y/n: (thought) Well good thing no one isn't here to see this.
Y/n: Alright IF I guess it's just you and me now!......IF?
He turn to see IF also glancing over at the magazines while Y/n fells to the ground while Steamax laughs to himself.
Steamax: It worked! Well almost. (Clear throat) Now young boy, what you shall do now your friends are now trapped by my attack?
Y/n: Well one thing I could do.
He snap his finger and transform into Red Heart.
Red Heart: Beat you, end this battle and head to Planeptune and see what's up.
Steamax: Aaah I see your also a CPU as well. I've never encountered a CPU who is male.
Red Heart: You'll get used to it. Now are we gonna battle or what?
Steamax: Then so be it! Let us battle!
The two dash at each other and they collected in a huge blast as the two battle and then they leap around Laststion as they strike blows at each other. Steamax throws his massive ninja star at Red Heart which he blocked but the blast sent him flying and crash into a tall building. Red Heart slowly gets up and was immediately slashed by Steamax with his sword.
He crashes to the wall and then jump up to dodge his swing and then land behind him and strike a kick at him from behind. This cost Steamax to crash through the wall but seconds later a wind blast strike at Red Heart and send hin flying off the building.
Then Steamax appear over him and throws his ninja stars at him which land some hits at him but he lands on the ground with his feet and looked up and immediately dodges Steamax landing on him. He dashes towards him and the two strike blows at each other as Red Heart summon his twin swords and the two clash their blade at each other.
The two have a blade lock as Steamax seems to have the upper hand as he slowly gets Red Heard down as Red Heart struggles to push himself up.
Steamax: Face it! You haveno chance against me! Any last words!
Red Heart: Yeah. You wanna know my Jutsu attack?
Steamax: You have an Jutsu attack of your own? How interesting but that will not help you since I am close of beating-
Then Red Heart kicked Steamax between hid legs soo hard that made Steamax to drop his sword and slowly fell onto both of his knees and fell to the ground. He was in pain and then he passed out as Red Heart says.
Red Heart: That's I like to call "A kick you in the balls Jutsu attack!" Or what ever you have between your legs.
Black Heart: Y/n!
He turn to see Black Heart, Yellow Heart, Purple Sister and Black Sister ad they fly down and rush over to Y/n.
Black Heart: Glad you can make it. Where's Neptune and the rest?
Red Heart: Well you see-
Purple Heart: We're here!
Then Purple Heart, IF and Compa arrive as they rush over to them.
Purple Heart: Sorry about that. We were....distracted by something for a second.
Red Heart: Um yeah, something like that.
Black Heart: We'll anyways it looks like the Seven Sages forces our pushing back. I think we have wo-
Suddenly they all start to glitch out a bit and soon they suddenly transform into their human forms as they fell onto the ground. They try to transform but they can't.
Neptune: Hey what gives?!
Nepgear: What happened? I can't transform back somehow.
Uni: Noire?
Noire: No idea what is going on here.
Y/n: Wait, you said the Share crystal is a way that gives us our CPU forms right?
IF: Yeah that's right.
Y/n: And we haven't seen Dark-Striker anywhere unless.......Oh no.
He slowly gets up while he realised something horrible and tells eveyrone.
Y/n: (shocked) Guys...I think I know where he is.
Soon they arrive at Planeptune and they immediately see a large storm of darkness on top of Neptune's tower follow by purple thunder hitting the ground and onto the streets as we see everyone making a run for it while Y/n and the rest rushes through and they see the storm.
Vert: Guys!
They turn to see Vert, Miya, Rom, Ram, Plutia and Blanc ad they race over to them.
Y/n: Can all of you can't transform as well?
Vert: No we can't! We just arrived here and then all of a sudden we turn back to our human forms.
Blanc: Something is really wrong here.
Plutia: Yeah and i think this thunder storm might have to do with it.
Unzume: Sorry guys.
They turn and they were shocked to see the even more beaten up Unzume and Histoire as they rush over to them.
Y/n: (shocked) Unzume! Histoire!
Histoire: We try to stop him.....but.....but.
Then they hear a laughter coming form the tower as they turn and see a large figure standing on top of Neptune tower and they can tell it's Dark Heart with a new and even more powerful form.
He holds out the share crystal as he shows this to everyone in Planeptune and tells them all in a demonic and dark voice.
Dark Heart: Your gods and goddess will no longer come and save you now I holf the power that allows them to transform! Soon this world will be pledged into complete darkness and all of you will see me as.....your emperor!
He raised the share crystal into the sky and dark thunder strike hits the crystal and it suddenly start to go corrupted and once that the share crystal gets stacked and his team and it appears in the middle of his head as he lend out a laughter while the rest from down below can't believe this. They can't believe he finally succeed of getting the share crystal and soon the world will be pledged in totally darkness forever.
To be continued......................................
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