Chapter 15: The Dark and light civil war (Arc 1)

Dark-Striker: To all who listen or watching this, this is both a message and a warning to all life including the godness who is seeing or listening this message.

We see the halls being filled with dead bodies of workers who worked at a nearby news station as the halls are also patrolled by armed soldiers lead by Dark-Striker as we see his men and himself in the room witha camera facing him as he tells everyone including the goddess.

Dark-Striker: You all believe that the light is the way to keep you all alive, to keep you all to be strong and to be powerful. Well your wrong. Before there was light there was Darkness and darkness is what help us survive and I am this worlds hope, I will open everyone's eyes to see what true darkness really is and that is the way to succeed our goal. Our path of achieving that no one has never achieved in their lives. To achieve immortality and have an ability to not be afraid no more. After several attempts of our plan and you capturing one of our Seven sagas member we have no choice but to do one thing and one thing only. War.

He then snap his finger to open screen of a town as Dark-Striker gose on to say.

Dark-Striker: That's right. I declare war on you four goddess and to make sure I am serious.

He then snap his fingers once more and the screen of a town blows up which killed a lot of people as Dark-Striker looks right at tge Camera and also tells them.

Dark-Striker: And Y/n aka Red Heart, I hope you've gone stronger since the last time we met. Because I have a new form that I can't wait to show you. Hope we get to see each other soon.

He chuckles while he step away from the camera and soon his chuckles turn into soft but evil laughter as he raised his hand at the camera and fire a dark blast that destroyed the camera and it gose to static.


The whole world have seen Dark-Striker's message and they were worrying about this and worry that which city that Dark-Striker and his forces will strike first. At Planetune we see Y/n, Neptune, Nepgear, Histoire, Compa, IF and Peashy at the living room and the only thing Neptune respond with this message was this.

Neptune: (smile) I think he's just bluffing.

Everyone: Say what now?

Neptune: (smile) There is no way he is actually going to war against all of us, that will be crazy. I'm sure he is just saying that so we be panicking and worrying a lot.

Histoire: This is serious Neptune! All four nations are gonna be invaded and we need to get ready when it comes!

Neptune: Well you don't have to yell, meanie.

Y/n: So what's the plan here? We haveno idea when his forces will strike so what should we do?

Histoire: We need to place down defences and sent out soldiers to patrol the streets in case they try to surprise us.

IF: Me and Compa can do that.

Compa: (smile) We be done before you know it.

The two rush out to summon the soldiers and help them setting up defences while Y/n looks at the static TV and remembers Dark-Striker tell him he has a new form which can't be good to Y/n.

Y/n: (thought) What form dose he have this time. Since his first form nearly killed me, who knows what his new form might be.

Nepgear: What about Lastation, Lowee and Leanbox?

Histoire: It's possible that Vert, Blanc and Noire also hear that message and doing the same as well.

Y/n: Guess that's good but what if they decide to attack all four nations at the same time?

Histoire: Let's hope that won't happen. We maybe strong but who knows what weapons that the Seven sagas hold to take us out.

Peashy: (smile) We can handle those bullies! Don't you worry we can beat them up for sure!

Nepgear: Say has anyone seen Pluita?

They look over to the couch qnd they see Pluita asleep which they were surprised that she slept during Dark-Striker's whole message.

Y/n: (thought) Guess the news isn't her thing.

IF: Guys!

Then IF came back but in a hurry as she rush over to them and tell them.

IF: You guys gonna come here quick! It's Uzume, she's badly hurt.

Nepgear: (shocked) Oh no!

Y/n: What happened?

IF: Don't know, she was out when she step into the building but come on and I'll show you.

(Short while later)

They arrive and they see Uzume badly hurt and unconscious as Conpa is patching her up while they watch her and Y/n grabbing her hand and hopes that she'll get better soon.

Compa: It seems that she was attacked a short while ago before Dark-Striker sent that TV message to all of us. It might even been Dark-Striker himself who beat her.

Y/n: Uzume....I'll make him pay for this.

Y/n other hand makes a fist while a dark orb surround it. Soon they left for Compa to patch Uzume up as Y/n looks pit of the window to see soldiers on the streets marching with tanks and other military vehicles as Y/n makes a fist and said.

Y/n: I have to face him.

IF: Are you crazy? You know he has a new rider and it's unknown how strong his new form might be.

Y/n: Then that means I have to get stronger. I can't let him hurt anyone else.

He turns to leave but Histoire appears in front of him and tells him.

Histoire: Look I know how dangerous he might be but going after him will be dangerous. It's best we get enough information about his plan and new form and then we can discuss it. You maybe powerful then Neptune and the rest but don't like this power get into yoru head okay.

Y/n: (sigh) Guess so Histoire. So guess we place around defences and wait for them to come to us or any other nation?

Histoire: I think that's a best choice. This is very important so no slacking off, especially you Neptune.

Neptune: Hey I never slack off! Well except one time....and that other time....and that other other and other time ago. Wait, what was the job again.

Histoire sighs and then we see everyone around Planetune doing their jobs and helping the soldiers setting up defences and tell the civilians which bunker or shelter are at so they will go there is case an attack comes.

We see Y/n helping a group of soldiers setting 8p road blocks and once they were done they thanked him while Y/n looks over to see Nepgear so he walks over to her and see that she is bothered by something so he ask.

Y/n: You okay Nepgear? You look a bit nervous.

Nepgear: It's just....I been in war before. We usually stop bad things from happening and that's it. But now, i don't know what can do this.

Y/n: True war might be scary but we must not let that stop us from protecting the people we care for. This is our city and no matter what we will keep it safe.

Nepgear: (smile) Yeah your right. But I'm sometimes worry I might make a mistake and it be my fault for it.

Y/n: (smile) Don't think that Nepgear. Your very helpful to all of us and no matter what we're always be with you no matter what.

Nepgear blushes but smiles and nod to him. He nods back while his radios beeps in and they hear Histoire.

Histoire: (radio) Is the roads block in your end?

He takes it out and respond.

Y/n: Yep. Roads blocked here, no way they can't get in.

Histoire: (radio) That's good. Let's return back and get ready for an incoming attack.

Y/n: Okay, we're on our way.

Once that the two walk off to regroup with the others and wait for Dark-Striker's forces to strike so they can push them back.


We see all of them at the balcony and looking at the veiw of Planetune and waiting for an attack to happen. They sat down and have their guards up and waiting for an attack happen.

Minutes turn to hours as we see then tired and Pluita is sleeping on Y/n's lap and snoring like a cat as Neptune sighs from boredom and said.

Neptune: I'm board, when is he gonna come?

IF: I agree. This is wait. Usually the villains strike first right?

Compa: Well they did blow up that town so maybe that their girls strike and they are what for us to strike next?

Histoire: And we can no report about unknown enemy vehicles coming to us. This is very strange, they must be plotting for something.

Y/n: Have you check on Vert, Noire and Blanc? How are they doing?

Histoire: They are okay and they also said they got nothing. Either Dark-Striker WAS bluffing or something else.

Neptune: (smile) Told you so.

Histoire: Still it's best we have turns night shifting since it's gonna be dark soon.

Y/n: I'll take the night shift. Will report anything once I see something.

Histoire nods and they all head inside while Y/n sat there alone as he watch as the sun sets down while they were inside doing something before they go asleep. Y/n is seen looking up to the stairs alone as he moves his hand and looks down at it and remember the first time he had Dark-Striker and the first thing he killed right in front of him.

He makes a fist and then shut his eyes to think of something besides that.

Awaken your fury.

Y/n reopen his eyes and turns around to see nothing which he shrugged and turn forward qnd then hears it again.

Show him no pain!

Y/n: Who's there?

He turns around this time standing up and looking around but seems nothing.

IF: You okay there?

Then he sees IF walking out onto the balcony and warmup to him as Y/n shake his head and respond.

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine.

IF: You look a bit tired. Want me to take over?

Y/n: You sure? I can stay a bit longer.

IF sighs and set Y/n down on the couch and ask him.

IF: Okay what's really going on with you? Your actioning a bit weird.

Y/n: (sigh) I'm sorry it's just that. I feel like there is something inside of me and telling me to unleash something.

IF: Unleash something? Like what?

Y/n: Don't know. I kinda felt this feeling ever since Jiggles was killed. Whatever this feeling is it feels....angry and wants me to unleash it.

IF: Well you can hold it right?

Y/n: I can hold it yes but I feel like it's getting stronger and stronger and it might get harder and harder to control it.

IF: Want me to tell Histoire about this?

Y/n: No, it's best we deal with this war first and then this, don't want her to be frustrating about this.

IF: (smile) I don't blame you. She really have her hands full here.

Y/n: We all are. The whole world will be soon be in darkness if we fail.

IF: Agree. Say Y/n? Are you afraid, you know about this war?

She gently grabs his lap gently which Y/n blush a little but place his hand over hers and tell her.

Y/n: I mean kinda. I mean I'm a teenager with god like powers and now we're going into war with a emo god.

IF: (chuckle) You mean Dark God right?

Y/n: (smirk) Hey he has horns, wears a black suit and all he is talking about his darkness. What else do you want me to call him, the guy who wears black suits and wants to talk to his darkness waifu.

IF laughs while Y/n also laughs before they stop qnd looks up to the stars as they shine above them.

IF: (smile) They are beautiful. Even if it's dark, the stars will light up our darkness.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess so.

IF and Y/n turn to look at each other and see their heads were close to their faces. Before Y/n could say anything UF lend in and kiss him on the lips. This caught Y/n by surprised but kiss her back as they kissed as IF made cute moan when Y/n push his tongue into her as they make out for a long while until they stop and pulled away to catch a breather.

They look at each other as IF smirked and tell Y/n.

IF: (smirk) If we ever made this out alive, we might do more then just kissing.

Y/n: (smile) Well let's hope for that IF. Well better headed to bed, you sure you can be here on your own.

IF: (smile) Sure thing. Goodnight Y/n qnd take care.

He nods to her and make his leave while IF can't help but thinks about how wonder Y/n's lips are and if they do get out of this alive, she wants to kiss him again but thus time harder.

(Next day)

It's morning time and Planetune is normal like always but Histoire have gotten news that three nations are under attack as we see them at the living room.

Neptune: So they finally strike.

Histoire: Yes but according to Blanc, Noire and Vert these attacks are lead by each members of the Seven sagas. Noire is under attack by Annonydeath and his forces, Blanc is under attack by Arfoire and Warechu along with his forces and lastly Vert is under attack by Copypaste and his forces.

Y/n: Copypaste?

Neptune: He is this large robot who is the strongest member on the Seven sagas.

Y/n: Guess they replace with Mister Badd with a another robot.

Nepgear: How come Dark-Striker isn't in neither of those nations?

Histoire: I have no clue but it's best we sort that later. We need to help them before it's too late.

Y/n: Right, I'll go to Leanbox and help Vert and Miya and then head to Lowee to help Blanc, Rom and Ram.

IF: I'll go with you as well.

Compa: Me too.

Pluita: Me three!

Neptune: (smile) Guess that leaves me, Nepgear and Peashy to head over to Lastation to help Noire and Uni.

Nepgear: Hope they will hold on as long as they can.

Peashy: (smirk) I've been waiting for this moment. Let's do this!

Peashy rush out qjd turn to Yellow Heart and takes flight to Lastation while Nepgear qnd Neptune gose after her qnd the too turn into their goddess forms and fly off to help Noire and Uni.

IF: Let's hope neither of us doesn't run into Dark-Striker in which ever nation he is in.

Histoire: I hope so as well IF. It's unknown when he will strike and unknown what his new form might be.

Y/n: Well take care Histoire and we be back before you know it.

Histoire: Same to you. Good like and be careful.

They nod and they rush out and they make their way to Leanbox fiest to help Vert and Miya and then head to Lowee to assist Blanc, Rom and Ram in their battle.

While this is happening we see a drone flying over head as we cut to Dark-Striker watching this on his screen as he watch Y/n and his friends heading off to help their three nation friends as he smirks while one of his soldier walks towards him and tell him.

Male soldier: Sir your plan is working successfully. Planetune is now defencesless without their god and goddess.

Dark-Striker: Good. Ready your men, we're strike at Planetune right now.

The soldier nods while Dark-Striker turns to leave but the soldier walks with him and dares to ask him.

Male soldier: I was wondering sir. You never tell us your plan of how are we gonna win this war? You just sent our four leaders to attack three nation and that's it.

Dark-Striker: Glad you ask. It's true all four goddess including others especially Y/n are strong but it's all thanks to their main power. Their share engery but more importantly, the share crystal. Our mission is to storm the building, find the share crystal and corrupt it with darkness. Once that the goddess will be weak while we will rule supreme and all will bow down to us and to darkness.

Male soldier: A-Are you sure it's a good idea sir? We still have no clue about this share crystal and what if there is a side effect once we turn it into darkness?

Dark-Striker: Are you questioning my plan?

Male soldier: (scared) N-N-No for course not!

Dark-Striker: Good, now get ready your men! It's time we strike and soon the day of goddess will end.

The soldier nods to him while he walks off while the soldier turns to leave as Dark-Striker walks through the halls and smirks to himself while his eyes was filled in darkness while he breaths like a beast as he chuckles in a demon type of way.

Dark-Striker: (smirk) Y/n you may try to get stronger to beat me but once your beaten, your friends are gone and darkness rain across the world. You will soon realise the've could have committed into the darkness and accepted it. (Evil demonic laughter)

To be continued................

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