Chapter 13: Rescue the Dogoos
It was another day at Planeptune and within Neptune's tower we see Neptune, Peashy, Plutia and Y/n in the living room just chilling. Peashy and Neptune were sitting onnthe floor playing a fighting game on the TV while Plutia is sleeping and resting her heard on Y/n's lap.
Y/n gently pets her while she slept while Nepgear is making tea for everyone while she over heard Peashy winning the match.
Peashy: (smile) Yay I won!
Neptune: Aw man, I was close to win there.
Y/n: (smile) Probably better luck next time.
Neptune: (smile) Guess so. Things have been quiet, we have no word about the Seven Stages for a while.
Peashy: (smile) Shidh sucks because I'm ready to beat those guys up.
Y/n: We don't know what they are planning. It's possible they are thinking of a plan to strike on this city and the other goddesses as well.
Nepgear: It's maybe possible they will strike but it's not like them to attack on the city.
She then came up with a tray with tea and Y/n, Peashy and Neptune take them while Y/n takes Plutia's ans set it kn table so she can have I once she is awake while Nepgear sat next to Y/n while he asked.
Y/n: What do you mean it's not their style to attack?
Nepgear: Usually they try to turn the public against us. Some members even capture us and try to kill us but we stop that from happening. A few who were rich or famous will try their best to convince the public to get rid of us and have someone else take over.
Y/n: That's gonna be a lot of responsibility if they do take over.
Nepgear: Agree but they will try anything they could to be the rulers of this world.
Neptune: (smirk) Yeah but I'll not worry about that, they might have won a fee times but in the end, we beat them and take back our place as goddesses again. It's a cliche super hero trope. Bad guy wins, hero trains ti be stronger ane in the end beats the bad guy and the world is saved.
Peashy: (smile) Yeah! Plus the public already seennthen as nasty villains so no way they can trust them of being rulers and replace Nep and the rest.
Y/n: (smile) Guess that's true. As long we are together, no way they can't stand a chance.
They all smiled including Y/n but in him he wasn't sure. The Seven stages have Dark-Striker with them and he is shown to be powerful even if he had his new form.
Y/n: (thought) Even that's true, I fear that Dark-Striker might get stronger as well and might wanna rematch with me. Now I realised, I have a lot of enemies who wants a rematch with me. Man they say they have a lot of enemies, my enemies are even more powerful then theirs. Still if I'm able gonna beat them and I have to do my best to get stronger. I'll stop by the guild today to see there is a job I might take.
We see Y/n at the guild and looking through the job request board looking for a job to take on. He looks through the jobs and he reads through them and they were either not good or doesn't involve him getting stronger.
Y/n: Man these jobs aren't that great at all.
IF: Yo Y/n!
Y/n looks over to see IF and Compa walking up to him and he turns to them once they walk up to him.
Y/n: (smile) Hey you two, what's happening with you both today?
IF: Nothing much. Try to find a stupid job but all of these jobs are stupid and not that great.
Y/n: Weird. Wonder what happened to the good jobs?
Compa: I think the other guild members are trying to get ranked up and trying to get to the top.
Y/n: The top?
IF: Yeah. Once a year all guild members go out and try to get the best jobs done. See that board over there?
She point to the board that show the scores, guild members names and ranks while Y/n nods to her.
Y/n: Yeah.
IF: That board counts up the scores of how many jobs other guild members go to and who ever gets the most points will rank up and head to the next floor above us.
Y/n: Next floor above us?
Compa: It's like the difficulty in video games. Down here is more on easy mode but if you rank up even more, the jobs will get difficulted and harder and soon you'll get to the job.
Y/n: What's on the tope floor?
IF: The most difficult job ever and no on what's completed it but I heard if you do complete it, you'll be a legend across the land and everyone will remember those who have completed it.
Y/n: (surprised) That's sounds pretty interesting. What rank I'm I in?
IF: Your rank 105.
Y/n: Seriously? What about your rank?
IF: (smirk) Rank 93!
Compa: (smile) Same here.
Y/n: (smile) Cool, anyways let's see what job we can take.
They turn the job board and they have a hard time looking for a job when a female voice says behind them.
???: It's been a while IF and Compa.
They turn to see a women with a cyber like eye with slight blue hair ans giving the three a friendly smirk.
IF: (smile) Oh hey Lid, been a while as well, how is things?
Lid: (smirk) Pretty good, thanks for asking. Who is the boy with you?
Compa: (smile) This is Y/n, he's pur friend and a male CPU.
Y/n: (smile) Hey.
Lid: (smirk) A male CPU huh? Never heard that before. But still, nice to meet you Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Same to you. So what brings you here?
Lid: Off to do a mission for the guild.
IF: (smile) Really, what is it?
Lid: A large pack of Dogoos appear at a nearby village and I'm heading there to take them out.
Y/n: Mind we join?
Compa and IF look at him with unsure within their eyes but Lid says.
Lid: (smile) Sure. Don't mind a little back up. Come on, we should head there and sort out this dogoos situation.
Y/n nods and Lid walks off and he was about to follow when IF stops him and asked.
IF: You sure your okay doing this job?
Y/n: Sure I'm sure, why do you ask?
Compa: Because we are worried that you might see them know.
Y/n realised what they ment and look down and thinks about it before he said.
Y/n: T-True I might have lost Jiggles couple weeks ago but the dogoos we are facing might be different..
IF: I don't know, you sure about this?
Y/n: (smile) It be fine. Come on, let's see what we can do with those dogoos.
IF: Okay.
They catch up with Lid outside of the guild and they head off to the village to deal with this dogoo situation.
(A while later)
We see the four walking through a trail within the forest which they were close to the village. They were suspected some wild life around or possibly some dogoos but there was no sound anywhere for miles which weirded them out a bit.
IF: Weird I don't hear anything.
Compa: Wonder where are the cute little animals are?
Lid: No idea but we should keep moving if we reach our coordinates.
Y/n: (smile) You sounded like your are soldier.
Lid: (smirk) Yeah it's kinda a habit I have.
Y/n: (smile) I think it suits you.
Lid: (smirk) Thanks Y/n.
Lid: (thought) I think I'm starting to like this kid. Maybe we can do mission like this together someday. Wanna see what skills he might have.
After a while they break through the forest and arrive at the village. They enter to town and spoke with the citizens about the dogoos and tehy told them what has happened.
For some reason the dogoos used to live in the forest ane stay away with their village until one day they left the forest and stand around the field and ruin their crops, bother some of the people and block roads that were difficult for people to go by without stomping them ane get attacked by accident.
Once they know the situation the village people point them to where the dogoos are and once there they see a large field filled with dogoos everywhere standing there and doing nothing.
Lid: It seems we must force them out so we can clear this field.
Compa: Wonder why they are out here instead living in the woods?
Lid: No clue but our objective is to take them out until they rush to the forest.
Y/n kinda stood there and was shaking a bit whidh IF noticed and asked.
IF: You alright Y/n?
Y/n: Y-Yeah I'm fine, let's do this.
He take out his assure rifle and IF nods while she pulls out her pistol. Compa took out a large syringe and Lid pulls out her knife and they charge towards the dogoos.
Lid was the first to take out a few while IF fire her pistol and shot them dead while Compa stick a syringe into one dogoo and smile while it exploded into digital crystals.
Y/n faces a pile of dogoos and he aim his rifle at them and said.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright Dogoos, sat hello to my little fri-
But they all turn to him and he froze a little while he still aim his rifle down at them. He picture of Jiggles was still stuck into his head including his death. He shakes it off and told himself that they are not Jiggles but he froze up whidh Lid noticed and calls out.
Lid: Y/n! You alright?
Y/n was frozen in place while more Dogoos tackle Lid and they swrom her ane soon Compa and IF get overwhelmed by the dogoos and they tackle them and lick them while Y/n just stood there frozen with a rifle in hand.
Lid: Y/n I need back up!
IF: Y/n snap out of it!
Compa: Please help us!
Y/n: I-I.....I-
Then suddenly someone slicses the dogoos and took them all out and helped Lid, IF and Compa get rid of the dogoos that were on him.
Green Heart: (smile) Hello there friends, nice to see you here.
They look up to see Green heart which was a rifle. Y/n lower his rifle ane breatg a sigh of relief while Miya walks up them and help them up.
Miya: You three alright?
IF: Yeah we're alright.
Compa: Same.
Lid turns to Y/n and walks over to him and place a hand onto his shoulder and asked.
Lid: You alright? You froze up a bit?
Y/n: Y-Yeah I'm sorry about that.
Lid: Is there something wrong?
IF: He used to have a dogoo pet named Jiggles.
Lid turns to them as they walk up to them and Lid asked.
Lid: A dogoo pet?
Compa: Yeah. He was the first friend when he came to this world. He cares to Jiggles like nothing more until Jiggles sacrifice his own life and saved Y/n but he lost his own life.
Lid: (surprised) Are you for real? I'm so sorry for not knowing that. I wish I have known.
Y/n: It's fine, I'm sorry I froze up.
IF: It's fine, we dealt with worse situations then this.
Compa: (smile) You could say it's our usual Monday morning.
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah I guess. Say Vert, why are you and Miya here?
Green Heart turns to Vert and explains.
Vert: We have gotten reports of illegal portching and animal capture all across the nation. Reports say bandits capture every animal and sold them to cruel people and they even inslave them to do their work.
Compa: (shocked) That's awful.
Miya: We trace their movement and we arrive here to investigate it until we saw you are in trouble and decided to help.
IF: Do you think the reason why the Dogoos are out here is because those bandits might be in the forest right now?
Vert: It's a high possibility but we should check.
Y/n: I'll go with you.
IF: Oh jo you don't. You froze up back there and I think you should stay back and mind the village.
Y/n: Those Dogoos might be in trouble ane I won't see them end up just like Jiggles. Besides, I think he wants me to free them, no matter the cost.
IF looks at him and see his point and sighs to herself.
IF: Fine but promise to never froze up again.
Y/n: (nervous chuckle) Yeah sorry about that again.
Compa: (smile) It's alright.
Lid smirks at Y/n and Lend over to Vert and Whisper to her.
Lid: (whisper) He's seems like a cute boy.
Vert: (whisper) Agree, maybe after this, we can go on a date.
Lid: (whisper) Not until I ask him out first.
Vert: (whisper) Is that challenge?
Lid: (whisper) Maybe.
Miya: Hey, I hate to break the talk but we should investigate the forest and see what we can find.
Vert: Ah, that's right. Come, let us investigate.
They all nod and they head into the forest so they can find the bandits and caught them red handed in the act.
(Short while later)
They slowly walk through the forest and try not to attract any bandits attention by making a noise while they sneak. Lid was taking point and she proof to them to be good at stealth.
Lid stops them ane heads off and after a while she came back and signals them to follow and they did and soon they peak out of the bushes and see bandits loading up animals I cages and judging by the animals including the dogoos within, they are not happy.
One animals dared to make a noise onky to be bashed on the cage by a bandit who tells the animal to shut it and walks off.
Vert: (whisper) It looks like this is it,
Compa: (whisper) Looks at those poor animals.
IF: (whisper) Who is in charge of all of this?
Y/n: (whisper) I think I know.
They look over to see Mark counting up the money that he sell with a smirk on his face while one or his bandit crew walks over to him and said.
Male bandit: Sir we should get packing soon before anyone might show up.
Mark: (smirk) Settle down man there is no rush. We just wait for a few more clients and we head off.
Male bandits: How long they will come?
Mark: (smirk) Not long my friend, not long at all.
Vert: (whisper) Isn't he that bandit leader you mentioned on Lowee?
Y/n: (whisper) Indeed and for some reason, he strongly hated goddesses for some reason.
Vert: (whisper) Well I think their criminal work is about to end.
They all leap out of the bushes whidh caught the bandits by surprised including Mark who accidentally drop his money as Vert said.
Vert: In the name of the goddesses across all nations, you are charge or illegal portching and animals cruelty. Surrender now or face hush punishment.
Mark: (smirk) I think it's you must surrender.
The bandits aim their guns at them and Surrounded them while Mark leap out of his chair and said.
Mark: (smirk) Green Heart of Leanbox, nice to finally meet you. You maybe hot but unlike every men, large brrast ain't my thing.
Vert: How dare you!
Miya: Why are you doing this?
Mark: (smirk) For the money of course. You know how much of these animals cost? A lot! Sold them to rich people and I'll get the money.
Compa: But these animals are sad and don't wnat to be sold.
Mark: I don't care, as long I have the money then I'm happy!
Y/n: Your one selfish bandit leader.
Mark: (smirk) And your stupid to even try to arrest us knowing how many of us we have now. So, are you all gonna stand down or we might do this the hard way?
They glare at Mark and Y/n looks at the locks and he smirks to himself and pulls out his pistol and aimed it at Mark and all the bandits aimed their guns at Y/n.
Mark: (smirk) And what are you gonan do? Shoot me?
Y/n: (smirk) Nope, this!
He quickly aim his pistol at the first lock and fire a single shot which break the lock but it ricochet and destroy some of the locks within the cages and the cage open and all the bandits were shocked by this including Mark.
Then the animals rush out and the bandit get distracted and try to get the animals back into their cage but they get overwhelmed and get tackled.
Mark grind his teeth in anger and pulls out his pistol to shoot at one but Lid throw her knife and the knife hits the pistol off of his hand and fell onto the ground. He turns to them and Y/n upper punched Mark that sent him mid flying and then lands hard onto the ground.
Y/n walks over to him ane stood over him as Mark glare at Y/n while Y/n said.
Y/n: It's over.
Mark: (anger) You'll gonna pay for that.
Y/n: (smirk) Let's see about that once you are in jai-
Suddenly a swing of a sword nearly hits Y/n but he leaps back just in time. Walking out of the shadows was Dark-Striker as he rest a blade of his sword onto his shoulder.
Y/n: Dark-Striker.
He then turns to Mark and said.
Dark-Striker: You are needed.
Mark: What?! I'm not going to a god like you! What makes you think I will-
Dark-Striker: Do it or I will force you to come.
Mark was struck in fear ane he complys and walk up to Dark-Striker while he turns to Y/n and the rest.
Dark-Striker: Never rest now. We will soon take over this world and spread fear and terror to thw world.
Then with a black smoke surrounding the two, they were gone. Y/n looks around and see they were gone while soke of the bandits run off.
Vert: (smile) It seems like the day is saved.
Miya: Well at least the animals are alright.
Y/n: Agree. Let's free the rest and get out of here.
They nod and they free the rest of the animals that were still in cages and after a while they were free ane they were glad to be free. They smiled to see them happy while Y/n looks over to see the dogoos happy which he smiles more knowing he may not saved Jiggles, at least he saved the Dogoos from Mark and his bandits.
(Short while later)
They return back to the village and they were thanked by the village people and Y/n, Compa, IF and Lid got their reward and soon we see them outside of the village as Vert and Miya will make their way back to Leanbox.
Vert: (smile) It seems like our job has come to the end.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah thanks for the help you two.
Miya: (blush) I-Its not problem Y/n.
Vert: (smile) Indeed. Maybe we can hang out when ever I'm free, how dose that sound?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah sounds pretty nice.
Vert: (smile) Well it's time for us to leave, take care Y/n.
She then hugs him which his face was on her breast whidh cost Y/n to blush while IF, Miya and Compa were abit jealous but Lid smirks by this and thinks she'll do more then just a hug from Y/n someday.
After they Miya and Vert left to head back to Leanbox while Y/n, Compa, IF and Lid head back to Planeptune to get some rest.
Lid: (smirk) Gonna say Y/n, that trick shot to destroy the locks of those cages was pretty good.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks, guess I learned that from a few people who's good at aiming with a gun.
Lid: (smirk) Indeed. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two if you like?
Y/n: (smile) Sure, sounds like fun.
Lid smirks and can't wait to teach Y/n more things to him and get to know him more as they make their way back to Planeptune to rest up while we cut to Mark and Dark-Striker as Dark-Striker is in the lead and taking Mark to somewhere which Mark asked.
Mark: Where are you taking me?
Dark-Striker: To the Seven Stages main base.
Mark: And why bring me there?
Dark-Striker: Because I know you were a victim of a goddesses rule of Tari and lost everything because of her.
Mark was shocked by this and stop dead I his tracks and asked.
Mark: How did you know?
Dark-Striker also stop and turn to him and said.
Dark-Striker: Because I not only sense your anger towards that goddesses....but fear her as well.
Mark looks down not saying anything before Dark-Striker turn back to his front and walks off not before saying.
Dark-Striker: Let's go. We don't want to be late.
Mark just wants to walk away and find his bandit crew but he might wann hear what they have to say so he follows Dark-Striker to their base so he can hear what they have to say and what their plans are to take down the goddesses and Y/n once and for all.
To be continued...........
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