Chapter 12: A midnight party (Lemon)

Purple heart and along with everyone else were in the to see Red Heart in his new form while he is hoving in mid air and staring down at Darkness Heart who is even more shocked then the rest.

Arfoire: (shocked) You gonna be kidding me? He can change into forms?!

Warechu: (shocked) B-But how? I thought CPU's have only one form?! How in the world did he get a new one?!

Purple Heart: (shocked) I can't believe this.

Purple sister: (shocked) If he can change into forms then how many forms dose he have and are they twice as stronger then his previous form?

There was silence with everyone in shock until Darkness Heart chuckles to himself and says.

Darkness Heart: You were lucky to survive the blast from out cannon and manage to destroy it, but there is no way you can't beat me.

Red Heart: Let's see about it.

Darkness Heart frowned and swing his sword and slams it onto the ground and get into a battle stand. Red Heart stood there and wait for him to make his first move.

After a while Darkness Heart sprint at Red Heart and once close he swing his sword at him. Just as the blade was about to hit Red Heart in his head, he suddenly disappear which shocked everyone and then he reappear beside Darkness Heart and kicks him in the face.

Darkness Heart was sent flying and crash into a fee tress before he crashed into a mountain and fell onto his knees.

He looks up and see Red Heart is gone again. He looks around for him and suddenly gets punched by something and turns but there was nothing.

And then another punch, another punch, another punch and many punches hits Darkness Heart everywhere and one kick sent Darkness Heart back and he skidded onto the grass.

He looks up and Red Heart reappear in front of him which was impossible unless.

Darkness Heart: (thought) I don't know how but I think his form allow him to turn invisible so I won't see him.

Then he was right when Red Heart disappeared once again and lands a kick at Darkness Heart in the right side of his face and sent him flying. Red Heart appears this time hoving over the tress and summons his engery bow ans aims it at Darkness Heart.

Darkness Heart lands hard onto the ground and then Red Heart fires a single arrow that suddenly turn into multiple arrows and came down at Darkness Heart and land hits at Darkness Heart many times.

Darkness Heart scream out in pain and quickly dodges the more in coming arrows before he turn and quickly blocks Red Heat with his twin blades and they start to clash blades at each other.

Their blades slice off a few tress off while they clash blades. Darkness Heart realised that his speed has been increased and its getting harder for him to block his strikes until Red Heart knocks his blade out of the way and land fast slashes at Darkness Heart as he yells out in pain.

Darkness Heart step back and Red Heart rush over to finish this when a bolt of lightning zaps Red Heart ans see him flying back.

Arfoire and Warechu runs up to Darkness Heart and stood in front of him just as Red Heart fully stand up and looks at them.

Arfoire: We should retire while we can.

Darkness Heart: No. I can handle him.

Warechu: Have you forgotten his friends, not to mention their army that may come soon.

Darkness Heart growls at Warechu which scared him but Arfoire says.

Arfoire: Your maybe strong but this boy is even more stronger as we may thought. He's not like other CPU's so I suggest we fall back and think of another plan to deal with him along with his friends.

Darkness Heart sees her point. He wanna kill Red Heart for good but he is badly wounded ans his army do need to fall back and think of another plan.

He stood up and walk between Arfoire and Warechu and said to Red Heart.

Darkness Heart: You won this round but we will return and this time, we'll be ready.

Then Arfoire slams her staff onto the ground and a puff of purple smoke appear and once it was clear, they were gone.

Red Heart was breathing heavily ans change back into his human form and bteath in a sigh.

RED: Y/n!

Then RED tackles Y/n onto the ground with a surprise cry from Y/n while they fell. Everyone else runs over as they see RED cuddling and hugging Y/n while she said.

RED: (smile) I'm so glad you weren't killed, I might have lost my sweet, sweet husband by those freaks.

Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah sorry about that guys. I didn't mean to scare yous like that.

White sister (rom): (smile) That's alright, just as long your ok.

White sister (ram): (smile) Yeah and that was an awesome new form you've pulled out.

Green Heart: I agree. How do you do that?

Y/n: To be honest, I have no idea. I just block that blast and next thing I know, I change into a new form. Why can yous not do that?

Black Heart: We only have one form which is our base form but yours must be far more different then ours as we thought.

Black sister turn ans see Seven Stages soldiers falling back and she calls out.

Black Sister: Look there getting away!

Purple Heart: Let them be. We only here to free the village from them. No need to go after them.

Purple Heart walks over to Y/n and land out a hand to him while giving him a warm smile.

Y/n smiles back and take her hand and she helps him up. Soon the village people thanked the CPU's including Y/n for taking back third village from the seven stages and they peacefully return back to their village and back to normal lives.


Badd and Anonydeath enter the hanger just to see their own soldiers beaten and injured by the CPU'S. The robots were particularly broken but they can easily get repaired.

They look over to see Dark-Striker, Arfoire ams Warechu walking in so they walk over to them and Badd asked.

Badd: What the heck just happened?

Arfoire: We were beaten, that's what happened.

Warechu: Yeah and that dude CPU may have more forms then we believe in.

Anonydeath: You mean Red Heart has a new form? That is something we've never seen before. 

Arfoire: What we can tell it allows him to increase his speed and let's him turn invisible.

Badd: (shocked) Turns himself invisible?! This is not good.

He turn to Dark-Striker and said to him.

Badd: (anger) You were suppose to be the most strongest CPU around, But you were beaten by one single Boy?!


Badd: (anger) Well say something or are you so scared to-

Then Dark-Striker grabs Badd by the neck and lift him up into the air while the rest step back in surprise ans feared that they will be next.

Anonydeath: (surprised) Oh my.

Dark-Striker: He may have gotten stronger but I will also get stronger and show him the true power of fear! If you ever say that I am scared, I will end not just your nightmares but you life!

Badd nods in a panic and Dark-Striker drops him and he catches his breath while Dark-Striker walks off.

They watch him walk off in a fit of anger. Dark-Striker walk through the halls alone until he slow down and then stop and makes a fist that dark orbs appear around his fist and then he said to himself.

Dark-Striker: (anger) Soon Y/n your time will end and all of your pathetic friends will fear into my darkness and soon I'll be a god of this world with fear on my side.

Then he walks off through the halls to train and be stronger enough to defeat Y/n and his friends once and for all.


At Planetune we see Y/n at the medical room with Compa and Histoire as they check his share engery through the monitor and they were surprised on what they are seeing.

Y/n: So what's happening?

Histoire: (surprised) Your share engery is rising up and shown to be more stronger and anything I've ever seen.

Compa: (surprised) That may explain why you suddenly have a new form. Due to how much share engery you have been building up, you've starting to get new forms unlike Nep and the rest.

Y/n: So not only I'm the first ever male person to be a CPU but I have way more forms then the rest?

Histoire: Exactly. But it seems you have now have two forms and probably more will come the stronger you get.

Y/n: Right so nothing dangerous or no side effects to this new form?

Histoire: Nope it appears not. Still I perhaps take it easy with yoru CPU form just in case. We have no idea what other forms you have will do.

Y/n: Copy that.

Y/n leaps out if the hospital bed and out of the room and soon enter the living room where Neptune, Nepgear, IF, Peashy and Pluita were there as Neptune was playing a video game.

Nepgear: (smile) Oh hey Y/n, what did Histoire and Compa say about your new forms?

Y/n: Well they say there is no worries about it and told me to use my CPU form last just in case.

If: It's probably best since you have been using up a lot whole fighting Dark-Striker and the seven stages new soldiers.

Pluita: I'm surprised they have an army now. I thought there were smaller then ours?

Nepgear: They must have gotten help with Dark-Striker since he is now a member to them.

Y/n: Yeah which means we may have a problem now he is in their team.

Nepgear: Yeah but I'm sure we can handle it.

Y/n nods with with smile and then Histoire and Conpa came over and Histoire said to Neptune.

Histoire: Neptune I told you to get ready as soon as you come back.

Neptune: Awww do I have to? I'm almost done with the final round.

Y/n: What's wrong Histoire?

Histoire: Well today is gonna be a fancy midnight party and all four nations are gonna to attend there.

Y/n: (surprised) Whoa that must be cool. Are we invited to the party?

Histoire: Well of course, so it's best you might get a suit on and get ready before the night comes.

Y/n: Ooooohhh right I...may have not have one.

Histoire: And why is that?

Y/n: You can't blame me, I came to this world without any equipment or clothes to use.

Histoire: (sigh) I guess I can't blame you there.

Neptune: (smirk) Yeah and besides, his bio profile didn't say or show a fancy suits that he might us for this situation.

Nepgear: (smile) It's alright Y/n I can be gladly go with you to pick our a suit for you?

Y/n: You sure, I don't want to bother you or anything.

Nepgear: (smile) Nonsense I'm be gladly to help you pick our a suit and besides, I need one as well so guess we both need to go out clothes shopping a guess.

Y/n: (smile) Alright let's go.

Nepgear smiled and the two head off to get some clothes for tonight's party while the rest get ready their suits for tonight's party.


We see Y/n and Nepgear at mall and we see Y/n sat down while Nepgear was in the changing room to try out a few fancy dress to wear.

Soon she came out and she wear a nice clean and beautiful pink dress as she dose a spine ans faces Y/n with a cute smile ane asked.

Nepgear: (smile) Well what do you think?

Y/n: (little blush) Whoa you look beautiful Nepgear.

Nepgear: (little blush) Thanks I get that a lot to some people. Besides, I think this suits me.

Y/n: (smile) Agree. Guess it's my turn then.

Nepgear: (smile) Yep.

Y/n enter the changing room and close the certain and get change into his suit. After a while he came out while he wears a fence Black suit with a red rose on his breast pocket and asked.

Y/n: (smirk) I think I look awesome with this suit. What do you think?

Nepgear was blushing very deep with steam coming out of her ears ans seeing how hot Y/n is with the suit.

Y/n: Nepgear? You alright?

Nepgear: (blush) O-Oh my apologies Y/n, yeah I think you look amazing in that suit.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Seems that we got our suits ready.

Nepgear: Yeah and we only have a few hours before the party would begin.

Y/n: Agree. So what should we do now?

Nepgear: (smile) How about we have fun for a while around the mall. It's been a while since you and I have some fun together.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess that's true. Ok, let's do that. Let's change back inot out normal clothes and we get going.

Nepgear smiled and they get change into their normal clothes and pay for the dress ans suit.

After that they explore around the mall and enter a few stores buying or looking around as they laugh and smiled.

Y/n surprised Nepgear by buying her an ice cream which she smiled and thanked Y/n before tasting the Ice cream with her tongue which tasted delicious.

Y/n smiles and lick his own Ice cream that he brought and after that they discovered a dance game outside of the arcade which Y/n showed Nepgear how to since she never play this game before.

Y/n inserted a coin into the slot and the game start with Y/n match the arrows ans soon he start to dance. Nepgear was far behind since she try to match the arrows on time but misses most of the time.

Y/n see how trouble she's having and reach out his hand to afford her some help. She blushes and accepted by grabing his hand and they dance together and Nepgear gets the hang out of this game as they go faster and faster.

Soon everyone in the mall see this and walk over and cheered them on and soon they step on the last arrow and sirens go off through the machine with thw words "New record" on it and the crowd cheered for them and congratulation them.

Nepgear bows down and thanked them all while Y/n smiles at her and Nepgear smiles as well ans never have this fun for a while.

(Short while later)

We see them at the park sat down on the bench and watching the sun setting down for tonight. Nepgear watch this while Y/n came back and hand her a water bottle and said.

Y/n: Here you maybe thirsty after so much fun we have.

Nepgear: (smile) Oh thank you you much.

She takes the water bottle and take a sip  of it. Y/n smiles and sat down next to her and take a sip off of his own water battle and Nepgear says to Y/n.

Nepgear: (smile) Thank you so much. I never have this much fun for a while.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Nepgear, glad you're happy to have some fun.

Nepgear: (smile) Yeah.

Y/n: Hey Nepgear, I've been wondering about something.

Nepgear: What is it?

Y/n: Who were you and Neptune's parents yous have parents when you were young?

Nepgear: Actually we don't have parents.

Y/n: Then how did you and Neptune along with the rest were born?

Nepgear: From the Share crystal. You see, when ever a goddess is fallen, killed or retired. The share crystal summons a new Goddess to take it's place. Sometimes the crystal summons a sister like me to be in their side and help them grow.

Y/n: What happens if the older sister is gone?

Nepgear: If that would happen then the sister will take her place as a new goddess until a new sister will be summon to assist them.

Y/n: So if Neptune is gone you take her place as a new goddess? Like you'll be new Purple sister?

Nepgear: That's right but don't worry. I don't believe we have either one goddess in either of the four nations have died or retire.

Y/n: Well at least that's good to hear.

Nepgear: (smile) Yep.

Y/n: Wait, so you saying new Goddess or CPU's are summonsed to take it's place to rule a nation right?

Nepgear: That's right?

Y/n: If that's true then dose that mean I have a nation somewhere that I need rule or what is my purpose here?

Nepgear: The Share crystal is mysterious but some CPU'S don't have a nation to rule like Unzume and Pluita.

Y/n: Guess that's true.

Nepgear smiled and so dose Y/n and soon Nepgear leaps out of the bench and said.

Nepgear: Guess we should head back so we can get ready for tonight's party.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I can tell this is gonna be great.

Nepgear: (smile) Same, let's hurry before we are late.

Y/n nods and they hurry back to Neptune's place to get change and head to the party.


It was night time and the party was being held at the roof of a fancy hotel that has a five star rating and being viewed as a best Hotel within Planetune.

We then cut to Y/n exiting out of the roof wearing his suit that he bought in the ship with Nepgear and see a few famous people there ane having a great time drinking, chatting and having a great time.

Y/n: (thought) I've seen many movies about a spy going into these fancy party's and always wonder what it feels like to be in it. Now it feels amazing but at the same time a bit nervous.

Purple Heart: Hello Y/n.

Black Heart: Hey Y/n, glad you made it.

Y/n turn and see Purple Heart and Balvk Heart walk over wearing their fancy dress which looks beautiful and pretty.

Y/n: (surprised) Wh-Whoa yous look pretty nice.

Purple Heart: (smile) Thank you Y/n, you look nice yourself.

Y/n: (little blush) Th-Thanks glad you like it.

Black Heart: You seem a bit nervous about this. Is this your first time being in a fancy party before?

Y/n: Yeah and I don't know if I fit well here.

Purple Heart: (smile) Don't be nervous, it's just a normal party and I bet people we interesting to meet a male CPU within this nation.

Y/n: Yeah judging how many people were talking about it during that village attack by the seven stages.

Purple Heart: (smile) Exactly and I think this is the great time you show them who you are.

Black Heart: We have everything set up for you but for now enjoy the rest of the party.

Y/n: (smile) I will.

The two walk off and Y/n also walks off in a different way and stumbled upon a balcony with a nice view of the city.

He turn and notice White Heart ans calls out to her.

Y/n: Hey White Heart!

She turn ane Y/n see she was wearing a really nice white dress as she turns around and see him.

White Heart: (blushing) O-Oh H-Hey there Y/n. What brings you here?

Y/n: Just came here to look at the view when I see you there. How come Rom ans Ram not here?

White Heart: They rather stay at Lowee since they were tired and need a break.

Y/n: Guess that's true. Hey, I like your dress, looks beautiful.

White Heart: (blush) Y-Your just saying that just so to mock my chest.

Y/n: No of course not. I don't care about that or anything at all. I just like it and it's pretty cute on you.

White Heart blushes even more when Y/n said that and was about to say thanks when a familiar voise spoke behind Y/n.

Green Heart: Hello Y/n~.

Then Y/n was pulled back and his head landed on Green Heart breast as Green Heart hugs him while she also wears a nice dress as she hugs him with a warm smile.

Green Heart: (smirk) Good to see you here my handsome Y/n. Tell me, what do you think of my dress. Pretty good isn't it?

Y/n: (blush) Wow Green Heart, I didn't know you were behind me there.

Green Heart: (giggle) Yes you must have not suspected for me to be here but I forgive you since your very cute and handsome wearing that suit.

Y/n blushes more while Green Heart hugs him more while White Heart gets all jealous and said to Green Heart.

White Heart: (anger) Hey he was talking to me and I think you have hugging him quite enough now!

Green Heart: (giggle) I just can't help it. He is such a cute boy and very handsome as well and his suit makes him even more handsome and cute. Besides, I think he'll rather being hugged by someone who isn't..........

She looks at White Heart's chest and they were flat and doesn't say anything which pissed White Heart off and asked.

White Heart: (anger) Hey say something you jerk! You were about to say about my chest right, is that it?!

Green Heart: (smirk) I have no idea what you are talking about. You must be imagining things.

White Heart: (anger) If your challenge me for a fight then your on!

Lighting bolts shot out of their heads and collected together as they glare at each other for a while before Miya came into the balcony and see this and got in between them.

Miya: You two need to stop fighting and get along! We're at a party not a boxing ring so let's try behave while being here alright?!

The two glare before they stop and Green Heart let's go of Y/n and walks off not before turning to him and saying.

Green Heart: (smirk) See you around Y/n.

She winks at him before she walks off followed by Miya. White Heart was still mad but Y/n give her a warm smile which made her blush a little and calms down a little.

They enter back to the party and see Compa and IF talking to Nepgear and Uni as they chat about something before a tap of a wine glass is heard.

Everyone look up to see Purple Heart, Black Heart, Green Heart and White Heart standing on the stair case as they look down at everyone and Purple Heart starts off by saying.

Purple Heart: (smile) Ladies and gentleman, I welcome yous all to our tonight's party and this one is special because we have a guest that we be gladly to introduce. The rumours about a male CPU is true and there maybe more out there as we may speak. But now, allow us to introduce to our new CPU within this world. Y/n come on up.

Everyone clapped ans Y/n head up the steps ans turn to everyone as they Clap including Nepgear, IF, Compa and Uni. After they stop clapping Y/n says to everyone.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you for allow me to be in this party and meeting all of yous here. Ans yes, the rumours are true. I am a male CPU also known as Red Heart and I swear I will protect not just this nation but the world from any threats that wish to destroy this peaceful world. No one will not die or suffer no more, because I'll be there to help, no matter what.

Everyone clap more ams after that they go back to their party as Y/n walks over to nepgear and rest as Nepgear said.

Nepgear: (smile) That was amazing speech Y/n.

Uni: (smile) Yeah and now the whole world will know you know.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah and I'll be there to protect them.

Yellow Heart: (smile) Yep ans we show those meanie bad guys who is boss.

He turn and see Yellow Heart and Iris Heart walk over to him also wearing their fancy dress.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow yous look great.

Iris Heart: (smirk) Well thank you Y/n. I always know you'll be my good boy forever and ever.

Y/n: (blush) Umm th-thanks Iris Heart.

Iris Heart: (giggle) No problem cuite~.

Nepgear: (surprised) Is it me or is Iris Heart a bit flirty around Y/n?

If: (anger) Yeah I don't like that.

Compa: (surprised) Actually we never seen Pluita act like this in her CPU form.

Uni: (little scared) To be honest I'm kinda scared by this sudden change of attitude when she's towards Y/n.

Iris Heart lick her lips that makes Y/n blush even more while they enjoy the rest of the party.


It was midnight and people were starting to leave one by one. Nepgear and the rest have already left so it was just Y/n as we see him walking through the crowd of people to get home.

The crowd was kinda tight but not tight enough to lose his breath or pass out. He see the exit and was about to walk there when a door open beside him and hand grab his arm and pulled him to the room.

The door shut behind him and Y/n can only see darkness ane asked.

Y/n: Hey who's there? Why did you pull me to this room?

???: Don't worry Y/n.

??? 2: We're just ask how was the party?

Y/n: Um good but who is it?

???: (giggle) What about we show you.

Then a light turn on and Y/n was nearly blinded by the light. He open his eyes and his face blushed bright red when he sees both Purple Heart and Black Heart wearing a sexxy bunny outfit with bunny ears on their heads as they stair down at Y/n with a sexxy glare.

Y/n was speeches and have no clue what's going on while he blushes very deep while the two giggled and Purple Heart step forward and asked.

Purple Heart: (smirk) So....what do you think? Pretty cute are we?

Y/n: (blush) I-I-I......I.....I.

Purple Heart giggles and puts her finger onto Y/n mouth and says.

Purple Heart: (smirk) Your really are a cute boy and we have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Black Heart: (smirk) We have a small argument on who will have you first and we decided to share you and we agree on it.

Purple Heart: (smirk) We booked this room so no worries about anyone coming here and caught us.

Y/n: (blush) B-B-But what do you mean by share or what the heck are yous talking about?

Purple Heart smirks and suddenly lend in and kiss Y/n on the lips which made Y/n blush even more as Purple Heart kisses him on the lips before she stop and whisper to his ears in a sexxy voice

Purple Heart: (whisper) We wanna make love to you Y/n and we wanna be the first to do it.

Y/n blushes even more ans his heart was racing because of it. Before he could say anything Black Heart walks over and kisses him.on the lips as well.

Her's was longer then Purple Heart's and she made a fee moans which sounded cute to Y/n before she stop and said.

Black Heart: (smirk) So.....wanna make love to us?

Y/n was blushing very deep and doesn't know what to say. Either his teenage hormones are kicking in or something because he feels turned on by how they are wearing and said.

Y/n: (blush) Y-Yes?

The two smirk and grab Y/n and throw him into the bed ans crawled through the bed until they were on top of him and look down at him with a sexxy glare and they said.

Purple and Black Heart: Get ready Y/n, because this party is about to start.

(Lemon start)

Before Y/n would respond, they lend in and starting to kiss Y/n on his face while making some cute but mostly sexxy moans as they kiss Y/n around his face.

Y/n gets really turned in and suddenly grabs them by their butt's which made them moan in surprise but they like that.

Y/n decided to kiss Purple Heart first and the two make out on the bed while Y/n grabs Black Heart's breast and plays with them with his one arm while Black Heart lead off a few moans and so dose Purple Heart.

Then they swap and Y/n kisses Black Heart while he grabs Purple Heart's breast and she lead out a few moans.

After while of making out they turn over and Y/n buried his face onto Purple Hearte breast ans plays with them while Purple Heart blushes deep and lead our a few moans.

To Y/n's surprised Black Heart lend our to Purple Heart and she kissed her on the lips and the two lead out a few moans as they make out. He never seen two girls making out which turn him on very well and join in on the fun as all three make out on the bed as their tongues fly around as they make out.

Then the two girls took off their bra and let Y/n see their breast without a bra as they stood up on their knees. Y/n grabs them and start to squeeze them both while they share a few moans.

Purple Heart: (moans) Whoa your amazing with this.

Black Heart: (moans) Ahhh~Yeah your amazing.

Then Y/n pinned them down onto the bed and start to suck Purple Heart's nipple while he squeeze the tip of Black Heart's nipple and they moan in pleasure as their breast gets bigger and bigger.

Purple Heart: (moans) My goodness Y/n~!

Black Heart: (moans) Don't stop! Don't stop!

After a while of sucking their breast for a while their breast spit out milk and landed on Y/n's face while Purple and Black Heart lead out a cry of pleasure.

They slowly let go of the bed while they were panting after that and Y/n lick some of the milk off his face and said.

Y/n: This is delicious.

Purple Heart: (panting) Y-Yes but now let's see how good you are.

Y/n understood what they mean and they turn over and Y/n throws away his treasures while they pull down his pants to see his dick which was huge.

Purple Heart: (smirk) My, My, you have a quiet huge sausage I must say.

Black Heart: (smirk) Mind we take a lick.

Y/n: Go wild, I'm ready.

They replay and the start to lick his dick which made him blush even more and moan a little. He never have a girl livk his dick before especially two girls so this was his first.

Then Purple Heart stick her whole mouth into his dick and giving him a blow job which made Y/n grab on the bed very tightly as she dose her job.

Black Heart: (smirk) Ooohhh Purple Heart you greedy girl.

He never hear Black Heart say that to Purple Heart like that before so this was his first. He lead out a moan as his dick gets bigger and bigger.

Y/n: (moan) Oh god here it comes! Here it comes!

Then his dick exploded with milk that landed on Purple Heart and Black Heart while Y/n start pamting and it was amazing as sweat was drooling down his skin.

Purple Heart and Black Heart lick the rest of the milk away. Then they strip down their bunny suit and they were completely naked and Y/n join in and he was naked as well.

Purple Heart: (smirk) Now let's end this party with a bang.

They nod and Y/n lend down between Purple Heart legs ans start to lick her vagina while Purple Heart moans before she was shutted by Black Heart's lips and the two make out while Y/n was now giving Purple Heart a blow job and dose I faster.

Then Purple Heart and Y/n were on top fo Black Heart and they lend down and start to suck her breast shich lead out a few moans as she grabs hold on the bed as they do it before Black Heart's brrsst exploded with milk inou their faces abs she passed out on the bed and change back to Noire ans she was still naked as she fell asleep.

Purple Heart: (smirk) Looks like she's out of the count.

Y/n: (panting) Yeah but we're still up.

Purple Heart: (smirk) Let's take this to the next level.

She rap her arms around Y/n's and pulled her into the bed and they press their lips together ans make out this time more faster and they lead out a few moans while Noire was still asleep.

They rolled around on the bed and Y/n stick his dick into Purple Heart which lead out a moan in surprise but allows him to do it.

He start to thrust it in which made her moan and kisses Y/n even more before she whisper to him in a sexxy voise.

Purple Heart: (whisper) Do it faster ans harder.

Y/n nods and they it in and out faster and harder which lead off a few moans from Purple Heart and made the bed move side to side as they done faster ans harder.

Purple Heart: (moans) Oh my this is very amazing ane hot! Is this your first time?

Y/n: (moans) N-No!

Purple Heart: (smirk) Then don't stop. Your getting go-Aaaaaahhhh~!

Y/n also lead out a moan and lift her legs up into the air and set it on his chest as he dose it faster ans faster until the two lead out a loud moan and cut enter to Purple Heart's and they were done.

Purple Heart turn into Neptune who is also naked ans passed out as well while Y/n stick out his dick out of Neptune and was breathing heavily while he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Holy that was awesome.

(Lemon ends)

We see Neptune, Noire and Y/n in bed naked with a blanket over them as Neptune and Noire were fallen asleep and cuddles Y/n while Y/n was taking a breathing after that amazing three-way with two goddess.

Y/n looks at the two and smiled before he kiss them on the forheads before he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) No matter what happens, I'll keep yous and everyone safe from Dark-Striker and the seven Stages including other threats. I promise you'd that.

Soon his eyes start to get heavy of tired and then he too fell asleep as all three have a nice night at the fancy hotel where they are staying in for the night.

To be continued...........

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