(Y/n)'s journal entries - Part 3

(Y/n)'s Journal on his thoughts.

Sunday, September 18, 20XX

I couldn't believe it. I had returned to my home world. The world I was ripped away from three months back. My home where I was back in my house with my mother, my father and my dearest sister Abby... Is was happy and joyful about being able to see them again, but at the same time, I had to get into a big fight with my mother after I woke up. Though I'm getting ahead of myself here... I'm writing in a new journal to continue documenting my thoughts. I had left my other journal back in Hyper dimension for the sake of leaving a message after my death should I have fallen in battle at the underwater base of Dionix. Though... What I can't even believe that my enemy is someone who LOOKS just like me, and was still responsible for the death of the Shinzuyaku Clan. Apparently his energy had been transferred to me during my time as a baby through the crystal in some way. Though, the way how it could have been done, makes me wonder how it could have happened. When my team had went to go rescue the CPUs though, they were turned into our enemies by the damn Chaos mist... Chaos CPUs was the new transformation they took from being corrupted...

It took everything I had to try and muster any sense that I need to hurt them in order to help them. What led to having to face them one on one each separately, led to me having to face them by myself. During the time I was recovering after the rest of my team caught up, being that a team of four people faced each Mirasashiro and Kinja, they arrived just in the nick of time and saved my life from Dionix. I used the time being protected by my allies to think back on what had happened then during my time in Hyper dimension. By doing so, gave me the solution to save the CPUs. The crystal I wore belonged to the Shinzuyaku Clan where they were loyal people to the CPUs, though they were most notable for their control over Share Energy itself. I had one chance to help turn the CPUs back to normal with what I had planned, though it also meant that I put myself at risk by doing a 4v1 in battle. I had used an experimental generator made by me and Histoire for just the purpose I needed, to restore my crystal with energy. Though, my gamble was a success even with the odds against me. I had healed the CPUs by creating a field of energy that would slowly pump into them the longer they stayed in it. After the battle, I was left tired as hell from doing it all by myself...

What led to the defeat of Dionix's plans and a last ditched effort to destroy the base with all of us in it, Dionix had a way to escape quickly. A certain lilac haired girl that looked like the Neptune I loved, generated a portal for me and the CPUs to cross through. We didn't even get the chance until my crystal reacted and took control of the portal on its own! It shifted it over to where I was with the CPUs as we fell through it, crossing over to my home dimension! Catching back up to where I am when I first started this, I did have a fight with my mom, but it was for a good reason. It was to prove the existence that other dimensions existed and that I had powers. With showing my parents that I did have powers, my mother fainted at the discovery while my dad vouched that they believed us. With no way back to Hyper dimension and knowledge of how to get back quickly, the five of us were stuck here until our friends could locate us. In the mean time, the CPUs will be living in my home after all the help they did for me in my time of need.

Even had a talk with Noire about the incident when I got a scar before the fight with the Chaos CPUs happened... She blames herself for the scars that are on my right cheek. But it wasn't her fault in the first place, it was Dionix and Kinja using the Chaos mist on her and the CPUs. I could never blame someone I love for the actions and choices that were out of her control. The Chaos mist turns anything or anyone for the fact into beings with destruction and Chaos on their minds. The Noire I know would never want to hurt me or anyone close to her. I had told her that the scar serves as a reminder of how I achieved my victory in living and surviving the struggle against the four of them. I look on the bright side for not just my own sake, but for Noire as well for what happened recently. We shared a moment between us which helped Noire calm down from talking about it.

While it's nice to have the CPUs living in my home, I forgot one thing about Neptune... She tends to blurt out anything she wants to say!! Because of it, I got smacked by a frying pan to the back of my head by my mom! What Neptune revealed was the shocking reveal that I had three girlfriends... Good grief... If monsters or a disease doesn't kill me first, it'll be Neptune spilling out secrets where my mother hits me with household items!! If that isn't the worse news yet, the girls couldn't stay in the house all the time staying here with us... So what does my parents suggest you may ask...? Go to fricken school with me!! MY SCHOOL?! Oh boy... Talk about a horrible nightmare that I know isn't a dream...

Monday, September 19, 20XX

Many things happened today that I am not very fond of having to deal with... First the walk-in incident with Noire... Being reacquainted with my best friends (F/n) and Emma... and having someone that I didn't want seeing the CPUs, ever... It all started where I woke up and went to the bathroom like usual. Today though... was a mistake entirely... I had walked in on Noire taking a bubble bath and boy was she so red with embarrassment. She threw objects and stuff at me until I left the bathroom. Thank any gods that she forgave me for that mistake at least... Had a nice chat with Vert and Blanc, but I had something to come clean about... Though it was only to Blanc since Vert had left to go get a shower... By that, I told Blanc about my mistake and secret about knowing how the enemy attacks us... Miniature spy bugs were created by Kinja perhaps, used to spy on us and send video feeds back to Dionix to keep track of all of us. Now that I was here in my world, I can document my thought fully without them seeing my journal unexpectedly. Blanc was shocked and surprised from my actions. I thought Blanc would do something to hurt me for being an idiot... but decided to hug me and just calm me down... I swear... sometimes, I don't deserve kindness when shit like this happens...

Moving along... When we got to the school called Ohashi High, I led the CPUs to the principal's office where I met Principal Stevens again. At least with him here, the school still has some decency on treating each student with the same respect. My father had made papers that were eligible enough, while under the pressure my mother gave him, and got the girls accepted into the school. Principal Stevens got the girls some clothes and extras for when attending our school. To be honest, the four of them made those school uniforms work really well for them. We then went to classroom 2-C, that was my classroom with Ms. Koigakubo as our teacher. She and the Principal had been both surprised to see me when they each saw me. Who wouldn't after suddenly returning being announced missing for three months?

We had to do introductions in class and boy did the male hormones go wild that day... Sometimes... I am ashamed by the males in my class for being animals, including (F/n)... At least I heard Emma scolding him at least... I can count on her to keep that idiot in line when I'm not here. With the girls done with their introductions, it was my turn to make my reappearance absolute now. Walking into my classroom, many people gasped and were shocked to see that I had returned. Some of them were surprised by the scars on my right cheek and some weren't. Though what really made me feel like I had returned, was when (F/n) approached me and greeted me. How he did it was doing a game of rock-paper-scissors like we did before I was taken from this world. He lost the game and we got into a scramble, making everyone laugh or confused at the situation between me and (F/n). Boy was I happy to see (F/n) again after so long.

When lunch came around, my mom had made lunch for the CPUs and myself. (F/n) was surprised I knew the girls before anyone else did, but it was funny seeing him fail at introducing himself to the girls though. Emma came over after (F/n) did. Emma is another close friend I can count on in my time of need to thanks to her kindness. Though she does get mad at times where she helps keep (F/n) in track without me needing to do anything. At least someone has some sense to know right from wrong like I do. Emma and I give (F/n) a hard time at most, but we do it because he's our friend and we like messing with him. Though there was one person I wouldn't have want to see again in my life... Johnathan... The man that will try and ruin a person's life in school until they either graduate or quit going to school. He gives (F/n), Emma and myself a hard time even though we don't deserve it. People either followed John out of respect and to be "cool" how people put him, or out of fear he strikes into others. It makes me sick seeing someone like that even now... Reminds me of Dionix when I see Johnathan hurting others out of enjoyment... Though I was lucky to have some help this time around. Blanc had pushed Johnathan off of me to help get my face out of my food from being forced to face plant into my bento box by John. Even though I was grateful for the assistance from Blanc, I had to make sure Johnathan didn't get near Blanc. I had been a punching bag for Johnathan since my first year here and during the Spring semester. When he left, I had to explain my little history with Johnathan and what he did and such. Blanc was mad at the abuse the students had gotten, with me included as well. I calmed her down in hopes she doesn't do anything reckless. The day ended like normal and we all headed home. Not bad for a first day back to school to be honest.

Thursday, September 22, 20XX

Well, I was woken up to a surprise this morning. I found Neptune sounding so peacefully in her sleep. Looking at her just snuggled up close to me, she looked really cute. What woke her up was a deal that I would get her pudding on our way to school. Want Neptune to do something for her, give an equal offer with pudding... On our way to school though, Neptune asked why I didn't let Blanc attack John... I know he's a man that deserves a beat down, but I didn't want to stupe to his level without a good reason and without aggression in the mix. I know the girls can be able to handle themselves if things get dicey... But I don't want them getting caught in something that should be my problem here... Johnathan will try any underhanded tactic he can if possible. He is a man that will not be held down by consequences against him to a degree... Even if teachers scold him, they won't stop him at all. The one thing I hate about teachers actually... Ugh...

If Johnathan doesn't make my life hell, I know my best friend (F/n) will... Of all the lowest things (F/n) could do... He signed Vert, Neptune, Noire, Blanc, himself and I up for a dodgeball tournament without our permission first. One of these days... I will get him back for all the trouble he causes me... Although, he did it for a good reason this time. A dodgeball game against Johnathan. Even though I was mad at (F/n) for setting us up like that, he came through this time. Though now it was on me to teach the CPUs the rules and fundamentals of dodgeball. There was time before Saturday though, so I thought I wait until at dinner to explain the rules and basics of the game. But now I need a new helmet and hammer for my rock-paper-scissors game... After we got home, I played my favorite game of rock-paper-scissors game with the CPUs. They enjoyed the game, but Blanc though... got really pissed... By that, that explains the reason why I need a new helmet and hammer... She whacked me hard with the hammer while I was wearing the helmet and knocked me out.

But... Something strange happened after I was knocked out. I had this... weird dream... I say this for some reasons, but those reasons I don't know myself at all... Weapons seemed to have been used, some screams being heard with one being of a monster I never heard before. It was a weird experience for me entirely. What freaked me out more was the voices I heard and why I felt so much pain... I had never felt something like that before in my life... But it ended fast just as it happened. I woke up on the couch to something soft, but then realized that Blanc was letting me use her lap as a pillow. She said I was having some sort of nightmare, but could I have really called it a nightmare when I don't know what it was about...? It was nice of Blanc to do that for me. One of the reasons I love her.

Saturday, September 24, 20XX

Something really strange happened to me today... Something that scares me... When I was at the dodgeball game with my friends... We had gotten to our final match that would be against Johnathan and those on his team. When it was down to me and Blanc, she had taken the dodgeball hit for me and encouraged me to keep going in the game. I was about to do just that, but my mind goes blank after that... what my friends told me... I had seen Blanc get hit by Johnathan with a dadgeball to her face and that Johnathan did it intentionally... Blanc had gotten a bloody nose because of it and... I don't know how to explain what happened to me... My friends told me I was different... That I had... lost all train of thought of reason and acted out aggressively. Not in just how I talked, but WHAT I did... I was told I had cussed, moved and acted like someone else... The worst part for me is... I don't even remember it at all... Not one bit of memory can be surfaced for me to remember it... Worst part is... because of that happening, I got suspended... I... What is happening to me that I don't know...?

Let's change this subject... I need to talk about something else... I know. I did have to tell (F/n) and Emma the truth about the CPUs after they overheard me talking to Neptune... They were disappointed that I couldn't trust or tell them, but I had my reasons for it... I didn't want them getting close to what I had learned or where I came from. I know I could trust them at some point, but how do you tell them that you fought in another dimension against monsters and someone who wants me dead...? You can't without an iron stomach for something like that. Though I was glad that I was forgiven and that they'll keep the secret for me. I know I can count on them, but I only wished I could keep them out of the problem I faced... With them knowing this secret, they're in danger now they know what I do and what could come from being around me...

Though... There is one more thing that happened... I had a strange dream... This took place in Lowee, but it was... very strange I should put it... I was in a carriage and got off to see the Basilicom. I was with a group of people that went in and was part of... I don't know what it was about. All I know, was that we went in and myself and some kids went down onto one knee. I wanted to look around in my dream, but I couldn't move for some odd reason. it was very strange... And that girl... She looks... so familiar... But why...?

Thursday, September 29, 20XX

A lots happened since Saturday. I had to deal with my mother yelling at me, getting grounded, the explanation to Vert, Neptune and Noire, and the building fire that happened today. Oh man... Where do I start with this fest show...? Let's see... After my mother heard about my actions at the dodgeball tournament and boy was she mad. I'm one for not wanting to make mistakes, but I don't remember the slightest thing that happened... Though, it's somehow my fault anyway... and I have to live with it... Abby though, she stayed by my side just to help keep me company when I was sad. Bless her heart, I'm her big brother and she's trying to keep me happy. Though I had other bad news to give since the mood had been right still. I had told Vert, Neptune and Noire what I told Blanc the other day. They were surprised like Blanc was when I told them, but at least they still forgave me in some way.

Moving on, I had currently been exploring today around town in just wanting to get out of the house today. With me being suspended, the only places I can go are either downtown, the park or anywhere local. Though, I did pass by a jewelry store that had three necklaces that caught my attention. One had a heart with wings, another had a video game controller with a ruby in the middle of the controller and one that had a crown. Just looking at them made me think of Blanc, Neptune and Noire when I looked long enough. They had helped me so much and been there for me when I needed to talk to someone or help cheer me up when I needed it. I wanted to show my gratitude and love in some way, and I think I just found it. I decided to get a job at the local diner at Jonny's to be able to get the necklaces. There was only one way of being able to get the necklaces, I had to work for the money I needed to earn.

Though, moving onto serious concerns, there was indeed a fire today at an apartment complex. I didn't know this until I got curious and decided to follow where a firetruck was going. When I did get to the apartments, there was a big fire trying to consume the building. Many people were evacuated that were closer to the bottom. Though, people living higher up were in way more danger in the process. I had saw a firefighter escorting a husband who was carrying his wife who was passed out from being in the building. I had gotten to meet them as they were Ryuuji and Taiga Takasu. They also have a daughter named Sophie, but she was still in the burning building. My better judgement getting the better of me, I knew I had to do something. Regardless if I get in trouble later with my mother. I rushed into the building and was careful on using any powers I have in front of others if I met any. My objective was to save a child. If I had help, I could do more, but it was just me for the time being. I made my way through and headed up to the fifth floor, where Ryuuji had told me he last saw his daughter.

After I found Sophie, she was scared from what happened around her. I did everything I could to protect her, even having to use my powers. Her being a child, she was amazed by what was happening around her. Asked me if I was some super hero and such. I played along with her and just went with it. When I got us to the entrance, I burned my jacket somewhat on purpose to look like I was hit by the flames as well, to look less suspicious on the way out. Sophie promised to keep my secret safe, so that was a good thing to know that even exposed, she would keep quiet. Didn't save me until later that my face and name were on the news. My mother and I had gotten into a bigger fight this time, but I needed to get my thoughts out. I didn't want to just live a normal life I had here. My time during my stay in Gamindustri, showed me how much more I was capable of doing rather than what I can do here... I got my point across, but in the process made my mother cry... Seeing her cry was my last thing I ever thought I see, but knowing that she accepted my reasons, I was glad that she understood what I wanted.

Sunday, October 2, 20XX

Today was a weird and interesting day for me somewhat... I had another weird dream, this time, I know for sure on who the girl was this time. She had looked familiar to me for some reason. Ivory, my imaginary friend. She was someone I grew up with and had an active imagination about. I was walking in the forest with her in Lowee. Though, something stranger happened... I had talked to her, but I didn't answer back, at least on my free will. Though, when every time Ivory talked to me, she called me "Shalla." It was weird. The way I acted to her, wasn't like how I talked. It was weird. When I woke up, Blanc and I were the only ones in the house at the time. Apparently my family and the other CPUs went to get groceries from what Blanc said. Though it was a good idea to use all the man power they could get. Even if it was mostly woman power that is. Heh. Anyway, Blanc asked me if we could go to the Library together to see what books my world contains. I had promised her, so I complied and guided her there with me taking the lead.

When we got there, it was amusing seeing Blanc's reaction. If only I had taken a picture at the time. She was like a little kid in a candy store with all the books that she could choose to read. I recommended some books for her to read first while we looked for others to read later. We spent some time reading together, but I felt another sleep trying to creep up on me. Not wanting to sleep again, I walked for a bit to shake it off until returning back to where Blanc was. After continuing where I had stopped, I didn't notice Blanc was sitting in the same chair with me. I asked her why she was here when there was another chair she could sit in. What made me blush was that she said that she wanted to be closer to her "boyfriend." That was probably the first time she said boyfriend to me. Made me happy to say the least. Then one thing led to having my arm around her, telling each other why we fell for one another and kissing each other. Blanc's approach... was very surprising for me considering I was red like a tomato. When it got late, we decided to gather what books Blanc wanted to take back home for the night.

Tuesday, October 4, 20XX

Well, today won't be something I won't forget. Probably will have a nightmare tonight after what happened to me actually... So here's the deal: The CPUs needed new clothing. They needed pajamas, clothes for outside use and anything else really. So what happens now? Clothes shopping at the mall. (F/n) put the idea in my head about seeing Vert and my girlfriends changing clothes and trying them on. Damn idiot... made me nose bleed from making me picture such things... Even though I would have wanted to help them get new clothing, I wouldn't have the necessary funds to help them. That's where my mom came in and saw us laughing at (F/n) from getting ganged up on by Emma and myself. Noire asked my mom if they could take me to the mall and help get them new clothing. My mom said yes, but that meant she was going to be coming with us.

We agreed to the offer and were on our way. We told Abby and dad that we're going to be headed for the mall. The mall is always busy no matter what time and what day it is. Bustling people walking here and there, eating food in the lunch court and many other attractions to see. One thing that happened that day was that there was an experimental VR capsule game of Friday the 13th. People would step into these pods and go unconscious in them and find themselves in the video game itself. I was actually stoke about doing this and so were Neptune, Vert and (F/n). With that in mind, we decided to have some fun and play a game. Big mistake actually... If I know what my mother is capable of... She is able to love dishing out pain... And boy was there murder... My mother was picked as Jason for the game... It was scary knowing my mother was the killer and she was in full control of wanting to hurt us in many ways... I died by being fried in a fireplace. Though I thought I smelled good from my meat being cooked... Ugh... I did call in Jarvis and then became him in the process. Better me than my idiot coward friend... Story short, we killed Jason after getting all the parts we need and won the game. I even got a nifty mask in the end as a prize.

After the horror game, we finally got to the clothing store from before. Even though I had scolded (F/n) about the thoughts at my house about the girls trying on clothing, he sure wasn't wrong about it. Though I kept that part to myself to show some dignity and respect. I had found a fez which was cool in my eyes, but to my girlfriends, that was another story... Neptune took the fez I was gonna get and tossed it somewhere! Bad luck came our way after that happened. John and his goons were here also. Johnathan was gonna stay and watch Vert and my girlfriends change clothes with the goons to watch as well. I wasn't gonna have it as I got in John's way. When I didn't comply, he punched me in the stomach and proceeded to punch me in the lip. This got my mom's attention when that happened... I could smell bad times coming John's way... And it wasn't going to end well for him... My mom told us to hide in the changing rooms for the time being. There was a commotion going on as punches and objects hitting around. When it got quiet, I poked my head out and saw the mess that had ensued... Guess those karate classes mom took came in handy... After buying the clothes the CPUs wanted, we headed home for the day. I decided to give the mask that was given to me as a prize to mom. Thought it would be nice to keep something that it was earned with her as a memory about our time together. I care for my family, I only wish to make them happy and make as much memories I can...

Saturday, October 8, 20XX

Well, it's started. My job at Jonny's to work up my money towards buying the necklaces for Noire, Blanc and Neptune. Got a call on Wednesday to come in for an interview and was able to work for the past few nights. I had asked my mom and dad to not tell the girls about my job or reason why I was working there. Last night though, I had to do something very risky though... After closing up the shop and heading home I saw a girl get pulled into an alleyway and rushed over. I could see the girl near a few men. Men that didn't seem to friendly that is... Knowing that anyone wasn't going to be able to hear her at this time of night, I had to help. But not with how I look. I decided to go buy a trench coat and some gloves to help with my idea. Scaling up a building, I quickly took out my combat gear. I carried it in case I encounter the enemy if found here in this dimension. I had also put on a pair of goggles and the scarf Noire made for me to help with my look. After I got ready, I had interacted with the fools below. The old me would have had a hard time facing punks like them, but they were easy to deal with. I had the girl call the cops to take the thugs to jail, but she wanted to know my name. I gave the first thing that came to my mind and called myself Aura Knight.

I had been tired the next day from being up so late and being affected by the rain too... I was a mess with how tired I was. I still made some jokes here and there, but my friends were worried for how tired I was. They know I usually have enough energy for the day, and with how late I returned home last night. Everyone in the house had fallen asleep when I came home. After getting up to go get something to drink, I passed by some students that gave me a certain look. A look that meant they were judging me. My friends had told me what had been going on here at school. Can't say I would blame the students on how they acted towards me. I would be scared like them if I couldn't understand someone that goes wild and hurts someone like I did. I returned shortly after waiting in a line that took about seven minutes. After school, I had to go to work again and it meant having to split from my friends again.

After I had gotten something to eat and went to the park, I began eating my lunch before I head to Jonny's. Even after I had split from my friends, I saw them sitting at a table talking to each other. It was weird to have seen them in the same area as I was considering I went a different way then they did. Using the chance to sneak around them while they were currently distracted. When I was within hearing distance, Noire let her guard down as I heard her say they were trying following me on where I was going. Then she had the nerve to do impressions of me that I found to be quite rude, even though it was funny to hear it. When I heard them sigh, I decided to make myself known as I targeted Noire most of all. Neptune looked nervous about me being here when she wasn't expecting this. I put a finger to my mouth as everyone except Noire noticed me. I used the opportunity after she asked if I was behind her, and gave her the biggest scare of her life!! Karma is a bitch!! They tried to come up with excuses on why they were following me, but I just told the to forget about it and I continued on my way.

I didn't see the last of them as I saw them again later after they came to Jonny's for lunch. (F/n) or Emma probably brought the CPUs here considering both of them knew about this place like me... Damn it... At least my plan to get the necklaces are still safe. As long as they don't know about it, I can still surprise Neptune, Noire and Blanc. I continued working for the rest of the day until I clocked out of work for the night. Though, I saw another thug activity again. Can't seem to catch a break. Good thing I have an alias to go by at night now. At least it's not late like it was last night.

Monday, October 10, 20XX

Had another dream of Ivory while I was at school. I was at a lake with her as she was trying to catch a blue butterfly. Shalla didn't think it was cool and got smacked by Ivory because of it. It was funny how they acted around each other. One getting on each others nerves at times. The blue butterfly seemed to have rumors about granting wishes and that if you saw one, fortune will come your way. Wish I had some fortune on knowing what these dreams were about. 'Cause after Shalla decided to go to sleep, I woke up with my head laying on my desk. Noire came around and hit me in the head with a book because I had fallen asleep again during class. Now if I fall asleep for even a wink, I'm going to get hit with a book now... But that wasn't the main reason she came over to just hit me in the head. Noire came over to ask me to take her to a material shop that sells fabrics for clothings. I agreed to help Noire out, but not before getting some payback. I had said to her "Guess it's a date then princess~" and boy did that trigger her! Noire froze in place with a full on blush from what I said and laughed about it. That didn't stop her from hitting me until I got a few bumps on my head, but it was sure worth the pain...!

After school ended for the day, we went to the material shop like I promised to help search for materials Noire can use. She had told me it's to help make the costumes I had envisioned for the comedy act our class was going to do in groups. When we arrived, we immediately went straight to work on finding materials. It was going great for some time, but then I caught Noire trying to pull on something. It was a type of crimson red material and saw some rolls shaking in the process. I began running to Noire and called out for her to stop, but it was too late as the rolls began to each fall down towards Noire. When I got to her in time, I brought her low to the ground and used my body to help shield her from being hit by taking the pain myself. At that point, Noire and I were covered under the crimson like material in a slight red hue around us. I was hovering over Noire as she looked up at me. Feeling like she would feel embarrassed about the kind of position we were in, I was about to suggest on getting out from under the material, but she decided to kiss me. Like a spell was put on me, I went with it as it went on what felt like a few minutes. Love is... a crazy thing to experience at times. It's a wonderful feeling to me. Though, we couldn't stay long and had to get home soon. So we ended it and bought what we needed and walked home together.

Tuesday, October 11, 20XX

There was a week left before the Autumn festival was upon us. For some time since when it was first announced, everyone has been preparing for it. Not just the other classes, but especially for me and my friends. With getting the costumes ready for our act, getting the lines remembered, and Noire representing our class by being in a beauty pageant. Can't say I didn't agree with everyone, but if anyone can pull off a dress, it was Noire hands down. Under that shyness and hard headed personality, she has that soft side of her that I see at times that can melt my heart. If she can do that to me, she can win the hearts of others too. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. With Noire being in this pageant, I have no doubt in my mind that she will win this.

Friday, October 14, 20XX

Noire did a good job on our costumes for the comedy act we're doing. The suit I'm going to wear fits like a glove. Not to tight, but not too loose as well. The other costumes looked great as well with Noire holding the needle. With her expertise on making the clothing, we were nearly ready for the festival. I couldn't wait for when it happens. 'Cause I have special plans for why I want this act to happen, and there WILL be hell to pay! Neptune for the love of her life decides to embarrass me with compliments about how I looked in the suit I tried on and told Vert, Blanc and Noire about my dinner date with Neptune back in Hyper dimension. I was so embarrassed from that happening. Then Neptune makes an excuse saying it was "because of Author reason." How does that even make sense at all?! What "Author" damn it?!

Just moving on here, I later found Noire seeming to be in state of thinking. Like a lot was on her mind. She told me that she was trying to think of what to make for the pageant and was really nervous about it. I decided to have a talk with her and go in depth about some of my fears I had to face myself. I was scared of hurting my friends with my powers from trying to get actually serious in fights. When I had to face Noire, Neptune, Vert, and Blanc... I was scared to face them. I wanted to help them, but how do you hurt those you hold dear to your heart like that...? Knowing that hurting them was the only way to help them, I had to do everything I could to not hold back my attacks. Sharing what I feared and had to face, seemed to have cheered Noire up. I even complimented her that her blue ribbons looked cute in her hair when she puts them on. I then headed to bed for the night. Tomorrow we continue on trying to help set up the other events at school.

Monday, October 17, 20XX

A few things happened today... Something normal, but also... something that scares even me... What happened today first was being woken up by Noire by accident. Noire told me that she had fallen asleep doing some homework at the table and didn't get a chance to compete in rock-paper-scissors. I decided to let her sleep with me for the night considering I felt bad for Noire. I was about to go to sleep until she got this idea to start poking me and mess with me in my sleep. Noire thought I had fallen asleep and that's the reason why she is doing this. Next comes the soft side of her that I love. She basically gives a confession to me about what she thinks of me and with her thinking I was asleep, I got to hear her inner thoughts on how she felt about me. I was really touched from what she said as she gave me a kiss as well. When I revealed that I was still awake, that's where all the walls were trying to reform and make something up to cover it like usual. I proceeded to hug her and make her embarrassed more by calling her beautiful. It made me laugh seeing her like this as I then fell to sleep.

Next was at the school Autumn Festival where we all were having the time of our lives. Playing games, enjoying laughs and laughing at (F/n)'s misery from being in a haunted house. My friends and myself were having a really great day from what we were able to experience. Then we had to go into a stupid classroom and let (F/n) order the Russian Takoyaki...! That piece of shit did that to get one of us the special surprise inside the Takoyaki and guess who it hit?? Me!! That's who!! Gonna kill his ass!! Though... That wasn't the worst thing that happened... Something else scared me more than anything else today... Something even I can't even figure out for my life...

After getting separated from my friends, I walked around to enjoy the day while looking for them at the same time. I looked out the window to enjoy the view, when someone approached me. It was a girl's voice as I turned to someone in a silver silver cloak. I couldn't see her face, but I could tell it was a girl from how she sounded. She claimed to be a fortune teller, and decided to read my fortune at her booth. Her fortune skills were great from what I could tell as each card revealed proved to be true in my knowledge. The last card though... frightened me... The tarot card of death... I just decided to write it off as just something for fun, but that's where everything... I feel like I'm losing my mind now... The fortune teller... She... She called me "Shalla." There are people I trust with my secrets, but I know I never mentioned this to my family, my friends or the CPUs. Hearing that name, being said in the waking world, and from someone I just met threw me for a big loop... When I chased after the fortune teller, two students couldn't see her except me... Like she wasn't even there... AT ALL... I remember my head hurting, and chased her up to the roof. But what I saw... I can't explain even for myself to experience something like I did. To even experience something like THAT... I have no answers as to why it happened...

I... I don't feel comfortable... I want answers. I need to know what the hell is going on with me damn it!!

Wednesday, October 19, 20XX

I learned... something very shocking today... Something that... I had learned I died when I was a baby... For sixteen and a half years, my parents had kept this from me. I was confused, I was hurt, I... Oh my god... I am terrified. My friends, my family, my love ones... I'm scared. I'm scared at what I don't know what's happening. I keep having these dreams, weird dreams about Ivory. Looking through some person's eyes named Shalla and on Monday passing out to somehow fight an Ancient Dragon in my sleep!! The attacks and damage I felt... I could still feel the pain I was dealt during the time... I'm so scared and I don't know how to tell anyone about what is happening to me at all... I even ran away from my friends and my family because I found out the hard way of what happened to me as a baby... I even attacked back because I was so sad and so miserable... When we reached the school, the fight continued until we got to the roof, with me heavily damaged. I was so lost and so confused with my life that I could feel this empty void getting bigger inside of me... Like I was losing who I was... If it wasn't for Neptune, Noire, Blanc and Vert trying to calm me down at the school... I felt like I would have disappeared... I'm so scared and so afraid right now... WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!!

To be continued...

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