Chapter 13: The Bon Bon incident.

Third point of view.

Friday, November 11, 20XX

Location: (L/n) Residence.

Time: Evening.

The (L/n) family, CPUs, (F/n) and Emma return home after a grueling week and a half of training. The CPUs have built up some resilience to taking more damage, while (F/n) and Emma have learned to dodge, learn some martial arts moves and absorb some damage if ever needing to fight back. (F/n) falls to the ground with a thud while (Y/n), Neptune and Blanc sat on the couch, Vert and Abby sit in the comfy chair and Noire with Emma sitting on the ground. (F/n) lifts his head and had an annoyed look on his face.

(F/n): Next time... I am getting (Y/n) or the CPUs to teach Emma and I. The she demon should not teach others on how to- Gaugh...!

(F/n) owned count: *Ding* 3

To shut (F/n) up, Iris stomped on his back while having a grin on her face.

Iris: I'm sorry~ What was that~? I couldn't hear you over your failed attempt to DOOOOOOOOOODGE!!!

(F/n) pounded the ground with both his fists while having an angry look to his face.

(F/n): Augh! Son of a bitch!

Some laughed at (F/n)'s while some sighed at the craziness happening. After all that's happened over the past week and a half, the group needed a good laugh. When an hour and a half of resting up, (F/n) and Emma decide to head to each other's houses.

(Insert To the beginning by Kalafina)

(F/n): We'll be back later to hang out more. Don't be missing us for too long.

(Y/n): As if anyone could miss you dumbass.

(F/n): You piece of shit!

Emma: Later (Y/n), later girls.

CPUs: See ya later.

(F/n) and Emma begin heading to each other's own home to make sure each of their families know they're home. (Y/n) yawns and stretches his arms out to try and pop some muscles. After that, he stands up and heads for the stairs.

(Y/n): I'm gonna rest up some more... *yawn* Having to transform and deal with negative effects each transformation sucks... So tired...

Blanc: But I did notice something one other time, you didn't gain a negative effect from the fight at the stadium. I wonder why though...

(Y/n) stops and thinks for a couple minutes and comes to the same conclusion as Blanc.

(Y/n): Hey wait... Yeah, you're right. How come that time didn't give me a negative status effect? I thought whenever I used my transformation, I got a negative effect?

Noire: Huh... That IS weird. I wonder why?

Vert tries to think of a reason but also wonders about something else as well.

Vert: Could it be that with each attempt on transforming, the chances of gaining a negative effect lowers?

(Y/n): Wish I could agree to what you say Vert. But without Histoire to confirm with our hypothesis, we don't know for sure. Plus, I'm even concerned about why some of my armor had a dark color to it when it was usually white. I remember waking up in my transformation and a little bit of what I did, but it was weird...

(Y/n) shook his head and looked at the CPUs.

(Y/n): Anyway, I think I'm gonna catch a few more Z's. If there's anything you need, I'll be in my room sleeping.

(Y/n) heads up to his room as everyone else was downstairs. Mr. (L/n) and Iris currently still had their shoes on and was about to head out again.

Iris: And me and my husband are gonna be heading out to do some shopping here and there for today.

Mr. (L/n): We'll probably be out for a few hours or more. Like (Y/n) said, if you need anything, he'll be in his room. Vert, since you like Abby so much, you can help take care of her while we're gone.

Vert: I don't have a problem with that at all Mr. (L/n). Abby likes spending time with me. Don't you Abby?

Abby giggled and hugged Vert and received a hug back from her. Iris smiled seeing her child happy.

Iris: We'll be back. Try not to destroy the house while we're gone.

Blanc: Don't worry Iris, we won't.

Neptune: I would like to place a couple of pudding packs in that order!

Iris giggled at Neptune's words and nodded her head her head, Iris and Mr. (L/n) leave the house for the time being. Vert was enjoying some time together with Abby, Blanc began reading a book, Noire working on some school work and Neptune like usual, playing a video game and eating pudding. Neptune looked to the audience when she was mentioned about the pudding.

Neptune: Don't get me wrong viewers, but this is who I am most of my free time. A simple gamer wanting to enjoy some senseless fun and relax. Is that so wrong?

Neptune says those words in a cute way while Noire gives Neptune a look of judgment.

Noire: When you're goofing around instead of doing your school work... Then yes, Neptune, yes it is.

Neptune looked a Noire when that statement was made.

Neptune: Well, it's because you, Blanc and Vert know what I'm like. I'm just speaking to the audience reading this book about my personality. I have the right to express myself.

Blanc: Just don't do it in front of (Y/n) or his parents.

Neptune: Why? I'm doing it in front of Abby.

Noire: That's because Vert has her distracted by playing a simple game of thumb wars at the moment.

The three look at Vert and Abby as Vert let's Abby win a round of thumb wars. Abby giggled while Vert cheered for Abby's victory and began to play again.

Neptune: See. Vert's got this covered by some senseless fun. No worries.

Blanc and Noire sighed and wondered what (Y/n) saw in a person like Neptune as a girlfriend with a personality like that. After thirty minutes pass, Neptune gets up and begins walking to the kitchen.

Neptune: I wonder what this family has to snack on?

Blanc: Maybe you shouldn't try touching anything Neptune... We don't know what kind of stuff they have to eat.

Noire: Yeah... Knowing you, Neptune, we always get into some sort of trouble...

Neptune: Hey! It's doesn't happened that often. Plus, remember the one time when we blew up that wall in between dimensions? That helped us out with blocking a route from monsters created in the Heart dimension.

Noire: My point exactly on being reckless!!

Neptune stuck her tongue out in a playful way while Noire groaned at Neptune's childish antics. Neptune enters the kitchen and opens a cover. She looks around inside until she notices a note was on top of something. It seemed it was specifically written for Neptune.

Neptune: Huh... I wonder what's this?

Neptune opens the note and begins to read it to herself.

Neptune: "Dear Neptune, have these delicious chocolate bon bons for you and the other CPUs to share. There are fun times ahead with these ones. That I can assure you. Your friend/pal, Soejammy. PS; burn this note or shred it. (Y/n) must not see this."

Neptune looked at the note and did a double take on the name written. Neptune looks up to the sky to look at the author.

Neptune: And what if I don't?

The note opens up more to reveal another message.

Neptune: "PSS; If you don't, a second eggplant incident will be added to your misery?!"

Neptune's eyes widen at this fact and sighed.

Neptune: Okay! Okay! I catch your drift author man! I'll shred the paper.

Neptune heads to the sink and puts the letter in it. She turns on the water to get the paper wet and turns on the garbage shredder to chop the letter into tiny pieces. After that, she carries the bowl of bon bons into the living room and place them on the table. Vert notices this and puts Abby, who has fallen asleep down to go to the bowl.

Vert: Did you find this Neptune?

Neptune: Yeah. Funny thing is, it's from Soejammy.

Noire looks at Neptune with a curious look.

Noire: Really?

Neptune: Yup. A note and even his name written on it. I swear by my pudding, I am not joking.

Blanc: Very peculiar to get something like this.

Vert: True. Soejammy hasn't sent something like this before. Why now?

Neptune: Could it be related to the title of the chapter we're in?

Noire: It does have the word "incident" in it...

The group was cautious on the bon bons. With everyone that was in the room awake just watching the bowl and doing nothing about it. Noire felt like she was about to lose it with how tensed everyone was acting.

Noire: Ugh...! Look, let's each take a bon bon and eat it. If one of us feels funny from eating it, then we should throw the rest away afterwards. That way, one isn't singled out on eating the contents. Agreed?

Neptune: Phew... And here I thought we were gonna have to draw straws.

Vert: But is this really the best course of action?

Blanc: Do you want to eat something that was related to the title of this plot by yourself Thunder Tits?

Vert: Well... No, not really.

Blanc: Then quit your bitching and just take one like everyone else!

Each CPU takes a bon bon and unwraps it. They each look at one another to make sure the other doesn't opt out on the deal. Noire made a hand sign that showed three fingers. This was meant to signal when to take the bon bon at the exact same time.

Neptune: Beginning to doubt about this plan we came up with...

Noire: J-Just shut it Neptune...! Listen, at the count of three, we'll eat the bon bon we each have.

The others nodded their heads as Noire began to count.

Noire: One, two... Three!

Each one popped in a bon bon and ate it. They each chewed their candy up and swallowed it. They looked at each other and waited to see if anything would happen. When nothing happened for the first few minutes, they thought they were safe. But then, each of them began to feel drowsy as they each fell asleep on the floor from taking one piece of candy.

One hour later...

(Y/n)'s point of view.

I wake up in my bed as the time reads that one hour had passed since I took a nap. I feel a little well more rested than how I felt before and exited my room. I yawned as I headed downstairs to go into the living room to see what the others were doing. But when I entered, the only person I could find was Neptune who was lying her head on the table. I found this to be weird and went over to where she was to begin shaking her gently to wake her up.

(Y/n): Neptune? Hey, Neptune. You okay...?

I got a reaction from her as she woke up slowly and sat up. She looked at me as Neptune had what looked like a dizzy look on her face. I could see that her cheeks were flushed as it caught my attention.

Neptune?: Oh~ Hey, (Y/n)~ How are ya, lover boy~?

(Y/n): Um... I'm fine, Neptune. What about you? I found you passed out right here... Where are the others?

Neptune?: Hmm... I don't know~

I sighed wondering why Neptune was acting like this. While trying to look around for the others, I noticed the bowl of candy that was on the table as a couple of wrappers were here and there. Picking up one of the wrappers, I had a look to my horror as what it read on it. This was a type of candy my mother and father would have kept hidden as it wasn't meant for just eating leisurely. What the type of bon bons were... contained the substance of alcohol known as whisky in it. Not only that, but it seemed to be that of a stronger version of it. I drop the wrapper and look at Neptune who had a dizzy look on her face and made a hiccup noise. I placed my hands on my cheeks and yelled.

(Y/n): OH MY GOOOOOOD! Neptune!! Please tell me you didn't eat those things?!

Neptune?: Well~ *hic* I did have one~

From this, I could think of one reason why she was acting like this... Neptune, was drunk.

(Y/n): Then why are there more than one of those wrappers open then?! Where are the others?!

Neptune puts a finger to her chin and begins to think.

Neptune (drunk): Well...~ I did have one, so did Noire and Vert and Blanc...~ But I don't think Abby had one...~ She was asleep when we each had a piece of candy...~

This brought horror to my face as I could hear my mind shattering from this knowledge. As if one goddess getting drunk isn't enough, there were actually a total of FOUR goddesses drunk from this!

(Y/n): OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD!! Oh this is bad! So, so bad! Shiiiiiiiit!

In the amidst of freaking out, Neptune knocks me down and begins to cuddle with me.

(Y/n): N-Neptune! Quit goofing around! I need to find the others and assess the situation and-!

Neptune places a finger on my lips to shut me up and looks at me with a smile.

Neptune (drunk): Why can't it just be you and me for the moment~? The only time we got to cuddle was at the very beginning of this book and when you discovered a family secret...~ Don't you love me...~?

I blushed hard and was confused still from what Neptune talks about, but answer her question still.

(Y/n): I do Neptune, I really do love you, but I need to also make sure the others didn't hurt themselves while I was sleeping if they're up and about. Plus I need to make sure Abby didn't take one of those bon bons.

Neptune (drunk): Well, too bad~ 'Cause I'm getting what I want~ And what I want, is some kisses~! Not the chocolate kind though~

Neptune places both hands on my cheeks and lowers herself toward me, making me blush even harder. Using the intensity of how fast my heart is beating, I flip both me and Neptune over to get on top of her. I quickly get to my feet and begin to run down the hall and up the stairs. I was currently running with the weird candy in my hands as to keep it away from Neptune or anyone else.

(Y/n): (Thoughts) Oh crap! Oh crap! This is bad! Really, really bad! Not only is Neptune drunk, but her hormones were probably screaming to kiss me back there! You picked a worse day to take a nap (L/n)!!

I run into Abby's room to see if she was in here, and I find that she was there, cuddling with Vert. I cautiously tip toed over to see if both of them were asleep, as Vert was in her green pajamas. I set the bowl to see if I could get a better look on the situation. Just seeing Vert sleeping with Abby was enough for me if the bon bons made her sleepy enough. Two CPUs were accounted for, while two were somewhere roaming around the house. I sigh and try to think about why this all happened, when a hand suddenly grabs my wrist and pulls me down. I get pulled down by Vert as my face crashes into her chest.

(Y/n): *muffled yell*

Vert (drunk): Shh~ Let's take a nap together little brother~ Our sister is sleeping quite peacefully~

I blush crazily as Vert held me like this. My mind was screaming a lot of things, some saying that it was a bad idea right now, the other saying go with it, and the rest was too confused with what was happening. Although I would want to cuddle like this with Vert again like the one time when we were at her Basilicom, but I knew I couldn't right now. I look at Vert as she still held me close to her. I didn't want to disturb Abby's nap, so I talked in a whisper.

(Y/n): (Whisper) Vert, although your offer is... VERY tempting... I have to decline that for now and keep looking for Blanc and Noire! You four ate alcoholic candy and is making you all loopy as hell! I need to see what could be happening to Blanc and Noire and see what I'm gonna be dealing with here!

Vert (drunk): (Whisper) Oh, boo~ I'm wanting to cuddle with my sweet, sweet siblings, and only one of them liked to join me~ I would love to spend some time with my dearest brother as well~

Vert patted my head and made me blush harder. I thought to myself that if I ever live through this, I will destroy all those bon bons that appeared in my house. I struggled to get out of Vert's hold. When I did, I fell to the ground with a thud.

(Y/n): (Whisper) Listen Vert, I promise we can later, but not right now.

Vert (drunk): (Whisper) Hmph~ Alright~ But I hold you to your promise dear brother~

I nod as I get up, grab the bowl, go to the door and exit Abby's room. I shake off the blush I had gained to calm down from what happened. I then heard foot steps walking towards me and looked into the direction of who was making them. It was Blanc, as I could see her swaying slightly back and forth, from left to right. I head towards Blanc to see if she was okay.

(Y/n): Blanc. Are you okay?

Blanc looks at me with a blank stare.

Blanc?: Define... Okay...?

(Y/n): Okay as in, are you not drunk?

Blanc?: Hmm... my head is feeling a bit cloudy...

(Y/n): Ah... Okay. Well... I'll just have you lie down somewhere then. Sleeping this off is probably for the best right now for you. Come on.

I take Blanc's hand and gently guide her to my room. In all my life, I never thought I would have to deal with something like this. Fighting dimensional enemies? Yeah, I could handle that. Four drunken goddesses? That's different... Both Blanc and I enter my room as I guided Blanc to my bed to have her sit down. I place the bowl of that weird candy the girls ate by my nightstand for safe keeping so mother and father don't know about this. She seemed to have been clutching something in her hand, but I didn't have time to worry about that for the moment.

(Y/n): Okay, Blanc. Stay here and just rest up. Judging on how intoxicated you are... You should be fine within an hour or so. DON'T take anymore of those candies.

Blanc?: What about you...?

(Y/n): I have to go check on the others and find Noire. Who knows how intoxicated she is right now... Ugh...

I begin to head for the door to try and continue my search around the house. Before I even reach the door, I heard the sounds of chewing and swallowing behind me and looked back at Blanc to see she was standing up now. Blanc opens her hand as a wrapper falls to my horror on what wrapper that was. When Blanc looks at me, her face was flushed red now, indicating she is drunk.

(Y/n): Blanc... Why...?

I see Blanc place a finger to her chin and looks up to try and think.

Blanc (drunk): Well...~ If you're having to take care of those who are drunk, would I count to be the most intoxicated right now~?

(Y/n): That's not how it works Blanc...! O-Oh my god...!

I cover my face for a few seconds trying to calm down from all that's happening.

(Y/n): *muffled* Ugh... Why is this happening...?

Blanc (drunk): (Y/n)...~ It's getting too hot in here...~

When I look at Blanc next, I could see that she had undone her light-blue choker. Her hat was beginning to fall off her head and I could see that she was letting a strap of her white dress fall off her shoulder!


I yell and rushed over to Blanc to stop her before she could get any further than what she was doing. Blanc groaned from me wanting to stop her from what she was doing. I fixed her choker, her dress and her hat and softly sat her down on the bed to lie down.

(Y/n): Blanc! I may love you, but you are above stupidity like this!

Blanc (drunk): But it really is hot in here...~

(Y/n): That's probably the alcohol in the candy you ate doing that... It has that kind of effect...

Blanc (drunk): Tee hee~ Your world is funny with what is has~

Blanc giggled and pokes my nose with being told that. I sighed and took a deep breath to calm down.

(Y/n): I need to keep looking around the house. I need to make sure Noire hasn't gotten herself into trouble in this mess.

Blanc groaned when I was about to leave my room.

Blanc (drunk): Ngh...~ Then after you find Noire, can we please just cuddle~? I really want to be near you right now~

(Y/n): What is it with you three wanting to cuddle today?! Look, just lie down and rest. I'll cuddle with you once I can establish some control around this craziness.

Blanc nodded her head at this as I went to the door and exit my room. I place a hand to my head trying to keep myself calm from all of this. I take a few deep breaths and feel my calmness come back to me. I handled monsters, a giant robot, a crazed doctor, and two people who are absolutely nuts on wanting to kill me! I begin making my way back downstairs as I heard Neptune talking to someone.

Neptune (drunk): Oh~ No fair Noire~ Why are you like this~?! *hic*

Noire?: Tee hee~ Don't get uppity with me, Neptune~ I don't see you trying this~

Neptune (drunk): *groans* When (Y/n) sees you like this, I won't be getting any attention from him~!

I quickly head to the living room and skid to a halt behind the couch. I look at Neptune first with what is going on.

(Y/n): Alright, what in the- Holy shit!

I could see Noire as she was in her beauty pageant dress with a pair of brown stocking and wearing the tiara she had earned from winning the pageant while sitting in the comfy chair. Noire had a drink in her hand as she took a sip from the wine glass and looked at me with a smile on her face.

Noire?: Oh~? Hello (Y/n)~ *hic*

I could be seen with a huge blush on my face from seeing Noire like this. So this is what Neptune meant when she talked to Noire... Have to admit though, she really does have my attention. Given the situation as the others... She too was probably drunk.

(Y/n): Um... Hey, Noire. Uh, how are you?

Noire (drunk): Oh, nothing~ I'm feeling great is all~

(Y/n): T-That so? Well, I'm glad to hear that actually. One question though is this; why in gods name are you wearing your dress from the beauty pageant?!

Noire (drunk): Because I wanted to~ But I do have a question for you though~

Noire giggles as she gets up from the chair, setting the wine glass on the table. Noire leans forward with a finger to her chin and her hand behind her back. From Noire leaning forward while in the dress, I could see a full view of her wonderful chest. She looks at me in the eyes and winks at me.

Noire (drunk): Well~? What do you think of me in this dress (Y/n)~? Do I look cute to you~?

I blushed even harder from her talking to me like that. It took every notion in my body to not react and get a nose bleed from this. Even if I admit it to myself that this would be a dream come true for someone like me!

(Y/n): Y-Y-You look v-very lovely N-Noire...

Neptune (drunk): You see~? That's what I mean you loner~!

Noire giggled from my reaction and decided to go around the couch and approach me. She got so close that she wrapped her arms around my neck while I felt her soft chest press against mine. I could feel my mind going blank from how I witnessed Noire acting right now from being drunk. It was as if Noire had no shame in what she was doing with me that she felt no reason to be embarrassed. Noire giggled more when she witnessed my blushing face up so close.

Noire (drunk): Tee hee~ For someone who loves messing with me, you sure get embarrassed yourself when the tables are turned~

(Y/n): Says the drunk tsundere who is currently doing this!

Noire then places a hand on my cheek and smiled my way with an innocent smile she had at this moment. The many interactions Noire would do kept making me blush up a storm from her approaches. I could sense Neptune was getting jealous from how Noire was getting all the attention as she then pulled on my arm, bringing me closer to her.

Neptune (drunk): I know this is supposed to be a harem, but you're hogging the boyfriend Noire~

Noire then pulls on my arm as it squishes against her chest.

Noire (drunk): What if I am~?

Neptune pulls me back to her.

Neptune (drunk): 'Cause for how long THIS book has gone, only you and Blanc have had (Y/n)'s attention~ When's my turn~!?

Noire again pulls me back to her.

Noire (drunk): Only when you stop acting like a child~ I think (Y/n) would prefer someone like me more~

Neptune (drunk): And what would that be may I ask~??

Noire (drunk): This~

Noire takes my hand and to my shock, places it on her breast! By now, I was red as a tomato from all that's happening to me today. By instinct, my hand squeezed her chest from the impulses I was getting. From me doing that, Noire made the cutest sound as my mind was spinning in circles from this. I could then feel a tug or two behind my back and look to see it was Blanc and Vert who came down from being upstairs.

Vert (drunk): You two done hogging (Y/n) to yourselves~?

Blanc (drunk): While (Y/n) was trying to look for everyone here, I didn't get much time with him~ Now, can we cuddle~?

I could feel both Blanc and Vert pull me out of Neptune and Noire's arms as both Blanc and Vert soon took their places.

Vert (drunk): I would like to have some brother/sister bonding time together (Y/n)~ Wouldn't you agree~?

(Y/n): To be quite frank right now, do I even have a choice to decide if I want to or not anymore?!

The four CPUs looked at each other and then looked at me.

CPUs (drunk): No.

(Y/n): Well, shit.

The door bell rings as a familiar voice could be heard.

(F/n): Yo (Y/n)! We're back! Let us in man!

(Y/n): Yes! I'm saved!

I break away from Blanc and Vert's hold and rush to the door and open it. (F/n) and Emma could see me panting with my hair in a mess, wondering why I was like this.

Emma: (Y/n)?? Are you okay? You look like you went through hell.

(F/n): What happened in an hour and a half?! We weren't gone that long!

(Y/n): Listen! I need your help! The girls, they-

I could hear a familiar "hic" sound right behind me as I turned to see Vert as she leaned over my shoulder, using me to keep herself up and balanced. I could see confusion written all over Emma's face while (F/n) had a blush on his face.

Vert (drunk): Oh~ Hello Emma, (F/n)~

Emma: Whoa Vert... You okay??

(F/n): (Y/n)... What in gods name is happening here...?

I sighed from being asked that as I knew questions would be asked. I began to explain to my friends.

(Y/n): Some how, the girls found a bowl of alcoholic bon bons and now they're drunk. I remember falling asleep an hour ago, but after I woke up, they were like this!

I gestured to Vert and the other CPUs to show what I mean. They could visibly be seen drunk as each was trying to reach for another candy! I yell and get out of Vert's grasp to rush and take the bowl of candy and the ones in each of their hands away from them.

(Y/n): NO MORE CANDY! If you four even eat one more, you'll get more drunk than you are! If that happens, I'll go insane! Who brought the bowl back down?!

Blanc raises her hand at this and was being honest.

Blanc (drunk): I did...~

Neptune (drunk): Blanc may have brought the bowl back down, but how else are we supposed to get your attention~?

Noire (drunk): With you talking to your friends, we were getting lonely~

I put the bowl down and began knocking myself in the head lightly from this craziness.

(Y/n): But getting more drunk isn't the right way you three!

I could feel someone pull me down and get on top of me, as they rest their head on top of my chest. I look to see it was Blanc.

Blanc (drunk): At least I get to cuddle you like this (Y/n)~ *giggles while nuzzling on (Y/n)'s chest, sighing in a happy way*

(Y/n): B-Blanc! This is no time for cuddles!

Blanc (drunk): Of course it's a good time, we're already doing it~

(Y/n): That's not what I mean and you know that!

I look toward (F/n) and Emma, they seemed to be giggling at the scene in front of them while I shake my fist at them.

(Y/n): Don't just stand there and laugh at my situation! Help me out here!

(F/n): Okay, okay. Calm down. We're not gonna abandon you here (Y/n).

After (F/n) says that, I see Vert begin to whisper something into Emma's ear as she grew a worried look on her face.

Emma: *gasp* Vert! You wouldn't!

Vert (drunk): Well, I said I would keep it a secret~ I never said I could keep it in the state I'm in~

(F/n): What the hell are you two talking about?

Emma laughed and took (F/n)'s arm and began to drag him out the door of the house.

(Y/n): Wait! Where are you two going?! Aren't you two going to help me out here?!

Emma: Sorry (Y/n)! Something came up! Me and (F/n) have to leave and do some studying real quick! I'm sorry!!

(F/n) Emma!!

As Emma drags (F/n) quickly away from the house, while Vert shuts and locks the door when they leave. I had a face that was etched with horror from what just happened.

(Y/n): What the hell did you say to Emma, Vert?!

Vert (drunk): Sorry~ That's something only I know~

(Y/n): That just makes it all the more suspicious!

I couldn't focus being mad at Vert with Blanc nuzzling against my chest. I get pulled from Blanc's grasp as Neptune and Noire held me in their arms and got very close to me. I look to my left and could see Ivory giggling to herself with what is happening. I gain a tick mark feeling annoyed.

(Y/n): (Thoughts) Out of all times for her to randomly appear, she does it when I'm having problems?!

My body tenses up as a hand rubs my chest and another caresses my cheek. This was because of Neptune and Noire as they both smiled my way while continuing what they were doing.

(Y/n): G-Girls...! Please stop...!

Neptune (drunk): Now why would we stop~ It's cute seeing you like this~

Noire (drunk): I mean look at you~ I'm having fun doing this~

I begin to cry from this as I wasn't use to this kind of attention.

(Y/n): But to me it isn't...!

Neptune (drunk): Hmm~ In fact, I think I know how to spice this party up~

I look at Neptune and was worried on her thinking.

(Y/n): I'm going to hurt myself for asking such a stupid question... But I was always the curious type. *sighs* What idea are you thinking of Neptune...?

Neptune (drunk): You know how you channel energy to your hands~?

(Y/n): Yes...?

Neptune (drunk): Care to show us how you do it again~?

I sighed feeling I was trapped against my will since there are four of them and one of me. I comply with Neptune's request and focus energy to my hands.

(Y/n): Utilizing the power of the Crystal of Hope, I can focus Share Energy into my hands for various uses and-

Neptune (drunk): Now~!

(Y/n): Huh?

Before I even realize it, all four of the CPUs jump at me and all four of them take my hands. In a shimmering bright light, all four of them transform into their HDD forms. I have a look of shock and horror at what has just transpired as I feel like I have been tricked. The four CPUs sit up and each stretch their limbs to get relaxed more. I point my finger at Purple Heart and began to accuse her for tricking me.

(Y/n): Y-You! You wanted me to do that, didn't you Neptune?! You tricked me to letting you four transform!

Purple Heart (Neptune) (drunk): *giggles* Now what would make you think of that, my love~

Considering the way Purple Heart looks with her face being flushed like that, she was still drunk. If she was drunk like this, so were the rest.

(Y/n): (Thoughts) Of all the worse things to happen, not only are they transformed like this, but they're still drunk!!

Before I could even think about trying to move and get away, I feel someone get on top of me and begin to lie down. I look to see it was Purple Heart as I could feel her chest touching mine and see her face was just inches away from mine. Purple Heart lowers herself closer to where she could whisper into my ear.

Purple Heart (Neptune) (drunk): (Whispers) Well, hello there love~ Do you like me being this close to you~?

I blush a dark crimson color to my face from what she says to me with that mature voice of hers. At this point, my mind has gone blank from everything that has happened today.

(Y/n): I uh, well- that is um, you see Neptune, I um...

Purple Heart giggles from me being so nervous as I covered my face from embarrassment. I heard giggling again as it belonged to Ivory once again.

Ivory: You know, besides your original daily life, this is FAR more entertaining (Y/n). *giggles*

I groan from Ivory saying that as I felt someone grip my wrists. I could see it was Purple Heart pull my hands away from my face and then pin me to the floor we were currently on while she smiled at me. I could barely move my arms with the current situation going on. With what was currently happening to me, I couldn't even focus on channeling energy if my life depended on it to get out of this mess.

Purple Heart (Neptune) (drunk): Ready for some fun, love~?

(Y/n): Actually, I could really use an adult right now...

Purple Heart (Neptune) (drunk): I am an adult~

Before I could get another word out, Purple Heart crashed her lips onto mine and began making out with me! My body tensed up from the surprise of the kiss while creating a bigger blush on my face. With all that was happening, my heart began to race from this. My mind becoming empty from thought on this whole situation. My eyes closed slowly as the seconds clocked by as I eased into the kiss and kissed her back. I could feel Purple Heart slip her tongue in while I used my tongue as well. From my interaction, Purple Heart hummed into the kiss from me returning her affections like this. My hands open and close, clenching from the interaction I was having with Purple Heart. She must've felt me move slightly from doing this as she shifted her grip to intertwine her fingers with mine and tightened her grip. Feeling her love like this, I too tightened my hands around hers. Purple Heart broke the kiss to regain some air as a line of saliva was connected from her lips to mine. I open my eyes to see Purple Heart smile at me while looking into my eyes, making my heart race faster. In the brief moments I had with Purple Heart, I could see someone push her off of me. I look to see it was Black Heart and next to her was White Heart.

White Heart (Blanc) (drunk): Time for us to have a turn~

Black Heart (Noire) (drunk): And Neptune says she didn't get enough attention~

I could see Purple Heart look annoyed from being pushed off of me and glare at Blanc and Noire.

Purple Heart (Neptune) (drunk): It was still my turn~!

With me being momentarily free for the moment and them arguing to each other, I began to crawl slowly away. Though, I don't get quite far as I get pulled back and pinned down again. This time by Black Heart and White Heart.

Black Heart (Noire) (drunk): And where do you think you're going cutie~?

White Heart (Blanc) (drunk): Don't forget about us mister~

(Y/n): P-Please stop... I'm embarrassed enough as it is...

I then felt Black Heart softly caress my cheek with the scars, making me blush from her touch. She smiles at me sweetly and looked into my eyes.

Black Heart (Noire) (drunk): Let's see you handle this~

Lowering herself closer to me, Black Heart kisses me on the lips passionately. From after what happened with Purple Heart, I was slightly prepared for being kissed by Black Heart. But what caught me by surprise next was that someone began to suck on the right side of my neck. I look from the corner of my eye and see it was White Heart to be the culprit. I make some slight sounds while kissing with Black Heart as I could feel her tongue against mine. I began to feel some weight pressing against me as both of them got closer to me in their need to be very close to me. Black Heart breaks the kiss and moves to my neck and begins to suck on my neck as White Heart took her place to then begin kissing me. I continued to kiss after switching from the two although White Heart was a bit more rougher due to her personality. White Heart places her hand behind my head to grip my hair and being me closer to her in the kiss. My mind was trying to process the information given to me but couldn't focus with how fast my heart was beating. All I know was that I was enjoying this feeling and couldn't get this feeling out of my head. My body squirmed from someone feeling my chest as I believe it to be Black Heart doing this. When White Heart and Black Heart stop what they were currently doing, they look at me to see that I had a blank look on my face. My eyes had glazed over from the experience I felt while my hair was a mess. On both sides of my neck had single hickey mark could be seen on both sides that was left behind by both White Heart and Black Heart. I was currently breathing hard from the lack of air and looked between both of them. The next thing I could remember was that, they began to seem dizzy for some reason.

White Heart (Blanc) (drunk): Ngh...~ Why am I feeling so tired...~?

Black Heart (Noire) (drunk): I...~ I don't know...~

I heard a slight fall and look to see Purple Heart reverting back to being Neptune, fall asleep right on the spot. I heard yawning coming from Black Heart and White Heart. Both of them seemed to have a tired look on their faces as both of them decided to cuddle against me. Both of them lose their transformations as well and return to their normal selves. When I expected this to be over with, but I felt someone wrap their arms under my shoulders and pull me out of Noire and Blanc's hold. I look behind me to see it was Green Heart and was only feeling the slight effects from being dizzy.

(Y/n): W-Why haven't you fallen asleep yet...?

Green Heart (Vert) (drunk): Oh, sweet brother~ You obviously don't know this, but I once stayed up playing Four Goddesses Online all night one time~ Even after being up all night, I still had energy to spare to focus on my duties in Gamindustri~

I sigh in defeat knowing I couldn't get away at this point as Vert carried me.

(Y/n): I'm too tired... Just... Just get this over with...

Green Heart looks at me and smiles.

Green Heart (Vert) (drunk): Oh don't worry little brother~ You'll get your rest~ I promise it's over now~ All I want is cuddles with my brother is all~

I look at Green Heart weirdly as she lies down on the couch and pulls me close to her. I could feel the softness of her chest and could feel my eye lids becoming heavier by the second. I nuzzle into her chest feeling very comfortable with how they felt as Green Heart giggles from my interaction.

Green Heart (Vert) (drunk): So, little brother~ Did you enjoy your time with them~?

I look at Neptune, Blanc and Noire to see them still sleeping. I could see a smile on each of their faces as a light smile came to my face as well. I loved all three of them with all my heart. Even if it is hard to date all three of them, I'm still committed on trying to make this all work. Even if I pass out from exhaustion in the process.

(Y/n): If this ever happened again... I would probably still try and run... But even so, I wouldn't want to change what happened here for them. Not one bit.

I yawn feeling even more tired as I felt Green Heart petting my head.

Green Heart (Vert) (drunk): I'm happy to hear that (Y/n)...~ *yawns* Now come...~ Why...~ Why don't we rest now...~?

I nod my head softly, closed my eyes. Before I fell asleep, I heard the sound of Green Heart transforming back to her original form. Vert wraps her arms around me before falling asleep as I nuzzled into her chest to get comfortable before falling asleep.


Third person view.

Time: Night.

A knock could be heard from the front door as Iris and Mr. (L/n) enter through it with some groceries in hand.

Iris: Hey, we're home. Anyone want to-

Iris stops talking and notices everyone in the living room was asleep from Neptune, Blanc and Noire being on the floor. To (Y/n) and Vert cuddling together on the couch while they sleep. Mr. (L/n) was about to ask where everyone was at as Iris placed a finger to her lips to keep Mr. (L/n) quite. Iris points to the group that was currently sleeping as both of them and decide to head into the kitchen for now. A few minutes later, Blanc wakes up, followed by Neptune and Noire as all three of them yawned. They look to have recovered from the effects of the candy they ate.

Neptune: Ugh... my head...

Blanc: What just happened...?

Noire: That's what I want to know, but why am I in my pageant dress? This isn't what I had on before...

The group tries to remember what happened and notice the jar of candy that was sent from Soejammy on the table. When they look at it, all three of them blush out of embarrassment.

Neptune: Uh... Do you three remember the same thing that happened...?

Blanc: You mean what all three of us did... With (Y/n)...?

Noire: Oh my goddess... T-The things I did...

Steam had began to generate from Noire's head from embarrassment with what she remembers doing while she was drunk. Noire takes a nearby pillow and screams into it as to not have her scream be full force for those around her. When she lowers the pillow, she hugs it close to her with her face being a crimson red.

Noire: This is so embarrassing...! I can't believe I did those kinds of things with (Y/n) like that...!

Blanc: We... did a LOT of things with (Y/n)...

Neptune: Now I know why this chapter was called "The bon bon incident..."

All three of them had a big blush on their cheeks from what they did with (Y/n) and looked at the man himself. Each of them knowing the reason why they fell for (Y/n) in the first place.

Noire: B-But... if I did have to be honest... It did allow me to not be embarrassed with how I wanted to be with (Y/n) like that...

Blanc: T-That is true... Even when (Y/n) was forced into this by accident... He tried his best to give reason to us in our current state at the time...

Neptune: But... (Y/n) was pretty cute when he was being embarrassed like that...

The girls looked at one another with what each of them said. They tried to hold back a laugh, but couldn't with what was talked about.

Neptune: Who knew (Y/n) could get so red like that from the attention he got? Seeing him embarrassed like that is more funny than Noire's. *giggles*

Noire: Even though I'm really embarrassed by what happened... As long as it was with (Y/n)... I-I guess it wasn't that bad...

Blanc: It... might have been weird, but it was... Interesting I should say.

Neptune: Agreed. Who knows, I might try and just mess with (Y/n) again. *giggles*

(Insert Pray by Haruka Chisuga)

Noire and Blanc sighed from Neptune's usual comments. Both of them yawned and got up from their spot on the floor and looked at each other on the living arrangements.

Noire: So either the stupid and uncomfortable chair, or the soft chair.

Neptune raised her hand and had a thought.

Neptune: Well... There is one more option now since the couch is currently taken and (Y/n) is down here~

Blanc picked up on this and knew what Neptune was thinking.

Blanc: You mean (Y/n)'s bed?

Neptune: Yup! I'm gonna win it for sure! I can feel it!

Noire: Ha! In your dreams!

The three began to play rock, paper, scissors for the living arrangements for the night. The game ends with Neptune being the winner and Blanc getting the comfy chair.

Neptune: Yay~ I win!

Noire: *scoffs* Whatever.

Neptune: Thank you protagonist powers~

Blanc: You can't make an excuse like that for everything Neptune...

Neptune: Eh, this is me we're talking about. Well goodnight girls~

Neptune heads up the stairs and Blanc and Noire take their places for the night.

Blanc: If you ask me Noire... We're the real winners here.

Noire: How so?

Blanc: We get to be closer to (Y/n) due to him being down here with us.

Noire didn't think of that and smiled.

Noire: True. Goodnight Blanc.

Blanc: Goodnight Noire.

Both try to get comfortable and get some rest for the night. With what happened today, some dreams had started up for them in different ways.

Chapter 13. End.

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