Chapter 10: Family past told. Dark truth of (Y/n)'s past revealed.

Vert's point of view.

Wednesday, October 19, 20XX

Location: (L/n) residence.

Time: After school.

We were walking from Ohashi High from the day after the festival. I was with Noire, Blanc, Neptune, (F/n) and Emma as we headed back to (Y/n)'s house. The events of what happened yesterday have been on our minds with what Iris had given to us. Though, many explanations needs to be answered about the (L/n)'s past. One in turn being (Y/n)'s past most of all. Iris had mentioned that (Y/n) had went berserk on her knowledge of not once, not twice, but a total of four times in (Y/n)'s life. When the same occurrence that has happened recently also happened in the past... It raises many questions as to why this is happening in the first place. Our group arrives at (Y/n)'s house and head inside to see Iris washing the dishes.

Neptune: Hey Iris, we're home.

Iris: Oh, hello girls. Hello to you too (F/n).

(F/n) and Emma: Hi Mrs. (L/n).

Blanc: Iris, we need to talk.

Iris then stopped in her movements and looked over to us with one eye.

Iris: About?

Iris knew what we all wanted to talk about. How she was going to explain it, we didn't care how. All we want to know is the events that happened when (Y/n) was younger.

(Insert Kirihirake! GracieStar here)

Blanc: You know what we need to talk about Iris...

Iris sighed at this and dried off her hands with a towel and headed for the living room. Iris had grabbed a picture frame of her family to which it showed her, Mr. (L/n), Abby, and (Y/n). We all joined her in the living room with Noire, Neptune and Blanc sitting at the couch with Iris. I sat in the comfy chair with Emma and (F/n) took the hard chair to sit in. We could see that Iris was crying as a few tears had landed on the glass frame.

Noire: Iris... I know this shouldn't involve us in what your family might have been through... But we also care about (Y/n)...

Vert: Yes... We want to help in anyway we can... But not knowing what had happened in (Y/n)'s past won't help us in any way Iris...

(F/n): Mrs. (L/n)... Emma and myself are (Y/n)'s friends too... We care about our friend...

Emma: We want to help understand (Y/n) as well to help avoid this from happening again... Please...

Iris looked at everyone around the room and sighed at the turn of events. She got up and walked over to place the picture frame down on a mantle and stared at it for some time.

Iris: Where should I begin...?

Vert: At wherever you think should be. This is your family we're talking about here. Any information you give us, might be helpful in the future...

Iris looked at me and then back to the picture. Iris probably knew that one day that events in the past would haunt her, but probably not for awhile longer it seemed. She headed back to the couch and sat with Neptune, Noire and Blanc. Taking a deep breath to get ready to explain about (Y/n)'s past.

Iris: I may go out of order of where explanations need to be answered, if something catches your attention... Let me know, and I'll help explain what I can...

Noire: We will. Now... When did (Y/n) first go berserk...?

Ten years ago...

Iris's point of view.

Location: School in Fuyuki.

Time: After School.

It all began one time when (Y/n) was only 7-years-old and in elementary school. The school he went to had some bad reputation to it, but my husband and myself didn't think it would cause our son trouble. I had to go in because the Principal there had called, telling me that (Y/n) had gotten into a fight with five children.

Iris (Past): Five kids? How badly was (Y/n) hurt??

Principal (Past): Well you see Mrs. (L/n)...

The Principal had brought me to his office where (Y/n) was waiting for us. (Y/n) had a sad look on his face with some dried up tears indicating (Y/n) had been crying recently. Though the strangest part is, he wasn't hurt at all in the slightest.

Principal (Past): I called you in here today because you're son had beaten up five kids all by himself.

I had a look of surprisement and disbelief on my face at the time when I had heard that. My son getting into a fight AND beating up five kids all at once? That should have been something of an impossibility. Though the Principal's face told otherwise.

Iris (Past): Do you have anything to go by to show the truth?

Principal (Past): I would figure you would say that Mrs. (L/n). That's why I have this video tape here...

The Principal had put the tape in and began playing earlier events that had happened that day. It showed the parking lot where the kids would play on when recess had hit to let the children get some steam out of their systems from learning. I could see my son being picked on by the five children that could have been beaten up by (Y/n). They were tossing what looked like a jar around as if it was a game to them, while (Y/n) was trying to retrieve it back from them. I glared at the Principal as to why my son was being treated like that as entertainment to them.

Principal (Past): I can see you already found your son in the video ma'am...

Iris (Past): And you did nothing to stop the kids from messing with my son, because??

Principal (Past): They're children Mrs. (L/n)... We were sure it wouldn't escalate for (Y/n)... But keep watching... It'll soon change enough...

I wasn't going to let this slide one bit, but focused my attention back towards the video and kept watching. In the next five minutes of watching the video tape, the glass jar had it the ground with a few bounces. The jar didn't break thank god, but (Y/n) clutched the jar out of sadness. That's when (Y/n) first went berserk to my knowledge. From the abuse he was getting, it triggered (Y/n) in a way and started a fist fight with the kids. Though, when the kids fought back, (Y/n)'s movements were not of his own. My son had issued a type of martial arts moves that he shouldn't have known or at least know ANY at all... When it was over, (Y/n) was the last person standing and seemed to come down from whatever he was doing. I could see the scared look on my son's face even though it was hard to tell, but seeing the tear stains on (Y/n)'s face showed he cried after all that happened. My attention went back to the Principal as I pulled him out of the room to talk privately with him and pinned the Principal to the wall.

Iris (Past): What the hell was that??

Principal (Past): I know what you mean Mrs. (L/n)... We're just as shocked as you are... Please don't...

Iris (Past): You said it wouldn't escalate...! Now take that video for example...! A person can take so much before losing what calm they can get...! I am usually a calm person most of the time, but I am without a doubt pissed seeing my son being abused here by the other students...!

Principal (Past): To be honest Mrs. (L/n), your son was the one who- Urk!!

I had punched the wall next to him to show that I was angry. I remembered I had left a crack there.

Iris (Past): My son wouldn't have acted like that if the children didn't treat him like that...! My son is a kind person sir, but everyone has their own limits...!

The Principal of the school was afraid of me for going into an outburst like that. Who wouldn't get mad hearing their child was being mistreated in a place like that?

Noire (Present): You know, a similar thing like that happened in Lastation when K-Sha had chased him, the whole punching the wall thing.

Iris (Present): Really now? Heh, guess he picked up my anger towards bullshit.

Location: Park.

On the way home from talking with the Principal of the school, I had a talk with my son about the incident to hear his side of the story.

Iris (Past): So you got into a fight today. What happened my son?

(Y/n) (7-years-old): ......

My son was quiet for most of the time, nervous about having to explain situations and getting yelled at when he was younger... Someone like my son wouldn't normally attack someone. Something had happened to (Y/n) on the playground earlier that day. All I wanted to do was help him.

Iris: (Past): (Y/n)... I'm not going to get mad at you for doing what you did. You looked like you were trying to protect yourself. To be honest, the teachers should have stopped it when they had the chance. I just want to hear from your experience of what happened...

We had currently passed through the park in our town and decided to take a seat at a park bench. Feeling that a peaceful scenery would help calm my son, I felt I would get more answers out of him that way. My son still had a look of sadness and slight worry, until I patted his head to calm him down more.

Iris (Past): Please (Y/n)... Tell me what happened...

That's when I could hear my son begin to cry slightly, while he told what happened to him.

(Y/n) (7-years-old): I was just minding my own business watching my classmates play... I was sitting by the steps until a blue butterfly came in and landed on my nose.

Iris (Past): A blue butterfly you say? Those are rare to find around I hear.

(Y/n) (7-years-old): Uh huh! So, I wanted to catch it in jar and bring it home to show you and dad, but...

That's when my son got quiet and sad again. The jar he mentioned brought me back to the video I was shown as I got a clearer concept of what was going on.

Iris (Past): That's when those five kids came in and picked on you?

(Y/n) (7-years-old): Uh huh... They just kept tossing it to each other like a game of "keep away..." But I couldn't get the the jar with the butterfly back... When the jar had hit the ground...

Iris (Past): That's when you saw the butterfly was dead... Correct?

(Y/n) nodded his head and began to cry more. Though one question remained, what about the fight he was in?

Iris (Past): What happened next?

(Y/n) (7-years-old): I... I don't know... I felt... sadness and my heart hurt a lot... After seeing the butterfly was dead... When I blinked, the next thing I knew... I was standing up while the other children nearby me were on the ground in pain...

I looked at my son and had a surprised look on my face at not expecting that.

Iris (Past): You mean... You don't remember the fight? Not at all??

(Y/n) shook his head, indicating he was saying no. It was odd for my son to not experience a fight that he was in. I had written it off as if it was a bad day for (Y/n), and headed home for the rest of the day. However, I had a chilled feeling that one day I wouldn't be seeing the last of it...

A few months later...

Location: School.

Time: Evening.

A few months later, there was an event going on at the school in the gymnasium. It was supposed to bring students and parents together to have fun to have some bonding time. I was with my husband at the time, talking to other parents and some of the teachers to check up on (Y/n)'s grades. Everything was going well, until I saw my child running towards me and hide behind me. (Y/n) looked so scared as if something had frightened him. Who came running around the corner, was a child that had been picking on my child recently after (Y/n)'s first: "Blackout."

Noire (Present): "Blackout?"

Iris (Present): Yes. At the time, I didn't know what to call (Y/n)'s condition except for him blacking out and going wild. But the fight he had but didn't remember it... That's why I called the incident "Blackout."

Vert (Present): Hmm... That does seem similar to how we call (Y/n) going: "Berserk."

Iris (Present): Well, whatever the case...

The child that came running around the corner was following (Y/n) and had a smile on his face, probably enjoying on making my child miserable. When the bully saw (Y/n) hiding behind me though, that smile on that child faded away like wax to a hot flame. By that, I was furious that even during a time like this, my child was being tortured when there was other adults around.

Iris (Past): So, you're the one that's making my darling son's time here a living hell, right~?

I could still see the frightened look on that child's face when confronted with me. One thing that everyone should know including my son: Don't ever make my family's life a living hell. If that happened, they would know what it means facing death in the face.

Bully (Past): W-What i-if I am?! I'm just trying to-

Iris (Past): Cut with the lies you pipsqueak. The moment you saw my son hiding behind me, you thought he was still within your reach. Instead, you only angered me by trying to make my son miserable during an event like this.

Bully (Past): Not my fault your son is a chicken.

When that child said that about my son, I almost blew a fuse, but instead, I punched a wall to make it crack from my punch. This sent shivers down my son and the bully seeing me do this. Sure I hurt my hand slightly since it was concrete, but I needed to release built up anger somehow.

Iris (Past): Now listen here, you shrimp. If you don't want to end up like that wall in the future, you better know your place~ Got it~?

Knowing that (Y/n) wasn't going to be within his reach for now, decided to run off back to the gymnasium in fear. I heard my son whimpering and I knelt down to his height and hugged him.

Iris (Past): Don't worry (Y/n). That should have shaken his confidence in trying to mess with you.

(Y/n) (7-years-old): B-But... What if he comes back...?

Iris (Past): Don't worry, if he does, then I'll have to talk to his parents about how their child is treating mine~

This made my son shiver at how I said that, but nodded his head. (Y/n) took off somewhere for the time being as my husband approached me.

Mr. (L/n) (Past): Still some trouble I assume?

Iris (Past): Yes, but hopefully that's all that will happen tonight.

Sadly though, I knew it wouldn't be the last. A couple hours had passed, as I was talking to a group of teachers. There were a group of kids that had formed into a circle. They seemed to be making a scene over something, but that's when I heard my son in the mix.

(Y/n) (7-years-old): Stop saying that...!

Bully (Past): Wimpy (L/n) has an imaginary friend!

(Y/n) (7-years-old): Stop saying that about Ivory...! She's not imaginary...!

Kids (Past): Imaginary friend! Imaginary friend!

(Y/n) (7-years-old): Stop it...! Ivory isn't someone I made up...!

Bully (Past): She is nothing, but an imaginary friend you made up. Grow up you damn wimp. You are nothing!

Hearing that child talk to my son like that, I was about to head over there and get my son out of there. That's... when the second "Blackout" happened to (Y/n)...

(Y/n) (Rage) (7-years-old): I said stop, you piece of shit.

Bully (Past): Huh??

I heard the sound of a punch being made off as the child, bullying my son, was knocked out of the circle. My son's hair was over his eyes and couldn't see them one bit. (Y/n) started walking towards where the bully landed, with the child getting up to back away from (Y/n).

Bully (Past): G-Get away from me!

(Y/n) (Rage) (7-years-old): What's the matter? You acted so tough on trying to pick on me. Now you're wanting to get away from me?

Bully (Past): Y-Yeah...!

Hearing the bully cowering in fear in front of my son, seemed to be funny for my child. This wasn't (Y/n)'s normal behavior for me. My son laughed at the bully as the tables had been turned around for them. Though, my son wasn't done with the bully yet... When (Y/n) stopped laughing, and that's when I saw the red glow in my son's eyes for the first time... They were... dark and frightening upon first glance at them. Something was definitely wrong with my child...

(Y/n) (Rage) (7-years-old): I'm afraid... I can't let you do that.

Bully (Past): W-Why not...?!

(Y/n) (Rage) (7-years-old): Do I need to remind someone like you? Guess I actually have to remind you then...

That's... when it began. My son ran up to the child with fast movements, slightly faster than a regular speed of a normal child. (Y/n) had delivered a kneeing kick to the bully's stomach and took their arm. (Y/n) then threw the bully over his shoulder to toss the bully a few feet away from him. The rage I could see in (Y/n)'s eyes... It was as if... something had possessed (Y/n) and was influencing him to do this...

Bully (Past): O-Okay...! I'm sorry...! I'm sorry! Please! Stop!

(Y/n) (Rage) (7-years-old): Oh? Now you want me to stop? This, coming from the same person I asked to stop making fun of me, insulting me, and pushing me around like some toy??

Bully (Past): Y-Yes! I'll stop! Please!

(Y/n) (Rage) (7-years-old): How funny... Like how I asked you to stop, you continued to torture me... Why should I stop now when you want it? You've done nothing but makw fun of me, made my days here miserable and insulted me about Ivory. No... You get no forgiveness. You want to know why? Because now, I'm going to kill you.

(Y/n) saying that sent shivers down to my very soul. My son, taking a life of another child. That was something unheard of, but apparently not for (Y/n)... (Y/n) then took the child by the throat and began to strangle the bully on the ground. Everyone was watching and was afraid of my son, as he had a smile on his face that I would never forget that day. (Y/n) seemed to enjoy wanting to make the child suffer for what the bully did to him as revenge. For me, I couldn't let this happen any further... On my instincts, I ran in and took hold of my son and pulled him off of the bully.

(Y/n) (Rage) (7-years-old): NO! Let me go! He needs to suffer like I did!!

Iris (Past): (Y/n)! Listen to yourself! This isn't like you to act this way! Snap out of it!

(Y/n) (Rage) (7-years-old): Let me go mom! Augh!!

I looked over to the child my son had tried to strangle and saw them get up. The child looked so frightened and ran to their parents while crying. I couldn't blame the child for crying like this after what almost happened. Death wasn't something to take lightly about...

Iris (Past): (Y/n)! Listen! You've made your point now! They learned their lesson!

(Y/n) (Rage) (7-years-old): No! Not yet!  *looks in a random direction* No Ivory! He spoke rudely about of you! It's not fair!

Feeling like I need to end this quick, I turned my son to face towards me. The look in his eyes... it showed anger, betrayal, sadness... a whole mix of emotions...

Iris (Past): (Y/n)... Look at me...

(Y/n) (Rage) (7-years-old): No! Let me go!

Iris (Past): I don't know what you must be feeling right now... But please... You're my son... Where is the gentle soul that's part of you at...?

(Y/n) (Rage) (7-years-old): How can I be gentle at a time like this?! Ivory-!

Iris (Past): I know (Y/n)...! I know... But doing this... Isn't going to make them take back what they said to you... Please... My son... Calm down... Where is my sweet son hidden in there...?

I was on the verge of tears seeing my son in such a way. I have never seen that kind of anger in any child except for my own... When my child looked at me, I could see the red glow in his eyes die down and come back to his senses. And like before, he didn't remember what happened to him recently and what he did.

(Y/n) (7-years-old): Mom...? Why are you crying...?

I didn't say anything as I wrapped my son around my arms. Within the short amount of time after the first time... It was more frightening to see it in person... After (Y/n) came out of his "Blackout," he passed out right on the spot. My husband and myself decided to leave quickly to avoid any questions to be made towards us. By the end of the Spring Semester, we decided to move somewhere else. With what happened at the school... (Y/n) would never be treated the same ever again at that school. When we finally moved to our new home, (Y/n) was calm and peaceful again once more. It was almost like a sign to move away back then. 'Cause the weirdest thing that happened was, the city had reported to have bursted into flames. It was scary to hear something like that right after you moved from the city you lived in... Anyway, (Y/n)'s birthday came around and turned 8-years-old. Although, a month after we moved in, (Y/n) had became sad and quiet for some reason. I could see him at the couch crying as I checked up on him to see what was wrong.

Iris (Past): What's the matter (Y/n)?

(Y/n) (8-years-old): *sniff* She's gone...

Iris (Past): Who's gone?

(Y/n) (8-years-old): Ivory... She's gone... After we moved in... I started to see her less often...

I felt sad for my son, but I took it as a sign he was growing up. I sat down next to (Y/n) and wrapped my arms around him into a hug.

Iris (Past): Son. I know... This is tough for you. Every child goes through this... We always have that one special friend that understands us the most, but sometimes... They just go away for an unexpected reason.

(Y/n) (8-years-old): She told me that she had to leave... It's not fair...

Iris (Past): I know it's not fair... LIFE isn't fair... All we can do is just remember the good times we had and keep those memories to our hearts. Is that understandable?

My son had nodded his head at knowing what I meant. With the new school (Y/n) went to, it didn't take long for my son to meet someone he could connect with quickly. By that I mean you, (F/n). I still remember the silly things they would do together and get into soooo many fights. But they were really good friends with each other.

(F/n) (Present): Aww, I feel so touched.

Iris (Present): Don't be getting all mushy on me. You won't get anything special from me.

(F/n) (Present): Shit...

Two years later...

Location: (L/n) Residence.

After two years of living in our home here and (Y/n)'s "Blackouts" finally stopped, we decided to have Abby. When my husband and myself brought in Abby through the front door of our home, (Y/n) had a wondering thought going through his head. Wondering who I was holding in my arms.

(Y/n) (10-years-old): Hey mom? Who's this?

Mr. (L/n) (Past): That's your new sister my son. Her name is Abby.

(Y/n) (10-years-old): Sister...?

Iris (Past): Yes. Your sister. You want to meet her?

My son was hesitant at first, but nodded his head in wanting to meet Abby. I then gave Abby to be held by (Y/n) as he held Abby in his arms. He had a look of amazement on his face seeing Abby.

Iris (Past): You have a big responsibility now (Y/n). You want to know why?

My son tilted his head at why I was saying this, not knowing what I was going by.

Iris (Past): You're her big brother. It's your job to look after Abby and be there for her when she needs help or when needing someone to turn to for comfort. Big brothers are also strong and courageous in the face of danger to protect those close to him.

(Y/n) (10-years-old): Strong... and courageous...?

I took Abby back from (Y/n)'s arms and held Abby once more. I could see (Y/n) still trying to look at Abby as he kept staring at his little sister. After getting an eyeful of looking at his sister, he looked at himself in question. As if deciding on something, he flexed his arms upward trying to look more tough.

(Y/n) (10-years-old): I can do it! I'll be there for Abby whenever she needs me! I promise!

That's when our peaceful life began after Abby came home and (Y/n) made that promise. Whenever Abby cried, (Y/n) would be there to help his sister in almost anyway possible. I felt that after seven long years of (Y/n) having those moments, I felt I had seen the last of it. My son had even let the imagination of Ivory go and became the man he is now. But then he goes missing, returns three months later with you four CPUs, and has those "Blackouts" again...

Emma (Present): That's... wow...

(F/n) (Present): Didn't think my friend was like that growing up. Damn...

Vert (Present): Let's not forget why we're having this talk. We're trying to come up with a reason why (Y/n) is acting out this way now.

Blanc (Present): Vert is right. Iris, you mentioned that (Y/n) had an imaginary friend "Ivory," correct?

Iris (Present): Yes. I did.

Blanc (Present): Can you tell us more about this if possible? You mentioned everything else returned except the imagination.

Iris (Present): Where can I begin...?

It was when (Y/n) was five years old when he first showed signs of seeing "Ivory" in some way. He would draw pictures, talk about his day, or even have interesting imaginations. (Y/n) would talk to himself, only talking back in replies or ask questions and even answer some in different ways. There would be a couple of times here and there that he would draw things and some made up creatures from what he could think of.

Noire (Present): Drawings? Iris, could we see these drawings (Y/n) made?

Iris (Present): Yes. Let me go get them real quick.

Noire's point of view.

Iris returned with a box of full of pictures that seemed to be colored in crayon.

Iris: These are all the pictures I had kept when (Y/n) drew them. How will these pictures help?

Noire: My reason for bringing them up... I think maybe we can find some sort of connection in some way to (Y/n) if we look at the pictures.

With that being said, Neptune, Vert, Blanc and myself began to take a picture each to look at them. One picture I had in my hand looked to be that of an Ancient Dragon. While I was looking at other pictures, Neptune... was beginning to dose off...

Noire: Neptune! Wake up!

Neptune: Ah! I'm awake!

Vert: Interesting...

Blanc: This is... weird...

Iris: What is it? Did you notice something?

Vert: Yes... I can recognize some pictures to be some monsters from our world... With a few exceptions of some group of people.

Blanc: For me, I recognize some areas that are located in Lowee... but... that shouldn't be possible...

Emma: What do you mean Blanc?

(F/n): Yeah, what's going on?

By looking at the pictures and what we've been told by Iris... Something big and strange is going on here...

Noire: These pictures... They contain slight details of what some of the monsters we fight in our world look like... For what Blanc found, she recognizes some places that would be in Lowee...

Iris: What do you mean Noire??

Noire: Iris... How could (Y/n) be able to draw these monsters and locations... If he hasn't even been to Hyper dimension when he drew them...?

This was a shocking discovery we were able to find. Pictures of monsters, land from Lowee... This stuff shouldn't have reached (Y/n) until he came to our world when he turned seventeen... But somehow... Here they were... pictures created by (Y/n) in a way that shouldn't be possible for his age back then... Some pictures showed a person in a silver dress with the name "Ivory" written on it. This "Ivory" seemed to have been a more fascination to (Y/n) than the other pictures when he was younger. I could tell from this since each one was carefully drawn out in different ways. Blanc had reached for another paper in the box to look at it. What Blanc saw next made her gasp and dropped it back down. Blanc looked frightened about a discovery she found and looks really shocked.

Blanc: No... That's not possible...! How is this even possible...?!

Vert: Blanc...? What did you find...?

Noire: You look like you saw a ghost...

Neptune: You're even turning white like one.

Blanc: That picture...! There is one thing I know (Y/n) couldn't have seen in our world...! None of this is making sense at all...!

Iris took the paper and looked at it.

Iris: Yes... When I saw this picture the first time, the details and how this one looked... I didn't know what to think of this one as well... I thought it was some... phase (Y/n) was going through.

Vert: Iris, we need to see that picture. It could be crucial.

Iris looked hesitant at first. If it had shook Blanc up this much, it was probably going to be shocking to Vert, Neptune and myself for the matter. When Iris showed us the picture... It was the Deity of Sin... Arfoire, herself... Her whole monstrous form with orange and purple bat-like wings, the giant eye, four arms and four legs... There was no mistaking the details of the picture being Arfoire herself...

Vert: This is... quite shocking...!

Noire: How even...?! Of all people to draw... Why is she drawn here...?!

Neptune: Even as a cameo... Arbore somehow makes an appearance in some way...

(F/n): You girls know what that thing is?

Blanc: The Deity of Sin, Arfoire. A being that had tried to destroy Gamindustri twice during the time... Once when an older generation had sealed her away, and the second where we actually finished her off for good...

Noire: She was one of the biggest threats in the history of Gamindustri... What I want to know is... How AND why did (Y/n) draw this... No one normal should have been able to draw something like this... Even for (Y/n).

I looked over to Iris as she had a look on her face. A look that was as if there was something more to (Y/n) we didn't know.

(Y/n)'s point of view.

I wake up in my bed as my head was slightly hurting as I was still in my normal clothes from the school festival with my shoes on still. I don't remember much from what happened. I look over to see that it was the next day. My mind was trying to remember what happened, but I couldn't remember.

(Y/n): (Thoughts) What happened that made me pass out again? Did I go berserk again like they told me before...? I should go see...

I get off my bed and slowly made my way downstairs. I could hear voices coming from the living room that was a combination of the CPUs, (F/n), Emma and my mom. I was about to walk in when I heard Noire speak to my mother.

Noire: You know something else that happened to (Y/n). Don't you?

I stopped in my tracks and pressed my back against the wall. My friends and my mother seemed to have been talking about me for some time. But, my wonder was... Why was it about ME at all...?

Iris: Y-Yes... There is something... But... I... I don't know how to explain it... I've even had to keep it from my own son for sixteen years...

This made me go wide eyed hearing this. There was apparently a secret even my mom was keeping from me. Something that seemed too important to have kept this quiet for so long... I could hear my mother crying from this and hear Neptune trying to calm my mom down.

Neptune: Iris... We're trying to help learn more about (Y/n) and what's going on with him... Noire, Blanc and I love (Y/n)... Vert likes (Y/n) as a brother somewhat, and (F/n) and Emma are (Y/n)'s closest friends... Please... Tell us...

My breathing had gotten shaky trying to keep myself calm. What was this secret my mother had been keeping from me...?

Iris: Okay... Okay... *sniff* Back when me and my husband first had (Y/n)... We had never been more than happy to have a sweet baby boy like (Y/n)... The first year with (Y/n) had been smooth sailing... but...

My mother had paused as if trying to keep herself under control. If it shook my mom up this much... It's something that I shouldn't even be hearing right now... I wanted to turn back, but my body wouldn't let me. My heart was saying I wasn't ready for what's coming, but my mind wanted to know. Wanted to know what my mother and father had been keeping from me all this time...

Noire: Iris... It's okay. Deep breaths.

I could hear my mother try to recollect herself. When she was ready, she continued with what she wanted to talk about.

Iris: When (Y/n) was a year and a half... He had gotten really sick... We had taken our son to the hospital to get help from the doctors... We were at the hospital for ten days straight, for we didn't want to leave our child behind... When the doctors needed to do a special emergency on our son... We had to wait outside to pray our son would be okay...

My heart had begun to race at this point, making it harder to keep my breathing in control. I was already this deep, I had to know what happened. No I MUST know what happened!!

Iris: When the doctor came out... the operation was over...

There was silence in the room. No one talked for a minute, I heard Vert speak to my mother as if needing to continue what needs to be said.

Vert: Iris... What happened...?

Iris: Our son... had died during the procedure...

This sent a pain through my body and my heart hearing this news. I clutched my heart as it was hurting too much.

(Y/n): (Thoughts) I... I died...?!

Apparently I wasn't the only one shocked by this. From the mirror that was placed on the wall, I could see my friends and my loved ones in deep shock hearing this.

Emma: B-But... How...?

(F/n): Mrs... No. Iris, if what you say is true... HOW is (Y/n) even ALIVE then?! If he's supposed to be dead, then how is (Y/n) alive today!?

Iris: When we were told about (Y/n)'s status... I didn't want it to be true... I had rushed passed all the doctors, all the nurses, and anything in my way. When I reached my son... the monitors were all flat-lined... There was no pulse... There was no breaths coming from (Y/n)... Nothing...

My head was getting dizzy. Taking in this information was making me sick to my stomach as I was leaning against the wall at this point for support. I saw (F/n) stand up looking pissed as hell.

(F/n): We know (Y/n) died! How is he even here right now?!

Iris: I'm getting to that damn it!! This isn't something that's easy to explain for me at all!!

My mother yelled at (F/n) out of frustration. Though, it didn't shake him as he sat back down again to let my mother continue.

Iris: When we saw our baby boy... We prayed... We prayed that some miracle would happen... We didn't wanted to lose our son... He was too young to die... Just when we were about to accept our son to be dead though... That's... when my husband's necklace began to glow...

Everyone was shocked at this point. More importantly me most of all actually.

Iris: As if someone had answered our prayers... Some... beam had shot from my husband's necklace and was going to my son... It was as if... something reacted to our need and wanted to help us. Our son glowed with the same light the necklace was giving off, and before we knew it... The monitors gained a pulse again... Our son was brought back to life...

I took my necklace and held it in my hand. The same necklace my father gave me, had saved my life not once, not twice, but three times in my life... The very first time... was when I was a baby. That's when another thought came through my head... My talk with Dionix at the base... My wonder why we looked the same... Dionix's energy... had saved my life... I began to freakout at this point until I saw the front door open up. Walking in through the door, was Abby.

Abby: Hi mom, hi Neptune, hi Onii-chan,-

That's when I began to freakout more when Abby said hi to me as I made a sound of fear. I could hear footsteps coming from the living room as everyone that had been talking about me found out I had overheard them. My breathing was very erratic at the moment, my body was shaking and my heart was beating out of control.

Iris: (Y/n)... How much did you hear...??

When my mother took a step towards me, I took a step back. I didn't want to be around here. I didn't want to be around here at all!! I began to tear up from having to confront my mother like this as she took another step towards me.

Iris: (Y/n)... Please, I-!

That's when I ran upstairs to head to my room quickly. Knocking a few stuff down in my rush by accident.

Noire: (Y/n)! Wait!!

Blanc: (Y/n), no! Come back!!

I could hear the others begin to follow me up, as I closed my door quickly. Though, I didn't want to be here at the moment. I looked at my window and immediately ran to it. I heard my door open as I got to the window and opened it. I turned around and saw my best friend trying to approach me.

(F/n): (Y/n)! Would you just wait and-!

(Y/n): Just shut up!! Leave me alone!! ALL of you!!

I jumped through the window backwards and saw that the clouds were really dark. I heard thunder going off and a few strands of lightning in the air. With it, the sky then began to pour down rain, making the ground slick and wet. When I landed on the ground, I slid backwards and looked up to see the CPUs jump out through the window of my room.

Vert: (Y/n) please! Just give us-!

(Y/n): What part of leave me alone, do you not get?!

I began to run to try and get away from those close to me. I didn't care where I ran to, all I wanted to do was hide somewhere. But I couldn't if Noire, Vert, Blanc and Neptune were chasing me. I felt frustrated. Frustrated because of many things. More importantly towards my life. I was never meant to live... and yet... I was brought back to life with the energy of my enemy... I was about to turn the corner to continue running from my friends, until a hammer had slammed into me from my side. It sent me flying into a wall and left cracks in it. I got up in pain as Blanc walked up to grab her hammer. With her, I could see Noire, Vert and Neptune trying to trap me in a formation while there were still wearing their school uniforms.

Blanc: (Y/n), please stop running...! We're only trying to help you...!

(Y/n): What if I don't want your help and just want to be alone right now damn it!? Have you ever thought of that?! A good fat load of help you all are doing learning secrets about my past behind my back!

Noire: You idiot! We wanted to learn what happened before you met us, but the only person we knew that had the most information at the time was your mother!

(Y/n): Yeah, even if it meant learning about the biggest secret my parents have been keeping from me my whole life!! I am living the biggest lie I never knew about! I had DIED 16-years-ago damn it!

Vert: (Y/n)... They had their reasons... They were probably waiting-

I looked to Vert, giving her an angry I had on my face. Vert stopped in her sentence and didn't want to continue it. I could see she was scared by how I looked.

(Y/n): And when do you think they would tell me, huh?! A year?! Ten years?!! Until THEY died?!?! They had kept this secret from me even after I came back! My life has been nothing, but filled will secrets and damn lies!!

I then punched a wall trying to get my frustration out and left a huge hole in the wall. My whole body was shaking from what I've learned, I could see Neptune trying to approach me slowly.

Neptune: (Y/n)... Please... We care about you... We only wanted to help understand why you went berserk in your life...

Neptune was about to touch my shoulder, until I brushed her hand to the side. I couldn't feel compassion or sympathy at the moment... I felt so empty inside... I could see Neptune back up and get back into formation with the CPUs.

(Y/n): I didn't care if I had to deal with this...! After what I learned today... I don't even know who I am anymore!

I was about to try and go around the CPUs to continue walking, but they moved to keep me in their formation. Not wanting me to escape them.

(Y/n): Move out of my way... I need to be alone...

Noire: (Y/n)... You know we can't do that... Not while you're acting like this...

Blanc: If we do... we won't know where you'll go...

Vert: Especially what you'll do even...

At this point, I wanted to cry. I felt my heart hurt so much. I felt so cold and empty, that it's consuming me deep down... Seeing Blanc have her weapon out, there were only two options left for me... One of them wasn't coming back quietly...

(Y/n): If you won't move, and you won't let me through...

I then summoned my blades and entered a dual wield stance. The CPUs looked shocked at my decision as I had a serious look on my face.

(Y/n): ...then that means we're gonna have a fight then...

Knowing that I've made my decision, Noire, Vert, and Neptune, pulled out their weapons as well.

Noire: Knowing you (Y/n)... Only you would make this trouble for us... Idiot...

(Y/n): I know princess... Promise me... hold nothing back... because I'm not. Besides... aren't you supposed to hit me because of how stupid of a boyfriend I'm being right now...?

I could see Neptune, Noire, and Blanc flinch slightly from what I said. I remembered their words of how they'll punish me if I did something stupid again. Right now, the time was now. When ten seconds pass, I make the first move. I rushed forward to where Neptune and Noire block my path and charge in towards me. We each bring our weapons up, with one of my swords connecting to the attacks placed by Neptune and Noire.

Neptune: Please (Y/n)! We don't want to fight like this!

(Y/n): Sorry Neppy... But you girls won't give me the space I need right now...!

I push off the weight of their weapons and do a spin attack to push both Neptune and Noire back. From my right, I can see Vert charging in towards me, readying her spear to attack me. I get into a stance as we begin to clash. Vert thrusts her spear forward a few times with me blocking it to the side. When she's done, I return with a few attacks of my own and put weight on a double swing downward. This causes Vert to get down onto on knee and push back against the weight of my attack.

Vert: (Y/n)! You know this isn't right! We shouldn't be fighting like this!

(Y/n): Do I look like I care? You four want to chase me down so badly when I need time to be alone... When our objectives clash... Only actions can solve this now!

Vert: No! You're wrong! Please just-!

(Y/n): Enough!!

I begin pushing down on Vert's weapon and surround my arms in energy to increase my strength. Vert begins to slowly succumb to the pressure I was giving off, but in my distraction with Vert, Blanc comes out of nowhere. She slams her hammer into me and sends me to the wall, where she then pins my arms to the wall to hold me down.

Blanc: You dumbass! Why are you making this so damn difficult?! Just listen damn it!!

(Y/n): If you found out that you had died at a young age, you would want to find some place to be alone and think!

Blanc: But what you're doing is making us worried!

(Y/n): Shut up!!

I bring my energy to my right leg and lift it up. I kicked Blanc with that leg to get her off of me and continue running.

Location: Ohashi High.

Thunder was booming and lightning was flashing through the sky on this fight we were having. I had a few more clashes with the CPUs as the fight takes the five of us to the school we go to, Ohashi High. Our clothes were soaking wet from being in the rain, but it didn't matter right now.

(Y/n): You four are so damn persistent! Can't you take a hint already?!

Vert: We know it's hard to accept what you've heard...! But we care about you and want to help you through this...!

My heart keeps hurting hearing them trying to reach out to me, but I couldn't accept it... Not yet...

(Y/n): Just stop... Stop talking and fight me damn it!!

Being at the school, there wasn't anyone left in the area we were in. Meaning, the fight was about to get more serious now.

(Y/n): Multi-slicer!

I sent a volley of energy slices at the CPUs, who reacted quickly and dodged each attack made towards them. With that being done, they began to fight more seriously now.

Neptune: So now the stakes are going up to skill use huh?? Okay then, have a taste of my, Cross Combination!

Neptune charged in towards me as she made a few slashes and blocked them, but got hit by an uppercut from her weapon. Neptune jumped up to reach where I was going to then slam me back down to the ground. This wasn't enough to make me want to give up yet. Not even by a long shot. When I got up, I could see Noire and Blanc charging in from both sides of me. They each take a swing at me, but I block using both of my swords. Though, they were only just a distraction for another attack made by Vert. With both of my blades occupied, I couldn't move to dodge Vert's Kinestra Slash. Noire and Blanc jumped out of the way as Vert moved quickly passed me. I quick swift motions, I could feel the blade from Vert's spear cut into my skin and made some cuts into my clothing. The attack sends me flying while I yelled in pain to the front entrance with the glass doors, breaking upon impact from the attack. I regain my balance as I drive my blades into the ground to slide myself to a hald. I got back to my feet and see the CPUs standing at the front entrance, while I tried to regain some stamina.

Blanc: You done letting off some steam, or do we have to continue this pointless fight?

Gripping my swords I got back into my stance as I could feel my eyes begin to tremble. I didn't want to fight them... But I couldn't stand being near them when I break down...

(Y/n): All your attacks have been nothing but love taps. You're all so damn weak.

Neptune: Guess we have to continue this...

Vert: Why are you trying to distance yourself from us (Y/n)...?

I chuckled to myself from Vert's question to me. This made her confused from me doing that.

(Y/n): You really want to know...? You're gonna have to beat it out of me first...

Blanc: And that... can be arranged...

Starting up round two, Blanc and I rushed forward and our weapons clashed against each other. The force our clash break the wooden floor slightly and damages the lockers by a tiny amount. Sparks were being generated from the steel of our weapons bring pressed against each other. A memory flashed through my head as it reminded me of my battle against Blanc in her Chaos form echos through my head.

(Guardian) (Y/n) (Flashback): No. This isn't you Blanc. You have to snap out of it!

Chaos White (Blanc) (Flashback): What if I don't huh? What are you going to do about it, little boy??

The memory makes my heart and head hurt. From a different view point, I'm the one that's needing some sense talked into me. But I couldn't accept it yet, not like this... I let out a yell as I pushed Blanc's weapon up and do a spinning thrust kick to her stomach to knock her back. When that happened, Neptune and Noire charged in to begin teaming up on me. Each were swinging their blades in sync with each other, as it left me to walk backwards to block their strikes. They get the upper hand though, when they are able to knock my swords from my hands.

Noire: Just stop fighting idiot! Let's just talk about this already!

(Y/n): And I told you to fight me!

Channeling my energy, I focus my energy to my hands and fire and Energy Shot each from my hands at Neptune and Noire. Both of them get blasted back from my attack. From the smoke I can see Vert jump through and deliver a punch at my stomach, making me cough some spit up from the attack.

Vert: Even if you keep trying! You only won the first time against all four of us by luck and skill! It won't end the same way again!

(Y/n): E-Even so...

I took hold of Vert's arm and shove her away from me. I get into a combat stance to show I was ready to continue fighting in hand to hand combat. Taking deep breaths to regain some air.

(Y/n): I'm not giving up yet.

There was silence in the school. The only sounds being made at the moment were the rain pouring down outside and the thunderclap of thunder. The CPUs each got into a combat stance of their own as they put their weapons away also. The five of us went into the hall to get ready for the next round.

Blanc: Don't blame us if you get your bones broken from this fight (Y/n)...

Neptune: We... We really didn't wanna have to do this...

Hearing both of them say that to me... It made my heart hurt even more now...

(Y/n): (Thoughts) Even when they taught me how to fight, even when they are trying to help me now... I'm trying to distance myself from them... Because I'm afraid...

Upon the next thunderclap being heard, I made the first move and rushed forward to attack Noire. She dodged my initial strike with Blanc to support her by punching me a few times. Neptune was next as she dropped kicked me and sent me flying down the hall. I landed on the ground and bounced up to get back on my feet. Rushing up to me, I could see Neptune heading towards me. She jumps up and dives down with her leg extended out to attack me. Using the space below, I jumped forward into a roll to dodge the attack. I then take Neptune's arm to throw her over my shoulder, sending her back down the hall.

Neptune: Vert! Now!

Vert: Inbetween Spear!

Going passed Neptune, Vert had used her skill Inbetween Spear to catch me off guard. I raise my arms up to try and block what I could, but each hit stung with each slice made into my skin. I heard foot steps rushing toward me, I look to see that it was Noire closing the distance between us. She pulled her arm back while I do the same. When she gets close enough our fists connect to where a force of wind was made, making the windows around us break from the impact. While I was focused on Noire, Blanc used the moment to get around Noire and uppercut me in the chin. The attack sent me to the second floor of the hallway and land on my back. I breathe hard slightly from the hits I've taken and see the CPUs following me up. I wipe off the blood I had on my lip and got back up into a stance again.

Noire: Jeez... How many times do we have to knock you down idiot...?

(Y/n): I'm a persistent man to the end... It's going to take more than a few cheap shots from teaming up to get me to submit.

Vert: We wouldn't have too if things weren't so serious... But the way you're acting is making us worried more about you (Y/n)...

(Y/n): Well enough...! Just be quiet and fight me!

I continued the fight and charged forward towards the CPUs. I raised my hand to generate an Energy Shield and rammed all four of them. Generating an energy disc in my left hand, I tossed it around to stop it in mid-air to the side and enlarge it. When we approach it, I motioned my left hand to quickly move the generated energy disc over to slam it into the girls. This caused them to go through the wall into a classroom. The room was a mess now from the damage done, but I couldn't care at the moment anyway. I saw the CPUs getting up as they looked mad. Each had some cuts made into their clothes from the attack I made on them.

Neptune: Okay... THAT, was a cheap shot lover boy.

(Y/n): Just using what I can at my disposal. Just be glad I haven't even considered transforming against you four...

Vert: Why don't you then? You have the advantage against us in transforming, why are you holding back?

(Y/n): Do I need to give a reason...? No.

I generated two energy discs and threw them below and above the CPUs and enlarged the discs. Noire and Blanc immediately knew what I had planned, jumped out of the way, leaving Neptune and Vert behind. I motioned my hands to move the platforms together and trapped Neptune and Vert together like a sandwich.

Neptune: Oh, come on! Now this isn't fair! I've been turned into a Nep-sandwich!! Put Nepgear in this fondue mess and then we have a Nep-Sister sandwich here with a side of Vert in the middle!!

Vert: Does that even sound bad as it seems Neptune...? At least your joke came into fruition in this fan fiction.

I could see Neptune flail her arms while Vert sweatdropped from being trapped between the energy discs. I became super confused as to why Vert had done something that usually Neptune would talk about. Because of this, I placed my hands to my head and yelled.

(Y/n): Augh...!! Even when they're trapped, they still goof around...!! What story do those two even mention damn it?!

Blanc: Then stop paying attention to them and look at the real threats then dumbass!!

I get punched in the head by Blanc from being distracted and sent through a wall into the classroom next door. I keep my focus on the platforms I made to keep Vert and Neptune trapped. Noire comes into the room next as we each exchanged hits between each other in punches and kicks. When Noire lands a punch to my face, I do a back-flip to kick her in the chin to send her to the third floor classroom above us. I heard Blanc charging in towards me and shoulder bashed me out of the classroom into the hallway. While I tried to get up, Blanc was quickly on me once more and grabbed my leg. Blanc spun me around and sent me up to the third floor and then crashing straight through the roof and land on my stomach. I was panting at this point from the damage I've taken. I could feel blood trickling from my head as I began to crawl away from the hole made from crashing through it. The rain continued to pour down, as I heard pairs of feet landing on the floor of the roof and looked back to see Neptune, Vert, Blanc and Noire.

Noire: No where left for you to run (Y/n) and you're badly damaged too... It's time to end this and talk now.

Blanc: Continuing to fight with the odds against you is pointless now.

Vert: Please (Y/n)...

Neptune: Why are you trying to distance yourself from us...?

Knowing I was out numbered, there would be no chance I can use a healing skill without getting some cover or time to use it. My struggle to get away was in vain as I got to my knees. My hair covered my eyes, while my body shook slightly from the pain it felt.

(Y/n): You really want to know why I was distancing myself from you all...?? My whole life... has been nothing, but secrets and lies about who I am... I had died when I was a year and a half old... What saved me was the crystal that contained Dionix's positive energy... All I am is just a walking dead man with the energy of my most hated enemy inside of me...! I didn't want to think of how or when it happened... But dying only to revived...!? I had no control over my fate the moment that energy brought me back to life...! I feel... I feel was always meant to go to Hyper dimension, whether or not I knew about it...!

I began to choke and sob with I was saying. That was a dark truth I never wanted to admit to myself with all that happened in Hyper dimension. Meeting Dionix, the reveal of who he is, and how I came to be... This body is nothing but a vessel for someone else's energy and made into a clone. The pain I was feeling around my body was dark, it felt so cold... I could see a dark mist trying to appear around me as I held myself tightly and closed my eyes. My crystal began to darken at an alarming rate.

(Y/n): I'm so cold... I feel so empty... I feel like I just want to disappear...!

The dark mist emanates around me more as if forming a small tornado. Getting bigger as time passed by. The CPUs raised their arms to shield their eyes from any flying debris to see what was happening. As seconds clocked on the storm would get bigger as it had then surrounded the school.

Noire: What's going on...?! What's happening?!

Vert: I don't know...! With how (Y/n) is feeling at the moment, his negative emotions must be affecting the crystal at an alarming rate...! If we don't do something soon, I fear something bad will happen to (Y/n)...!

Blanc: (Y/n)...! You have to calm down right now...!

Neptune: (Y/n)!

I was taking deep breaths as my heart was in massive pain. I couldn't calm down from the pain I was feeling. I felt so alone, so scared... I was beginning to even lose the feeling of my body... As if something is trying to take control... That's when I felt something light in front of me, I opened my eyes only to see Neptune hugging me tightly. Her hair and clothes being tossed and turned from the force of the wind around us.

Neptune: (Y/n)! I know everything that's happened to you has never been fair! Your death, the secrets kept from you, everything...!

(Y/n): Why do you care...?!?! I have the same face as Dionix and body in every way...! Why are you trying so hard for my sake...!

Neptune: Because you are so much different from him! Dionix causes pain to others, while you try to bring peace and happiness to those around you!

(Y/n): Even so... Both Dionix and myself are connected to each other right down to the energy...!

I felt a slight touch on my left shoulder as I could see Noire trying to reach out to me as well. She gets down on her knees to sit down next to me.

Noire: The energy doesn't decide who you are based on who it came from...! How you decide to use it is your own decision...! This is YOUR energy (Y/n)! Not Dionix's!

I felt someone hold onto my right and see Vert was even trying.

Vert: Both of them are right (Y/n)...! What you've done in Gamindustri is different how Dionix acted! You threw yourself into danger knowing you could get hurt, but you did it to help your friends and help solve problems that would come up! There's no way that you two can be the same with the different thoughts and actions you two choose to act upon!

One last person hugged me from behind as I looked up to see Blanc who had tears in her eyes.

Blanc: The (Y/n) I know... Has a love and fascination for learning about our world... The vast beauty, the knowledge it contains, the history... Dionix wouldn't want to preserve it or want to learn more about it like you want too... You are so kind and gentle when needing to be, though it doesn't make you weak... When times get rough, and those who wish to hurt you or those you cherish... They won't see you as kind and gentle... Cause you care for your friends and for their own well being that you get serious when needing to be... That's the (Y/n) we know... Nothing more, and nothing less...

Hearing all of them talking to me like this and being this close... Made me start crying my eyes out. I let out sobs and cries of pain out into the sky. Having them be this close to me... Having them try their hardest to be there for me... made me let go of everything that had been troubling me after I woke up... I could feel the four of them hug me tighter, trying to sooth my sadness and calm me down. The dark mist that was spinning around us was beginning to settle down, until it had vanished completely.

Neptune: Everything is okay... We're here for you... Nothing is ever going to change that... Just like you're always there for us... We're there for you too... You decide your own fate... Not Dionix...

I kept crying as I hugged Neptune back. I had buried my face into her shoulder, trying to cry out all the worries and feelings I built up. In the process, the crystal was returning to normal, regaining it's slight blue glow to it. The rain continued to pour down as the five of us were still on the roof in the hug we all were in. Having finally calmed down, the girls each let go of me and checked to see how I was feeling.

Noire: Feeling better now (Y/n)...?

(Y/n): *nods head* U-Uh huh...

Vert: Why don't we return home now... I'm sure your mother and sister are worried about you... With how much time has passed... I think your father should be home as well.

I nodded my head as the girls helped me up to my feet with my arms around Noire and Blanc. They helped me get down to the first floor of the school and out through the broken doors. Being anywhere around here for the time being would be pretty bad. From the damage the school took inside, and the black storm that had happened, left the school damaged badly. Because of that, the school came tumbling down in a heaping wreck. We all looked back worried when that happened and sweated like crazy.

(Insert Orange here)

Neptune: Uh... Guess we went a little overboard with our fight... huh...?

Noire: A little...?

Blanc: No... We destroyed the school... Demolished it even...

Vert: Not to mention the black storm that caused this... This will be... tough to explain to Iris later...

(Y/n): I am so dead... I won't live to see the day of tomorrow...!

After we returned to my house, my mother broke down into tears from all that happened. My mother and father hugged me, never thinking that I would find out my horrible secret like that in my life. Though, with that out of the way, they can rest more easily now that I know what happened to me when I was younger. Abby, (F/n) and Emma were also there for me and helped comfort me in my time of need as they also tried to cheer me up. After (F/n) and Emma left to head home, it was really late as I went upstairs to bed. What I could remember before I fell asleep, was that the CPUs and Abby had all decided to sleep with me in the same bed. Probably thinking I needed more comfort still... They weren't wrong from how I felt though. Feeling comfortable with all five of them close to me, I drifted off to sleep nice and peacefully with a small smile on my face.

Third person view.

Dimension: Hyper dimension.

Location: Dionix's base.

Time: Late at night.

At Dionix's base, we find Dionix as he was still up late at night, chuckling at the feeling he had earlier in the evening. A figure hides in the shadows, hiding who they are in the darkness.

???: Jeez, why the hell are you laughing like an idiot...? Don't you know how late it is damn it?

Dionix: I know how late it is... I'm laughing because, what I had felt earlier, was stronger than ever...

???: You mean about the brat going crazy or something?

Dionix: Yes. Although, I have a feeling that those who are close to (Y/n) had something to do with canceling out the negative emotions inside of him once more... Making the crystal going back to being clear and calm... Whenever I feel (Y/n) losing control, his positive energy drains and is then replaced with negative energy instead. From that happening and with our connection, I can feel a surge of power course through me. The longer it happens, the more powerful I get from it. But bringing (Y/n) back to his senses, I lose the increase in power I had felt. If that can happen like that... That would mean it can work in reverse for that brat as well if my crystal got positive energy again.

???: So, what do you suggest we need to do then? Cause the brat pain and dish out some chaos or something...? Ha, sorry pal. That doesn't work on him need I remind you. (Y/n)'s always willing to jump into danger to protect others. No matter if he gets hurt or not.

Dionix: No. I know that. But there is one thing I do know what triggers him. His friends and family.

???: What do you mean by that? What are you even suggesting we do?

Dionix: I mean attack his heart is what I'm saying, you imbecile!!

The figure freaked out as Dionix regained his composure to then ask his next question.

Dionix: Tell me if anyone has asked you this question... Have you ever tried killing someone before?

The person in the darkness looked shocked for a moment, though a malicious smile formed on their face at the thought.

???: No, but there's a first for everything though.

Chapter 10. End.

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