Side Chapter: Building mechanics with Nepgear and new hunting group

(All Copyrights reversed with Compile Heart and Idea Factory, I didn't mean to own a new Neptunia original story, thanks for reading the disclaimer).

After precious of drinking tea time, they are sharing their lovely good memories while they'd enjoyed talking while Neptunia shared a new tea party after arrival of Planeptune, disguising as Adult Neptune and show everyone to surprise all Planeptune girls and they were discovered there's one of Goddess of Demon appeared and long explanation after the scary scene occurred 

Neptunia really wants to explain and she tell the history of herself as she became the new myth and new legend demoness EXE hybird goddess CPU, She was being named: Démon De La Nuit with the full truth why she must to eliminate every monsters and destroy the corruption and evil existence of humanity that has been created or born into a new delusion, destruction, dictatorship, chaos, and war by the evil presences of humanity themselves with their corrupted or pure evil mind who desires to dominate humanity.

Every Planeptune girls have actually believed Neptunia Reinawazaki has the right is to cleanse the evilness and eliminate the tyranny who has forced all the knights to kill innocents in pervious century of history.

Now after the tea party is started in Planeptune tower, they were still hanging out in evening, and now someone's would like to tell that needs something else. Noire had left the place to get back into Lastation for the moment of office girl day.

Nepgear: "Hey Neptunia... I need a one favor that you can do."

Nepgear went to came into

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit): "Sure, go on."

Neptunia agrees to Nepgear to know how Neptunia can only use the power to clock her body.

Nepgear: "I'm just wanting to know this camouflage or clocking the body works, can you show me how to clock yourself with all whole of your body?"

Nepgear questioning at Neptunia.

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit): "You know this camouflage technique power couldn't be harder but It's easier that you can camouflage yourself but it requires with a magic talent. I demonstrate you when I camouflage or clock myself like this."

Neptunia answered at Nepgear and show the demonstration of going camouflage all of her body.

Neptunia using her dark magic power to camouflage all whole of her body to appear as she's a ghost herself, and Nepgear would be a shocked how she have camouflage herself and Neptunia went behind of Nepgear and show a real surprise gift to Nepgear with real mini robot, then she decamouflage herself by showing a surprise gift as It's mini robot for Nepgear, and Nepgear move to watch at Neptunia and she got surprised with her new gift.

Nepgear:"Wow...! How did you create this such a cute robot?!" :O
Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"It's just me when I'm from Lastation and I want to create a mini robot to know I'm working on it and make it worthy gift for you to make sure you can activate your mini robot for first time."
Nepgear:"How's this will work with mini robot? I wonder..."
Neptunia Reinawazakai (Démon De La Nuit):"You might to say: 'Hello, cutie robot.~' "
Nepgear:"Hello, cutie robot.~" :3

Nepgear's new Mini robot is activated for first time by saying with her cute voice speech tone.

Nepgearbot Mini robot:"Hello Nepgear, I am here to assign to assist you! I'm Nepgearbot!" :3
Nepgear:"Hi, I'm here to test with you after I had you with my fave gift that has left by my new friend Neptunia Reinawazaki!"
Nepgearbot Mini robot:"Testing up!"

Nepgearbot are testing the movement like dancing, walking, jumping, and checking the systems that has to be pure functional.

Nepgearbot Mini robot:"Testing completed! All stable and functional!" :3
Nepgear:"Thanks Nepgearbot!"
Nepgearbot Mini robot:"No problem, Nepgear!" >w<
Nepgear:"I'm gonna enjoy it!"

Neptune moving around for both Neptunia and Nepgear working and testing how Démon De La Nuit herself finished and polished, and Neptune was thinking Neptunia are doing and how she can build this such a incredible technology by Neptunia Reinawazaki herself as Démon De La Nuit herself.

Neptune:"Heeeyyy... Neptunia, how did you learned such a technology you made like Nepgear junior did?"

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Waking the new creation up by learning how to build and learn the techs and structures while I had my work to do is to construct, repair and fix if my job is still on my life career."

Neptune:"Ooooohhh....~ Let's see what I could use this mini robot!" :3

Neptune:"Hello there...~ I'm Neptune and It's pleasant to meet you!~" :3

Nepgearbot Mini robot:"Hi lazy boned Neptune! How can I help you?"

Neptune: O_O "How did you call me like that? You were supposed to be a robot not to insult me!" >_<

Nepgearbot Mini robot:"Haha!~ I'm enjoying to make fun of you like the real robot to make a fun experience for you." :3
Neptune:"How rude are you saying with your complex words you can say it with those faker that made you!" >_<

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Faker? You're the faker CPU who doesn't work with your paper business to do with your job as you are the CPU that can write assignments or others and go patrol but you keep playing video games and never respond it by eating puddings and lazing around by playing video games, hmph you will get yourself a chance to get bulked fat if your brain aren't ready to stay focused."

Neptune:"I will make you eat those words, Neptunia!"

Neptune's act is just a pure immature that she is acting like Peashy or cringe like as Maho that she can be acting for the amount of time.

Nepgear:"Can you just calm down Neptune? You aren't the one you should never fight our goddess like herself, she can be act dangerous but she will be-"

But Nepgear was interrupted by Neptune's words while Nepgear's protesting at Neptune.

Neptune:"Awww... Isn't she act dangerous? You'll see what a kind of dangerous girl that she aren't look like a goddess herself, she's just a one of devil who keeps abusing me!" >_<

Histoire begins to be furious and yell at Neptune.

Histoire:"Neptune... Will you just stop being so retarded lazy fucker that does make me feel pissed off because of you?!"

Histoire's expression have been changed into neutral as Démon De La Nuit proceeds is calming down Histoire.

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Histoire, please watch out of your language... She aren't doing such a rude to me and her sister with her friends as allies that can communicate each other and assist well while she's still energetic."

Histoire:"Ahem... Apologizes, Neptunia Reinawazaki."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"It's alright, Lady Histoire. I'll handle Neptune carefully and will try to motivate her to do her work of purpose she could do it herself without resting, lazing around that she doesn't need a work."

Neptunia's going to talk with Neptune after the most argument occured in Planeptune tower Basilicom. 

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"I apologize for the such a argument that is leading the most arrogant fight but I would give you a time for the real motivation is to start your paper business in new day or i would toss all of your pudding in the junkyard or dumpster if you refused to work like Histoire said."

Neptune protest at Neptunia.

Neptune:"Neptunia... You aren't being serious at all time, you'll had to go out of this place and rest peacefully in your life, you should remember with all of your friends while you are a ghost yourself."

Neptunia refused to leave it and never reject her body and mind that has completely destroyed her and transformed Adult Neptune into a new servant to Neptunia Reinawazaki The Démon De La Nuit herself, Démon De La Nuit has a lot of meaningful and strongest memories she'll never forget.

Neptunia Reinawazkai (Démon De La Nuit):"I refuse to get out of her body and this place while Nepgear still needs me to start a new building mission together, if you refuse going to work in your paperwork, your salary will not increase but you cannot get salary and payment with your duty of job as CPU and it will result decreasing your shares."

Neptune:"Nepu... I miss my big Nep all these days while I'm having fun with her..."

Histoire:"Neptune, quit whining and get into work!"

Neptune:"Fine Histy! Geez! I'm moving..."

Neptune has finally stopped talking and heading into her paperwork what she missed.

Nepgear wants to talk Neptunia to go walk outside to start a new hunting around like Neptunia did.

Nepgear:"Neptunia... I don't like to ask, can i just go with you if you decided to walk outside?"

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Sure... But one thing I am concerned about it... Try not let your guard down for the longer battle, there might be a tougher monster that has become evolved into a new form, a new ugly looking beast."

Nepgear:"I see..."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Let's roll outside of Planeptune and look for the deadly monsters to bring a new challenge."

IF:"Wait... I can join with you, Neptunia... You are the only one you can lead me to assist and I would like to help you to beat monsters while we decided to band with you together."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Well... I had no worries about grouping up together to create a storm against monsters let the patrol started with one CPU Candidate and one maker."

Nepgear:"Yay!" :3 (Neptunia's the prediction is the prediction, but It's unpredictable team we have actually create a group by Neptunia herself, so I had IF and now Démon De La Nuit as Neptunia Reinawazaki)

Compa's thoughts on Compa's mind that she wants to go with Neptunia Reinawazaki and go walk around the places where they can hunt down monsters by asking her to join with her.

Compa:"How about me?"

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Another three wants to be in my group, you are now in my group, Compa. You are welcomed to work with us."

Compa:"I can assist you by injecting the monsters to make sure it monster are taken down by my favorite weapon." :3

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"You are a medic and you can try a med scissor to start a special surgery operation at monster creeps if you are a really surgeon."

Neptunia brought a medical scissor as the most deadliest medical weapon that suits Compa with her yandere spirit.

Compa:"Umm... Thanks but... I'm not a surgeon unlike these guys or ladies who works with surgery operations to all patients who had very critical situation on patient's health."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"You can distract monsters by trying to bring a laugh like a villian then I might be able to eliminate those monster and you go backstab monsters with tactical stealth movement."

Compa:"Hmm... Sounds like I could be a ninja medic if I did to that, you learned to take monsters down quietly, that sounds amazing!"

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"You could use a real help after battle against monsters appeared, anyway ladies, let's move outside of Planeptune and begin full sweep protocol mode on my group mission."

All three (Nepgear, IF and Compa):"Let's move forward!"

The group mission by Neptunia Reinawazaki. Démon De La Nuit herself has begun with full sweep protocol mode, Histoire mentions all four of ladies, one Hybrid Demoness CPU, one CPU and two makers to say something that has been more careful.

Histoire:"Be careful and have a good sweeping day." :)

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"We'll do, Histoire. Keep Neptune busy while I'm still having myself duty to do with my new friendships and new big help with my Nepgear and maker ladies." :)

Histoire salutes at all four before Neptunia with Nepgear, IF and Compa leaving Basilicom and move outside of Planeptune then head into Virtua Forest.

16 Minutes later.

All four ladies are now entered in Virtua Forest during an new group mission that has been made by Démon De La Nuit, she'd keep looking from to hunt down monsters and she used her mind of presence to know there is stranger coming up or danger level.

IF:"So... Are we went into this hella place after you said you are hunting down monsters with your greater help with new group?"

Nepgear:"Neptunia know the threat is coming up to Virtua Forest after the report that monster were being spawned in Virtua Forest, I am concerned if Neptunia went to get into this place and have investigated this place, that must be one of beasts we'd never discovered it than before since all years."

IF:"Hmm... That sounds probably a false flag mission or something... I cannot tell why she sense something kind of stuff I'd never heard."

Nepgear:"I think Neptunia guess there would be a new type of monster that can camouflage like she said, that's why we used to condemn at Virtua Forest about this trees being chopped by someone."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"This monster had spikes on their spine and has the ability to camouflage to start a confuse villagers who did chopped and why? Because they probably start to smash this nature that may cause to little bit shrink the ground and completely cut or push out of trees across forests in each four different CPU nations."

IF:"I see..."

Nepgear:"So this really happens a lot when you found out who did this?"

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"You may find to know and discover it."

The loud noise of speed coming for all four ladies, there might be a something a mysterious new type of monster appeared to try distract them all.

Compa:"What is that noise coming from?"

IF:"I heard a noice that might be a suspicious beasts we'd talked about."

Nepgear:"It might be a fast but camouflaged, there's something goes wrong with it. Neptunia's right, the speed can be heard to try instantly guard them down."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Laides, pair it up and concentrate the camouflaged monster, they try to finish you miserably."

All four ladies moving to pair up and guard up with Neptunia to prepare for counterattack against the mysterious camouflaged monster if they are ready to hit something closer to them.

The camouflaged enemy as mysterious monster are moving closer and are fully prepared to hit all four ladies before Démon De La Nuit getting ready for closer movement and launch a new counterattack with her new group.

The roaring sound can be heard by all four ladies in group, Neptunia could feel closer to hit them with counterattack movement.

Then camouflaged monster are revealing themself to hit all four ladies with inhuman speed like Cheetah.

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Now!"

All four ladies dodged the camouflaged monster's stealth attack and are counterattacking against camouflaged monster, Neptunia could instantly hit one of camouflaged monster before It got disappeared but with full success eliminating a mysterious threat.

Nepgear used Gun Blade to shoot against camouflaged monster Nepgear doesn't need to transform HDD to summon Gun Blade if she fully trained enough, IF used claws slicing and tearing down camouflaged monster that make them unable to be hidden again.

Then Neptunia jumped up and summon to use motorbike that can transform into motorbike to be jigsaw and fully shredding monster without stop before camouflaged monster are killed and shredded by Démon De La Nuit.

After Neptunia's shredding procedure while defeating monster, she'd finally eliminated camouflaged monster with her motor bike being summoned.

IF:"How the hell did you get this motor bike?"

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"This Neptune's motor bike has the ride memories but I took over her motor bike and to become one of my motor bike but placed through on my hand and I can rew it up and had most unbreakable and unexplodable that cannot have my motor bike being completely exploded."

IF:"I see... We'll head back into-"

More monsters spawned into this zone.

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"I think we provoked a new monster kill zone."

Nepgear:"Alright! Let's get guard up and survive until last one of beast is neutralized and we win this mission!"

The rest of four ladies are not gonna pause because of several more monsters spawned and they continue fighting against all monsters.

Nepgear, Neptunia, IF and Compa tried to eliminate all monsters and managed successfully eliminated few monsters, but monsters are flexible and strong and they try to hit both Neptunia and IF but Neptunia with IF are counterattacking, first IF had evaded monster's encounter attack, second Neptunia had dodged then counterattack at monster with her brute force attack movement.

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"I'll go into frontline to move forward and slice many monsters as I can, you three ladies are on backline, while I'm distracting backline monsters and try to advance here, and you can defeat monsters if they are less paired up by charging up your powers."

All three:"Got it!"

Neptunia teleports into front forward and summons a bunch of Neptunia's clones to encircle all monsters in the front and monsters in the back are no longer backing up that is trap made for monsters by Neptunia Reinawazaki herself, Neptunia with all of her clones are slicing at monsters endlessly and quickly then before her battle technique power is used by Neptunia named: Juuyoku after Neptunia's clones had done making a slicing ritual against to all entire frontline monsters.

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"{Jūyoku}"

Then It unleashes bunch of flames by having all Neptunia clones being blowed off and scratches and sliced trail appears to hit the entire of frontline monsters and It unleashes dark flames, monsters are getting burned with new summoned that may lead into massive hit and nearly instant hit before all monsters being disappeared.

But Neptunia had side effect that may had her black pitched eyes appeared that her eyes are putting tears in blood that lets her eyes bleeding and the blood tear appears on her by performing and using a deadliest battle technique called: Jūyoku that may cause harm one of her eyes as battle technique user after she trained how to use it.

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Tch... My eyes... It's tearing blood on my cheek..."

All three:"Charge!"

All of three ladies are performing their charge team attack and slammed all monsters, even all four monsters are trying to block it off but no sign of success defending/blocking against Nepgear, IF and Compa, all three on Neptunia's group had successfully eliminated all four monsters with charge group team attack.

IF:"Looks like Neptunia are more smartass than anyone else!"
Nepgear:"Of course, she could made a genius battle tactics to keep holding up and let large group of monsters being distracted by her."

Compa noticing Neptunia had blood tears on her eyes and cheek, there's something bleeding tear appeared on her eyes.

Compa:"That's something doesn't look right... We should check out Nepgear and IF!"

Nepgear:"I'm going after Neptunia and check what's happening to her eyes..."

All three ladies had moved after Neptunia and asking Neptunia what happens to her own eyes.

Compa:"Neptunia...? did someone hurt your eye?" O_O

Neptunia Reianwazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"No... my eyes started crying blood for my first use of my battle technique that used to have my eyes having bleeding tears, it shows my greater pain I could get and feel it."

Compa:"Lemme take a look on your eyes, i promise to not ripe your eye ball!"

Neptunia turns her head to Compa and and shows her bleeding tears to Compa that would terrify Compa

Compa:"Gaaah! Why's your eyes having crying blood?!"

Neptunai Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"I had a new problem and new side effect that could let my eyes tearing down with blood during my new battle technique I was beating all of monsters and let them be burnt and died in front by their flames."

IF:"That means you could have something kind of disease or what is it all of those stuffs coming from?"

Neptunia Reinawazaki(Démon De La Nuit):"It is likely not disease that you think, a side effect by using and performing battle technique called: Jūyoku."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):" "Once It's unleashing the new beast upon the eyes of the human, It will teardrop with blood and release the flesh blood of misery once It's made of mistake for the person using this power of their magical eyes." "

IF:"Holy shit... I think that you might had used to know someone's gonna be a master or other person tell you about this kind of magical power you gained by training a new power form of your eyes?"

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"The master told me after I mastered this magical eyes power attack that might deliver a black flames and It is quickly killing one of person who came only with eye contract with this deadly person to harm, humiliate, and hallucinate the person until their death had arrived on person and they are dead as usual."

IF:"You are a completely very dangerous as your master made you learn anything you do with that stuff that made you eliminate all threats without a break."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"This power of magical eyes is physically, elementally, and magically dangerously are the one of threat of health that could make people tear down with blood and It will waste the blood a little on their eyes."

IF:"So, let's finally head back to home and report back in Histoire."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"I'm heading out of forest and move backward into Basilicom"

The battle against monsters while one main CPU lady named: Neptunia Reinawazaki, Démon De La Nuit herself, one candidate CPU lady named: Nepgear, Purple Sister, the two creators named: IF and Compa had finally succeeded eliminating monsters after first approach on single monster then one single monster was down and disappeared, many more monsters has been appeared all sides to try encircle new Neptunia's group that is willing to investigate there's one monster with new power that can camouflage themself to turn into invisible monster.

After leaving the Virtua Forest, they are all four coming back into Planeptune Basilicom.

Histoire:"Ah... You all four came back today!... Neptunia, what's happening to your eyes?"

IF:"Neptunia's eyes are tearing blood, that's one of her battle technique she used this something called: "Jūyoku". That's why it affects her health as she's a CPU and had her hidden battle techniques that I had discovered her before."

Compa:"It's the side effect that lets her eyes crying blood that could have to be a incorrect or cursed technique that she used this cursed power that affects her magically, and physically."

Nepgear:"Anything we had to analysis this kind of: "Jūyoku" was something kind of a nightmarish attack skill that could have eliminate all monsters by unleashing the black fires and hidden slices with her clones appeared and had herself performed her battle technique power with all of her clones by Neptunia Reinawazaki herself."

Histoire:"I see... I may should have to wipe her blood tears if It stops."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"No, It won't stop with blood tears until long term of time between one week or two weeks after that battle technique is performed by me, it will stop tearing blood by the end of one week."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"It's each time I had used this cursed power technique while I'm on battle situation and I need a more time to perform but this quick rate, I could have prevent having curse on me to my own eyes of vision."

Histoire:"Hmm... There's only way to have your curse being cured is to confess with me and I can beat down your curse with single confession you had it while you are a demonic hybird CPU Goddess."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"No thanks, I might to confess myself to get my curse being cured by my will blessing movement if this might have helped me."

Histoire:"You haven't tried to confess to me for first time since you were reborn."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"I really don't like confessing Oracles, I prefer to confess my masters or demonic god CPUs from different dimension I lived here with my mistake that lets curse harming me."

Histoire:"Neptunia, I warn you not to let your curse killing you this suggestion is only the best way to have solution instead of keeping curse of yourself like that."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"I'd like to keep my curse beating me before I had something to search the cure is to confess something that can be extremely powerful to fix this problem and solve."

Histoire:"But there's no such a a thing of stuffs that can no longer exists extremely powerful spirits with natural atmosphere."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Then I had no choice but I'm ready to confess with you..." 

Histoire:"Well, you can keep your cursed battle technique if you want but I can cure you this way and you feel fine."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"That will hopefully workout but if i don't have to be in my time to scare enemies, then I'm fine with it."

Histoire:"Then I will escort you into Planeptune church where It belongs to you to pray for the cure."

IF questioning Neptunia with her curious face expression.

IF:"Neptunia, I have one question. Are you just a capable of this curse?"

Neptunia answers to IF.

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"As my resistance against curse is starting to knocking the disease like viral infection, I can keep my curse like this and this curse is slowly fading as I had used this kind of dark power effect which is why I am capable living with curse like this."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"That's why this curse aren't threat to me while I was a demoness before becoming a new CPU Goddess to manage this dimension along with CPU devil gods as they might to have many curses that owns the strength with no chance of death rate."

Histoire:"I might to convince that curse is just worse than Anti-Crystal."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"This curse is worse but It's only fitting as demons while they are the one of curse themself so I am the curse and blessing."

An unknown caller called at Neptunia that she had been interrupted by calling noises.

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Wait... I felt there's someone's arrived on Hyperdimension or what is it and called mee. I have to talk about like this later Histoire."

She teleport into downstair level on Planeptune basilicom and answer the unknown caller.

???:"Hello Neptunia... It's Hiroshi, i'm here just to talk with you."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"Hiroshi? I'm surprised that you given me an call while I'm reborn and almost thinking I had no memories on you."

Hiroshi Andou:"Funny stuff I'd heard, i'm glad that you had been on Hyperdimension and I made it arrival on Hyperdimension by myself by seeing that you are on present time with your new second life and you are stuck on your full HDD form permanently."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"I had to reply with my thoughts and my reactions that I am completely stuck with my HDD form and It's my new base HDD form as I can confirm myself."

Hiroshi Andou:"And you are just a CPU yourself as you had took over this young grown up Neptune's body and her mind permanently and managed to have full possession of her body and you had your new body my wish is fully coming true by now."

Neptunia Reinawazaki (Démon De La Nuit):"And I might to say this but I might to come to visit with you if you want a real meeting for first time in my new second life."

Hiroshi Andou:"Yes, you can come to visit me where I'm on Lowee's city, enjoying the winter days here like my Christmas event party." :)

Hiroshi giggles softly at Neptunia for the CPU call talk and the call between Hiroshi and Neptunia is disconnected and Neptunia Reinawazaki is flying away to Hiroshi where Hiroshi sitting down on benches in Lowee.


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