Surprise Chapter

                                                               Two Years Later

"Come to daddy!" The brown haired male cooed, taking the crying enfant from the girl beside him

"Stop acting like you're his dad Dean, i'm more related to him then you" the girl scoffed, handing over the 3 month old child to him

Dean smiled. His clothes were still ragged and dirty from there long treck. Hers weren't as bad, but her face was ragged and covered with cuts and bruises. Her once okay medium long hair was now down to her rear. Around her waist was a red flannel and a key was strung around her neck. A silver ring was on her index finger on her right and her combat boots completed her look.

"How much longer do you think we'll get there?" Dean asked, shushing the baby and rocking him in his arms

The girl looked thoughtful.

"Uhm lets see. We've walked like 5 miles, hitchhiked 30-"

"Remember we hitchhiked another 10 though with the group of drunk teenagers"

"Oh yeah. So that's what? 45 miles? We have another like 55 miles to go! Remember that guy who said the wilderness was what, 100 miles?"

Dean groaned

"Damn it Minnie, why didn't your family live closer to the wilderness?"

"What did you expect? For them to say "Oh yeah! The portal out of purgatory just happens to be in the middle of the woods! Just in case our daughter gets stuck there, maybe we should move closer to the forest area of Maine!" She said sarcastically

A little pitter patter followed behind them before being replaced with other footsteps.

"Finally back from your potty break?" Minnie scoffed, turning around to face the person behind them

A tall lanky boy with hair that looked almost brown with dirt but in reality was dirty brown and piercing green eyes. He wrapped an arm around his best friend's shoulder.

"When you have the power to be a hell hound and a human being, you tell me. I have to shift all my organs around and grow fur, ears, a tail, my spine has to do all this weird stuff so imagine what my blatter has gone through" He grinned

Minnie rolled her eyes. "Whatever. The least you could do is carry us Max"

Together they managed the rest of the way out of the woods. Carrying each other, carrying baby Chase, and making sure to hold each other up. Eventually they got to town and found a phone booth.

"We need money" Max said matter o factly

Minnie nodded. She didn't have a guitar, if she could fly them she would've done it. She didn't remember a lot of songs, and she was sure after the past two years she doubted she was completely up to date with music. She sat down on the floor outside of the ally. Dean and Max looked around to see if they could find some stuff.

A can rolled to her feet and she propped it up in front of her. With a sigh she looked up at the sky, her arms wrapped around Chase who had his fingers in his mouth. If only she still had them.. Maybe they wouldn't be starving and walking all this time. Suddenly something clicked in front of her.

She looked and her eyes came to rest with a woman with brown eyes. Minnie thought she looked familiar but she shrugged it off. The lady had put a few cents inside the can in front of her. With a smile the woman walked away. Person after person walked by, ignoring the boys behind her rummaging in the trash and looking at her pitifully with the baby, putting money inside the can. Minnie could've just pickpocketed them and taken their wallets but her hands weren't free.

After a few minutes of letting the boys get more dirty Minnie stood up and grinned.

"We should have enough here for a phone call and some snacks!" She smiled

Dean and Max looked up, realizing she had been making money the whole time. Max growled causing Minnie to growl back, equally as loud. Chase squirmed in her hands and gave a bark that sounded like a dogs.

"Minnie did you break the baby?" Dean asked

"No, this is just what the baby does."

Dean looked at MInnie with eyes that read disbelief. She huffed and rolled her eyes.

"We find a baby in purgatory and you want to tell me its normal? Your such a dumbass"

They both returned to the payphone and waited as Dean did his magic.

"Hello?" said a familiar voice on the other side

"Sammy!" we all cheered in happiness, glad that we heard a familiar voice

"Wha-who is this?!" Sam exclaimed on the other line

"The Powerpuff Girls Sam, The powerpuff girls" Minnie said sarcastically

"Brother i'm back" Dean said with a smile, even though his brother couldn't see him

"Holy shi- Dean? Oh god. Where are you? Who is that with you? Is that a baby?" Sam quizzed while Max and Minnie tried to calm Chase again

"Were in Maine. Its me, Minnie and Max! Oh and the baby- we'll explain that later. Get your ass to Minnies Grandmothers house!"

Afterwards Dean hung up and Minnie's eyes lingered on the phone.

"Wanna try?" Dean asked, holding the phone out to her

"I-I don't think he'll answer.... He's probably busy...." Minnie almost whispered

"Come on, you can at least try" Max said, placing a hand on her shoulder

"You know what? No. It's been two years. He's doing better stuff without me...."

The wind blew and newspapers and other debris flew by, one of them getting caught on Minnie's leg. She bent down and picked it up and sighed when she saw the front cover.

"Here, see for yourself" She snapped, thrusting the newspaper at Dean's chest before taking Chase from Max and walking down the sidewalk, ready to look for a cafe to eat at before continuing their trek.

Dean and Max looked down at the newspaper Article, gasping at what they saw. Had Shawn really made it to the big leagues? But they still couldn't see what had made her upset. Maybe she knew something they didn't.

"Sara could you- Oh my god child" Shawn huffed "You want to go to this dance yes?"

Sara nodded "Of course i do"

"Then stay still or Bella won't be able to do your hair!" He sighed, facepalming himself mentally

He had just come back from a show a few days ago, just in time for Saras school dance. Well it was more like a party, after all she was only 9. But whatever. Bella struggled to get the girls hair to stay in place, finally it bent to her will and stayed down flat in a bun.

"There, done. Go, your grandmother's waiting." Bella smiled

They escorted the little girl he had saved two years ago out the door to where her grandmother was waiting in there van. The weather was getting chilly in Minnesota, the leaves had begun to fall one October settled in. Shawn was now 21 years old, Bella being just a few months older and also 21. He wrapped his arm around his girlfriend, bulling her small body close.

"Welp, we can go feel like proud parents inside where it's not cold and where there's TV and food" Shawn said without looking at Bella

Bella giggled.

"Sounds good. Beauty and The Beast tonight?" She questioned as they walked inside the house they both had

He nodded and they separated. He enjoyed watching Beauty and The Beast with Bella. Just because of the coincidence from those years ago. Even if it brought back memories he didn't want to remember, it had all lead up to him finding Bella. Someone who knew about the Supernatural, but did not go chasing it.

Shawn looked around to make sure no one was watching and began to focus on the controler on the other side of the living room. It levitated and floated into Shawn's hand. He still had it, the little tricks he did. His cellphone suddenly began to ring. He looked at it. Weird, he didn't know anybody that's number started with 207. But he answered it anyways.


"We're back. She doesn't want you to know but we're alive" said the steady voice on the other end

"Wha-" then it suddenly clicked "Max?!"

"Shh i gotta go, she's yelling at me." he whispered "I'm coming i'm coming! Dean put Chase down! No i mean, give the baby to her! You're not responsible enough! Just do it!" he yelled to someone on the other end while a voice in the background yelled "Thats no fair, why can't I be his first word?!" before the line went flat

Shawn looked at the phone startled. Had that really been Max? And was that Dean in the background? Sam had stopped by one day to tell me about Dean and Cass... But Dean was back. And what did Max mean by 'she'. No matter how hard Shawn rattled his brain he couldn't find a girl that would be with them except...


A/N: Aye here's your surprise!!! Be dissapointed because I'm not writing the sequel for another long while because I have another book i promised to start so live XD Alright now the details of Startforge.. Right. I haven't made the official description but its about a girl who is a Beta tester of this game called Maliforian. During the beta testing someone corrupts the system and traps the BEta Testers in the game. So its up to Riku (the girl) and Day to find out how to get out of the game and who corrupted the system. After that I'll keep writing the Sequel to this, but other then that this is more of a Preview to it.  Welp see you on the other side (.:^_^:.)

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