Chapter 25| Blood In The Water

"Alright that was not okay! Definitely not okay!" Dean shouted in the Impala.

Cass sat in the back seat, staring into blank space obviously stressing. But I was aggravated and disappointed. Sam didn't have the strength to repel Lucifer when he was possessed. Our plan had failed. We were now panicking, speeding off to Bobby's house where we could revise the plan even more.

"Sam could've done it!" I said exasperated, still catching my breath from when we sped out of the building and into the car at top speed

"Yeah well he didn't!" Dean snapped

"I told you both it was a bad idea" Cass growled

"Shut up Cass" Both Dean and i snapped causing the angel to sink down in his seat

"We tried son. Look, the apocalypse is already beginning" Bob said calmly

Dean had been yelling and going frantic for about two days now. For the past half hour he'd been trying to find a way to figure out where and how to find Sam and get him back again. Everyone else had given up. Adam, there half brother, had been kidnapped and for god's sake he could already have said yes to Michael giving each Archangel a Vessel.

All Cass and I did was sit back and try to enjoy our lasts days. I'd been plucking at my guitar. Luckily I had been able to take out my belongings before Minnie drove off. The one thing i was missing was my favorite hoodie, but i knew where that went. Minnie still had it 

"It smells good" she had complained one day when i tried to remove it from her claws to wash it

"It smells like you and cuddles Shawnnn" She whined

"I have to wash it though!" I fought

She had suddenly leaned in very close, enough for me to let go of the hoodie, my heart had been pounding. She was going to give me a kiss, something she had never done before, i always kissed her first. But she faked it and flanked away, rolling back on the bed and tumbling off the other side, giggling and putting it on to avoid me from taking it back.

I sighed at the memory. I had nothing as to where her location could have been at all. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Everyone's attention turned to it. Dean simply looked back at the TV screen, listening to the News Reporting strange mishaps and weather. Bobby and I stood up and went to the door. I opened it very slow, my hand on my back, ready to pull out my gun.

Just outside stood a man in his late 40's. His brown hair had wisps of white, his beard was growing rough and his green eyes told a painful story. The bags under his eyes read sleepless knights and his flannel and jeans, and boots gave him a lumberjack kinda look. A small gasp came out of Bobby behind me.

"Wesley?" Bobby asked, stepping in front of me

My eyes widened as i looked to the man in the doorway. This man was the same man who had adopted Minnie as a child.... The man gave a toothless grin and stepped forward, hugging his father. We were all introduced, there was a look of what seemed to be jealousy in Dean's eyes.

"Wesley Singer huh?" I huffed, sitting down across from him on the couch

He looked at me with a confused look.

"Uh yeah, thats me" he said confused

A monster began to roar in my chest. It was upset, because deep inside i knew Minnie would have been saved a lot less pain if this man had not interfered.

"So you're a hunter huh?" I asked, even though i knew the answer

"Yup" he smiled before taking a swig of beer

"One of the smartest out there too" Bobby commented on his son

"Uh huh.... So smart that he told Minnie, Sara, Jason and Max to head out here in the middle of the night?"

Wess choked on his drink and the whole room went silent. Cass had no idea what was going on but Dean knew full well i was still very upset at the fact Minnie wasn't here with us. And i was going to find so many people to blame for it.

"Minnie? Like Minnie-May Valentine?" He asked looking intrigued

"Yeah, that one. My girlfriend" I clarified

He raised an eyebrow

"Is Minnie here?" he asked, completely avoiding my glare

"No" Dean answered, seeing the rage on my face "She's not.

"Her father took control of her and uhm, she disappeared" Cass added in

Wesley looked confused, obviously uninformed. And so that's what we did, inform him on what had happened so far and how i had become a hunter. How Minnie was a Nephilim and her father as still alive. How she had a legendary infamous sword and had killed Alkali.

"I may know where Minnie ran off to" He said softly, now aware of my anger to myself and him

My eyes softened, my ears were alert. Could he really know?

"At the funeral Minnie's grandmother had come up to her and begged for forgiveness. She said she wasn't right in the head and had tried looking for MInnie but she had disappeared. In Saras will, she left her there house. Minnie told her grandmother to inhabit it until she could take it over but she didn't think her grandmother would actually do it. She may have returned to her rightful place" He explained


I continued to look out the window of Wess's 4x4 Ford truck. We were on our way to Maine, the only place Wess was sure she would have gone. Dean was still panicking at Bobby's house and Cass was wondering what to do with himself now that the world was ending.

"So... What exactly has Minnie said about me?" Wess asked, breaking the silence.

I looked over at him annoyed. He'd been trying to start conversations on my music, hunting skills, etc. I wasn't having it. I was way to annoyed to even bother looking over at him. But i knew we had a long way to go and he was NEVER gonna shut up.

"She looked up to you. You were her mentor, her leader for a long time. She thought highly of you." I grudgingly answered

"Hmph" he breathed "What do you think of me?"

This was a question i was so eager to answer but at the same time didn't want to be rude and risk dying before i got to my destination. I looked over at him, his eyes were sincere. He just wanted to know the honest truth.

"I think.. I think you were helpful in adopting Minnie. That you saw something in her that others didn't. But I also think you put her in danger-"

"More danger then she already was in?" he asked, cutting me off

"What do you mean?" I asked

He sighed, focusing on the highway in front of him and adjusting his grip on the wheel.

"Imagine. You're the daughter of an archangel and human. You may just be the most powerful being in the universe. But your powers are being suppressed. Zapped from you and slowly returning. I was able to piece together so far that Emandriel had taken Minnie's grace right before she was born and began to inject it into her as she grew up."

That's why when she was born she was just a child. It was so her mother wouldn't die. When Nephilims are born, well those born of an Archangel, they come out as a whisp and turn into a young adult. Emandriel was in love with his wife and couldn't allow her to die so he took the grace from his daughter, but then realized the power he could have if she did have her grace."

I looked at him intently, willing to listen to more as he gave another heaving sigh.

"Her childhood was rough and she was constantly in danger from being killed by other angels, being discovered by demons, etc. And when she was at the orphanage I saw it in her. There was a faint glow in her eyes when she threatened the other kids to leave her alone while she read her Enochian book. Demons and other beings were able to track her power easily. But when i took her under my wing, i taught her how to protect herself. She was like the daughter i never had, and i was going to do anything to protect her."

There was silence. I was dumbfounded in reality, i couldn't get english to do its thing and speak.

"So in reality Shawn, everything i did was to protect her."

"Then why did you abandon her?" The words were out of my mouth before i could stop

"I uhm I really-... It's not like-...." he stuttered before sighing once again, pinching his nose

"I didn't abandon her... Alkali had me close to dead. He was tracking me and i had to get away from Minnie. Her warnings weren't going to be enough, not even if I was warded to, Sara and Jason... AND Max. I just couldn't risk it. So I ran and told them i was hunting. The night i told them to head to my dad's house.. I had been informed that Alkali knew there location and I needed them to leave fast. But it was too late. He was already tracking them and thought he had killed them in the car accident. But instead Minnie began to die. An angel blade had flown out of one of there bags and stabbed her in the chest. But because she was human it didn't kill her completely."

I didn't want for that to happen. I realized if i had been there that probably wouldn't have happened, i would've been able to drive them else where or defend our position."

I looked down at my hands on my lap. Everything he ever did was to protect her... THen a realization came to mind.

"Minnie didn't tell me about the angel blade stabbing her. She didnt know thats why her heart began to falter did she? If she had she'd be able to piece together why she was dying. Sara and Max were the only original survivors... They knew didn't they?"

Wess hesitated before nodding his head. The car went silent. Minnie could have known what she was, she could've been a help, unlocked her powers and healed herself so her sister didn't have to die. No one had to die. Max didn't need to die... None of this would have happened if she had known. But no one told her.... No one...

For the rest of the ride i remained quiet. My head was spinning, piecing together pieces of a puzzle. The puzzle of Minnies life. Before i knew it, ever after stopping for caffeine, we had driven into the Augusta, Maine. My heart was beating against my ribs as we passed by a school and park that looked ever so familiar from Minnie's memories. We drove up to a house but it seemed so different then what i had seen.

The house was the same dark brown and beige two story tudor style home. The white picket fence surrounding it was white and freshly painted. The flowers in the front were alive and glowed in the late evening sun set.

"Her grandmother has been taking care of the house huh" I said, looking at the clean stone steps leading up to the front door

"She didn't do this alone" Wess breathed before stepping out of the truck

I too jumped out and went with him up to the door. Wesley rung the doorbell. A dog's bark resonated somewhere deep in the house. We waited patiently and when the door opened i almost stopped breathing. An woman with fading red hair being replaced with white stood at the door. She looked so familiar, like i was staring at Minnie except her hair was shorter than the Nephilims and she was also short and her eyes were a darker shade of blue.

"Why how may i help you both?" she asked sweetly

"Is Minnie here?" Wess asked

Her eyes narrowed at us. Suddenly the sprinklers sprung up and began to spray us. I shielded my face from getting wet and it stopped a few seconds later.

"Holy water Ms. Lavroff?" Wess asked was he wiped his face off with his shirt

"I had to make sure with demons possessing everyone nowadays" She chuckled before opening her door wide

We stepped in and once she shut it a golden retriever came barking and wagging his tale.

"Jack" was the only word that came out of my mouth

"Why uh, yes this is Jack. How did you know?" Ms. Lavroff asked, petting the Golden Retriever head

"Minnie-" i began before my voice faded away

Something with Jack... It was almost like he was just telling me something. The look in his eyes read something wrong.

"Something's wrong" i breathed

This made Ms. Lavroff sigh.

"It's my grandaughter. She's not here... Not anymore at least" she sighed

Both Wes and I looked up alarmed.

"So she was here?" Wess asked, looking around in hope she would just pop out

"Yes but... Just a few days ago something happened. She was out helping in the garden when she came in for dinner and then.. Went into some trance. She began to cry and kept repeating a name. "Shawn". Then she began to say "I can't let them die" and suddenly she stopped crying as if something was comforting her and she just said "I'm fixed arnt I?" and in a glow she vanished. I was so concerned. I knew something like that wasn't right. But i don't know who to call."

The next day all her belongings vanished, as if she was never here in the first place. But a bow she had put on Jack remained so i knew it wasn't some trick of my old mind"

I stood there breathless. I couldn't get in a full breath of air. She saw something.. She saw me. And now she's gone.. Again. My phone began to ring and i quickly picked it up when I saw the caller was Dean.

"Shawn, get over to Stull Cemetery near Lawrence, Kansas. I called Chuck, that's where the show down between Lucifer and Michael is going down. This is our chance"

"Got it, were on our way." i affirmed before hanging up and repeating what Dean had said to Wess

"We don't have time to track Minnie down, but we can help Dean get Sam back"

We were now speeding towards the Cemetery. After skidding to a stop we jumped out. Dean had just pulled in in the Impala. Sam and Adam stood in the middle of the field and I couldn't see Bobby and Cass anywhere. As we ran down Cass came out and threw a glass bottle at Michael which ignited him in flames. But instead of the flames making no effect, he began to scream and wreath in pain. The body burned completely and Michael disappeared.

"Did you just torch my brother?" Sam asked

Before we could do anything Cass exploded at a snap of Sam's fingers and when Bobby tried to act his neck was cracked and he fell to the floor dead.

"Bobby I yelled!" but Wess held me back in horror

Sam saw me but brought his attention to Dean. Suddenly there was a glow and out of the trees came a familiar looking guy.

"Emandriel" both Wes and I hissed, ready to strangle the archangel until even God had to tell us to stop hurting him

"Lucifer before you keep beating Dean to a pulp may we have a word?" The archangel asked

Sam stopped his fist from connecting to Deans face once again and throwing him against the Impala.

"Here comes big brother Emandriel to ruin the fun!" He jeered, rolling his eyes

"Lucifer if you don't stop I will cast you into the pit. You and Michael want to have an old fashioned battle, but I want you both to stop and aid me. We could rule Earth! Dads gone. We can do it all together if we just learned to settle our differences"

Sam cocked his head in interest.

"This plan sounds great but i'm more interested in how you plan on casting me into the pit." He smirked, crossing his arms and looking over at his brother

Emandriel snapped his fingers and in another glow a figure was standing right beside him



Me and father had been having fun over the past few days. I always knew something was missing and i realized it had been my father's love. I was so scared of him but i realized he was my dad! Why would he hurt me. He found my interest in music and took it to his advantage, giving me an Ipod and headphones to listen to music. I was sitting down on a white couch with gold laces, re-reading The Mark Of Athena book with my headphones on. I was ever so comfortable and happy. 

That's when i was interrupted. He told me to get dressed because we were going out. And so i did. I didn't have to think twice. I still had my headphones on as we left and he took my hand. Before i knew it I was in a cemetery. Oh cool. I was interested. Lucifer stood in front of us but from what i heard he was just my annoying uncle. An empty vessel sat slumped against the wheels of a very shiny, old, Chevy Impala. What a sight! The remains of a stupid angel were scattered on the ground near by and the body of a mortal lay near there too.

"Take out your sword" said my father's voice in my head

I looked down at my hand and it began to glow. My grip tightened on the gold and silver enochian sword in my hand. The rock music playing through my headphones kept playing and i was enjoying it. It distracted me from whatever father was talking about to Uncle Luci.

"Your other uncle, Michael, hes coming. Can you sense him?"

"Yes father"

"Go hold him back"


I moved myself through the air. No one else could see me as i had evaporated into pure energy, but I stopped right in front of Michael who was at the edge of the Cemetery. With one swift motion I swung at his feet. He yelled in pain i'm sure, but i couldn't hear. My music was too loud. I was brought back to my father but what I saw was different. A boy. Not just any boy, one i recognized. He wasn't just any mortal either. He was someone special..

We'll never go free

"Shawn" I whispered

Lamb to the slaughter

His eyes looked up at me. He had been trying to attend to Dean who was just conscious.

whatchu gon do when there's blood in the water....

"Minnie" he whispered back, but i could hear him, i could hear him clearly through my music

The price of your greed is your son and your daughter

I looked around and realized where I was. Sam stood in front of me with a corrupt angel in him. Dean was hurt, Bobby was dead, and so was Cass.

Look me in my eyes

Tell me everythings not fine

Or the people aint happy...

Then I saw another familiar. Wess. He stood at the top of the hill and was running down to assist Shawn. Emandirel saw him running and before i could act snapped his fingers. Wess froze and time stopped for a moment.

And the river has run dry

You thought you could go free

But the system is done for

If you listen real closely

There's a knock at your front door

He smiled and I could hear him thinking. He knew i could hear it too.

"This is your home" was what he said before he looked down and realized he was now standing in a pool of his own blood and falling dead.

Beg me for mercy

Before i knew it i had swept my father off his feet, my foot hitting the back of his ankles and causing him to fly back onto the ground.

Admit you were toxic

My eyes began to glow, my whole body was shaking with rage as i looked down at his pathetic form.

You poisoned me just for

"I'm just a pawn to you" I growled as he looked up at me with stunned eyes

Another dollar in your pocket

For the first time he looked genuinely scared.

I am the sickness

Won't accept your silence

"Minnie please" he begged

Beg me for forgiveness

"No" i hissed before grabbing my sword and stabbing him square in the heart

I pulled the sword up and swirled around to Sam. My headphones had fallen to my neck. Lucifer was still in control and used the opportunity to approach Shawn and Dean. Shawn was swung back, rolling into the dust while Sam began to kick and punch Dean again.

"Sam!" I yelled

Lucifer turned around with a cackle

"It's just Uncle Lucifer now!" he smiled

I ignored him.

"Sam listen to me. Remember where your from Sam! Remember Dean. What is he to you? What am I to you? How about Cass? And Bobby? What about the Impala?"

Lucifer rolled his eyes and began to pay attention to Dean. He suddenly froze. Something in the impala had caught his eye. He stood there for a moment. A movement in the corner of my eye made me dash for him. I helped Shawn up and he looked at me relieved. I looked back at Sam. He was smiling at his brother, but there was something i had to do to insure that the mission was complete...

Looking back at Shawn i grabbed his face and pulled him down to me, pressing my lips against his soft warm ones. I pulled away and looked up at his chocolate stunned brown eyes.

"I love you" i smiled before pecking his lips one more time and running to Sam

"Sam the rings!" I yelled

Sam opened his pocket and took out the Horsemen's rings. He flung it at the ground and began to say an enchantment but was cut off by Michael. He had healed and tackled Sam to the floor. The rings were thrown to the side and i realized Sam wasn't going to keep Lucifer back for long. I then realized i had to resort to the option i hadn't wanted to resort to.....

Looking back at Shawn who was reaching for his gun now looked at me confused as i held my sword high. I smiled at him but he didn't return it.

"Terra aperire. Infra est infernum revelare. Aperi eum in caveam. Intus hostis insidiis!" I yelled, swinging my sword and thrusting it into the ground

A powerful wave of pure energy and power ran over me. It began to eat me from the inside as i absorbed it. But it was doing its job. A hole opened up in the ground and began to drag Sam and Michael into it. But the power was becoming too much. I felt myself being torn apart. I knew this was going to happen and I was going to embrace it. What may that be?

The hole closed and the world went dark.

It was death... And I welcomed it like an old friend.


I stood there stunned. My chest was heaving as the light had diminished. I was expecting Minnie to be kneeling there over her sword, standing up and looking at me with a smile. But she wasn't there. It was just Dean and I. Something in her eyes told me this was going to happen... That something bad was going to happen and she wasn't going to make it.

Suddenly Cass appeared on one side of the Impala. He walked over to Bobby and pressed two fingers on his neck. There was the sound of bones cracking and he opened his eyes. He then went to Dean and and healed him of his injuries. But i didn't move. Minnie was gone... It killed her. Saving the world had killed her. I don't know if she went through pain. I don't know where she would go... But she wasn't with me anymore.

Someone put a hand on my shoulder. It was Bobby.

"Cass and Dean told me what happened. I'm sorry my boy."

He guided me over to Dean and Cass. Together we took care of Wess's body. Everyone remained silent. The truck we handed over to Bobby. Cass brought me to Ms. Lavroff's house where i told her the news. Minnie's dead, and she won't be coming back. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream at the world, i wanted to scream at God. Why would they take the only person that had made me happy away?! How could they?! Why would they....

But what was i to do? This whole entire year... We were being Hunted down. Demons, Werewolves, Vampires, Ghost, Skinwalkers, Angels, enchantments, spells. All of it, just for the worst to come out of it... I felt like dying inside. The Hunters had been hunted in the end. And the strongest Hunter of all had been hunted down.

"I guess we just have to move on..." Ms. Levroff sniffed, wiping away her tears

"We can't bring her back." she continued

I took in a deep breath to withhold my emotions.

"I know..."

"She had so many things planned in her future too"

I looked at her confused.

"She wanted to grow up and travel the world. She wanted to become a musician and share her music with everyone everywhere. Minnie wanted to express her talents. Then she wanted to get married and have children that she could teach Enochian to and share her love with. She was always so thoughtful of others. And when she came back here she was the same little girl she had been all those years ago. But this time she knew who she wanted her future with"


A/N: THAS ITTTTTT! Gawd let me go cry in a corner. That was more then 4,250 words holy shitttttt. Thats it guys. Thats the book. I am considering a sequel though. There were alot of things I ended up missing out and i have to write another story to fill it all in XD so be happy K? I may have a surprise after this idk, but after that Surprise im going to start another book called "Starforge". In the surprise ill tell you more about it dont worry. Now let me go rest my hands and wait for you all to murder me in my sleep. The song in italics during the scene Minnie breaks free from her fathers grasp is Blood// Water by grandson if you were curious. Bye guyssss.

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