Chapter 23| "You're a Monster!"
The loud sound of a gunshot rung out in the woods of Massachusetts. Minnie stood over the body of what once was a Werewolf. Now it was just a body with a bullet hole in it. Shawn and Sam finally caught up. Surprisingly they were out of breath. 'They only ran 3 miles' Minnie thought.
"Those powers of yours are like- really- really- making us- fall back" Shawn panted, leaning against a tree to catch his breath
Minnie did not respond. Instead she looked around her with no expression. Sam and Shawn didn't notice as they caught their breath. Shawn looked up and saw Minnie begin to look around confused. She looked down at her gun and then around her.
"Hey Minnie are you alright?" Shawn asked, straightening himself out
Minnie nodded.
"Yeah... Yeah I'm fine"
In reality, she was not. At first it had been suddenly receiving commands like "Go put Shawns phone in his bag, he'll go frantic looking for it before realizing it's in front of him." This obviously sounds like something she would think, 100%. The thing that threw her off was the fact right after she had thought "Eh, i'll do it later, he's still out at the Gym" but instead of her body obeying it her, it did as it pleased and got up, picking up Shawns cellphone and putting it in his bag. After that it happened more frequently, and then the blackouts happened.
Minnie had already begun to suspect what it was. Her father, Emandriel, had broken out of prison just the month before. After he went off the grid, Castiel left to help find him while searching for God (Whom he thought he could convince to help stop the end of the world). But Minnie had began to sense he was closer than they thought he was. The sightings of Emandriel had finally stopped and gave Minnie a sense of relief, but the loss of control and blackouts were not helping. Her superstition that her father was going to use her as a weapon grew more each day. But she never spoke of this to anyone.
She had been holding it in for too long. It wasn't anything she could tell anyone, and at this point she wished she had Max again. She was afraid that if she told the boys they would yell at her for not telling them in the first place. But who could blame her? She thought it was her mind playing tricks on her at first. And if she was turning, if she was being controlled, what would the Empty Vessel of Michael, a boy with Demon Blood, and an Empty Vessel of Lucifer PLUS a Rebel Angel going to do against a newly found out Archangel?
The next morning, Shawn woke up to find Minnie sleeping in a different bed. Again. He sighed and sat up, looking at Minnie's bed and then the clock. It read 4 am. Again. He would wake up every morning at 4 am, without missing a beat. It was something in the air. It was cold to him, and he really just wanted to wrap his arms around Minnie and hold her close and tell her he loved her and feel her warmth against him but... He couldn't.
Something was wrong. At first she was having feverish nightmares. Then she seemed a bit paranoid, her eyes constantly darting everywhere. Finally it all stopped at once. But after one day, she began distancing herself from him. She would sleep in a different bed, ask to start driving more often, not go to sleep until deep in the night. It was like... She was going back to her old self. Cold... That's what kept waking him up. It was the cold that radiated off her... The cold he first felt in this same state when Evan died just last year.
But even with the unrelenting cold, Shawn got out of bed and laid down beside Minnie. Minnie mumbled something along the lines of "Race... Unrelenting race" causing Shawn to chuckle. He wrapped his arms around Minnie causing her to squirm.
"Its like 4 am, stop waking me up i just went to bed" she murmured, finally resting her head on his chest
Shawn smiled as she drifted back off to sleep. Suddenly Minnie wrapped her arms around him.
"You know what we should do?" she said forcefully
"Visit your family" she forced once again
Inside her head Minnie was aching to get free. She suddenly was no longer in power of gears. She was suddenly not even thinking her own thoughts anymore. She was stuck, stuck in her own mind. "Sleep" was what a man's voice said and suddenly she lost the very last feeling she had inside her that was fighting this power, and the force took over.
Shawn looked down at Minnie who didn't even look up at him. Figuring she was just groggy and had no idea what she was talking about, probably wouldn't even remember what she said in the morning, he responded.
"I'm not too sure about that. They live in New York. And i'm not sure my Dad is too keen on seeing his Prodigal Son."
"Mmm well if I had a second chance i'd want to see my family again" Minnie mumbled
Shawn sat up causing Minnie to slip off onto the mattress. She looked up, blinking her eyes open and sitting up, rubbing her eyes.
"What?" she asked with a yawn
"Minnie why are you suddenly asking me about my family?" he asked
Whatever it was that had gotten into his girlfriend was now pissing him off. In the moonlight that shone on Minnie he almost gasped. Her once blue misty and very much alive eyes were not grey. And not grey like she was cold and needed to be warmed, it was a grey that looked dead... Like she felt nothing at all.
"Well." she began, finally clearing her voice a bit "I mean... We're dealing with Lucifer here. And I mean..... Deans working on the Horsemens Rings to open the Cage and what if... One of us doesn't come back? Wouldn't you want to see your little sister and father before you were to die?"
Shawn felt puzzled but figured she right. He did want to see his little sister again. And soon too. And he guessed dying was the best excuse. Looking over at Minnie uneasily he sighed.
"I-I guess. But what if our job here isn't done and the Werewolves come after us and-"
Minnie pressed her finger against his lips
"Your talking too much. We'll be fine. I can sense them from miles away. Trust me, no monster will get to your family" she promised
Shawn tried searching for a light in Minnie's, but he failed. Maybe it was just the darkness of the room, we was just seeing things. So he trusted her.
"Okay. We'll go, tomorrow. Sam can come too I guess, and Cass is coming around so I guess we'll all go. Safety in numbers right?"
Minnie nodded and laid back down.
"Yup" she mumbled before closing her eyes and turning her back to him.
Shawn sighed. What was he doing.....
"Just... Stay here guys... I'm gonna go in first." Shawn said, looking out the window
They were parked in front of a two story white tudor style house. The porch had a little swing. A little girl of 7 years sat reading "Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire". The heavy, thick book sat in her lap, both her hands on the pages to keep the breeze that blew by from flipping the pages. Shawn inhaled sharply before getting out of the car. He opened the gate that blocked the street to the house. The little girl looked up and almost immediately the book slipped out of her lap and onto the porch with a thud.
Shawn couldn't beleive as to how much his little sister had grown. He stood frozen in the pathway, watching Aaliyah with tear filled eyes as she ran to him. She jumped up and tackled Shawn into a hug and started to cry, which was enough to make him cry.
Inside Minnies mind, she was awake. She was smiling, watching the sight before her, but then began to cry. She didn't have control of her body, and she could hear exactly whatever was controlling her was saying. 'Oh you foolish boy. You've led me right to your family. Big mistake" it whispered. The part Minnie had control of continued to cry and plead to not do anything. But her body just stayed poker faced, watching as a man she figured was Shawn's dad opened the front door to see the commotion.
Manny froze at the front door and Shawn looked up at him, not letting go of Aaliyah. Shawn saw he was clean shaven, his clothes were clean, and everything was reasonable. He looked normal... Shawn watched as Manny stumbled down the stairs in disbelief before embracing his son.
"Oh Shawn.. I'm so sorry" he whispered, trying his best not to cry
After their hug was broken, everyone was all smiles. Even Sam and Cass who were in the car with Minnie.
"There's someone I'd like you to meet" Shawn smiled before turning around and motioning for Minnie to come out
Minnie put on her best smile and got out of the car, walking shyly up through the gate and to Shawn. The real Minnie was crying, fighting for control of her own body. This thing that was shaking hands with Shawn's father wasn't her, and something bad was going to happen.
"Dad this is Minnie-May Valentine, my girlfriend. Minnie this is my dad, Manny." Shawn introduced
Minnie smiled.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Mendes." Minnie grinned
Manny looked over at the car and then at Minnie.
"Nice to meet you Ms. Valentine." Manny smiled before looking at his son
"Hunting? Really? This is what you've gotten yourself into?" Manny asked
Shawns mouth gaped open.
"I-I how did you-" Shawn stuttered his face growing a bit red
"You don't think I know what I did to my own son and about the things out there?" Manny asked
Confused, Shawn asked what he meant. Manny refused to answer until they were inside with Sam and Cass. Minnie was talking to Aaliyah about the Harry Potter book she had been reading and to what extent she had gotten through it. She was half hearing when Manny began to explain what he knew.
"When your mother and I were young, we wanted to go off. Start a family, run away from our families. One day your mother made a misstep the day we were going to run away. Her mother caught her trying to escape through the back door. When I realized she hadn't arrived. I knew something had happened. I was growing desperate when I found out what had happened. All I wanted was a happily ever after with your mother.-"
Shawn glanced over at Minnie. That's what he wanted, a happily ever after with her. To run off from this life and live with Minnie somewhere else. But he couldn't accomplish that just yet.
"One night as I was pondering for ideas, I was walking down the street home. Suddenly I was stopped by a man. His eyes glowed orange and he... He gave me a deal I couldn't refuse. On March 8, 1992 he was going to come to my house and ask me for something. I didn't care what it was. Your grandfather was holding Karen hostage and I couldn't stand it. So I took the deal........" Manny just about finished
"And then he came and Karen ran in at the wrong moment" Sam completed
Shawn just inhaled a deep breath. He couldn't bring his mum back, and he saw where his father was coming from. If he couldn't get to Minnie, he wouldn't want to live. He'd do anything for her.
"Well... I can assure you were safe. We have an angel and half angel in the room" Shawn grinned
Manny raised an eyebrow and looked at Castiel then Minnie.
"Who's the Nephilim?" he asked wide eyed
Minnie raised her hand slowly. Mannys eyes widened even more and he looked back at Shawn.
"Shawn have you-" he began
"Any idea what Nephilims are. Yes dad i do. But she just found out shes a Nephilim a few months ago." Shawn said, trying to keep his father from panicking
Minnie got up and excused herself. Real Minnie was feeling something different. Like now her body was receiving new instructions. She heard the instructions and screamed. No no no no no! This couldn't be happening... She looked herself in the mirror. It wasn't her staring back. The grey dead eyes were now bright gold and looked evil, the smirk on her face showed nothing good and the rings around her eyes were now disappearing with the summoning of power.
She opened the door to the bathroom and began making her way to the living room again. THe real Minnie was pounding hard on the walls that caved her in. She needed her body to stop, she couldn't let it proceed. Cass who had felt uneasy from the start when he was near Minnie could now feel the surge of power from her. He stood up, eyes wide. Shawn looked over at him.
"Cass what's wrong?" he asked, and he got his answer really quick
Minnie had her weapon drawn and her eyes still glowing. She shot at Sam and missed, the bullet flying right past his head. Aaliyah screamed and tried running to Shawn for shelter. Minnie raised her hand and knocked the child back against the wall, knocking her out. Shawn was stunned at Minnie's actions. He tried to run forward to stop Minnie but she advanced and knocked him against a wall, pinning him up against it. Sam and Cass tried to do the same, Manny trying to get to his daughter.
Minnie let out a powerful scream. Time seemed to slow to a stop, everyone was levitated up into the air. Gold blasts of energy coming from Minnie's mouth. She closed her mouth and the screaming stopped, everyone dropped to the floor or was swung back. Shawn had no idea what had gotten into her, but he had to stop her. He raised his gun and shot her. He didn't want to, but he had to and he did. The bullet hit Minnie in the shoulder causing her to scream in pain.
The glowing stopped and the real Minnie was knocked back into her body, whatever that was controlling her was gone. Minnie clutched her shoulder tight, wincing in pain. Shawn dashed to Aaliyah and embraced her limp body. She was only unconscious but Shawn didn't care. He was furious, his body boiling with anger.
Minnie looked around at the destruction she had caused. Cass and Sam were now standing up. Sam went over to Manny, keeping an eye on Minnie to make sure she wouldn't try anything. Cass was pointing an angel blade at her, but hesitated when he realized that presence he had felt before.
"W-what the-" Minnie began before Shawn burst
"You said we would be free of Monsters here!-" Shawn began to yell, his face red with anger
"Shawn I-" Minnie began trying to explain but wincing with the pain in her shoulder
"-I trusted you! I believed you! I loved you!" he continued
"Shawn it wasn't-" It was Cass this time that tried to intervene but Minnie's eyes were wide and her heart was breaking already
"-But I guess I failed to realize that the real monster was you!" he finished
Minnie suddenly froze. Cass, who knew exactly how harsh that was, clenched his jaw tight. Tears began to fill her eyes, the pain in her shoulder began to grow faint and her legs felt weak. A monster... That's what she was..... A monster.... It'd been so long since she heard those words but they pained her just as much. Shawn had stopped loving her, and he had a right to. She just hurt his family.......
Immediately she began to run. She ran out the door, down the porch, blood still running down her hand from her injury, the pain surging it wasn't as much as the pain in her heart. She jumped into her Jeep and turned the ignition, speeding away from the house. Shawn was now taking deep breaths, looking down at Aaliyah as she came back into conscious.
"Shut up Cass..."
"Cass i told you to shut up" Shawn sapped, looking over at him sternly a vase from the shelf flew off and smashed against Cass's head
It didn't take much affect, but Cass was wide eyed.
"Shawn that wasn't her!" he continued
"What are you talking about now Cass?!"
"Shawn, that was not Minnie! Something was controlling her! Its-it's something I failed to mention...." His voice trailed off
Shawn looked up at Cass confused, his head cocking to the side. Cass looked down at his feet.
"With Emandriel being her father, he most likely put a bond in between them. From what I felt in that car and here... It wasn't her. She wasn't present. She was locked away and Emandriel was taking over......"
Shawns eyes suddenly widened. If what Cass said was true...
"What have i done...."
A/N: Did I just rip your soul out and crush it? Your welcome :) Awwww come on! You know you love me. I love you too. NOW PEOPLE, THREE UPDATES IN ONE DAY! NEW RECORD!!!! Hope you enjoyed them XD Oh and btw, to crush you soul a bit more then how much I crushed it. In about next chapter or two, the..
Oh and whos watching Season 13 happily? Not me cause I dont have fucking cable. Fml.
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