Chapter 19| She's One Of Them.....

"Hey Minnie?" Shawn began looking over in the darkness to the Strawberry Blonde headed girl.

No response. Just silence. Except for the soft snores that fluttered in the air. The light from the street lamps on the highway simply passed over the Jeep, giving Shawn split second moments of clear vision in the darkness that wrapped around Minnie. He smiled. She was asleep, and he was driving. And that for some odd reason comforted him.

Maybe it was because he finally knew for a fact she was sleeping. Or maybe it was because he saw the true child in her when she slept. Most of the time she was grouchy and stubborn, but when she was asleep it was like all of that disappeared and was replaced by the most innocent looking being ever.

And then Shawn proceeded to do what he did every single night. He would reach over and hold her hand. She was asleep, but his big, warm hands would wrap around her small cold ones and you could always see a small smile grow on her lips. Ever since that day he and Cass had peered into her mind, he always wanted to go back in. She was called a "Monster" "Devil's Child" and was possessed from what it looked like and that was only the beginning. Shawn wanted to find out the rest of the story. What else made Minnie, well Minnie?

He sighed, letting go of her hand and resting his on his leg. What he wanted, what apparently made him happy... It was her. But not grouchy Minnie, the loving one. It made him happy and he wanted her now more than ever but that would never happen. Shawn brushed his thoughts away. If there's no chance then why would he be thinking about it?

Minnie stirred in her seat, blinking several times before rubbing her eyes and sitting up straight. Her hand where Shawn left it on her lap now moved above her body as she stretched.

"Where are we?" she asked in the middle of a yawn

"Cleveland, Ohio" Shawn responded, his voice a bit raspy and deep from the nap he took earlier at a pit stop

Minnie glanced in his direction, simply nodding.

"I went hunting here a couple of times. My trainer Wes he brought us here once... We were hunting a nest of Vampires that were moving west and we stopped them here" she said, her eyes seemed to be looking at something distant, like she was reliving her memory

Shawn smiled a bit. Through these past few weeks Minnie had been a bit more open. Here and there she would drop a little hunting tip or share a little memory. He always thought it was nice. It wasn't a big change, but it was something.

"The guys here aren't too bad either" Minnie giggled

Shawn didn't know whether to be pissed off or happy. He was jealous of the guys that just happened to grab her attention, but she giggled! And her laugh was like music to his ears. A type of music he only heard once in a blue moon.

"Well aren't they lucky" Shawn laughed

Minnie just smiled. She wondered if this was what sleep did to people. Did it make them feel this refreshed and happy? Man she couldn't even think of a time she had been this happy. She glanced over at Shawn, this time her eyes lingering a bit longer. His hair had grown over the past few months, his curls now a mess like usual in the mornings. He was leaning his head against the window, using his arm as a support while the other hand stayed on the steering wheel.

She didn't know what she was feeling and why, but she was feeling it. It was this feeling... This one in her head that told her to make him happy. The one in her stomach when he looked super hot, the one in her heart every time it broke when she saw him upset. But she hated that feeling. She had had that feeling once before and not ever would she make the mistake again.

Suddenly Minnie felt the need to ask something


"Hmm?" he hummed, looking over at her

"What exactly did you see when you and Cass were in my head?"

Shawn's breathing hitched. He opened his mouth to speak, the truth this time. Not no "Just bits and pieces" or changing the subject. Then there was a sound of wings flapping and Castiel's magical appearance in the back seat of the Jeep.

"Cass" Minnie began before being cut off

"I know, knock. Or call. But that voice told me I was out of minutes. I have some information on the sword." Castiel said chillantly

Minnie's eyes widened and her head snapped to Cass.

"What is it?!"

"Well... The Archangels found Emandriel. He doesn't have the sword"

Shawn almost stopped the car. He glanced back at Cas several times.


"He gave it to someone else he trusts" Cas sighed

Minnie just sat there, stunned.

"Why would he give a sword that powerful to someone?!" Minnie finally blurted out

"He's gotta be crazy!" Shawn added as he took an exit off the highway

"He is" Castiel replied "And now we're having difficulty in getting the location out of him"

Minnie sighed.

"Did you tell Dean and Sam?"

Cass looked trouble, looking down at his feet before looking back up.

"I-I can't find them. Its another reason i'm here, i believe it had something to do with Alkali"

Minnie clenched her fist. Her blood boiled at the sound of Alkali's name. He was the one who sent that demon to attack her and Max... The one who murdered Max!

"We'll help" She blurted out, looking back at Cass

"What about the SkinWalker case Bobby told us about? Its why we're here!" Shawn butted in

"Other hunters can deal with that! Right now..." She sighed, looking over at Shawn "Right now, we have a chance to stop Alkali!"

Shawn sighed, focusing back on the road. As much as he wanted to avenge his own family, and Max, he knew it was unwise to go after a very powerful demon with no leverage except an angel.

"Alright you two stay in here, and don't leave. I have to scout the city and see if i can find where the demons are located. I'll be back" Castiel commanded the two teens

Minnie let out a huff as she threw her backpack on one of the motel beds, sitting down on it with her arms crossed. Shawn placed his own backpack on his bed and sighed, laying down on it.

"Fine" Minnie replied, avoiding eye contact with Cass

Castiel sighed and disappeared. After a few hours Minnie had taken yet another nap. Shawn had grown restless and grabbed his jacket, as he zipped it up, Minnie woke up.

"Where are you going?" she asked, confused, as she sat up and rubbed her eyes

"I'm just going to the vending machine to get some snacks, i'll be back" Shawn replied

"But Cass said not to leave the room"

"Im literally gonna be 100 ft from our room, it's fine"

Minnie sighed, laying back down. This time she got comfortable on a pillow.

"Fine. Just hurry back" she mumbled

Shawn smiled a bit as she dozed back off. She'd been sleeping a lot lately, and he was glad. He opened the door and did what he said he would. As he chose out the snacks, he began to feel uneasy. Something- someone, was watching him. He stuck a hand in his pocket, acting like he was finding some change. Instead he gripped his knife. Something lunged forward and by instinct he drew his blade and swung.

It struck an cut through soft flesh, but no noise was heard. Shawn turned to be face to face with his attacker, his eyes narrowed and his heart racing. His eyes widened when he saw it was a man, his arm bleeding from the cut he had made. But the fact he didn't look in pain wasn't what caught Shawn's attention. It was the orange eyes that he had that made him freeze in fear...


Minnie stirred and blinked several times before sitting up and stretching. She looked around, seeing Cass who was standing at the edge of her bed.


"Minnie, where's Shawn?"

Her eyes widened and she shot up, looking around frantically. The clock read 10 pm, exactly one hour since she had fallen asleep. That also happened to be the last time she saw Shawn. Her mind was racing. Where had he gone?

"I-uh- he was just going to go to the vending machine" Minnie said, barely believing herself

Cass tried to speak but no words came out, he was too angry. Minnie noticed this and huffed.

"Well where were you Castiel? You the angel here!"

"I got caught up.. By Archangels" he said, glancing over at Minnie

His glance lasted longer than expected. His eyes unsettled her, like he had just found out a deep dark secret and wasn't sure whether to believe it. He sighed, shaking his head.

"You should have told Shawn to stay in the room, like I told you both to!"

"Well guess what? The vending machine is legitimately like 100 feet away from the room. Shawn knows how to shoot a gun, use a knife, escape traps and more. I wouldn't think he would have disappeared!"

Castiel scoffed "Well you should have at least watched him! Instead you fell asleep!"

"Im human Castiel, im a fucking human. Humans sleep"

"But you're not human!" he finally snapped

Minnie just froze, her mouth open, a look of confusion on her face.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

That's when Castiel noticed he was screwed.'

Shawn was punched once again, he was sure it left a bruise this time. Cuts and blood covered his body, his strength depleting bit by bit.

"Come on Shawny, I didn't burn down your house and feed you demon blood for this! Your strong, use your strength don't just stay silent!" said Alkali as he paced around Shawn.

Shawn clenched his jaw at the reminder of all this demon had done. Memories rushed about his brain, a single tear running down his cheek as he tried to keep himself together.

"Your right. You didn't burn my mom up for nothing did you?" he said, his voice cracking

Alkali smiled.

"Nope!" he said cheerfully "Come on! I mean Minnie is- " he began before whistling "She's fine if yah know what i mean"

Alkali winked which made the sadness in Shawn's face wash away and blend into anger.

"I mean she's powerful when she's emotional, probably the most powerful thing i have ever encountered. But that's her set back. Her emotions. It's pathetic really. Im hoping you're different!"

"She's not a "thing". She's a human being"

Alkali shook his head, a "I'm not too sure about that" on his face.

"Yeah no, I'm not too keen of that idea"

Dean and Sam got out of the Impala, looking around before facing Castiel. They had suddenly appeared from the highway to the front of a motel.

"Dude where-"

"Cleveland" Cass said, cutting him off mid sentence

Minnie ran out of her hotel room. A random hoodie she had found that was a bit too big wrapped was what she wore. Fingerless gloves and a duffle bag full of weapons completed her look. Deans jaw almost dropped, instead he just looked around. Minnie rushed over, looking at Castiel worriedly.

"Did you get a drop on Shawn's location?"

Castiel looked confused "I- uh- I know where Shawn is. He's in a warehouse, across town. Itll take us half an hour by car. My uh power has been depleted some. I can't fly you all to the location, i barely got Dean and Sam here."

Dean scoffed "Make that 15 minutes. Get in the car"

In the car, as Dean sped through the streets of Cleveland, Ohio, Minnie couldn't help but think about the "dream" she had just had. It wasn't a normal one... And she wasn't sure that it was real....

"Hey my little angel" the voice said

Minnie was at a lake. It was frozen over, snow fell gently from the sky, slowly stacking up on the floor. She looked around. Woods surrounded the lake. She looked down at herself to see that she wore a black snow jacket and ice skates. She felt on her head and found that there was a red flower tucked behind her ear. She suddenly realized where she was.

She was in the woods of Portland, Maine, 1998. THis was the outfit she wore that winter when she went alone into the woods to her favorite lake to practice some hockey. She stood up, looking around confused. Why was she back here?

"Angel" the voice said, this time closer than before

Minnie Looked to her right and gasped. A man with blonde hair stood there. His eyes a light blue and a smile on his lips.

"D-dad?" she stuttered, her lips beginning to quiver

The man smiled and opened his arms wide. She ran into his arms and hugged him tight, he doing so in return.

"I miss you.. I'm-miss you so so much" she whispered

"I miss you too baby.. But i'm not here for a family reunion" he sighed

Minnie pulled away.

"Y-you're dead. That's why.."

"I'm here to warn you is why"

Minnie looked at him confused.


"You're in danger. You're going to come across an enemy. And enemy that may be overwhelming, overpowering. But just know, you're the strongest girl in the universe. You can take him on and you will take him on and you will win" her father said in a reassuring voice "You can do this. You have a great weapon inside of you, you just have to feel for it. You need to look inside of you, and you will beat the enemy."

"I-I" Minnie stuttered

Why was she dreaming this? Why would she dream something like this?

"Remember how I told you you were going through a change?"

Minnie sighed


Her dad smiled weakly, using his finger to lift her face up.

"Your change? It's been completed. Don't you feel the difference in you? Don't you remember how different you were?"

Minnie nodded

"Good. Use this new found strength. Now go"

Minnie was snapped out of her memory by a bump in the road. She looked up to see they had made it to the other side of town. She reached over into her duffel bag and pulled out a gun. It had carvings in the handle, ones she had carved herself. They were Enochian and read "Love is found in the most mysterious places". She sighed and cocked the gun, her eyes now filled with a burning fire of determination and revenge.

"Aw Shawny you look worn out. Why don't you just yah know, heal yourself again!" Alkali smiled

Shawn sighed, shaking his head. Just several seconds ago he had popped his bones back in place, somehow. A new found power he guessed. His ring finger on his right hand was bent in a way it shouldn't. Alkali watched intently as Shawn used his mind power to pop his bone back straight. He yelled out in pain making the orange eyed demon cackle.

Suddenly Alkali attention was grabbed by the sound of a roaring car. The door suddenly opened to reveal Sam and Dean. The demon immediately used his power to swing them against the wall, temporarily knocking them out. Castiel walked in, eyes glowing and all, Minnie hiding behind him. Alkali sneered and snapped his fingers. Almost immediately a ring of holy fire formed around Castiel causing Minnie to jump back. Alkali laughed as Minnie walked around Cass, her gun drawn.

Shawns eye widened. She only had a gun which had little effect on a demon.. She was going to get hurt and he wouldn't be able to do anything! He began to use his telekinetic powers to unravel his chains. Meanwhile Minnie looked at Alkali determined.

"Well look who decided to join the party! Here to save your little boyfriend here?" The demon smirked

Minnie didn't even flinch. She just stayed quiet. Castiel watched, wondering what Minnie was planning. She looked over at Sam and Dean worriedly, and then at Shawn. She sighed as there eyes locked. Shawn looked terrible, hurt, wounded, and Minnie couldn't believe she let it happen. Looking back at Alkali she narrowed her eyes.

"Let's put your strength to the test then!" he chuckled with a smirk

Just as Minnie was about to act, Shawn sprang up from his bonds, tackling Alkali from behind. Alkali quickly threw Shawn against the wall, disabling him for a few. Shawn looked up at Minnie weakly. He smiled causing Minnie to gasp. If that was his way of saying good bye, she wasn't going to accept it. She looked back at Alkali.

"Don't you think you've taken enough from us?" Minnie asked

"Hmm? Nah. You see, you and Shawn? Your special! I can't let you guys just go like that. I have plans for you. New plans." he smiled

Minnie chuckled, licking her lips.

"I don't think so."

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. Her father's words ringing in her head like a bell "You're the strongest girl in the universe. You can take him on and you will take him on and you will win.You can do this. You have a great weapon inside of you, you just have to feel for it." And that's what she did. Instead of relying on the gun in her hand, she was going to rely on herself. She had a power, she'd used it before, all she had to do was look for it.

Alkali suddenly gasped as Minnie began to glow. Shawn and Cass watched on in shock as the glow got brighter and brighter. The shadow of wings suddenly grew behind Minnie and she looked up, her eyes now also glowing a misty blue color. The glow suddenly flashed and everyone turned away. Dean and Sam who had come into conscious during the glow now watched intently.

When it was safe to look, Minnie wore a straight face, staring right at Alkali. In her hand was something new though. It was a sword. It was made of gold with a steel trim and Angelic design pattern on the handle. It was long and glowed, little particles seemingly radiating off of it. Alkalis eyes widened when Minnie smirked.

"You want to see my strength? Let me show you my strength" she said in almost an evil way

Minnie suddenly lunged forward. No one could keep track of her as she sped right for Alkali. The demon tried to escape by turning into smoke but Minnie reached the vessel just in time to shove him back into the body. At that point her hand was covering his mouth, his eyes filled with panic.

"It's time to burn demon" she sneered

The sword suddenly ignited in flames before she thrusted it into Alkalis abdomen. He began to choke, yellow electricity cackling inside him before his body went limp and went into flames. Minnie took the sword out of Alkali and let the body drop. She was breathing heavily as she looked around. The holy fire had died down to nothing around Castiel, Sam was helping Dean up and Shawn simply stared.

"They were right" Castiel said in what looked like fear "Your one of them..."

Minnie gasped lightly when Castiel clenched his fist.

"You're a Nephilim" he sighed "And that's the Sword of Unfateful Grace"

A/N: 3172 words just for you! Its soooo long, i know! But it was worth it! I'm sure most of you guys have guessed bits and pieces of this chapter, and if you did comment below what it was you guessed so i know i'm doing my job right XD Hope you enjoyed it!

Don't Forget To Vote And Comment!

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