Chapter 14| What Sword?!
"It's been five months, five months and you still won't let me drive! Why?!" Shawn questioned, looking over at an obviously exhausted Minnie
"Because it's MY car Shawn! M I N E! I'm gonna drive it cause I don't trust you with it!" Minnie argued
"Well Deans equally possessive with his car, and he lets Sam drive it! I mean you've been driving across the states non stop and Dean and Sam have switched places! You're running on like two cups of coffee and Cass's annoying questioning!"
Minnie looked over at Shawn. Her eyes were dark and her lips were chapped. Shawn had noticed this after the first few hours, and was now persisting Minnie to let him drive.
"I don't need to sleep. We are going to hunt this! This... Whatever it was, and i'm driving all the way there!"
Shawn's face turned serious.
"Have you seen yourself? You can't even remember we were hunting a Vetala!"
Minnies face had grown red in anger. She looked over at Shawn, her jaw set and obviously pissed.
"Shawn I'm gonna need you to stop being concerned about me and do your goddamn job okay?! You're going to do what you've been doing for the past four months. You're going to sit on your computer, connect to your phones wifi, and you're going to try to find Demon omens cause if you don't recall were hunting Alkali!"
Max who had grown tired of hearing the teens bicker and had drifted off to sleep, perked his ears up at the mention of the Orange eyed demon.
"Aren't we supposed to be helping Sam and Dean with this whole end of the world thing too?" he asked drowsily
Minnie looked from the backseat to Shawn who was annoyed.
"Yeah that too. You should also start looking for ways to stop the world from ending!"
Shawn had grown fed up with Minnie's ignorance. Apparently the only one who was able to sacrifice their life or show her any sort of affection was Max. And even after all these months he never grasped why. What was so tragic that Minnie didn't allow anyone so close to her? After all this time, Shawn had only learned a few things, especially after Christmas time when they hunted two gods. That Minnie's mother had died in a fire, like his, and that the name "Sara" Affected her greatly. He had overheard Max comforting Minnie about something, and her growing furious at the mention of "Sara".
The car ride was silent until they finally reached their destination, Sioux Falls South Dakota. Minnie's eyes darted on the road, and her breathing hitched when she saw the sign signaling their entrance into the small town. Without question Minnie continued to follow Dean's Impala all the way to the outskirts of the city where he pulled up into an old junkyard with an equally old house in the middle.
Minnie parked her Jeep and was the first to jump out of the car. The air was a bit frosty, her hands buried in her jacket as she walked forward to Dean who had gotten out of his car.
"Where are we?" Minnie asked, looking around
"At my d- at my old friend's house" he said, trying to find the correct words to describe his fatherly figure
Shawn let Max out of the car and they all went to the front door where Dean pounded on it.
"Come on Bobby, your sons are home for a late Christmas!" Dean chuckled
"W-wait. Bobby? As in Bobby Singer?" Minnie asked, practically freezing up
Max growled at the name.
"Bobby Singer?!" Max growled, his eyes turning red
Minnie's eye widened at Max's out burst and just then the door opened and his eyes were back to normal. An old man in his late 60's ish with a beard and an old trucker hat stood at the door. His lips formed a grin that Minnie was ever to familiar with.
"Dean! Sam! You two must be Minnie and Shawn! Come on in you idjits, you look like you'll freeze!"
Minnie was the first to step into the warmth of the Singer household. Well, if you could call it that. The light stench of beer and old wood filled Minnie's nose and it comforted her. She felt at rest, like she was finally home. She bit her lip as she looked around. This was the place she was supposed to get to two years ago. This was the place that was going to harbor her.... But she never made it.
After some "Proper" introductions, Bobby showed Minnie and Shawn the guests rooms before bringing them back down the creaky stairs to where Sam and Dean were already researching.
"So. We are hunting a Vetala right?" Minnie asked, taking off her jacket and putting it on a corner on the floor for Max to lay down on
"That's right. I woulda done it myself but i'm afraid Dean has me on this research thing, working me like i'm some ass" Bob scoffed, smacking the back of Dean's head who looked up like an upset child
Minnie's lips curved a bit, and Shawn was the first one to notice the uneasy glint in her eyes. After hours of sitting, eating, and drinking, Sam, Dean, Max, and Shawn had fallen asleep at their stations leaving Bobby and Minnie the only ones awake. Minnie couldn't hold it in much longer.
"Bobby does the name Wesley Singer mean anything to you?"
Bobbys head snapped up in an instant. His eyes were wide which alarmed Minnie a bit.
"Where have you heard that name missy?!" He snapped, looking her dead in the eyes
"I-I" Minnie tried to grasp for words "He was like a father to me. He uh trained me in hunting these things and stuff... Got me into the life I guess..."
Bobbys chair pulled back with a long screech and he stood up, walking over to Minnie in his kitchen. He sat down across from her, not breaking eye contact.
"Wes got you into the life? Your so young! How could he do that?!"
"Because I wanted in. Alkali ripped everything away from me!" Minnie took in a deep breath "He gave me this address and your name Bobby. He called me November 14th, 2016 and told me to find shelter here. But I never made it here in time."
Somehow, all of Minnies hard work in not trusting anyone went away. Bobby reminded her of his son, Wes. She had trusted Wes, and she now trusted Bobby. And so she told him everything. From that fire when she was 10, to meeting Wes when she was 11, all the way to the present moment.
"Wake up Sunshine, Vatala ain't gonna hunt itself!" Dean yelled, shaking Minnie a bit to wake her up
She had fallen asleep soon after her conversation with Bobby on his Dining table. Everyone was stirring about by the time she had freshened up and had completely opened her eyes. Her eyes widened when she looked at the time. It was 11 am, and she distinctly remembered falling asleep at 2 am. 9 hours of sleep was the most she had ever had since about 2 years ago.
After being given the low down from Bobby, the Hunters loaded up into there cars and drove to a cafe on the other side of town. Upon entering the smell of pastries hit Minnie's nose.
"Pie!" Both Dean and Minnie said at once, practically tripping over each other as they approached the pie rack
"Do you have Pecan?" They both asked once again
Sam and Shawn looked at each other and shrugged, at least they were excited about something and not moping about starting the Apocalypse or some other reason. All 4 of them sat at a booth, awaiting the waitress to come.
"Alright so that would be 2 Chocolate Chip Muffins, A salad, 2 slices of Pecan pie and-" The waitress recited before looking over at Dean "And what would your girlfriend like?" she asked, motioning to a fazed out Minnie
Her attention was grasped at the word 'Girlfriend' which caused her to choke on her own spit. Dean smirked and draped his arm over Minnie's shoulder.
"My uh "Girlfriend" will take a slice of Pecan Pie" Dean said proudly with a smirk, pulling Minnie close
The waitress nodded in affirmation and walked away. As soon as she was out of eyesight Minnie elbowed Dean in the stomach and scooted away from him. Dean laughed and Minnie's cheeks were red with an angry blush. Shawn felt his stomach twist into a knot. He'd been getting that a lot recently. Random hot flashes, getting embarrassed for the dumbest reasons, his stomach knotting when Dean flirted with Minnie. All the symptoms he had hoped he wouldn't get.
Sam looked over at Shawn before sipping his coffee. Sam had taken notice one day and confronted Shawn about it. Shawn knew there was no chance in Minnie feeling the same back, but he couldn't help but feel what he was feeling. As soon as there food arrived, Minnie and Dean dove into there pies, moaning in satisfaction when they clamped down on their forks.
"Holy damn this pie is good!" Minnie said in between mouthfuls
"I will never regret coming here" Dean added in
Sam and Shawn simply leaned back and watched the two. While eating, Minnie looked out the window. Her eyes caught something strange. The waitress who had served them earlier was now leading a man into an alleyway while another waitress walked around and got into the unsuspecting man's vehicle.
"Uh guys, is it just me or does that look like a Vetalas hunting technique?" Minnie questioned, pointing out the scene
Sam dropped some cash on the table and they ran out, loading into their vehicles and subtly following the man's vehicle currently being driven by what they suspected was a Vetala. They organized there plan on how to sneak into the warehouse they had just arrived at and set it into motion. Max and Minnie took the left wing while Dean stormed the entrance and Shawn and Sam taking the right wing.
Max's eyes suddenly turned red as Minnie was about to pick lock the door in. Minnie looked over at Max, she was confused when he let out a sharp growl.
"Max?" she asked, her voice faltering a bit in fright
All he did was growl in response when suddenly the door opened, hitting her right in the temple, knocking her unconscious.
Minnie's eyes slowly opened. She tried to move her hand to rub her eyes but she couldn't. Shock and Panic filled her as she tried to yank out of her bondings. Her eyes finally settled on a man standing in the middle of the room. Max was sitting at his feet, his eye glowing red and staring off into oblivion.
"Who are you? What did you do with Max?!" Minnie asked, struggling with her rope bonds again
The man chuckled, his eyes turning black then back to normal.
"My names Hamen. Right hand to Alkali. We've been waiting for your powers to awaken, but it seems they haven't. So we're just giving you a little push."
Minnie boiled in anger. Just the mention of Alkali threw her into a fit.
"I don't know what your talking about! Just whatever mind control you have on Max, take it off now"
Hamen clicked his tongue, shaking his head and wiggling his little finger in a "No".
"Now, we knew you were feisty, but not like this. But that's not how this works. You see, Max here has been fighting off his full transformation for months now! He's been clinging on to his humanity for far too long and he's slowly losing it. Ive simply claimed him"
Minnie's eyes widened. Her direction went to Max who was still staring off to a wall.
"But I can turn him into a human again. I can give him back to you."
"No! You're lying! You can't do that!"
Hamen raised an eyebrow and with the snap of a finger in place of a Great Dane with red eyes was a tall, lanky boy with Dirty Blonde hair and green eyes. He blinked several times before looking around him then at himself. His eyes rested on Minnie who was bound to a chair.
"Minnie!" his voice rang out, sweet and human
Max tried to run forward but he couldn't. Hamen had him under his control still.
"See, now you know I can. But I can just eas easily take him away and make him a fifty dog again"
Minnie has begun to tear up at the sight of her old friend in his normal form. She looked at Hamen who was looking down at a pocket watch.
"What do you want? My Soul? What is it that you need?!" Minnie pleaded
Hamen smirked. Around this time, Dean has stabbed a Demon through the throat.
"This place is crowded with them!" he shouted, fighting off another one
Sam and Shawn where doing there best to either exorcise them or fight them off with Holy Water.
"Wheres Minnie and Max?" Shawn asked as they ran through the halls
At that moment they heard it. The crack of a female voice and the light cry of one.
"What do you want? My soul? What is it that you need?!" the voice cried
The boys immediately stopped. They were able to see through an iron grate Minnie, bound to a wooden chair while a man in a tuxedo stood in the room side by side of a boy they had never seen before.
"Minnie no! Stop!" The familiar voice yelled from the boy
"Max?" Shawn whispered, looking over at a stunned Dean and Sam
That's when Minnie broke into a sob. And at that moment all four boys hearts broke.
Shawn couldn't bear to see her crying. Sam couldn't stand the torture she was going through, Dean had a small crush on the girl, but seeing her more as a sister, it hurt him to see her in danger. And for Max it hurt worst of all. He had been on the sidelines for over two years now, ever since he was turned into a hellhound. He wasn't as useful anymore. He couldn't do any research, he couldn't shoot a gun, he was just the mascot. But during those years he had seen the worst. He had been there through thick and thin with Minnie. And seeing her cry always hurt him, but seeing her cry because of him stabbed him good and hard.
Hamen pursed his lips together, obviously unaffected by the circumstances.
"Bring me the sword Valentine, the sword" he said
"What sword?!" Minnie shouted in confusion
"The sword of Unfateful Grace of course! You should know where it is"
"I've never even heard of it!"
Hamen sighed. He snapped his fingers and there was suddenly a knife pointing right at a wide eyed Max.
"Does this assist you in remembering?"
Minnie's eye widened and Dean sprung into action. He began to look for a way into the room, but all the doors were somehow bolted shut.
"No please! I don't know what this sword is or where, but I'll find it! I'll find it just please let Max go!" Minnie pleaded
Hamen zoned out for a bit, sighing and then looking at Minnie.
"Well I have no use for you. It seems there has been a mistake. I've wasted my time"
At that moment he snapped his fingers once more and the knife plunged into Max's stomach. Hamen disappeared and the room went quiet, even more quiet than before a tornado. Max slumped to the ground, clutching his abdomen while Minnie stared from her seat. A scream began to build up inside of her. The lights began to flicker, even faster than a usual spirit would cause. They began to brighten and dim, the windows and ground began to shake. Everyone looked around except for Minnie who let out a scream of unrelenting pain. One she had stored up for so long.
All the lights were blown out and when the boys recovered from shielding themselves, the doors opened. They walked in to find Minnie-May in the center of the room, cradling Max. Her rope bounds had been snapped and were lying right beside the chair she was tied to. Dean and Sam looked around at the damage that had been caused, linking it all to Minnie-May. Shawn rushed forward, sliding on the ground beside Minnie to help. Max was still a living and breathing in Minnie's arms but was obviously slipping away.
"I-I" he stuttered
"No Max no, stay here, stay with me don't go!" Minnie sobbed, her tears rolling down her cheeks
"Im sorry.... Im sorry for everything" he breathed before he didn't inhale and his chest stopped moving
Max's body ment limp in Minnie's arms and she sobbed even harder. Shawn reached over and placed a hand on Minnie's shoulder. Minnie sniffled and moved away from Shawn.
"Just stop Shawn... Stop."
A/N: 2855 words just for your guys.... Sad chapter I know, its hurts doing this to my poor baby Max :( But it had to happen *sigh* See yall in the next one.
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