European Arc, Chapter 78: Mud Bath
???: Fenandooooo~. Aí está você~. (There you are~)
Backed to a nearby tree, Fernando was scared shitless as he recognized the voice and its owner.
Then from all sides he was surrounded by wolves, they all had sharp and toothy evil grins and formed like a fence so the deer trophy wouldn't escape.
Then in front of Fernando came out 3 wolves, one of them was a black wolf that had green eyes and a scar on his right eye and was larger than the rest, it was the pack the leader.
Fernando: M-Mario...?
The wolf named Mario then smirked in a more teasing and suggestive manner, but had ill intentions behind it.
Mario: Fernando, como está meu veado favorito? Por que a pressa? Fique aqui conosco, junte-se a nós para jantar... é uma pena que você não tenha sido convidado por mim mesmo. (Fernando, how is my favorite little deerling doing? Why the rush? Stay here with us, join us for's a shame that you weren't invited by yours truly.)
Fernando: M-mario, Eu não queria me intrometer- (M-Mario, I didn't mean to intrude-)
Mario raised his paw and put it on the deer's mouth.
Mario: Shhhhhhhhh, o líder está falando, quando eu digo que você pode falar você pode. (Shhhhhhhhhh, the leader is talking, when I say you can speak you may)
He removed his paw from Fernando's face and started circling the deer with a smirk.
Mario: Você parece assustado, o que aconteceu? Um dos meus homens aqui comeu uma das suas meninas? Ou... eles comeram um de seus amigos coelhos...*evil grin* (You look scared, what happened? Did one of my men here eat one of your girls? Or....did they eat one of your rabbit friends...?)
Fernando can just nod a no to the wolf pack leader.
Mario: Interessante....(Interesting)
He leaned to Fernando's face, making the deer feel even more uncomfortable.
Mario: Não precisa dizer mais nada... eu sei o que aconteceu... você falou demais e quase foi abatido por um caçador muito, muito longe do Parque Nacional. Então você correu todo o caminho como o pequeno covarde que você é e tropeçou em mim e na minha matilha... encolhido como o rapazinho que você é... (You don't need to say more...I know what ran your fat mouth and almost got shot down by a hunter far far far away from the National Park. Then you ran all the way like the little coward you are and stumbled onto me and my pack...cowering like the little boy you are...)
Shocked by the information, Fernando gulped.
Fernando: C-como você- (H-how did you-)
Mario: Você esqueceu que tenho olhos e ouvidos neste parque nacional. Desde que o último líder faleceu, sem saber... eu assumi o comando e decidi dedicar este bando para espalhar e ter nossa influência em todos os lugares. Resumindo, esta floresta é minha...ou preciso lembrar a você o que acontece quando as coisas ficam fora de controle...hmm? (Did you forget, I have eyes and ears in this national park. Ever since the last leader passed away, unknowingly...I took charge and I decided to dedicate this pack to spread out and have our influence everywhere. In short this forest is mine...or do I need to remind you what happens when things get out of hand...hmm?)
Fernando is silent, the wolf could only chuckle.
Mario: Mas... eu tenho que dar crédito a glupa... sem sua atitude arrogante e ousada, eu não saberia que há um estranho em nossa casa. Graças a você... há algo novo no cardápio para mim e minha matilha esta noite... considere-se sortudo por minha atenção ser atraída para o caçador, e acredite que já faz séculos desde que vi um humano quando governei. (But...I have to give you credit tho...without your cocky and brash attitude, I wouldn't have known that there is an outsider in our home. Thanks to you...there is something new on the menu for me and my pack tonight...consider yourself lucky that my attention is drawn to the hunter, and believe it's been ages since I have seen a human when I ruled.)
He then turned around and began leaving but stopped and turned his scarred half to face Fernando one more time.
Mario: Se você ver o humano... você sabe onde me encontrar...(If you see the know where to find me...)
He howled before running off and the rest of his pack followed, the deer then fell on his knees and breathed heavily as he was in a state of panic.
Fernando:...What did I do....he's gonna tear through the entire national park until he doesn't find that monkey...I gotta do somethin'!
The scene changed to Dario and Francisca, they were crossing in the forest. The boar girl was in her normal form and remained unamused.
Francisca:'s it like out there in the human world, outside my local range that is.
Dario: Well I'm from America, but I'm half American and half Macedonian-
Francisca: Ah, so a hybrid huh? Interesting.
Dario: Well not exactly, basically means I'm a mix of nationalities, that I have to choose between one culture over the two, y'know human stuff.
Francisca: Cool, gotta admit something with ya, other than your whining you're not to shabby.
Dario:'re not so bad yourself when you're not sarcastic or anything, you're very chill.
The boar had a small blush on her face and rolled her eyes.
Francisca: Whatever.
Dario: So...where are we going?
Francisca: To find a puddle.
Dario: A mud puddle? Didn't you already find one earlier?
Francisca: I like it when they're fresh and I don't like to bathe in the same puddle more than once.
Dario: Damn, you're a picky piggy aren't ya. *teasing grin*
Francisca: Oh shut up...
Dario: And already shot down.
Francisca: I at least can shoot down something, unlike you. *smile*
Dario: Ha ha, very funny there...dirt girl.
Francisca stopped and turned into her human form with crossed arms.
Francisca: Dirt girl? Take it back!
Dario: It was either that or farmer.
Francisca: Touché there...ginger...
Dario: Most would say racist but I won't, but it's exaggerated not gonna lie. Had people calling me redhead and red before.
Francisca: I mean it's the same ain't it, little fella? *smirk*
Dario: Now we're gonna be going with the height jokes aren't we?
Francisca: I mean...for a girl I exceeded many expectations and pulled out a miracle to be bigger than most guy boars.
Dario: Ok so it's either fucked up genes or your parents were feeding you too much.
This triggered the boar girl before grabbed the hunter by the shoulders and made him turn.
Francisca: You implying that I'm fat?!
Dario: I never said you-
Francisca: Say that I'm fat again and I'll piledrive your sorry ass-
Dario: Shut up!
This shocked the boar trophy a bit but maintained her composure.
Francisca: So what? You yelling thinks it'll scare me pal?
Dario: I don't think, I know it will. Imma fuck you up, tooth paste skinned dirt girl.
Francisca then looked to the side and saw a vast array of mud puddles, she then smirked and looked back at the Americo-Macedonian.
Francisca: Alright, if you wanna play that game...
She then began forcefully dragging Dario with a smirk.
Dario: Hey!
Francisca: Then let's play big shot.
Dario: What the hell are you-
He then saw the puddles not far away from them.
Dario: Јас и мојата голема уста...(Me and my big mouth...)
They made it to the puddles, Francisca then shoved Dario down the puddles as his clothing splashed and got dirty from the mud.
Dario: Ah shit...!
Francisca: Better strip or you're gonna get an infection pal.
She herself was stripping and began removing her jacket and shirt, exposing her bare chest as she had an F cup chest.
Dario blushed madly, but then snapped out of his as he took off his vest and shirt, then his pants.
The boar girl removed her skirt and then fell on her knees and grabbed Dario's underwear and began pulling them down to see he was pent up and bulging.
Francisca: Damn! *raised brow with a cocky smirk* For a shorty ginger boy, you got a big dick.
Dario: You like the big meat eh? Suck on it~.
Francisca: Ah ah ah, I ain't sucking. I'm going straight *she sat on his dick* to the point.
Dario moaned a bit as she jumped the fence and immediately went with riding.
Francisca: Shit...I didn't expect for you to be this kind of big, but I can take it~.
She put one of her hands on his chest and began riding Dario's dick, the latter began thrusting from underneath.
Francisca: Be a bit quicker pal, I ain't taking shit slowly during mating season. I may be in a fucking period but I sure as hell want it rough and horny~.
Dario: Whatever you say, dirt girl...
He thrusted more from below, Francisca bit her lips and grasped Dario's thighs a bit tighter. She was in Pleasure Town now.
Dario: You're a blushing mess~.
Francisca: S-shut you-
Dario thrusted hard and she squealed a bit, she then placed her hands on his shoulders as they kept their little session in check. Dario mounted her harder, the boar tried her best not to squeal more, biting her lips.
Francisca: Not so rough, idiota..!
Dario: You asked for it tho~.
Francisca then felt herself squirt blood from her pussy, given she was on a period. The blood covered her pussy, Dario's dick and her thighs.
Dario: Jesus Christ, you sure were a mood.
The boar girl looked away and was very shy.
Francisca: Shut gonna fuck me more or not?
Dario grinned and with all his strength he managed to reverse the tables and he pinned down Francisca down.
Francisca: Hey!
Dario: You're not the only one that's top~.
He then thrusted harder inside Francisca's bloody pussy, this made her moan a bit whilst placing her hands on the hunter's hips.
Francisca: Ah, you're so fucking...huge!
Dario: I know~.
Dario went deeper inside her, placing his hands on her chest and massaged the large breasts, a loud moan escaped her.
The moaning was heard by a wolf not far away, curious he went to investigate and he saw Dario and Francisca having sex with blood. His eyes widened and nearly puked.
He then turned around and ran off somewhere full speed ahead.
Then we see him arrive to Mario as he and the other wolves searching.
Wolf: Senhor, você não vai acreditar no que acabei de ver! (Sir you won't believe what I just saw!)
Mario and the others looked at him waiting for an answer.
Wolf: Eu vi o humano transando com um javali em sua forma humana...havia sangue...Ele provavelmente é um necrófilo, senhor! (I saw the human fucking a boar in her human form...there was blood...He's probably a necrophiliac sir!)
This confused Mario to no extent, the wolf pack leader looked at the others as they were madly fumbled and dumbfounded after hearing what was said.
Mario: Necrofílico? Essa é a primeira vez que ouvi de um humano fazer...(Necrophiliac? That's a first I have heard from a human to do...)
He smirked evily.
Mario: Siga-me, temos um necrófilo para assassinar...(Follow me, we have a necrophiliac to murder...)
The scene changed back Dario and Francisca having still mating, the hunter was close.
Dario: I'm close Franny-
Francisca: Put it inside me, pull out and you-
Dario cut her off as he released his load inside her, the flow was big making the boar squeal from pleasure. Slamming her head on the mud behind her to catch her breath.
Dario: Likey~?
Francisca: That all ya got? I've dealt with worse.
Dario: Best 2 out of 3?
Francisca: *smirk* You're on!
Then a loud howl was heard which made the two freeze up.
Francisca: Shit! It's Mario, put your clothes on.
Dario: Who's Mario? *began putting his clothes on*
Francisca: *did the same as Dario* Some asshole wolf that is on a power trip in these woods.
Dario: Ah, dealt with those before he shouldn't-
Then from all sides they were surrounded by wolves, Mario then made his presence felt.
Francisca: Run, I'll hold them off.
Dario: You crazy?!
Francisca: Just go!
Without any other choice Dario ran off, Mario had the attention turned to him. He started running after Dario while the other wolves were beating tackled by Francisca.
Dario looked back to see the pack leader giving chase, his tongue was elongated and teeth were sharpened.
Dario: I wish I had my gun with me!
He then stopped as he was cornered on a large gap with a river between, it was far to jump to the other side. Dario looked behind to see Mario stopping as the two faced one another.
Mario chuckled before turning into his human form, a tall fair skinned man with short black cowlicked hair on the front with one piece sticking out like a small spike, had his green eyes and still had his signature scar. He wore a white collared dress shirt underneath a black formal vest, with matching black jeans and black shoes.
Mario: Então você é o humano que é supostamente um necrófilo como meu lobo mencionou... assim que eu arrancar seu pescoço, você verá como é ser usado também...*evil grin* (So you're the human that's an allegedly a necrophiliac like how my wolf mentioned...once I rip your neck off, you'll see how it feels like to be used as well...)
Dario's mind: Shit I got no idea what he's saying, but hopefully he understands me in Spanish.
Dario: No me asustas amigo, puede que esté sin arma pero aun así te patearé el trasero! (You don't scare me pal, I may be without a gun but I'll still kick your ass!)
Mario: *unamused and facepalms* Isso era espanhol, eu não falo...(That was Spanish, I don't speak it...)
Dario's mind: Shit judging by his stare he doesn't understand me...well I gotta jump...
He then covered his nose with his hand, the wolf growled and tried to catch him but was too late as the hunter jumped behind and splashed the river.
Dario pulled his head out of the water to see Mario just staring at him unamused.
Mario: Eu vou te encontrar eventualmente! (I'll find you eventually!)
Dario pulled his hands out and flashed middle fingers as he was now away from the wolf.
Back to Francisca, we see the wolves all on the ground beaten up and messed up. The boar herself was on the run with a bit of a worried look.
Francisca: I better find him before Mario tears the entire forest to shreds...
To be continued...
OK guys, this was chapter 78.
Peace out!
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