Chapter 29: Oregon Hospitality
The scene changed to the brother bears Iktomi and Nesaru, the twins were chasing a pack of coyotes.
The duo were roaring and making noises that made the pack of wild dogs running for their lives.
One of the coyotes got kicked by Nesaru and sent flying in the air before hitting the sand face first, it then got up and ran away.
The twins laughed.
Iktomi: And stay out!
Nesaru: Man that was fun.... Wait are we forgetting something?
Iktomi: Nah, I don't think so. Nor was it important actually.
Then suddenly a couple of voices could be heard far away but the twins overheard them.
???: Oh yes Tayova, right on the spot. You stroke me so god~.
Iktomi was confused.
Iktomi: Tayova? Who mentioned her?!
Then they heard the elk herself.
Tayova: Awww, I knew you'd like my hands Dary~.
Iktomi: Dary? Who the hell is Dary?
Iktomi was even more confused, Nesaru just laughed at his twin.
Nesaru: Oh man, I think your girlfriend is cheating on you! Hahahaha.
Iktomi: Not funny!
Unknown to then arguing, there wasn't actually any stroking. Dario just held his rifle as he along with Tayova and Dzunukwa watched on as the two bears argued.
Dario: Alright Dzu, your turn.
The cougar nods and cracked her knuckles.
Nesaru: It's funny bro, because-
Dzunukwa: Oooh Tay, you forgot to do this bit too, we don't want these two to be left alone~.
Nesaru turned around in shock.
Nesaru: Huh?!?
Iktomi: And now your girlfriend is cheating on you too *smug*.
Nesaru got angry at his twin.
Nesaru: Shut up! At least mine didn't cheat first!
Iktomi: Mine is hotter!
Nesaru: No! Mine is!
Dario chuckled.
Dario: Look at them go you two.
They watched the twins fight like typical siblings, the girls could only giggle.
Tayova: *smirked* Oh so NOW they care about us? Well it's too late for them because we moved on from their dumb asses.
Dzunukwa: Mhm, to something bigger and better.
The elk turned to the cougar in confusion as she had a lustful glare at Dario who just aimed his gun at them.
Tayova: Hmm, now I'm starting to get interested in him as well.
Dario then turned to them for a bit.
Dario: Oh and after this I hope you two find someone else, because after this I'm heading back to my-
Iktomi: Hey! There they are! They're going at it with a human!
Nesaru: A human?!!?
Dzunukwa: Shit they caught us!
Dario aimed and fired at Nesaru to which he hit his chest. The bear fell down and died.
Iktomi: Bro!
He then turned into his bear form of brown and grey color and charged at Dario who didn't have any time to react.
The bear pounced on him and pinned him down the ground.
Tayova: Dario!
Dzunukwa: Lay off him Iktomi!
Iktomi didn't listen and grabbed Dario and raised him above him and tossed him to a nearby rock, he hit left knee badly.
Dario: Gah!
Iktomi: You did this to me and my bro and now I'll kill you for not only murdering him, BUT FOR STEALING MY GIRL AS WELL!!!
He was about to claw Dario but then got pounced on from behind.
It was Dzunukwa as she was in her normal form, a brown cougar with some white coloring around her body.
She then bites the bear's neck to which he growled and tried to yank her off.
Tayova as well turned into her normal form of a dark brown elk with white markings on her face and neck.
Tayova: Hang in there Dzu.
She charged and managed to ram Iktomi on the back as he fell face first with Dzunukwa ontop.
The cougar turned back into her human form and so did Tayova as she ran up to Dario as she helped the hunter up.
With rage in his eyes he pulled out a dagger and jumped to where Iktomi was and plunged the sharp object on his back.
Iktomi: Ahhh!
Dzunukwa: Lemme move away first!
She left as Dario was with the bear all alone, he chuckled as the bear gulped.
The screen changed to Tayova and Dzunukwa who just watched on and heard Iktomi's cries and screams for help.
Stabbing sounds could be heard as blood was spilled.
Dzunukwa: Sheesh, talk about revenge.
Tayova: So manly~.
Dzunukwa: Yeah you're right~.
Dario was done as blood was around his face and clothing. He tried to get up from the corpse but couldn't stand correctly and fell on his left knee as the right foot supported him. The latter panted.
The two ran up to him.
Tayova: Are you ok Dario?
Dario: My knee gave up, I can't walk anymore after tossed me to that rock.
Dzunukwa: Look we can fix that.
Dario: How?
Tayova: My mom knows tribal healing, she's the druid of her herd, I just need to go and find her.
Dzunukwa: Meanwhile you'll be staying with me and my family until she arrives.
Dario: You're family, but what if they don't-
Dzunukwa: Oh relax Dary, I'll defend ya. After all you did help us kill our now dead exes so it's fair.
Dario: Alright then, let's how this turns out.
The scene changed to a cave where a small family of cougars were in it. It was two adult felines.
Dzunukwa who was in her human form carrying Dario came nearby.
Dzunukwa: Oh daddy! Guess who's back!
The four turned to see the trophy carrying Dario.
Dzunukwa: I brought us a guest!
Dario: Hi there, I'm Dario and-
The cougars turned into their own human forms, the mom was in tribal clothing, the dad and was in more normal clothing like Dzunukwa.
???: A human? You bring a human to our home Dzunukwa?
???2: Now now Tala, he's a guest. Why did you bring a human over.
Dzunukwa: Well uh....
She tried to think of an excuse but then Dario stepped in.
Dario: She was being abused by her ex and I stepped in to help, I killed him but he managed to injure my knee.
Tala: You killed a bear? Not bad if I do say so myself. Wouldn't you agree Dohasan?
The husband nods.
Dohasan: You have my thanks for rescuing my daughter, please stay for as long as you like.
Dzunukwa: Oh it won't be for long, we just have to wait for Tay to come over with her mom so she could heal Dary- I mean Dario here.
Tala: That is rather understandable, he can tell us more about himself.
Dohasan: We're gonna go and fetch you two something to drink, look after your brothers ok?
The young female cougar nods as her parents left.
Dario chuckled.
Dario: You're family seem nice to me.
Dzunukwa: That's cuz they bought your little story fella, thanks for having my back.
Dario: Don't mention it, and also you have brothers?
Dzunukwa: Mhm, wait until you meet them. Kele! Keokuk! Get over here on the double!
Then two little cougar cubs came to them.
Dario: Awww, they're so adorable. Were you this adorable when you were young?
He looked at Dzunukwa who just giggled and looked away.
Dzunukwa: Let's not go to those territories there.
The two little cubs look at Dario and examine the hunter, Keokuk tilts his head while Kele raised his paw and waved at him.
Dario: Oh and aren't you two adorable?
He waved back at the two cubs who found him friendly.
Dzunukwa giggled.
Dzunukwa: My little brother seems to like you.
Dario: They're two little curious cubs, when they grow up they have human forms too right?
Dzunukwa: Mhm, yeah it's gonna take around a year and a half for them to get it.
Dario: Btw how old are you?
Dzunukwa: If we're talking cougar years then 2, as for human years I look like I'm 20.
Dario: Yeah you do look like you're 20. Tay looks like she's 18.
Dzunukwa: Ohoho, wait until she hears that~.
She then sat next to Dario.
Dzunukwa: So what else can you tell me handsome~?
She puts her hand on his chest, the little cubs were confused.
Dario: Not in front your little brothers tho.
Dzunukwa: Oh! My bad, sorry.
Dario smirked.
Dario: Maybe when we're alone tho~.
Dzunukwa gave him a sassy look.
Dzunukwa: Yeah and maybe you can like teach me some human related "stuff"~.
Dario: You and Tay, definitely.
Then Dzunukwa's parents came back.
Dohasan: And we're back! Drink up you two.
They gave the two some wooden cups filled with water.
Tala: So human-
Dzunukwa: Dario mom, that's his name.
Tala: Right, how did you wrestle my daughter's ex?
Dario: It was no biggee, he and I had a scuffle while he was in his human form. Then he turned into his bear form and managed to injure my knee in the process but I didn't give up and pulled out my dagger...
He shows his bloodstained dagger.
Dario: And I ripped him apart, other than that I also shot his brother with a gun.
Tala: Two for one?! Haha, yeah I like him even more!
Dohasan: Violence is usually not the answer but you did what you must.
Dzunukwa: Oh I was lucky to have him as my defender, especially with those nice pecks.
She tapped Dario's left bicep to which the hunter chuckled.
Tala: Oh you remind me of how I met your dad.
Dzunukwa: Mom!
Dohasan: We met in a similar circumstance like this Dario...
Dzunukwa covered her face and groaned while her dad kept rambling.
Dario: What's wrong?
Dzunukwa: They're gonna go through their story of how they met and then bang.
Dario blushed but decided to listen on while the feline next to him was rather embarrassed.
Tayova was walking to a nearby campsite, presumably her own herd's grounds.
She approached a nearby tent and she entered inside it.
Tayova: Mother, I require your assistance about something.
She looked to a woman who looked exactly like her on the face but had longer hair and wore tribal clothing and appeared a bit older.
Tallulah: I know what you speak of, daughter. You broke up with that bear and now you choose to help a human.
The younger elk rolled her eyes with a chuckle.
Tayova: Still as predictable as ever mother, overseeing a ton of things.
Tallulah: Mhm, and I expected you to come for me with help.
Tayova: Yeah mother, his knee is rather fucked up-
Tallulah: Language child, I raised you better than this.
Tayova: Whatever, I'm no longer young anymore mother. I can make my own decisions.
Tallulah: Like how you chose to make that big dumb brute your boyfriend and in the end it backfired at you.
Tayova rolled her eyes. Tallulah smirked.
Tallulah: But I can see you and Dzunukwa took a liking to the human, Dario was its name?
Tayova: First of all, it's a he. He has a gender too and secondly not all humans are-
Tallulah: You are lucky he didn't decide to kill you off now.
Tayova: Oh I'm lucky? Hell yeah I am.
The elder elk got up.
Tallulah: Right, guess I should step in and heal him right?
Tayova: I mean... yeah he deserves it for the help, plus he's-
Tallulah: Cute?
Tayova: Mom!
Tallulah: Oh don't you "mom" me young lady, now come on let's go and heal the human you so desperately like.
They left the tent, Tallulah with a smirk while her daughter in embarrassment.
The scene changed back to the cougar cave.
Dario was listening to the story of Dzunukwa's parents, the latter found it fascinating and joked around with the duo.
The cougars found Dario to be a rather friendly and amusing individual.
Dzunukwa tried her best to ignore her parents' stories, she got close to the hunter and rested her head to his shoulder.
Dario looked down at the trophy who just playfully winked at him and the hunter winked back, she slowly moved her hand to touch his.
Tala and Dohasan noticed it and they let it go on.
Dohasan: So Dzunukwa, now that you and Nesaru are no longer a thing... Do I need help with you finding a new partner? Because I know a cougar who likes you.
Dzunukwa was surprised and blushed a bit, she had to respond.
Dzunukwa: No thanks dad, I think I'll search on my own this time.
Tala: Maybe you should, it was my fault that you and the red one couldn't connect.
Dzunukwa: That's ok, I'm sure the new guy I could find is rather close nearby~.
Dario: Well I bid you good luck Dzu, a pretty gal like you shouldn't roam around all alone.
Dzunukwa: Oh I will soon Dario, just you wait.
The scene changed to Tayova and Tallulah who on their way.
The younger elk was think for Dario, fearing if Dzunukwa's family wasn't so accepting of him.
Tayova: Hey mother, I have a question.
Tallulah: Lemme guess, does it revolve around the human?
Tayova: Wha-Nevermind, yes it's about Dario. What if we don't find him alive tho.
Tallulah: Well there's nothing we can do, if it dies it dies.
Tayova: HE, mother. HE!
Tallulah: Yeah yeah, I can tell you care for him.
Tayova: And what makes you think that?
Tallulah: Notice where your hands are.
She pointed to Tayova who had her hands clasped, both her index fingers touched one another and they were slowly spinning.
Tallulah: And then your face. That look of worry is noticeable from a mile away.
She was right, Tayova was worried.
Tallulah: And I can notice sweat slowly creeping down your forehead all the way to your chin daughter, yeah that's how I was with your grandmother. She too noticed how I was thinking about your father.
Tayova nods.
Tayova: Man... I miss dad...
Tallulah: Which is why I don't understand you daughter, you have an interest for a human when one hunter your dad before.
Tayova: I don't know mother, I can just feel his... peaceful aura... outside hunting he's rather calm and outgoing.
Tallulah: Hmm...
She smiled at carassed her cheek.
Tallulah: I can see you inherited your grandmother's distinguishing personality. But I want to see the human for myself.
Tayova: If you say...
She smiled.
The scene changed back to the cave, this time it was nighttime.
Dzunukwa's parents and siblings were asleep, it was just her and Dario awake.
Dario: I'm surprised that they took a liking to me.
Dzunukwa: Told ya, altho my mom likes you just because you killed someone. But hey it does count as some progress.
Dario: Your dad is pretty wholesome if you ask me.
Dzunukwa: Yeah he's the more cooler and wiser of the two.
Dario: I see and your siblings are just so adorable, they couldn't stop nibbling on my hand.
Dzunukwa: They're trying to adapt so that they could eat meat too.
Dario: As long as it's not human then it's alright.
Dzunukwa: Don't worry, you guys don't taste too well for us and plus you're waaaay too boney.
Dario: You think so? I'm not that skinny?
Dzunukwa: You're more muscle than bones tho~.
She leaned to Dario and purred a bit.
Dario: I see where this is going...
Dzunukwa: Well there's no going back then, what do you say...
She unzipped his pants.
Dzunukwa: We have a bit of fun~
Dario: What if we wake yours up?
Dzunukwa: They're all heavy sleepers, we don't have to worry about that.
Dario: Then that's all I needed to hear.
He then pulled the cougar by the shirt sleeve and kissed her lips.
Dzunukwa: Mmmmm!
She slowly melted onto his lips and kissed back.
Dzunukwa pressed her body to his, her big boobs to his chest, Dario used his legs to lock her from behind so she couldn't get out of the situation.
Their tongues were battling for dominance over one another, but eventually the cougar gave up and lets Dario take over.
They kept kissing for two more minutes as the kiss was broken off so they could catch their breaths.
Dzunukwa: Oh fuck, you're a great kisser. Much better than that loser Nesaru.
Dario: And so are you, I could do this all day with you.
Dzunukwa: Oooh, then show me Mr Dario~.
Dario was about to turn the tables around but then.
???: Ahem, am I interrupting something?
The two turned around to see Tayova and her mother Tallulah.
Tallulah chuckled a bit while Tayova just gave Dzunukwa a bittersweet look of anger and jealousy.
Dzunukwa: Oh... hey Tay, I see you brought your mom on board.
Dario: Bad timing.
Tayova: Yeah, bad timing mister.
Tallulah: So you're the Dario my daughter has been talking about. Let me take a closer look.
She leaned down and examined his knee.
Tallulah: Mhm...mhm... Yeah it can be fixed.
Dario: And how will you do that?
Tallulah: First I am going to need some roots from a nearby grassland which is close to the cave. However I am going to need some assistance.
Tayova: Yeah, Dzunukwa here can help. She guarded Dario here for the day, I can take over for her.
Dzunukwa: Hey! I-
Tallulah: Splendid idea, Dzunukwa dear may you please assist me?
Dzunukwa: Y-yes Mrs Tallulah..
She was a bit disappointed, Dario gave her a reassuring look.
The cougar smiled before leaving with the elder elk.
Tayova: And... we're all alone now~.
Dario: You did that on purpose? Didn't you?
Tayova: Hey, she hugged for the day and I wanna get my chance with you. My mom has a liking to you after I told her the shenanigans we all did.
She then knelt down to him.
Tayova: How's your knee fairing?
Dario: I mean so far nothing new but just the same.
Tayova: And how was it with Dzu?
Dario: Pretty fun and loveable, her family is great too. Why you asking this?
Tayova: Curiousity killed the cat, you could say that hehe.
She sat next to him.
Tayova: She is my best friend after all, I would support her in anything but when it comes to this... I don't mind playing dirty.
Dario: You were mad for a bit when you saw her ontop of me.
Tayova: Yeah, also hey you got something on your mouth.
Dario: Where?
Tayova: Here let me get it for you.
She then slammed her lips onto his, Dario was shocked at it this but shrugged and kissed her back.
He managed to pin her down to the ground and pressed his body to hers.
They broke the kiss off after a minute, the elk girl smirked.
Tayova: Now I know why Dzunukwa has a liking for you. And you're way better than Iktomi in terms of kissing.
Dario carassed her cheek with a smirk, he then kissed her there.
Tayova: Hehe~ You like my face don't you?
Dario: Man why are all of you trophies so beautiful~.
Tayova: I guess it's natural-Wait what? You mentioned trophies?
Dario: Yeah... how do I explain this.
Tayova: Go on, I won't get mad I promise.
Dario: Back at home where I live.. I live with a harem of girls that are animals that can turn into humans like you and Dzunukwa.
The elk was shocked as Dario pulled off from her so he couldn't crush her due to the difference of weight. He lied beside her.
Tayova: A harem? Wow that was twist. How many ya got right now?
Dario: So far... around 6.
Tayova: Sheesh, you're a king of you managed to get that amount of girls with you. What animals are they.
Dario: Well, a wolf, a ram, a cheetah, another elk like you, a moose, and a deer.
Tayova: Well well well, talk about exotic right here. Wait until Dzunukwa hears about this.
Dario was about to say something but then Dzunukwa and Tallulah came back.
Tallulah: We're back young ones.
Tayova: Oh hey you're back.
She got up and went to them.
Tayova: He's alright so no need to worry.
Dzunukwa was happy to see Dario again.
Dzunukwa: Hey pretty boy~.
Dario: Hey, so you got the roots?
Tallulah: Indeed, now sit still while I do the work here. It shouldn't take too long.
She then turned to the girls.
Tallulah: You two should give us a minute or two, I don't want anyone disrupting us.
Tayova/Dzunukwa: Yes mother/Mrs Tallulah.
They turned and left.
Dzunukwa: So.... What did you do with him?
Tayova: Wouldn't you like to know missy, I found out on my own that he's a great kisser.
Dzunukwa: Oh don't remind me, he's so great and maybe-
Tayova/Dzunukwa: WAY BETTER THAN OUR EXES! Jinx!
They laughed.
Tayova: By the way he revealed to me some new info.
Dzunukwa: Spill it Tay.
Tayova: He has a harem back where he lives.
Dzunukwa: No way! That's nuts!
Tayova: I know, who knew the same guy we grew to admire and love has girls before we came in the picture.
Dzunukwa: You could say we hit the jackpot bestie!
Tayova: Hell yeah we did, Dario seems like to have a charm. And he swooned us into his spell.
The cougar laughed.
Dzunukwa: We should join.
Tayova: I don't know, will he and his girls before us aproove?
Dzunukwa: They will relax, if there's no conflicts right now then there won't be when we arrive.
Tayova: You're right...
She had a smirk.
Tayova: I wanna see how he is when-
Dzunukwa: He does us dirty way better than the twins.
Tayova/Dzunukwa: You bet!
They fist bumped.
Tallulah: Alright it's done you two!
They came back to the elder elk to find out the hunter was now asleep.
Dzunukwa: Hang on why is he asleep?
Tallulah: The ritual has a bit of a side effect, he'll fall asleep for a bit. But what's important is that his knee is fixed. You're welcome you two.
Tayova: Thanks mother.
Tallulah: Alright now back we go-
Tayova: Actually can I have a sleepover with Dzunukwa here?
Dzunukwa: Yeah we promise to be good Mrs T.
Tallulah laughed.
Tallulah: Oh sure, have fun and no monkey business you two.
Tayova/Dzunukwa: We promise!
She then left, the two turned from their cheerful demeanors to rather sinister ones as they cackled evily.
Dzunukwa: Ok we do him now?
Tayova: No no, tomorrow. Since it's late and he's fast asleep, plus. He earned it.
Dzunukwa: Oh alright, let's rest up.... I call dibs on his right side.
Tayova: I call left.
They then took their positions and rested where Dario was, both of them hugging and fastly falling asleep.
Ok guys this was chapter 29.
Peace out!
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