Chapter 23

Spinning the key to the crossroads between my fingers, I stood on the balcony and admired the view. A clear night sky glistened with stars, while the gardens and streets below were lit up with a warm orange light from the lanterns lighting the way that now only reminded me of Matt's burning home. With a shiver, I looked back in the direction of the party I escaped from at the first opportunity, well aware Deimos and Apollo were in full bodyguard mode since Cain and Hades slipped away for, just a second, once Frigg had arrived. My plan of leaving a decoy by the stairs seemed to be working since I was still alone. It had been easy setting up one of the staff to look like me, her outfit identical to mine and all I told her she had to do was pretend to sleep until I got back. Pregnancy was turning a great little alibi.

I looked up to the top of the building, not planning on repeating the million stair climb to get there this time. With a final look, I didn't want to waste any more time and as much as I hated them I started the first few steps before the uncanny feeling of being watched prickled at my back. The soft thud of steps was barely heard as I stopped on the first landing, and turning to look behind me, the shadows took the figure of an animal or two; lions.

"Circe?" I called out, causing the black-maned beast to step into the light. "Jason, right?"

I get a snarl in response before he shakes his head.

"You're all going to be Jason. The other names are too hard to remember and I also just don't care." I tell him as he starts the stairs. "Where's your master?"

Another snarl.

"Odysseus," Circe says a second later, walking towards us with another lion beside her and a wicked smirk on her face. "This is Jason."

"My bad."

"I'm sure." She winked at me as they came to stand with me. "How odd. I am positive I just saw you taking a little nap. In fact, Telemachus currently sits by your side to ensure you are not disturbed."

"That's very kind of him, and also proves the point I am never going to remember their names." I can't help but look at her suspiciously "Why are you here?"

"Jason became very insistent we take a walk, and then I happened to see you sneaking out the side door. Naturally, our curiosity got the better of us, but I do have a feeling it isn't to meet a forbidden lover or anything that may be of interest." Circe shrugged as Jason headbutted my hip, and I gave his snout a rub which had him purring. "What are you doing all alone out here Empress?"

"What would you do if I told you I was looking for a way back to the Crossroads?"

Circe's eyebrow arched as that mischievous smirk on her face remained. "I'd have to ask you why you're on your mission all alone. Hecates daughter would surely assist you, and if not her, any of your little harem."

"You've been talking with Hermes?" I rolled my eyes.

"He's mentioned things. Males like them do not like to share their toys, but when they do I promise you it will be solely to your benefit." Her eyes lit up, and her voice became breathless as if she was imagining that very thing. "Tell me, did his dream of being with the Huntress ever become a reality?"

"Ah, no. If they did it's not something they talk about or that she's ever admitted."

Circe curled her fingers into the black man of Ode and seemed to process that bit of information. "Well, good chat. I'm just going to go this way and thank ah, T-Lion for helping me out."

"The astronomer will not get you back there."

"How did you know-" She puts her hand up, silencing me.

"I lived here once, a lifetime or two ago, but one thing I can guarantee is that nothing has changed enough that this place feels foreign to me. Let's stick to the hypotheticals like if you were wanting to go to the Crossroads, surely the most logical way there would be to follow some ancient ritual involving a new moon, Leo in Virgo, tenth star to the right, and eat a pickle in the morning bullshit that had been charted by a woman right up those stairs, that had been gifted with the most useless, and unfortunate form of the Sight in existence."

Circe's sarcasm was noted. "We didn't have to eat pickles."

"Why would you anyway, they're terrible."

"What do you suggest then?"

"You can only go to the Crossroads if they want to see you and since you're simply repeating the steps from your last venture to get there, I'm going to say that's not the sign you're waiting for. Trinkets and the alignment of the stars won't help you at all if Hecate isn't there to open the door." Circe sighed. "That world is as much a mystery to me, as it is to you, but I do know that."

"Gaia can tell us about Uranus. Going back is the only way we might be able to get some answers to the questions I didn't have the first time." I wasn't sure why I was explaining myself to her but turning to keep going, Jason, now blocked my way. "Move, kitty."

"Gaia doesn't tell anyone about anything. I spent nearly five realm years there and saw her twice. The only words I heard her speak was to say she was tired and would be taking a nap." Narrowing her eyes, she suddenly laughed. "You've had time with her, haven't you. Of course, you have, she wouldn't be able to resist, especially if Hecate is showing you favour. I promise you, you will still not gain entry unless they want you to have it."

"We spoke," I admit. "I have to try, this isn't like anything we have been up against before."

I mostly wanted to throw the whole, Great Father, thing out there to see if I got a reaction from Gaia. Was it a case of a bad divorce and using the kids to get one up on each other or something worse? Then again, maybe it was all just a coincidence, but Circe attempting to stop me only made me want to do it more to prove her wrong. She was new here, just because she sounded like she knew what she was talking about didn't mean she did.

"Let me tell you something about myself, Elise. People interest me. I spent a lot of my time learning all about them as a child. Watching. Listening. As I got older, I dug deeper. We all say so much more with our bodies and energy than with words. Sometimes I get it wrong, I do have an awful addiction to love in all its forms and elements. It can make me blind for a time. Possibly my one true flaw that I wish I could blame on my nymph lineage but even they are not like me in that respect. I like what I like, so why deny or limit myself in fear of what another may think of me."

"All of this is very surprising. I never would have guessed that about you." I don't hide my sarcasm and Circe gives a little shrug.

"I know, it's shocking isn't it." She smiled. "What I am saying is, we are our own most important asset and ally. I see you, your friends and nothing they could say is something you don't already know or are already on the path of finding out. I'm not attempting to stop you, nor do I think I know better. I know how they work, and fine, I'm wrong, which I'm not, and you go all you'll get are those infuriating riddles and half-answers."

I hated that she was right.

Circe circles around closer to me, and we stand against the railings where our focus is on in the direction of the party. Looking at her now, she gives little away. Her face is completely neutral, yet her eyes seem to focus on something in the distance. Her lions lay down behind us with matching groans and I feel that she's right. I tuck the key away, my quest pointless.

"I don't understand how you were stuck there. You're powerful, and smart, falling for the wrong guy doesn't seem to be a way to stop you."

"Isolation can do things to even the strongest of us, and for some of it, I could turn a blind eye. Make the most of it. Ignore how bad it had become. Other times I wanted to fight back, and I did, but there is power in numbers and I wasn't strong enough to face them all." She said slowly. "A few times I decided death had to be better than the pathetic, mundane existence I was trapped in. I hated myself, which I hated more than anything they could ever do. To be honest, I think I am quite wonderful, but I had the poison ready for my next low point."

"What stopped you?"

"I remembered how much I loved being alive." Her smile was brief. "And it's all just one big, neverending cycle. Even the worst of times do not last, just as the good can not stay forever. You understand this as much as I do. The girl who has died, time and time again, and yet stands beside me now. I'm very curious about you, Elise. Gaia gave you her time. Hecate seeks to guide you. I've spent my time here trying to work out what exactly I have walked into and like the sun, it all seems to revolve around you."

"And what did you discover?"

"Well, Hermes was not flattering in what he had to say, but then he is a toxic little man that finds true expression of emotion a weakness only he gives more way when he tries not to. Apollo, need I saw more since clearly you two share history. Deimos has a history of his own that gives him a great understanding of all things, more than I think he even realises which only adds to his appeal. Ares is still all grunts and disappointment, which to be fair is so disappointing considering the rage and passion he displays on the battlefield. He might even be getting hard over the former King as we speak, undoubtedly a threesome with you two anyway which I would not recommend. He also holds a high opinion of your abilities and nature."

"You've already screwed Ares?"

"As I said before, time hasn't changed this place or its people much. Still a great disappointment. I'm regretting my punishment decree on my boys already. Are you sure Deimos is out of bounds?"

Circe laughs, and I can't stop myself from smiling as it's such a genuine, infectious sound, never mind her Ares confession.

"Yes, but clearly you've been doing your research." I had to wonder how Kara would take to our new friend having any interest in Deimos.

"Not as much as I'd like because for all that they've shared, there is a lot that is not being said which shows just how deep their loyalty runs. I've been given sanctuary here, but I am not trusted. They want to protect you. Even Hermes." A catch a hint of disappointment there, or maybe even jealously. "Aphrodite surprised me the most, she hardly has anything nice to say about anyone, generally because she is far too involved with herself to notice another."

"What do you want to know about me, then again you probably know it all anyway, to be honest, just the varying levels of truths for what's going around."

"Probably." She shrugged, so easily confident and self-assured I could see why she clashed with Hermes so much. "You're a Hunter, a mortal created stronger than most to deal with demons and other such creatures in your realm. Your gifts manifested themselves based on this, and with that, you made yourself your greatest weapon, The bait. It's what draws you into situations you don't understand or want to avoid, but manage to work a way out of anyway, still achieving your desired outcome as things come naturally to you. Like me, you know your strengths and how to use them. Being female is not a weakness it is an asset. You think differently because a Hunter has to, your prey is ever-changing and you need to adapt to that, just like your threats. If you want to stay on top of the food chain, you have to be the best."

"You make me sound way more interesting than I am."

"Do I? I haven't started on what I saw you do as we left my realm, the way you have Cain wrapped around your little finger, or the fact you've chased Artemis back to the forest where she belongs."

"She doesn't belong out there, she's just, difficult to deal with at times." I try to stay diplomatic about it, and I can tell from the disappointed frown on her face that she doesn't believe that.

"Things will be a lot easier for you if you just said what you thought and felt, rather than weaken your truth for the sake of others." Circe sighed. "Miscommunication can be fatal in the wrong situation, and if you know what you think, what you want, life certainly becomes easier. In time you will learn, you are still so young, and in this town that isn't a bad thing. Not being stuck in the ways things have always been for the sake of its always been that way is a blessing."

"They're all changing, give them some credit. Even if Ares is still a bad fuck. Fool me once, fool me twice you know?." I shrug making her glare at me for a second, but it puts a smile on her face which tells me she isn't offended. "Kara is the Queen they need for them all to move forward."

The last part comes out firmer than I intended, but Circe seems to like it as she pats my hand, before she puts her arm over my shoulders and hugs me.

"You believe that. Completely. I felt it in my core, gave me a little flutter and everything." She laughs before taking a deep breath. "It feels right to be back now. I guess I came at the right time."

"I bet you usually do." Circe laughs again; a loud snort coming from one of the lions behind us. "But seriously, what do we do now? Getting back to the crossroads was my big idea. I planned on getting everything set up and then convincing them all to go with me. Again."

"Honestly, I haven't a clue. This isn't the kind of teamwork I'm used to. What do you normally do when sneaking off and having your plans ruined happens?"

"Deny I was even attempting something in the first place and waiting for the next idea to appear or the next disaster." I sigh. "Keep watching, Furies might gatecrash this little party any second now."

"Should we go back then? They might need you." She's joking but we start to go back down the stairs.

"The only thing they need me for down there is entertainment. They all want a glimpse of the Empress now, and Frigg is probably sucking up to Kara to make sure I'll protect them when everything really goes to hell. It isn't the alliance Kara thought it would be, but she won't admit that to me if she's even realised it by now."

"Not all new Queens have someone like you in their corner. Frigg has made mistakes, shown her weaknesses and now acts as if she holds all the cards in this arrangement. Tell me, Thor died at Kara's hand, but it was you, wasn't it?" She bounced beside me, leaping off the second last step to look up at me.

"He died by her sword." I stopped, looking at her. "Ares was chatty as well as disappointing?"

"A little, but no. Hermes. His hatred of the North runs deep thanks to Odin. I once made the mistake of letting Freyr and Freyja attend an orgy after hearing how well they were rumoured to 'work together. Hermes' reaction was rather, dramatic, so to appease him I turned them into swine for a year. I stopped him from eating them, it was much too close to cannibalism for my liking and it's only amusing when I don't have to taste it on my lover's tongue during dessert."

Again she left me speechless.

"All of the people here have issues with the North. Kara wants peace and for good reason, but it takes more than dumping a body in her court for Frigg to understand just how little control she truly has here and in her own kingdom. She will keep the peace when and if she comes to this realisation otherwise she knows she will lose it all. Poor little Queen of the North." Circe mocks. "Kara taking over completely is out of the question, isn't it? Hermes said he tried to plant the seed for that little uprising, but she was quick to dismiss him."

"What is the deal with you and Hermes." I let the rest go. Kara knew what she was doing.

"I met him when I was young, heartbroken and thought he was the hero I'd dreamt of since I was a child. Do not judge me, he wasn't always so, Hermes. I'd done my time with Hecate, and assumed I knew it all before being shown I did not. I learnt a lot about myself, not all of it was to his liking, but our anger fueled the passion in the most toxic of delicious ways." Maybe I was already learning from her, like the way she grabbed her braid over one shoulder and began to run her hands through it made it easier to sense that air of anxiety that was so odd to see around the confident nymph.

"Zeus was getting harder on all of them, demanding more of their time. The training he put them through, the expectations. That is what created the Hermes you know today, and no matter what I tried or did, it was not enough by his new unreachable standards. His obsession with the Huntress and the one of Light was just as ridiculous as they grew of age joining the others as Zeus's little trophies. He went off on quests, became even more distant, and cruel, the sex went from all to nothing. So I told him I was done, and left."

"And he never got over it?" I frowned, though holding a grudge was something I could see Hermes doing quite well no matter how much time passed.

She smirked, that fire in her eyes back as her hair was forgotten. "No, and he only brought it on himself. There's a difference between consensual sharing and cheating. Since he decided my lineage made me an embarrassment, he denied our relationship, our love, and instead took to bed each of those damn temple girls all the powers seemed to collect. It was a game, they all did it to one another, but I was in love and a fool. I believed him when he told me it was just rumours and lies, until the very morning of our bonding ceremony when I found him in bed with one of Ares soldiers and Poseidon's altar girl. When I accused him, he denied to even know who I was, let alone what we were about to do."

"That little-" I started and Circe nodded knowingly.

"Exactly. Since I refused his apology later, it was my fault. Years went by and I was a little bitter, heartbroken yet again, but starting to get a little wiser. I had an opportunity for some revenge, and I took it."

"What did you do?"

"Artemis was training a new batch of her girls, and I knew for a fact Hermes would be by to see her that morning. I used a potion to disguise myself and was able to make my way into her tents. She is a total bore, and they truly just sleep together but, he doesn't know that or at least, few believe it. Walking out behind Artemis, practically naked and smelling like sex was one of the greatest moments in my life."

"Remind me never to get on your bad side."

"Yes, well, I was banished soon after. A petty revenge attempt, but worth it. A lot of words have been exchanged and well, still are. I know he set me up for the attempted murder of Hera, but I'd do it all again if I could. At least we know there is still something of a heart inside of him if he can still feel."

"No one has ever brought it up or mentioned you before." I was shocked that this was the case. Surely at some point, it would have come up.

"Hermes denied everything. We lived together down the coast and those that had seen us together would never know the full status of our relationship. Even if they had wanted to believe it, knowing Hermes was enough to make sure they couldn't." Patting Ody-whatever lion, Circe looked completely calm and at peace with it all now. "Besides. I do not particularly want to be associated with him either. I am never more thankful for it ending when it did. Imagine if we did bond. Could a worse fate have ever been decided?"

"He couldn't deny your relationship then?"

"True, but considering he also managed to tell Odysseus how to become immune to my poisons and potions, as well as encouraging him to kill me, I'm sure he would have found a way to rid himself of me at some point." She snapped, before stroking the lion adoringly. "We put on a good show for him didn't we, shame it wasn't the one he had been expecting."

The beast purred, rubbing his massive head against her stomach with affection.

"And you kept him?" I asked, not quite sure how to take all this new information.

"We had a connection, it's why he never killed me. There was happiness, love, only he left after our first year together. It was a mutual breakup as I was beginning to tire of the routine he presented, and Odysseus thought he missed his old life. He came back four years later, told me he'd wait as he knew my two new companions wouldn't be enough and they chose the lion for him. It stuck. Lovers come and go, the ones that come back, well, they're something special. Not all agree to spend some of their time this way, and that's their decision. Besides, once they return to their human forms, they have so much energy and stamina. Remind me again, why I am punishing them?"

"By denying them, clearly your denying yourself and didn't you tell me earlier something about making you the priority?"

"I knew I liked you for a reason. You get it." She laughed, ruffling the lion's mane.

"It clearly works for you all." It's hard to know what to say, but it was her life, not mine so what business did I have having an opinion on who she loved and how she loved them. "It's just, different, to what I've ever known."

"You're fine, Elise. I know, it's a lot. I can be a lot. But it does work for us, and if one isn't having fun then it isn't fun for anyone. We have rules to follow and well, apart from that, it's basically no different to any other relationship. Maybe just a little." She says quickly as Jason pauses to look back at her, clearly disagreeing. "Are you going to go back to the party, or enjoy your break while you have it?"

I peek inside, noticing two lions on either side of my chair now, and three of Circe's girls chatting and laughing just in front of me. All who pass that corner slow down and stare, at them or my passed out, pregnant body double I'm not sure. Kara is with Frigg, the pair sitting up near the throne, deep in discussion while Apollo and Deimos look beyond pissed off and glare at the nymphs.

"What are you looking at?" Cain's voice doesn't sound amused as beside me Circe jumps and both lions kind of snarl and do a fake lunge, run away hissy thing.

"Busted." Circe whispers, bowing at Cain as she ushers her lions inside with her; neither looks happy and the crowd moves out of their way as they head over the others.

I catch Kara looking our way, while Deimos and Apollo catch on just as quick.

"Just, admiring the party."

"Odd you're out here when it looks like you're also in there."

"So odd. It's not as if there is someone who kind of maybe, could look like me if she wears the same outfit and does her hair in this pretty little top knot too." I touch my hair, smiling as I do so which he returns before looking confused again.

"Hm, indeed, but why is she there and for over half an hour too?"

"I was just about to go in and ask her that myself." It's a lie, we both know it. So much for speaking my truth. "Would you like to join me?"

I wrap my arm around his and expect him to start walking inside but instead, Cain steps back and guides me towards the shadows with him. Just as I'm about to ask what he's doing and also how annoyed he is because I wasn't getting any of the, I'm in trouble, vibes right now,

"I hope you're not paying her by the hour." I dared to look him in the eye now, well aware I was indeed, busted, but also confused at what was happening.

Everything about him was relaxed, and the familiar smell of whisky on his breath drew me closer against him despite wanting to pull away. His lips brushed against mine yet the sudden silence was an instant distraction. Gone was the front of the main hall and the party. My feet instantly sunk into the sand and looking around, moonlight covered the beach that we now stood on. Looking around, I wasn't sure where we were, or why we were here but something powerful lingered in the dark that had my powers prickling before I sensed how familiar it was. Hades.

"What's happening right now?" I ask Cain.

"Hades and I came here earlier," He told me, and a flicker of light drew my attention away from him to the sand where rows of candles now gave us light. "He set up a ward to make sure we'd be safe."

That explained why I could feel Hades everywhere only now the more I concentrate on it, the less I can. A small shack is not far from us, the candles forming a path to the door and looking back to the ocean there's barely any movement as the tide is out.

"Why are we here?"

"Your Dad was talking about a holiday you had, years ago. I think it was Ko Samui. The most beautiful beach he'd ever seen."

"Did he also tell you Jordan tried to drown me while we were there?"

"No, he did not." Cain frowned. "Um, well, forget that then, but I realised I hadn't brought you here yet. This was my holiday destination when I was a child. We'd rent out this shack, hire a boat."

I knew this place. He'd told me about it before. It was one of the few good memories he had, back when he had a family that had cared and loved him.

"This is it?" I couldn't hide my surprise.

"I know it's not like the places you grew up visiting," He instantly defended, the candles suddenly flickering as he tensed beside me.

"No, no it's not and that makes it even better. You brought me, here?" I threw myself back into his arms as I held him tight. "I'd always wondered, but know how special this place is for you and never wanted to cross any lines with it. This is yours."

"Ours. I want to share this place with you." Slowly he relaxed again. "Have you heard of a Baby Moon?"

"Holiday prebaby?"

"Your Mum asked if we planned one, and I thought now could be a good time before," Cain stopped, and he didn't need to say it.

Matt's old painting was in my mind too and despite everything that had happened yesterday, clearly, the unimportant Seer was anything but that. Apparently telling my parents more of the truth about things hadn't entirely helped either, with Mums not so subtly begging for Aion to hide us away as Portia had wanted. Considering this surprise, clearly, they had plenty of other things to say as well that I hadn't been privileged to hear while arguing with Jordan and seeing Alfie.

"Doctor Katie does keep saying I need to rest. We may as well use our downtime wisely, because I remember Raya after she had Olivia and there won't be beach days, or nights, for a while." I take his face in my hands, reaching up to try and wipe away the worry lines on his forehead. "You're amazing. This is amazing. Thank you."

We swam in the moonlight and left all our problems beyond the wards. It was odd suddenly just being able to be, us. We were always doing something, planning, training, surrounded by other people. Even the haven our room had provided had been violated, but this secret place really was just ours. Cain knew where to look to get mangoes and fruits, telling tales of the only parents he had known and all the time they had come here. Some I'd heard before, but I listened as if it was the first time, and settled in beside him on the cushions he'd set up by the water, we stared at the stars until they began to fade.

"I hid here after you were supposed to have killed me." He said after a time of silence. The ocean gently caressed the shore, the soft whoosh sound so steady and soothing as even just after these few hours here, I felt lighter. "I wasn't sure I'd come back after that."

"I'm glad you did." I smile up at him, watching and amazement on his face as Blueberry seemed to wake up and move against his hand. "Can we hide here forever?"

Looking out at the space in front of us, I saw a different future now. It was Summers spent on the beach, just how Cain used to do it. Faline and Matteo would bring their kids out here with us, our friends too. We'd sit right here, surrounded by destroyed sandcastles and flooded moats, eating the fish caught that day by a giant bonfire. Blueberry asleep in my arms, completely exhausted and happy after his big day of adventures, and while the children slept, the grownups would reminisce about these days we were living now, and all tell each other just how good it felt to be here together.

"Until the world ends." He promises.

I just wasn't sure how soon that might be.

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