Chapter 17
Everything was blurry, and pushing on my arms I slowly felt myself my body move off the ground before gentle hands helped me to stand. Soft fur, like rabbits, rubbed against what skin was bare as my hands instinctively gripped the hardness at either side. Whatever was on my head felt heavy. Everything felt heavy and closing my eyes, I needed the noise to stop.
"Quiet!" My order obeyed, the silence was instant.
Rubbing my eyes, I felt more settled. Complete. My neck tingles before something wet, and cool washes over me. Looking around now, things were more transparent. The fae that had danced with me earlier now wiped off the still wet paint of my blood. I touched my neck hesitantly; healed.
I found Ivy, still stood with the dagger in her hand and narrowed my eyes. Standing, I stood on shaking legs, pushing the other two away and pointed at her. Instantly she fell to her knees, the dagger dropped as she leaned forward in prayer.
"Great mother, I welcome thee to-"
"Shut, uh-" Oh that was new and going to be hard to explain to Apollo when he gets back. Hecate was right, honey was going to be my friend, and after a little cough, I tried again. "Shut up!"
Ivy paused, looking up me. "Mistress of magic, I summoned-"
"Yeah, let's talk about that shall we?"
Realisation washed over her face, and she quickly stood. "Elise?"
"The one and only!"
"It's not, it shouldn't be possible!" Ivy gasped, the two I'd pushed away rushing behind her as that would protect them. The crowd became restless. "We did everything-"
"Oh, you did it right, top skills there Ivy. What you fucked up with, was thinking you could use me this way. Do you actually know who I am?" I yelled at her, trying not to wince as my hoarse voice proved not all the healing was done just yet.
"You're, you're-" The smaller of the two stuttered.
"Not someone to mess around with? You're right. I'm not." The pair of them went flying into the crowd.
No one helped them, as the mood shifted. Now everyone wasn't sure whether to run or stay. Apparently, though, they thought Ivy was the one in control here as they all seemed to be hanging on her every word and action. Apparently, the seriousness of what just went down was missed, and as a new commotion started, I spotted Alfie climbing the stairs before positioning himself behind me. This got everyone's attention.
I am the Phoenix, who will rise and rise again. Each time something inside of me changed, leaving me as the girl I am. The girl I was. Something has changed again. I do have the power to create or destroy. I am more than a queen, I am a goddess, and I was born for this. Hecate was right, and in her honour, I lifted my hand which had Ivy moving with it. We made eye contact as I increased the pressure around her throat before the dagger moved, controlled by an invisible hand and she knew what was next.
"N-n-no!" She gasped, fighting a fight she couldn't win.
I moved closer, confident now. Strong, steady steps and standing before her I smiled.
"For a while there, I was happy to pick up what you put down. Sisterhood. Women supporting women. Ending the suppression of a patriarchal society. Too bad you know nothing about those things. Because you were wrong, so wrong about so much. I already have the power. I don't need more. You stupid, stupid little pixie. Don't you know who the hell I am?"
"Te-teach me. Show me the way!" She begged.
"Why? So you can try and kill my boyfriend again? Try and kill me again?" She fell to the ground, the dagger still hovering in front of her. "Who is she, the one that helped you?"
"How did you-" She gasps, and now she knows for sure. There is no way out for her now.
"I had some self-reflection time during my little nap. That and the bitch showed up to finish the job." I stand a little taller. "Looks like she failed at something again. You really should be more careful in choosing your allies."
"Hecate will save me!" Ivy trembled as the dagger moved closer, the first prick of its point broke the skin on her neck.
"Hecate disowns you. No one will save-"
"Elise, what is this?" Hades appears, and everyone gasps. He looked very lord of the underworld right now; sceptre in one hand, dressed in his black toga. It would almost be funny if I weren't about to kill her.
I stand, turning to face him. "Nice outfit. Did you get the costume party memo too?"
"What is going on? I expected to find you disorientated, not this!" He doesn't sound too impressed either.
"Not my first rodeo on the other side. Shame I don't get frequent flyer points, maybe you could do something about that?" Alfie hisses at him, and Hades turns even more serious.
"Don't be such a party pooper, Hades. It's just a little sacrifice in Hecate's honour."
Create life.
Destroy life.
"Don't you-" He stops mid-sentence as the dagger moves in a familiar motion and the dark fae falls with a muffled scream.
No one moves. We all just watch as the life leaves her, Ivy's blood staining the wooden floor as mine still does.
"Elise," He has his super angry tone on now. "What did you just do?"
"Hecate requested some ivy for her garden. I was happy to oblige."
"You killed her, think about that," Hades warns.
"I'm a Hunter. I've killed before and was in my rights as technically, she did kill me first and attempted to kill Apollo. She also disrespected the Treaty. She disrespected me!" I yell back at him. "You, think about that!"
"This isn't you-" He starts, and I hold up my hand, interrupting him.
"You don't know me!" Why does everyone think they know everything about me all of a sudden?
"I know enough, to see that this isn't something you would do on such a whim!"
"It wasn't on a whim. I knew exactly what I was doing." I move closer towards him, Alfie keeping his position. "Do not push me right now Hades. This is not your realm or your kingdom."
"And you think it's yours?" He scoffed.
I look around and shrug. "I don't see anyone else stepping up for the position."
A new chanting starts from our audience that I had almost forgotten about. Their words shock, yet please me and no longer messing around, I'm done with this. My sword appears in my hand, the feel of it more pleasing than the crowd and it hums with the anticipation of being used.
God killer.
God killer.
God killer.
"Careful Hades, the tribe has spoken." I tease.
"I'll go now, but I will be back." He promises.
"Don't rush." I wave him goodbye, and he disappears.
The group cheers.
I take my place on the throne, and Alfie positions himself at my side where he should be; no more hiding or staying home.
"You answer to me now," I tell them, and one by one, they drop to their knees.
"Yes, our queen."
I look at Alfie, and he smiles. Hecate was right. Portia's vision didn't have to mean the end of the world, only that I was starting a new one.
"God Killer, what shall we do with these two?" Someone called out from the side of the crowd and looking over, two witches were bound in the demon's grip.
"Who are they?"
"Traitors. Undercover for those that enforce the Treaty." He boldly called out.
"Bring them to me." I decide.
I shift slightly in my chair and feel the sting of an old cut on my leg. My thigh holds the mark my other self did not, in the fight with that woman. I ignore it as the pair are pushed before me on the floor. Alfie's tongue flicks in and out over them cautiously making one of them start to cry.
"There were three of you here tonight. Where is the third?" Neither of them speaks. "Tell me now, and I won't let my demon have you for breakfast."
If they knew Alfie, that wouldn't have worried them, but they didn't.
The crying one breaks first. "She ran at the start of the ritual to get back up. We tried to stop the High Priestess and-"
"You are free to go."
"What?" She sobs.
"Go, scoot. Run. I just wanted to make sure she wasn't in with that lot." I motion for them to stand. "Just, make sure there is no back up on its way."
"Hunter, we can't just leave you. We-"
"This may be your only chance to leave. Do as I say, before I change my mind. Got it?" I warn.
The crowd doesn't like this. They let them go with shocked and angry murmurs following them across the yard, and doubting eyes turn my way.
"God Killer, we should have killed them while we had the chance!" Someone angrily yells from the back.
I sit back, curious to see how this would play out.
"Why?" I ask.
"They are the enemy!" Another answered.
"You all do realise that I am a Hunter, first and before all else, right?"
Unease fills the air.
"You killed Ivy." Someone shouts.
"You control the Lord of the Underworld!" Another adds.
I laugh. I can't help it.
"You came here tonight, essentially to kill me. You act in direct violation of all the Treaty stands for." I don't hold back.
My power is flowing from me, down the stairs and into the ground. The second each creature feels me grab onto them, they start to struggle, those that can try to will themselves away, but I don't allow it. My powers may have been gifted to me as theirs were, but mine are all mine, older and greater than their diluted, lesser abilities. Hecate told me all I needed to know. Closing my eyes, it only intensifies. There is screaming, begging, anger; fear.
"I could destroy you all right now as I did Ivy, but I won't. Pledge your allegiance to the Treaty, to me, and you will be pardoned." I look at them all, my words final. "Or your fate will be decided at trial by the Council for your part in tonight."
"You don't have the power to make those demands of us. You can not force anyone into obeying those rules." A brave demon pushed his way to the front. "We give our loyalty to the true queen, our mistress of the dark, the one-"
"If you say, Hecate, I'm going to kill you now just on principle." I sigh. "There will be no great uprising. Your queen is dead and is happy to stay that way. All of this is over. I'm giving you two options because I'm nice like that."
"What if we-" He continues, and I shake my head.
"Your ancestors created this, they agreed to it in blood, sealed by magic. I exist-"
Because Portia ensured I was created after dear old Grandpa Alistair made it so I wouldn't be. I decide to leave that part out and hold up the framed piece of paper that was the visual guide of our laws.
"We exist, my kind exists, to act as all of your keepers. Trackers for the animals, Slayers for the leeches and Hunters, for the rest of you. We all came together to set up these rules. I am here tonight because you have violated-"
"What if we destroy that? Then what happens?"
"Then you're still going to be left with me." I send it back to where it came from, wondering if Ailin would have even known I borrowed it.
"And if we destroy you?" The bold demon snarls.
"I'm not sure, because that'll never happen." I tilt my head, wondering if he was serious. "Have you been paying attention or did you just get here and miss everything that's happened tonight?"
They rush the stage and for a group of people previously chanting god-killer and calling me their queen, I really doubt their loyalty and their sanity. Alfie is there and takes out the demons that come first. I block the magic thrown our way, and shit gets real.
"What the hell have I just come back to? What are you wearing?" Apollo shouts beside me, blocking the next wave of magic sent towards us.
"Long story, but I think I need to work on my leadership skills?"
"You promised you wouldn't come here!"
"Yeah well, you promised no more secrets, but I'm sure there are a bunch that haven't come out yet." I snap back.
Alfie takes out two dark fae, and I soon realise there are two witches and a fae working together to stop the attackers on our right.
"So I met Hecate. Can't believe you didn't lock that down!"
"You what? How did that-" Apollo stops, his face a mixture of I'm in trouble, and also, you're in trouble too. Funny how the two work so well together.
"Don't worry, you never came up once in conversation."
The attacks weaken and lessen before I realise backup had arrived and Ailin and Co were making fast work of the worst followers ever. Some started to give up, and a few kept going. As we finally stopped, all eyes were on me and ignoring it, I went and sat back on my throne. It was so comfortable.
"Explain," Ailin ordered, coming to stand before me.
"Elise." She warned.
"Explain what?" Exhaustion hits me hard, and I tried to hide my yawn. "There is nothing to explain."
"Ah, you're sitting on a throne with, are they skulls? What the hell is going on?" V demanded, standing behind Ailin.
"Let me, move, let me, in!" Jordan shouted angrily, and we all turned to see him pushing two vampires out of his way to join us. "Elise!"
"Oh let me guess, witch one told you bad shit had gone down?"
"Bad shit? She said you had your throat-" Jordan paused, looking me over and frowning. "You didn't die?"
"Um, kind of?" Apollo was like a volcano about to erupt. I could practically see the steam rising from him. "But it's fine."
"No, it is not!" Ailin yelled. Nope, she was the one closest to exploding.
"I had it handled. I told them not to send backup." I sigh.
"They said you were Hecate reincarnated to bring on a new age of darkness and that you had defeated the Lord of the Underworld, all while getting this lot to call you their queen?"
"What?" Apollo was too calm now. That was bad.
"I got a little caught up in the moment. I'd just come back from the dead, again, and sorted out Ivy, and-"
"You killed her." Zane stood beside the ex-high priestess body.
"Technically, sacrificed. Hades got a little upset-"
"Hades was here?" Apollo asked, barely containing his rage.
"But you're okay?" Jordan pushed past Apollo, kneeling in front of me. "I got so scared, and we saw a bit of something on the camera, and you didn't answer your phone anymore and, I'm glad you're alright."
"Thanks, Jordan." We hug, and once I let him go, I turn to Apollo. "So, Ivy knew the invite was poison and some ninja fought me in the underworld and promised come round two, she'd kill me. No one knows who she is, but she didn't seem to like you very much or me, obviously."
Everyone started to talk all at once. Zane and V talked about the coven, Ailin and Apollo went over the poisoning, and Jordan checked on Alfie who happily ate up the attention given to him. I just felt tired, the noise gets too much, and as questions came my way, followed by more shouting, telling off, lectures I felt like I was drowning all over again. They talked as though I wasn't there; like I couldn't make a decision or do anything for myself.
Poor Elise.
She's been through so much.
Where should we take her?
Jordan was going to call my parents.
Apollo argued with Ailin overtaking me somewhere secluded, alone versus the security of the Council Headquarters.
Alfie wanted brown bubble water.
"Go home, Alfie," I tell him tiredly, the easiest one to deal with.
He vanishes first.
They cared too much. I am not a toy for them to fight over. I am not a child. They did not own or control me. I stand up, and no one even looks my way. I can't keep doing this. I'm gone, and I wonder if they notice. My clothes are my own, the new red Ninja I sit myself on feels good and starting it up, I smile as the motorbike comes to life. The weight from earlier eases, and new energy sparks through my body. I leave the covens estate, get out onto the highway and just go.
I don't have a destination, I don't need one.
If anything became clear to me tonight, it was that this world is mine.
I was going to go enjoy it.
It's midnight. I'm going to bed. Been trying to make the most of the time I've managed to create to get some writing done and hopefully it's making some sense..... it may change tomorrow once Elise thinks this over or I reread it again and decide something else is happening. If so - I'll let you know. If not, you won't see this comment anyway 😂
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