"You said-" I started to argue.
Cain was pissed. No, that was an understatement. He was super pissed, and apparently at me since I was the only one being subjected to this torture. I dared a look around us, and saw Zane intently watching. His forehead was wrinkled with a frown as he rested his chin on his hand; his arms crossed over his chest defensively. If he was contemplating the right time to step in, now would be it.
Then again, if he pulled out a notebook and started to write things done, I wouldn't be surprised either. The pair had really started to buddy up, a strange kind of bromance made in even stranger circumstances since apparently one wanted to kill the other. It wasn't going to end well.
"Fuck you." I got up off the dirt, and heard the few gasps from the others around us. Apparently talking back to the god training us all was a bad idea and something they couldn't believe I'd do.
Maybe they were onto something, because he barely let me get a good grip on my weapon before he was at me again. The sword was knocked from my hands with the first blow and as his lightsaber - which essentially it was since the blade was a beam of light, that stung like an electric shock if it hit you - barely missed my arm as he swung again.
"Focus, Elise."
"I'll give you focus Elise!" I snapped under my breath, though I was actually focused on each swipe of his weapon that I was barely managing to stay away from.
Today's lesson was apparently based around one on one combat. This morning he'd pulled randoms aside and once he'd gathered a decent sized group of us, we entered a portal to the arena where I had earned back Sobek's sword. We started out working together as a 'warm up' and it was Zane who took out the holographic dragon Cain had set upon us.
Of course we all thought it was a real, fire breathing beast with teeth that could easily crush us, until Zane managed to set up a shot that beheaded it and the thing flickered and disappeared. Now Cain seemed intent on simply kicking my ass.
The worst part was, the bastard had hardly even broken a sweat, while I looked like I'd just fifty rounds of a challenge on the Biggest Loser. I really need to stop watching so much TV, it was Alfie's fault and-
"Focus!" Cain roared.
I'd had enough. Rolling out of the way, I went on the offense and made a run to get away from him. Of course he just thought himself back into my path, but really, he shouldn't have been so obvious and the second I sensed him moving, I stopped mid stride and pulled out the small yet very sharp switchblade I had in my pocket. Unlike last time I planned on pulling a knife on him, this one was released easily and as he reappeared, I managed a smile right before I rammed it into his shoulder. Instantly he dropped his beam of hell, probably more so out of the shock of the moment than anything else and I picked it up - pressing the button to turn it on and pointed it at his chest. The crowd began to whisper, excited and nervous at the turn of events. I'd happily give them the show they wanted.
Ignoring the fact my arm was now trembling out of pure exhaustion and sweat stung my eyes and ran down my back in a really uncomfortable way, plus the fact I wasn't really breathing, but panting - I'd won. I'd done the rounds with the big guy, and I'd won.
"Well done, bet you feel pretty happy with yourself now?" He didn't sound impressed, pulling out the blade and simply dropping it at his side. Cain rolled his shoulder, and the wound, if one had been received, would already be healed. "It took you, how long to get this close to beating me?"
Seeing the red, sore skin on my arm from an early round where he did get a hit on me, all the other marks and would be bruises began to scream for attention too. I was sore and payback is a bitch. "What ever."
I took the shot and let him feel the short burn of his 'training' tool before turning it off. Our eyes met, and what ever had got him into this mood hadn't been helped by me doing that. Like I said, what ever.
"We take a break. Now." I declared, turning off the sword and rather than turn from him, I started to walk past.
No one moved.
Except then Cain did. Grabbing my arm, he went to pull me back, and trip me as he did so. I let myself go dead weight, putting all my energy in hitting him with the handle of his toy and managed to get him on the side of the face. He let me go, I fell and rolling to the side Zane was suddenly standing over me.
Holding his jaw, Cain glared at the Slayer. "Fine. Take a break."
"You okay?" Zane asked, holding out his hand to help me up as Cain vanished.
"Yeah. Someone must have a bad case of PMS today." I took the water bottle offered to me and the others started to spread out. Some did stretches, others inspected their own weapons, but most kept their eyes on us and looking out for Cain to return. "Fucking asshole."
"I thought he was being particularly hard on you." He helpfully added. "Done anything lately that could be the cause of it?"
"Sarcasm noted."
"Honestly, it's good he's doing it. You get a little cocky sometimes, and unfocused. You do know he was still taking it easy on you, right?"
"Doesn't feel like it." I groaned, rubbing my side gently.
"You got him in the end, but he could have got you about three times over at least during that last round."
"You're lecturing me now?"
"No sunshine, just pointing out the facts. You know what you're doing, but you need to remember that too. I think that's what he's trying to get out of you. He pushed and pushed, and then you snapped into action." Stretching his arms and shoulders out, Zane gave me a little smile. "Between us, a few of the guys here really needed to see you do that. I'm sure they don't doubt who you are anymore. I'd like to see how they go when it's their turn."
Sure enough, when Cain returned - one by one the group was singled out and put through the paces just how I had been. Rather than gloat at my own success, as I was tempted to do after Zane's little speech, I watched as he did; frowning and focused on every step they put wrong. At the end of the day, they are my kind and if they're prepared to fight these battles with me, we all needed whatever help we could get. Next time Cain approached me, he seemed a little more relaxed, so I guess beating people up as 'training' really worked the stress out of your system.
"Aren't you tired yet?" I quizzed.
"From this?" He sounded amused, and shook his head. "You shouldn't be either."
He didn't answer, listening instead as Zane addressed the group and went through things they did good, and everything else they could do better. Zane had always been a leader, it was a natural step for him to take when he was offered a team to work with after the first portal incidence. He may consider himself a lone wolf, and always say he misses the days when he only had himself to worry about, but I'd seen him change and grow. This was Zane now.
"He is smart that one, strong. He cares for you very much." Cain told me as we stood to the side and Zane now went through some kind of foot stance thing with one of the guys. "I respect him, I may even, like him. Not so hard to tolerate like some others I know."
The look he gives me says enough. "Too bad you kind of need me around then, huh?"
"Yes. Too bad." He says more to himself. "If you thought I was too hard on you-"
"No, I was just sulking at getting my ass kicked. I get it."
"What training did Artemis give you?"
"Weapons mostly. We didn't really get to take it further. She was very unimpressed with my archery skills." I tell him, getting where some of this was going. It was probably why I was asked to join this group today - I was being kept away from them. The more I thought about it, the more obvious it became; I was the new toy.
"You hate archery."
"I do." I agreed, and decided to test me new theory. "Guns are better, but I've learnt they're not always practical. Good thing I love my swords too."
Cain nodded his approval, smiling rather smugly to himself. "And did she give you, a special bow of your own?"
The urge to knock his ego down a few notches only grew, but instead I'd give him this round. "No, nothing like that. I took one from Mums stash."
The rejected god was practically glowing now; after all he had given me not just any sword, but one from the gods. It was powerful and the kind of thing legends were made from. What has his half-sibling done? Got me to take one designed by mortals, that anyone could just buy from a store. There was no competition. I contemplated bringing up Apollo's dagger, but decided it wasn't worth it and technically that had come from Artemis, not the god of light himself. That then made me wonder what Apollo was thinking of all of this and why wasn't he with his sister instead of Hermes?
"Did you get along with your siblings?" I blurted out, wishing I had thought that through a little more.
"Artemis and Apollo. Clearly there are some major issues with you all that not even Dr. Phil could help work out, but was there ever a time when it wasn't like, this?"
"No, it's only been worse. This, if the world was still documented it as it once was, would be recorded as a good time for those born of Leto." He said bitterly.
"Will Apollo come here too, did Artemis say anything about him?" More importantly, will he take back his dagger. "If she has had a change of heart after what ever happened, happened, why didn't he come with her and Hermes?"
"Who says he isn't here already?"
My mouth dropped. "You're kidding?"
Cain simply shrugged and left me thinking about that as he went to help Zane with what ever was being discussed now. I had totally tuned out and as more figures of myth and legend sprung to life, who could blame me?
Logan found me the second we returned. He looked me up and down and yet stayed wisely silent about the state I was in. Since I had been kept hidden away, it had been up to my tracker to start the research into the mystery that was portals. He didn't disappoint and once I'd showered, stolen leftovers from the fridge and lectured Alfie and Annipe about watching too much TV, we sat on my bed and went through all the information he'd been able to find from our library and the network.
"Most is about the creatures that can create them, magic and rituals. The stuff we're taught in classes." He started.
"We were taught portal specific stuff?"
"I forget your student of the year status Bunny." Logan teased.
"Whatever, nerd."
He ignored that and kept going. "The Network is just as useless, but I printed any case that involved portal usage. Maybe you can contact-" He paused as I picked up a pile of papers and barely two pages in, the most recent portal related disaster greeted me. "Paytah. His kind seem to access them the most and with ease."
"Cool, we can go see him then." I dumped the papers, not interested in any of it.
"You okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" Of course I knew why he asked and after a few seconds went by, I nodded too. "I'm fine Loges, honestly."
"I forgot to remove those before showing you."
"It's not like I don't know what happened, I had a first row seat to that disaster." I shivered and inched closer against his side where he instantly put his arm over me and leaned down to kiss my cheek. "Stupid, psycho werewolf bitch."
Logan's arm moved from his side quicker than I could blink, the gun he had tucked against his side raised and loaded. The arm around my side tightened slightly and looking up at him bewildered, I remembered he was actually pointing at something and turned to see Cain there looking as straight faced as ever.
"Why are you here?" Logan asked, sounded much more calmer than you'd expect since he seemed fairly keen on shooting our visitor.
"Interrupting something was I?" He asked, casting a curious look over the printouts before reaching over to pick the closest piece up. Neither of us moved as he read the page, until I pushed Logan's arm down. "Portals?"
"Why are you here?" Logan asked again.
"Why are you two in here, reading about portals?" Cain asked instead.
"We asked you first!" I added unhelpfully, and Logan only rolled his eyes as he moved to stand. "No more training or games or anything tonight."
"Wouldn't dream of it." Cain made the motion of crossing his heart. "I came to see if you wanted to go for a drink. Now I want to know what you're up to."
"None of your business."
"Yeah." Logan agreed.
Cain gave a little laugh. "Have you already forgot what I told you the other night? If you're up to something, I want to know. Especially if it may have any impact on me."
I ignored the way Logan turned to me, and stood up too. In other words, he was still paranoid that I would kill him. For some reason, that really bugged me and I didn't know why. I understood it and felt sorry for the guy being so damn paranoid, but now I was getting a weird vibe from Logan and needed this to end.
"I'll pass on the drink, thanks." It wasn't the answer he wanted, while his face remained blank it was impossible to miss the way his hands now clenched at his side or how straight his shoulders were as he stood up to his full height. "If I find out anything, I will let you know. Promise."
"Another time then." He smiled curtly, and disappeared as quickly as he had come.
"Okay, so let's go and see Paytah and-" I started.
"What did he tell you the other night? What other night could that even be, I'm here all the time! How often does he just pop in here and ask you out for a drink?" Logan's calm disappeared and I just stared at him. Apparently this had been building for a while as he began to bring up past events, and occasions - shared looks and secrets Cain and I keep to ourselves; finishing with the ultimate argument starter. "I know you went to see him when we had that fight a few weeks ago. Was that the first of your, late night drinks?"
"Logan, what are you asking me?" I said slowly, knowing, but not quite believing.
"Say it. Go on, say it." I snapped at him; furious now that he could even think it.
"You and him." He stated softly, seeming to calm down as I was ready to fire up. "I just. I don't trust him. I tried to look past, everything, because I owe him everything for bringing you back. For bringing me back. I wanted to believe you on every idea or plan you come up with because I know your instincts rarely prove out wrong. I trust you, I do, and you gotta know how much I love you by now, but I have this feeling and I hate it."
He sounded too defeated to stay mad at and if the situation was reversed, I'd probably have lost my shit at the female Cain or at least at him if I even suspected what he was now implying. Actually, I contemplated killing him when I found out about Sam, and totally cut him out of my life. Luckily, Logan wasn't me.
"Nothing has ever, and nothing will ever happen, like that between me and him. He's a friend Loges, no different to V or Paytah, and actually, the werewolf is probably a bad example." I moved closer and hugged him, better yet he didn't turn me away.
"Yeah it is." He agreed with a sigh. "Sorry. I feel stupid, but-"
"I get it." We stayed liked that until Alfie appeared a few minutes later and he looked around cautiously - obviously he had heard the yelling. After assuring him everything was okay, I got changed and as I started putting on my boots, Logan looked confused.
"Where are you going?"
"Paytah?" Hadn't we been discussing that?
"Now?" I nodded. "Alright. Will Alfie come too?"
"Got another way to flash around the place?" He didn't and so once we were ready, I made sure everyone was asleep before getting him to take us to one of the portals into Paytah's world.
Unfortunately our werewolf friend had nothing other than stories to tell of another time, and other worlders. There was no actual explanation as to how or why the way into their world was so easy to open and access or who had made it that way. I hung around by the river, hoping for some divine intervention from his ghostly ancestor, but there was nothing there either. We'd only just returned to the real world when I got a sense of being watched. Logan got it too, unsheathing his sword. It was pointless though, as Alfie didn't hesitate in zapping us out of there, only once again we didn't end up where we were supposed to.
"Oh come on!" I groaned, remembering I hadn't told Logan about the last time this happened. The question was written all over his face too. "Later. Come out, I know you're here!"
Sure this wasn't the same place as before, unless they got in a gold loving decorator since my last visit. Purple carpet replaced the dusty, sandy floors and a similar shade painted the walls. Gold framed mirrors lined one of the walls, and in the middle of the room a round glass table sat surrounded by six chairs, gold and regal with their throne like structures. Yet none of this compared to the chandelier above us, where the soft candle light had the diamonds sparkling so beautifully.
Instead of people, say two women, appearing, an assortment of fruits and cheeses filled the table, with goblets filled to the top with something red. Instantly I prayed it was wine and not blood.
"Sit, sit!" Hermes appeared in one of the chairs, waving us over before he began to help himself to the feast. "Join me. I insist."
Looking at Logan, I shrugged and took a seat, keeping a space between me and the god as Logan took my other side.
"Eat! Drink! Even the creature can join us!" He spat out between mouthfuls.
Alfie inched closer, looking over the food before inspecting the beverage. He didn't look happy about it and in protest took one of the roasted chickens from the table.
"What do you want, Hermes?" I started, purposefully knocking the cup and finding it was indeed wine in there.
"From what I know, I'm fairly certain you want to talk to me." He paused, gulped some wine and smiled. "In fact, I know you do."
"Now why would I-"
"He's right and I think he knows what we're up to." Logan spoke up.
"I do." He confirmed.
"About?" I asked the both of them.
"Bunny, he is Hermes. I know you've read some of those books and so, what can he do? Move between worlds."
"Oh, I thought he was a messenger, like a godly postman." Everyone looked at me like I had three heads. "And I may not have read all the books. Hercules was on and figured that was enough for now."
Hermes slapped a hand against his forehead and looked completely bewildered. "Are you always like this? I hear tales of this, Hunter. The God Killer. The beginning of our end. I see you shoot as well as the Huntress herself, discover the stories are based from fact and then, then you say that."
"As I was saying, he is known for being able to move between worlds. What are we trying to do Bunny?" Logan continues, ignoring the mini-meltdown Hermes was currently having. "We have a freakin god sitting right there to help us!"
"Yeah, but can we trust him?"
"Can you trust me? That's hilarious coming from you." Our god adds.
"I do remember reading something about you actually. You're a bit of a trickster." I point out.
"Says who? Do you really believe everything that has ever been recorded? Considering those types like to tell their own tales and forget out the best parts, you really shouldn't you know." He sips his wine, before sitting back in the chair completely at ease.
"Perhaps, but why were you following us?"
"Following you? I merely, summoned you when I sensed movement of the tele-porting kind. Your snake leaves a very distinct path."
"What did you want to summon us for?" I quiz, not buying any of it.
"Just to chat!" He leaned forward and swirled the goblet around, helping himself to some grapes. "We never get to see you anymore the Fallen one is all, stay away from her. You were already out, so it wasn't like I was breaking his rules."
"You started this whole thing of with how you knew we'd want to talk to you." Logan pointed out. "And what rules does he have?"
"Never you mind those." Hermes mumbled, stuffing a wedge of cheese into his mouth now.
"You followed us didn't you. I thought I sensed something before we went to see Paytah, and definitely after it." I knew I was right and he let out a long sigh.
"Fine. Someone had me follow you."
"Cain." I wasn't asking
"Who- Oh yeah. Him. Fine, but lets just pretend you don't know that. He knows you're up to something, I almost pity how paranoid he has become regarding you. The time draws closer does it not? I can't really blame him what with so much resting on your shoulders. Anyway, he asked me to spy on you, simple."
Logan finally had some wine.
"Did you bring us here as a trap?" I glanced around nervously.
"No. He knows you've gone into another world and as the one who can pass through any realm, I was due to be spying on you and reporting back what you were doing. See, the second you left that place, you were here. I just hid it from you, and as far as he is aware, you're still with your little werewolf friend. Artemis, while on his side, is wary of him, so as I was ordered to assist him, I am also helping her."
"Why?" So far, Hermes had been risking a lot to help the twins in their own little journey and I thought back to the run in I had with them when Penny had been with me. "You seem to be doing a lot of what Artemis wants, including this truce with Cain. What's in it for you?"
"Swear to secrecy?" He held out his pinkie and we all shook on it like children in the schoolyard. Luckily he didn't want a blood oath. "The Huntress has my heart."
Hermes swooned back in the chair and Logan made an 'oh' sound. "Don't judge me mortal, you are just as foolish with yours, giving it to that one. You and are alike that way, but at least she returns your affections. Not all you read is fake, my Huntress is of a pure virtue and that I fear, will never change."
I chose to ignore all of that.
So did Logan.
"You know what we want to know then, about the portals? How do they work? Can we find the one to your world?" Logan asked, moving the conversation along.
Now Hermes burst out laughing. "Why would I tell you two that?"
"You brought us here?" I pointed out again.
"Oh right. I did, didn't I. Portals are as you discovered Hunter, something created out of a need. Few ever have control over them and merely hope for the best when opening one. Luckily the witches behind opening yours knew a few things about it, and got it right. Sorry about your friend by the way, but his life was better ended then, than if saved. The demon within him was dark, much too dark for this world."
"What?" Logan took my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "You, you don't get to talk about him and not like that, not when all of it was because of the stupid, Powers!"
"Touchy subject. I get it. What ever. Now, you get to your werewolf through a gateway. Very similar to a portal, but the main difference is, they're always there. Every world has them, it's what binds us all together in one continuous loop that has no beginning and no end. If you know about them, obviously you can use them, but they're tricky. Just as this earth rotates around a sun, the gateways have their own path to follow and what was, may not always be."
"I was attacked by mermaids and the way to their realm was closed. Portal or Gateway?" I asked.
"Gateway. Portals always close after a certain period of time, and the reason why there are so few gateways these days are because the Powers closed them before they left. The ones that moved are the ones that remain now, because they were not known at that time."
That explained the mermaids, it was under the water so of course they wouldn't have known to close it. Not that it mattered now, Cain had done what the other's didn't.
"Why did they close them all?" Logan asked.
"Because they wanted the Fallen one stuck here."
"He can't use them though, Cain hasn't been to Paytah's world." I thought out loud.
"The Powers aren't stupid. They knew they wouldn't get them all, so they blocked them too. Essentially, this Earth, was turned into a prison. Could be worse I suppose. He's had plenty to keep him occupied all these years." Hermes mused.
"What about the arena? He can go there, and so can the Powers."
"Ah, yes. That." His pale face began to darken like the wine. "He made that his. Once he worked out what they were doing, he fought them and won."
"It isn't a place I'd want to fight for." Logan frowned.
"Might be if it was all you had. He wasn't an Other. We all knew he was one of us, and when the accident happened, he was punished in the worst way they could inflict upon him." Hermes coughed uncomfortably and as Logan and I stared at him, wanting more, he focused on his hands instead. "You would have heard about poor Prometheus, left chained to a rock where an eagle would devour his liver each day, only to have it regrow every night so the torture was endless. That, that would be a mercy for all the Fallen One endured. The arena was designed to house him, and the battles fought there were not ones I wish to speak of."
Neither of us knew what to say and luckily Hermes continued. "It was the twins who convinced their father to stop it, and so he was given his final punishment. He was left on Earth in exile, forever banished from his home realm. It was seen to be a way to rid the Powers of him once and for all, until the first of many new thirds arrived, and told them of there being one to bring him home and when she did, everything would change."
"Change how?" I asked instantly making Hermes shrug.
"I do not know, but considering what we left behind, I do not think it is necessarily a bad thing. It couldn't be any worse!" He laughed sadly.
"How, how do I get him home?"
"That is something I do not have the ability to see, but there are gateways that perhaps you can find and we can not." He added mysteriously.
"How do you know that?" Logan demanded.
"Because The Fates had seen it before it had been done and left one thing behind in this world that could never be destroyed."
"Which is?" I leaned in closer, eager for the answer.
"Hope?" Logan repeated, not believing it.
"It was waiting for him when he arrived in this world, only it just took him a little while to find it." Hermes winked at me and popped another grape into his mouth. "I'm kidding. Kind of. The Fates knew what was coming and ensured that Cain would always find his way back home, even if it had to change a few times along the way. Being able to see the future really has its perks, lucky bitches."
"What can you tell me about-" I stopped as the purple room with all its decadence, vanished and the three of us were back in my room. "I hate when they do that!"
"Do you just? How often has that happened?" Logan pounced instantly and so I told him what happened before with the Fates. "Forget I asked."
Dropping down onto my bed, Alfie left us and I fell beside Logan. "I'm going to find his way home, and then we can go back to our already crazy enough lives."
"Is that the fates part of you talking, can you see the future?" Logan asked sarcastically.
"I don't need to." I gave him a kiss and went and got ready for bed, all while hoping that my confidence in that future happening, wasn't going to end in disappointment instead.
Confused yet? I am, I think... Well I hope it makes some kind of sense to you guys ;) Also, with Cain's little teaser in my mind, is Apollo around and if so, who do you think he is? Starting to get my mojo back now too, usually Elise is non-stop in my head, but she must have been taking a break. Either way, she's back now! Won't be long until he next update xx
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