He seems doubtful and worried.
"No matter what this is about, don't be scared to tell me. Whether this is about how you feel or what you think, need to know...I'm here to listen to you and answer your questions," I do not fear anything, knowing that I have to be honest with him.
After a few seconds that were silent, he decides to look up at me. "You remember that Jungkook talked to me this morning, right?" he reminds me of it, and I nod without saying a word to let him continue. "It was...about Kimoon. He came up to me last night, he was crying a lot, and he wanted to talk to me, but I refused...and...I'm scared, I feel hurt, I don't really know what to do in this situation, and I haven't seen him just once today. I want to talk to him, but I feel like this would be wrong since he hurt you and Jungkook, but at the same time, I know I'm hurting him for suddenly ignoring him and acting like we don't know each other...I don't like to do this..."
"What has Jungkook told you?" I do not give my opinion yet but hear what he has to say. "He was first kinda mad to hear me say that I wanna talk to Kimoon and maybe kinda forgive him or give him another chance. Then, when we had the talk, he reassured me and told me that I can talk to Kimoon or you if I need to...and that he won't ever be disappointed in me no matter what I do."
I tilt my head to the side and glance down at his band-aid that he keeps on touching nervously. Not hearing anything more from him, I breathe out and think about what to say. "If you're worried about what I might think, I want you to know that you don't have to. There is nothing wrong with wanting to talk and make things clear. You have the right to do it, and it's important if you believe this will help you because I feel like you're putting too much pressure on your shoulders."
He nods, agreeing to what I said, which means that he is indeed very concerned about this matter. "Won't you hate me for talking to him though...? I don't condone what he did to you at all, but I'm scared that you might think so if I ever give him another chance," he stresses himself out, but to such an extent that he forgets about his own point of view and well-being. "I'll never hate you, Hojun. I forgave him, and I gave him another chance too, so I'll never hate you for doing the same. He's your best friend after all, so no one has the right to tell you what to do, or be mad at you for doing what makes you feel better as long as you respect everyone involved, and I know that you do."
He grips his own fingers while staring at the floor, and the corners of his lips curve up. "I know him, and I know that he must be in pain right now. The thing is that I'm in a relationship with Jungkook, and he stepped over the boundaries by not respecting that, so I did forgive him for his mistake, but this is better for the both of us to not talk to each other anymore. If he still has feelings for me, it will hurt him to have to consider me as a friend only, and I cannot be friends with him knowing all of this. He knows this is the best, and I know that he'll understand and get over it."
"From your point of view, do you think he really feels guilty for what he did? Like, a lot?" he asks me, curious to know more about this past. "I know that he does. That's why I forgave him. You know, when you've been dating someone for two years and that nothing bad ever happened, that the person has always been there for you, always supportive, caring, loving with you, and that suddenly, they do something like that, you know that it isn't them. It's not who they are. It does hurt a lot, but even if I couldn't face him again after that, I knew that he hated himself as well and struggled a lot because of that mistake, so I wanted to forgive him."
"Do you think you'll ever regret giving him another chance to be a better person?" he does not judge me for what I did, for my choices, and a smile forms on my face. "I won't. I don't ever regret anything because I know that if I made one choice, I knew it was the best one for me at that moment. So no, I won't regret forgiving him, he did do something wrong, but he wasn't a bad person," I shrug. No matter what he did to me, I know that he never meant to do it, and would never have wanted this to happen either.
He does not reply but smiles at me, and he bends his head forth. "Talking to you helps me a lot. I was panicking again...and I didn't know how to think straight. I'm sorry for being like that, and if I annoyed you. Jungkook is used to this but not you," he feels bad for letting his emotions out, never understanding that people around him do care and want to help him no matter what it takes to do it. "Hey, don't say that. You don't annoy me, and I love talking with you. You can always come up to me when something worries you. I don't like to know you're not feeling good."
"Thank you," he rubs his fingers over his hand and shyly shows some relief. "I'm happy that Jungkook found you, and that I did too, in a way," he makes an effort to talk about his feelings, and what could expose some vulnerability. "I'm happy that I found you both too. You make my life so much better."
My last sentence gets him to raise his head up towards me as if he was surprised to hear that, and this heart-warming reaction provokes my smile to widen even more.
"You think so?" he suspects a lie, but I assert myself so that he realizes how sincere I am. "I do. You both are very special, and your personality makes you so...I don't know how to say it but...you make me want to always be there to protect you and make sure no one hurts you. Whenever you're worried, crying, or that Jungkook tells me you're not feeling good, I'm...I feel down," I do not hide this, knowing that he will like to hear those, but he does not say anything, he leans closer to me and wraps his arms around me.
I do not think twice before hugging him back. He makes me soft. I can see how much simple attention can mean the world to him.
"You're the best," he pulls away after this short moment of pure care and bliss. "Jungkook will be happy with you, and that makes me happy too."
"His mood has an important impact on you, doesn't it?" I point it out for the first time. Now that we are closer and that he is more comfortable with me, I feel the need to get his point of view on this relationship. "It does..." he nods. "Everything he does has an impact on me..."
No surprise fills me at all. I know that already. "You both have an amazing relationship," I smile but see his lips form the same shape. He lowers his chin to glance down at the floor, and his eyes go in my direction. "Are you really okay with everything that we do?"
I confirm what I already told Jungkook, but he frowns at me. "How can you accept us being so close? Don't you feel any jealousy?"
"It's just friendly between you two, isn't it? So why would I be jealous?" I question him with what I believe to be a point, but his reaction does not clarify what I thought it would. A faint and nervous smile replaces the one he had on his face, and he moves his head up and down. "Yeah. True, but I mean..." he runs his fingers through his fluffy hair. "Jungkook told me that you'd be okay even if we were more than friends. Is that true?"
He is gradually talking about what I always felt unsure about between them, and I do not even know if he is doing it on purpose or not.
"It's true. I love him, but I knew how close you were when I accepted to be Jungkook's girlfriend. And a relationship like you both have is very precious, and to me, that should never be ruined by anyone just because of love, especially since I'm still a new girl because sure, we started flirting way before summer, then it continued this month, but you both know each other for so long, I'm like no one to put boundaries between you both. I could do it and say that I'd like you to not kiss or hug each other, but I don't mind it because I know you, and I don't want that to happen. I trust Jungkook enough to be honest with me, and he was sincere with me about you both," I give him my opinion, this one that seems to not be understood by anyone only because it is not typical or like everyone's. "Hm, it's not often that a girl thinks like this."
"Well, I only think that way because this is you, if it was another guy or girl, I wouldn't be okay with it," I make it clear so that he knows this would not work the same way with someone else. "But why do you ask me that? Are you both maybe hiding something from me?" I ask it in a joking manner to see his reaction, feeling like something is wrong, but he flies his hand up to his hair again and shakes his head, chuckling nervously. "No. We're not. No matter what Jungkook claims about his sexuality, he's as straight as a damn ruler, so no worries."
"You think so?" I gaze down at his hands that he is holding together, but he touches his band-aid again. "Yeah. I know that he wouldn't fall in love with a guy, so that means he's straight, right?"
"I guess," I do not give a certain answer, not knowing exactly what Jungkook has on his mind. I feel like he does not either. "But what about you?"
He raises his eyes up at this question. "I'm straight too..." he nods his head, but in a slow manner, making his answer very questionable. "It seems like you're asking yourself," I do not keep it myself, but he just hums and laughs. "Does it?"
"Yes," I move onto my spot to put my legs over each other on the mattress, and I grab a plushie to hug it while having this conversation with him. "Well..." he straightens his back and lifts his arms up to comb his hair back with both of his hands. "I don't know."
"I feel like a lot of people don't know exactly what they are, but I do believe that it doesn't matter. You can enjoy your life without caring about whether you like girls, boys, or both, we should only care about being happy with whatever we feel. Like, you know, the only thing that should matter is 'I like this person', 'I'm attracted to them', and that's it, nothing should make you feel like what you feel is wrong," I speak thoughtfully and notice that he is agreeing with me. "I wish I could do that...but my dad makes it seem like it's the most horrendous thing ever to like boys. He's not against girls liking girls, but boys liking boys? He'd kill me for doing such a thing."
"Don't let him make you feel like that. There's nothing wrong with liking boys just because you're one. In which century does he live?" I try my best to control my anger, hating to hear that he has to endure that and feel bad for his feelings, for who he is. "It's such a man thing to be alright with two girls kissing but once they see two boys holding hands, they act like it's the most disgusting thing they've ever seen. It pisses me off..."
"Me too...but unfortunately, they are still many people who have this mindset, and who would literally hurt someone physically because they're gay...That's sad, but we cannot do anything about it. Assholes are everywhere, and the good people have to deal with them," he sighs, and I share his thoughts. "Yeah...that's how life is, unfortunately."
"Hm..." a pout appears on his face, but he fiddles with his band-aid for the hundredth time as if he was uncomfortable with it. "Just know that whatever you feel, you're not weird or disgusting. You're an amazing person, and you deserve to be with someone who will always love you sincerely."
"Thank you for saying that," he softly lets his words out in a quiet voice, acting shy. "I hope I will."
"Has Jungkook already tried to find you a girl? I know that a lot of guys always do this type of thing where they try to set their best friend with someone so that they don't stay single," I curiously ask him, wondering if they are a part of this type, but he shakes his head. "He knows I'm not looking for a girl since the last time I dated one."
"Ah alright, it's your choice," I now get it, even if I already understood the other day when he talked about his ex-girlfriend who ruined the meaning of love for him. I wish he did not have to go through that and end up in this sort of torment in which he believes that no one will ever love him. "I...I know that I won't be able to live my whole life with him by my side, there to protect me and make me happy, and all that stuff, but so far, I've been doing well with him, and I don't need...anyone," he reveals some more of his feelings that seem to have been deeply buried into him. "Have you told him about it?"
The movement of his head makes it obvious that he has not. "I don't want him to know that, otherwise he's going to be even more scared to leave me. I'm already clingy enough."
"You're not clingy, everything he does for or with you, he does them because he loves you and cares about you. When someone means the world to you, you'll do everything possible to make them happy and safe," I get rid of those thoughts that are not true, reassuring him about what I know after what Jungkook already told me. "I just feel like...I know it's bad, but I feel like I wouldn't be able to live without him...he's been with me for so long, he's dealt with so many of my problems, taken care of me, taught me many things, and always protected me, helped me...and he's not even tired of me. I'm scared to live without him...but I'll never tell him about this. I don't want to pressure him with that."
"It's understandable, you know. If I was you, I'd feel the same way for sure," I do not make him feel even worse since I know he thinks low of himself. "When someone makes you feel like the most important and precious one, that you spent a big part of your life with them, it's hard to let go, especially in your case where he has been the only one there for you. It's impossible to not feel like you do. And I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't be able to live without you either. He's so attached to you, this will be hard to put some distance between you both."
He stares into space as if he was thinking, so I remain quiet as well, not minding the silence at all. I keep my eyes fixed on him, but he drops his shiny ones down and licks his lips to squeeze his bottom one with his teeth. "I hope it is the case."
"It is, don't worry about it," I do not doubt my statement. After all the things I heard from Jungkook and saw, I know for sure that it is how he thinks and feels. "Anyway," he checks his phone. "I've taken so long. I should go now, Jungkook is probably waiting to come here," he grins but stands up from my bed. "He hasn't asked anything yet, so no worries, he's probably letting you have all the time you need."
"Yeah," he scratches his head, but since he is ready to go, I leave the bed as well and walk up to the door with him. "If you ever need or want to talk again, feel free to come here, text or call me, alright? You'll never bother me."
"Thank you very much, it means a lot," he goes back in a proper posture after putting his shoes back on. "And thank you for letting me kinda have a ted talk with you," he chuckles, and I do so. "It was great for me too."
"I'm glad to hear it," he tucks one hand in a pocket of his jacket and grabs the handle of the door. "I'll probably text you tonight, I'm gonna talk to Kimoon now so...I hope it will go well."
"I hope so too, don't be scared to be honest with him," I suggest him, and he takes this advice. "I will. See you tomorrow, and enjoy your time with Kook," he kindly tells me and opens the door, so I thank him, with a smile, but he shows some surprise right when he steps out. "Oh. You're here."
"Yeah, I was waiting," Jungkook rises from the floor, this impatient man not even realizing that he could have been waiting here for an hour or more. "So," he stands in front of Hojun before he could go away. "Are you okay?"
"I am," the hesitant boy answers him, peeking at me as if he was afraid that I might blab all the things that he told me about him. "Hm," Jungkook takes a glance at me as well, both acting a bit weird. "Do you wanna stay with us?" he suddenly asks, but Hojun does not even think twice before replying. "No, I gotta go anyway."
"Oh, alright. Well then, see you tomorrow, my baby boy," he pinches his cheek and giggles, before entering my room, but Hojun only smiles and looks at me. "See you."
"See you," I say the same words, and he walks away to leave this building, so I close the door.
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