
The woman bows to the audience, the mask over her face unyielding and betraying none of her emotions to onlookers. Two girls identically dressed in plum purple yukatas and featureless royal blue masks jump out from behind either side of the original woman and begin leaping around the stage, mirroring each other as they leap and lightly jump off the walls of the tent, leaving shimmering trails of ice behind them. Low murmurs of interest can be heard in the crowd.

The two girls stop and stand side by side in the middle of the stage, the woman in the navy blue yukata seems to have disappeared.

They both stand still for a moment before a man with slicked back blonde hair and brown shaved sides leaps out from behind them, jumping clear over them. As he lands he cups his hands over his mouth, making a funnel shape before blowing fire straight into the crowd. Some people scream at first, however, those screams quickly turn into cheers and applause when everyone in the audience quickly realizes that the energetic flames before them do not hurt.

Both Hinata and Yachi make a noise of amazement while Bokuto eagerly waves his hands through the fire with more excitement than would be typically expected and Akaashi stares down at a small portion of the fire that he caught in his hand almost with a look of disbelief— which is strange to Kenma, why would Akaashi be surprised by a trick like this one?

As soon as Bokuto stretched his hand out and touched the flames being fanned out towards the crowd a jolt of recognition was sent through him. Bokuto could never forget the feeling of that flame, it's him, isn't it? Bokuto grins as he waves his hands energetically through the fire; it's been far too long since they've seen each other.

Akaashi stares down at the flame in his palm, it feels so familiar, could it really be him? Akaashi looks back up at the man blowing the harmless yet energetic feeling fire over the crowd; it sure looks like him— well— minus the hair dye. Akaashi looks at his anima; it's pure white. If that truly is him then after all this time his anima would no longer hold that speck of darkness it once had.

Kenma reaches his hand out toward the flames with only slight caution, and when Kenma tries to scoop some up like Akaashi did it slips right through his fingers— which is to be expected.

Kuroo snickers as he scoops up a blob of the fire in his two hands and places it on top of Kenma's head. Kenma looks at Kuroo and shrugs. "Whatever," he says before turning his head back to look at the show— still balancing the harmless fire on top of his head, of course. Kuroo snorts with amusement before scooping more fire and leaning forward so he can throw it at Hinata who's further down the aisle.

As the show continues onward Kenma notices Bokuto whispering something excitedly into Akaashi's ear, he doesn't think much of it as his eyes turn back to the performers.

"It's him!" Bokuto whispers excitedly into Akaashi's ear, "I can tell it's Yuuji, for sure!"

"Are you positive?" Akaashi asks in a hushed voice. Bokuto nods his head in confirmation with total confidence. Akaashi smiles, "in that case, it'll be nice to see our old friend of ours after all this time."

"Should I reach out to his anima? You know— let 'em know we're here?" quietly asks Bokuto.

Akaashi nods his head in confirmation.

As a man transforms small plumes of fire created by the pyromancer with the dyed blonde hair into glowing blue will-o-wisps, Kenma notices the woman from the beginning of the show at the very back corner of the stage just standing there unnoticed by onlookers.

The pyromancer on stage seems to have suddenly gotten distracted, his eyes are now scanning through the crowd, searching for someone as he tries to also maintain focus on his act.

The fire that had been sitting on Kenma's head slides off, to Kuroo's disappointment.

Kenma and Kuroo don't know it, but all it took was a slight brush against Bokuto's anima for Yuuji's eyes to shoot towards the crowd in search of someone he hasn't seen in a long time.

Kenma's eyes look over to the lady again, now the two identical girls from the beginning are standing with her as well. His eyes widen as the lady starts coughing, but it's more than just coughing, she's hunched over, hacking and wheezing as black smoke trickles out of her mouth; this is definitely not part of the act.

The black smoke trickling out her mouth pools and swirls around her feet, Kenma is frozen solid; he recognizes that smoke. Because that's not just smoke, that's the form monstrous creatures of chaos and death take when they want to slip into the unsuspecting homes of the innocent to kill them.

Why kill them? Because it's fun to demons.

How did Kenma's loving grandma die? Because a demon was feeling bored and he was too young to stop it. Kenma doesn't think it's his fault she died, but it was a traumatic experience, the memory of his grandmother falling to the ground from exhaustion still makes his throat tighten past uncomfortable levels.

Kenma begins thinking to himself, 'there are demons here now, and there are people here too. We need to escape, if nothing is done they're all gonna die, I d—' his thoughts are cut off.

"Kenma!" Kenma is jolted from his thoughts that were beginning to spiral towards panic by Kuroo. "Kenma, we have to get out of here now before it's too late." Kuroo looks dead serious, but it's too late to escape anyway.

A child screams as the demons fly into the air and begin swirling around and over their prey.

The exits are already being blocked by demons and frightened people are calling the Association of Demon Hunters for professional help, until they arrive though, Kenma, Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, and the three younger familiars are just going to have to wait and stay alive.

The demons begin taking solid forms, shaping themselves into humans with crooked smiles that seem ill fitting on their faces as they try to attack both humans and humanoid creatures alike, some are leaving their lower halves as black smokey trails, which allow them to continue swirling around in the air.

Kenma and the others duck down and hide behind the chairs in front of them, "Other magic users have already started trying to fight them off," starts Akaashi, speaking quickly and only loud enough for his friends and partner to hear him above the commotion, "and it seems like that's our best chance right now."

"B-but I don't know many purification spells," Kenma begins, "the ones that I have been taught are too long and wordy and difficult to cast, I haven't even gotten around to trying any of them—" Kuroo cuts him off by placing a hand on either of his shoulders.

"Kenma, relax. We've got you, I doubt Chibi-chan and his friends know any purification spells— heck— I don't even know any purification spells, and that's okay. You don't have to be a master at purification spells. I'll watch your back while you try to perform your spells, alright?" Kuroo asks. Kenma hugs Kuroo from his sitting position and takes a deep breath before letting go.

"Thank you, Kuroo." Kenma turns to Bokuto and the others, as well as Akaashi, who seems to have a small knowing smile, "alright, let's do this."

All seven of them spring up, and immediately demons turn their heads towards these newly found targets.

Hinata, Kageyama, and Yachi group together and stand back to back, Bokuto leaves Akaashi to purifying demons and covers for him, Kuroo and Kenma do the same.

Even the simplest of purification spells are complicated and difficult to master, considering Kenma's inexperience, he's doing great. Kuroo stands close to Kenma and on guard, launching flames and spitting fire at any demons who try to get in closer— which unfortunately seem to be a lot.

Kenma's eyes are screwed shut in focus as he casts the spell, "pabsta bil bei mato eap bil ot tharos, c-chaos bil tee b-bim u," the hair on the back of Kenma's neck stands on end, he stutters as he senses a demon quickly approaching, but he trusts Kuroo.

Kuroo whirls around to face the demon charging towards Kenma, he growls as he sends a high aimed fire powered kick the demon's way, the demon moves to the side in time and instead grabs Kuroo's leg, twisting it harshly before slamming him to the ground. Kuroo groans out in pain but immediately swipes his foe's legs out from underneath it with his own legs. Using the moment to his advantage, Kuroo pins the demon to the ground, his nails harshly digging into the demon's wrists as Kuroo's own flames spread to his foe's body. Kuroo's foe struggles to break out of his grasp, violently wailing out in pain and trying to jerk it's hands free as the flames gladly lick at it's ill fitting flesh.

Kuroo steps back from the demon and continues covering for Kenma, the effects of his flames won't kill the demon— only purification can do that— but it will keep the demon preoccupied and harmless for awhile.

"Utei mich usev mahn thay moh tharos te monas matem atul u lanthas," with the spell finally ready Kenma opens his eyes. He raises his right hand, which is emanating a soft white glow, and points to a demon that's coming a little too close, "cen," that's all it takes for the demon to start howling in agony before crumbling into an ashy colored powder as the white glow previously encasing Kenma's hand transfers over to the demon.

Kuroo notices Akaashi is doing some pretty fancy techniques from the corner of his eye; Akaashi's flames, usually red, yellow, and calm are now pure white, "no way they are," Kuroo mumbles to himself as he chucks a fireball at a demon. However, his suspicions are confirmed to be true as Akaashi calmly blows his white fire from his mouth, with properties of the wind, the fire passes over two demons who immediately scream in agony as they crumble onto an ashy colored powder.

No doubt about it; those white flames are purity flames. "He better teach me how to do that after this." Kuroo grumbles out, jealous of Akaashi who possesses such a rare ability.

The three youngest familiars aren't faring so bad either, Yachi coos out a few words and uses her plant magic to sprout great spiny vines that throw demons across the tent, Kageyama sends droves of pointed rocks to enemies like hail storms with loud commands and his earthen magic and Hinata, who with the quick an energetic saying of a few words and a snap of his fingers, is creating fireballs that speed towards foes.

Hinata, however, is not a pyromancer. What he is doing is different than what Akaashi and Kuroo are doing, Hinata is heating the air next to his chosen target so much that is catches on fire, he's not producing it from his body like how Kuroo and Akaashi are. Hinata has seasonal magic; right now in the summertime he uses his magic related to heat with the aid of the sun, however if Hinata were to be fighting in the winter, then pointed icicles would be his weapons of choice.

Meanwhile, Bokuto continues to cover for Akaashi, spitting venom that does more that just irritate the skin at demons trying to get close. Two especially agile demons get close to Bokuto and begin ganging up on him, all Bokuto can do at the moment is avoid hits.

Finally the perfect moment strikes and Bokuto grins as he catches the punch of one of the demons, he twists the wrist hard as he throws the demon to the ground. Bokuto then quickly touching the demon's pressure point with his venomous magic, the demon won't be getting back up for a good while. Bokuto's head whips back up to face the other demon, expecting it to be right upon him. However, someone from behind the demon sends a fire powered swipe of their leg straight into the demon's head. "Well what do ya know," grins the guy responsible for the kick, grinding the heel of his shoe into the demon's face, "it's my old buddy Bokuto. Still need me to come to your rescue after all this time I see," he snickers.

No doubt about it, that's Bokuto and Akaashi's old friend, Terushima Yuuji. "I had it completely handled," says Bokuto as he gives Yuuji a bone breaking hug.

"Sure sure," says Yuuji, not convinced at all as the air gets squeezed from his lungs.

Their reunion gets interrupted though as professional exorcists finally get in the circus tent. With all the much needed extra back up, the large amount of remaining demons quickly dwindles. The remaining demons quickly flee and soon ambulances are on the scene, thanks to the magic users that were already there no one died, a few were injured heavily but the injuries are nothing they can't come back from.

The ambulances leave, leaving just people looking for items lost in the commotion and others who are just loitering around. Akaashi then explains to Kenma and the others that him and Bokuto want to catch up real quickly with an old friend of theirs and to wait outside for them so Kenma and the others go ahead and wait outside the tent for Bokuto and Akaashi.

"It's good to see you, Yuuji," smiles Akaashi.

"It's definitely nice to see you both still together and alive and kicking," Yuuji chuckles, "and just look at your anima, Akaashi, all bright white and pure."

Akaashi laughs at that, "the same to you. So, how did your travels lead you to joining the circus anyways?"

"Ah you know, whenever I need some money I usually go for the odd jobs, and you know, after we parted when I had finished helping you both all those years ago, I told you I would go to the mountains, but yet even after all these centuries I never got around to going." Yuuji laughs.

"Ya know, one time when we had been sitting around the campfire you said you always had wondered what you would look like as a blonde," snickers Bokuto, "nice to see that you went for it now that dyeing your hair is a thing."

"Oh yeah, because that crazy thing you've got going on with your hair is 100% natural. It's not like you probably used an entire bottle of hair to mold that this morning," snorts Yuuji.

"If I'm not mistaken," Akaashi cuts in, "you have a tongue piercing now, don't you? Ever the reckless and intimidating bad boy I see." Akaashi smirks and Bokuto lets out a laugh. Before Yuuji can try to defend himself Akaashi continues, "Ah, and Bokuto only uses half a bottle of hair gel every morning." Yuuji snorts as he tries to hold back laughter.

"Wh— Akaashi!! I do not use half a thing of hair gel!" indignantly shouts Bokuto.

A bit more bantering and catching up later and the three of them start to wrap things up.

"So, where will you travel to now?" Akaashi asks.

"I dunno, maybe this time I actually will go to the mountains," muses Yuuji with a smile.

"Well, it's not the late 1400s anymore, so this time, keep in touch, yeah?" asks Akaashi as he and Bokuto hold up their phones.

Yuuji laughs as he pulls out his own phone, "you got it."

They say their goodbyes and Bokuto and Akaashi join Kuroo and the others outside the circus tent so they can make their way home. Shortly after they depart, Hinata gets a frantic call from Suga who saw news of the demon attack on TV.

After everyone confirms that they are alive and well to Suga, Suga finally starts breathing again and lets them know that he has snacks prepared for them for when they get home. The trio of young familiars speed ahead a little farther down the road, leaving Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi as a group of four again, just as when they first had departed for the amusement park.

Kenma tries to get Kuroo's attention, "Kuroo?" Kuroo lets out a hum of questioning, "when we were fighting together, you were conjuring fire from within yourself with ease, you never even spoke a single magical phrase out loud; what I'm saying is that I want to do that too, can you teach me how to use magic without having to say the spell out loud?"

Kuroo smiles, "sure, it's not easy, but I know you'll manage."

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