-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-
-Somewhere in the U.S.-
-Dark Headquarters-
(The sun was setting up in the sky, birds were seen flying singing in the air, flowers were blooming from the ground to show their beauty...
In the distance, there was a base looking abandoned from the public eye...
The base was none other than the criminal organization headquarters called "Dark Covenant"...
On the walls of the main building, which presumedly where the meeting goes on...
Inside the said room, there were 5 people in the meeting room, alongside with them there was a black and white picture with a red X mark across the face...
The man in the picture was the former leader of the Dark Covenant: Stanfield...
His death was caused by his neck getting snapped by Simon "Ghost" Riley, the one who helped Templar to redeem himself after his betrayal to the criminal organization, which he was part with.)
Kryptis: *angered* "I can't believe this shit..." *slams his fist on the table* "First, Templar fucking turned his back on us, now we lost our leader!"
(Kryptis, the Dark Rider, was utterly upset for the current situation they were in right now...
He was still in disbelief and disgust by the fact of their former partner, Templar, indeed betray the Dark Covenant to go after his daughter.)
Artery: *sighs sadly, looks slightly down* "I know, Kryptis...And don't forget about Dame, she got killed by Templar, remember?"
(Anna "Artery" Bucklers, the current only woman of the organization, she was sitting on the opposite side of the table, facing Kryptis with a sadden expression...
The thought of their former member, Cecilia "Dame" Perrin, was killed in action caused by Templar cutting her throat open, was still haunting in her mind.)
Witch Doctor: "It is a loss we all share the feelings..." *looks up at Dark Shepherd* "...However, we should've expected from how Templar acted differently."
(Witch Doctor, the science assassin, also the Scientist and Medic of the Dark Covenant...
His voice was dull and lack of emotions toward a certain traitor, which it was excusable for everyone in the room.)
Artery: "...Why would he do that?"
Kryptis: "Beats me, Arty..." *points at Templar's picture with a knife stuck through the frame* "If i ever see that sonuvabitch, i'll kill him myself."
Dark Shepherd: "Restrain from your emotions, Kryptis."
(And finally, Dark Shepherd, the current self-claimed leader of Dark Covenant Organization...
The four of them, minus Dame, were used to be the Five Knight of Dark Covenant...
But now there were just four of them, however, in the meeting room, a Dark Covenant Brute was seen standing from his seat...
The brute in question was Y/N L/N, codename "Striker"...
Unlike other Dark Covenant Operatives, he was always following orders without question asked, but when he learned the truth about the whole situation, he was conflicted on what he believes and whatnot.)
Artery: *confused* "Hey, Striker...Are you alright?"
Y/N: *snaps out of his thoughts* "Huh? What?"
Witch Doctor: "You were spacing out...should we be concerned?"
Y/N: "I-I'm fine guys...just taking everything in, y'know..."
Kryptis: "...Still talking with yourself?"
Artery: *stern* "Kryptis."
Kryptis: *holds his hands up out of defense* "Hey, kid's having his own problems too, doncha think he needs some time as well?"
Y/N: "K-Kryptis, i'm fine, really...come on."
Kryptis: "You sure?"
Y/N: "Positive."
Dark Shepherd: "Let's wrap this up then."
(He then walks towards the monitor board, then he swipes left to change the screen infront of everyone...
Everyone in the room were intrigued by the information he'd collect, especially for Y/N since he knows the language.)
Y/N: "...That's JSDF...How did you get it?"
Dark Shepherd: "Stanfield had a contact over there, i told them the news and to move straight to the next mission."
Artery: *confused* "Wait...Are you saying to leave everything behind?"
Dark Shepherd: "We've failed the mission. Ghost and Templar are on the loose and they could come back to us for all we know."
Witch Doctor: *cups under his chin* "Hmm...A new chance for us all..."
Kryptis: "Are we just going to let that backstabbing bitch go? After everything he did to us?!"
Y/N: "Kryptis, think about it...If we go to Japan to meet this contact of Stanfield's, maybe we could get info from them on where Templar is."
Dark Shepherd: "Precisely, Striker." *everyone looks at him* "This new mission could lead us to Templar or Ghost...if we're lucky enough-"
Witch Doctor: *finishes his sentence* "-We could even find them both in Japan, two birds with one stone situation."
Dark Shepherd: "Indeed."
Artery: "Isn't it Japan, like, high secured from foreigners? You know they'll stop us right inside the airport."
Kryptis: *chuckles evilly* "Oh, i have an idea for that..."
(All of the sudden, he got bonked by Y/N, karate chopping the Dark Rider ontop of his bike helmet.)
Kryptis: "Ow...What?"
Y/N: "We're not repeating history itself. Remember what Makarov did back in Russia? He literally lightened the whole airport and single-handedly framed the spy from TF-141, we are NOT doing that."
Witch Doctor: "Striker's right...We cannot risk to make our organization falling even farther."
Kryptis: "...Good point..."
Artery: "Then how are we supposed to go to Japan?"
Witch Doctor: "...I may have an idea"
(The rest of the group turn their heads to their scientist, intrigued by what idea he has.)
-Scene Change-
-2 Weeks Later-
(After some time of convincing Kryptis to leave the past behind, the five of them were now on the cruise ship, currently sailing to Japan...
Witch Doctor used his alias, Rigor Mortis, as a gateway to board in Japan without problems as "the most prestigious foreigner scientist"...
He told about the organization being "Anti-terrorism", which they happily granted the permission and let them move in Japan.)
Artery: "I can't believe they've actually fall for that!"
Kryptis: "Heh...Not gonna lie, that's a real big move right there, Doc."
Witch Doctor: "I'm still relieved about my alias still being available...if that wouldn't work, then we had to send Striker there."
Y/N: "If that was an easy way, why didn't you sent me?"
Dark Shepherd: "Because Japan is hiding something mysterious within the country...and also it will guide us where Templar or Ghost will be."
Artery: "...Hey, Dark...Are we really still going after them? I mean, i don't want to sound weak, but we all saw what they can do."
Y/N: "...She has a point. Also don't forget Ghost betrayed U.A.C., his own team."
(The Four Knights were shocked by the brute's statement, they never expected a ghost betraying his allies, especially 1-4-1.)
Kryptis: "Holy that true?"
Y/N: *nods in confirmation* "I got a few last reports from the evac unit before a couple of them stayed behind to make the evac safe."
Witch Doctor: "...Fascinating..."
Dark Shepherd: "Indeed, that's one less loose end...We let U.A.C. deal with Ghost and we will deal with Templar by ourselves."
Artery: *giggles* "Now that's a good way to start our new life operating in Japan!"
Y/N: "Tell me about it..."
Merc: *on radio* "Sirs, ma'am. We're approaching to the border, over."
Y/N: "This is 0-1, keep sailing and keep it nice and easy. Once we hit the land, inform the contact about the meeting's location."
Merc: "Roger that, 0-1. Dark 1 out."
(Soon after, the driver slowly begins to slow the cruise ship down to the land, making sure he won't cause any damages...
After a few minutes, the ramp gently lands on the ground, allowing Witch Doctor to walk down the ramp with Dark Shepherd, Kryptis and Artery...
Two japanese men in suit begin to approach them, bowing infront of them.)
Men in suit: "Welcome to Japan, foreigners."
Man with sunglasses: "Mortis-sensei, it is a pleasure to meet you in person."
Witch Doctor: *chuckles lightly* "There's no need to be so formal, but thank you for the welcoming and nice seeing you too."
Man with gloves: "I presume those people are with you?"
Witch Doctor: "Indeed they are...I hope their appearance could understand my security."
(Both men took a quick look at the other members of Dark Covenant and started to noticed a few points:
Kryptis was seen holding his weapon, Fennec: Venom Coil...
Then, they noticed Dark Shepherd's Type-25: Horseman's Pick hanging behind his back...
And finally, they saw Artery carrying Witch Doctor's weapon on her hands...
The gun in question is the KN-44: Dance of Death...
Behind the Four Knights, they see a group of brutes and mercs moving crates back and forth, assuming those packages were from Witch Doctor's fragile items and stuff...
But then, they catch their attentions from Y/N, who was directing his colleagues about moving carefully with the crates.)
Man with sunglasses: "I must say, i've never seen such people before..."
Man with gloves: "And also we've never seen any weapons like yours in our lives..."
Witch Doctor: "That would be a story for another time...but right now, i would like to buy the villa we've discussed weeks ago."
Man with sunglasses: "But of course! The landlord was really enthusiastic when he heard the news, we really appreciate your kindness."
Witch Doctor: "There's no need to thank me...I just loved the design inside the villa" *slightly holds his hand up* "And i presume you two were guarding this place, correct?"
Man with gloves: "Yessir. Here."
(The man with black gloves hands a pair of keys attached to a keychain with their Dark Covenant Logo on it.)
Witch Doctor: "A well-made design...Thank you for the small gift."
Man with sunglasses: "You're quite welcome! The villa is all yours now, take care."
(With that, both men bow infront of everyone before heading to their car, they then begin to drive off, leaving them dealing with their translocation.)
Artery: "I didn't know japanese people are so polite and professional."
Witch Doctor: "They have a very strict rule of educations and workship...Some things we are related."
Kryptis: *scoffs* "Except the loyal part..."
Dark Shepherd: "Enough."
Kryptis: "...Sorry..."
(Artery carefully holds Witch Doctor's gun over her arm and uses her free hand to rub Kryptis's back out of comfort.)
Dark Shepherd: "We have no one around the area, so i suggest to double time and move to our new base."
Witch Doctor: "A good advice, i dare say." *looks at Y/N* "Striker, if you would, please."
(The said operative nodded his head and begins to help his colleagues to move the crates inside the villa...
Unknowingly for them, they've just entered in the middle of a confliction...)
-Scene Change-
-Dark Covenant House-
(After decorating and finishing moving the crates inside the mansion, The Four Knights were seen taking a break after a long sailing through the ocean to get in Japan...
Kryptis was laying onto the L-shape couch, getting comfortable on the new house.
Dark Shepherd was sitting next to him, but he was working on a few plans in case for possible activities.
Witch Doctor and Artery were at the countertop, in-between the living room and kitchen, the two of them were drinking and talking to each other.
The mercs and other dark covenant brutes were walking back and forth in the background, providing security outside the mansion.
As for Y/N, he was seen walking out of his room, wearing a long unzipped hoodie with a plain shirt beneath it, he also has black pants and black shoes.)
Witch Doctor: *notices him, smiles under his plague mask* "Nice clothes, L/N."
Y/N: "Thanks Doc. Figured i could just take this opportunity to relax."
Kryptis: "I like that coat though, it fits you well"
(Artery, on the other hand, was blushing at his good looking, making the female operative to turn around and chug her whole glass of wine...
Witch Doctor chuckled lightly at her flustered while Kryptis saw that and started laughing...
Dark Shepherd, however, he then turned his tablet off and gently places it on the small glass table, letting out a faint sigh of relief.)
Dark Shepherd: "At last, we've managed to hide under the radar..."
Kryptis: "About god damn time...What about that contact?"
Dark Shepherd: "He told me that he'll be here beforehand. For now, we all can wait and relax."
Y/N: "That's odd, do they know where we live?"
Dark Shepherd: "He does. I'll handle the situation."
Artery: "But what if it's an U.A.C. Spy?"
Kryptis: "Our men can tell the difference, if they see those guys, they'll drop 'em dead."
Y/N: "You mean your units, right?"
Kryptis: "..."
Y/N: "...Right?"
Dark Shepherd: "We will have them planting a scan recognition on the gate, that way we can see who's who."
Witch Doctor: "A solid tactic, i say..."
Y/N: "...Uhm, Dark. Can i ask you something?"
(Dark Shepherd looked up at Y/N, awaiting for his question.)
Y/N: "Back in the cruise ship, after we had an argument...what happened when i left?"
[1 Week Ago, before the sailing in the ocean]
(The scene shows the cruise ship being currently moving away from America, sailing the ocean to move to Japan...
Inside in the front deck, beneath the driver zone, The Four Knights and Y/N were seen discussing in the briefing room.)
Dark Shepherd: "Now that they took the bait, i have to discuss about a few things..."
Kryptis: "Did you find that fucking traitor?"
Dark Shepherd: "Yes, and it seems Templar outsmarted us once again..."
Artery: *shocked* "Was he disguised as the contact?"
(Dark Shepherd shook his head in denial, denying what Artery thought Templar did...
Instead of replying with words, he simply tabbed on the screen board in the middle of the room, revealing Templar's location back in the U.S.)
Y/N: "So he made sure we've left U.S. to come back out of the radar..."
Kryptis: "Damn it! We should've known he was pawning us!"
Y/N: "Can't we go back?"
Dark Shepherd: "That's the thing. We are not going back there."
(The group were in shock from his blunt confession...
Kryptis was so upset that he literally went straight to Dark Shepherd and lifted him up by his collar shirt, making the people present in the room surprised by his sudden move.)
Artery: "Kryptis!"
Y/N: "Hey! Put him down!"
Kryptis: *angered* "Not until he explains why the fuck we can't go back and kill that french sonuvabitch!"
Witch Doctor: "Kryptis. Let him go."
(The Dark Rider was staring deadly at Dark Shepherd through his helmet, which the current leader was unfazed, knowing this would happen...
After the tension died down, Kryptis put him back down and stepped back, still glaring at Dark Shepherd, waiting for him to explain.)
Dark Shepherd: "The reason why we can't come back is because our radar was already online, which means we can't turn back and possibly be welcomed by U.A.C."
Artery: "If you knew this should've happened, then why did you want us to go to Japan in the first place?"
Dark Shepherd: "...To restart everything." *looks down at the table board* "To bring the Dark Covenant what it was supposed to go."
Witch Doctor: "What would that be?"
Dark Shepherd: "...I want to turn the organization into a special operation."
(The three Dark Covenant Operatives were confused by his statement, not knowing what he meant by that...
Y/N, on the other hand, he crossed his arms and stared at Dark Shepherd, giving a doubtful stare at him.)
Y/N: "...You want us to be like the U.A.C.?"
Dark Shepherd: "...Yes."
Kryptis: "But why?! I thought our loyalty and purpose was with Stanfield!"
Dark Shepherd: "With Stanfield's death, no one in the Dark Covenant wants to come back and fight back..." *he looks at Kryptis* "Do you remember the last time when we thought we could get away from him?"
Kryptis: "He just took some intel about our whereabouts! That doesn't change the fact he went personal on us!"
Artery: "Kryptis! Do you even know what you're talking about?!"
Y/N: "Every objectives we did were personal!"
Kryptis: "Oh fuck off, Y/N! Don't act like one of us just because your parents abandoned you!"
(Artery immediately gasps out of horror and shock when Kryptis literally told Y/N off with that personal statement...
Witch Doctor and Dark Shepherd knew how messed up it was, even for Kryptis to say, especially when he realized what he just done.)
Y/N: "..."
Kryptis: "S-Shit, uh...Look, Striker. I-I'm sorry, ok? I d-didn't mean to go off on-"
Y/N: "Shut...up..."
(Kryptis immediately shut his mouth, regretting what he said and knowing how touching it was that statement for him...
Y/N slowly unfolds his arms and begins to walk towards him, standing right infront of him with a dull and emotionless expression.)
Y/N: "Don't you ever bring my parents into this. I'm just lucky enough to have a mother..."
Kryptis: "..."
Y/N: "My father, on the other hand, he fought and bled to protect and guarantee safety to me and to my mom...Stanfield knew that because he personally told me this news while one of the brutes brought my father's dog tag to her."
Artery: "...Y/N..."
(Artery was saddened by the news, which she also knew who Y/N's father was before discovering the report of his death...
Witch Doctor lowered his head down to give a small mourning of Y/N's father's death, he was someone who was always there to help the others...
Dark Shepherd, on the other hand, was slightly frowning under his face plate, knowing how it feels to lose a relative of your own bloodline.)
Y/N: "There won't be a next time where you bring them up again, would it?"
Kryptis: "...n-no...s-sorry Y/N..."
(With his confirmation of not bringing his parents up again, Y/N begins to walk past Kryptis and heads towards the door, silently walking out of the briefing room...
The rest of the Four Knights look at their fellow "horseman" in disappointment from his actions.)
Artery: "Y/N is just a kid, Kryptis. You can't just say things like that!"
Witch Doctor: "If Dame was still with us, she would've killed you on the spot."
Kryptis: "..."
Dark Shepherd: "But thanks to him, now that he walked out, i can confess you all another secret."
Artery: *confused* "What is it, Dark?"
Dark Shepherd: "...We're going to Japan to get Y/N enroll in a school."
(Artery, Kryptis and Witch Doctor were surprised from his weirdly wholesome secret.)
Witch Doctor: "You...found a school for Y/N to attend in?"
Dark Shepherd: "Yes. The school in question is 'Kuoh High School'."
Kryptis: "Wait, i thought that place was all-girls only."
Dark Shepherd: "I've contacted the principal of that school, they stated about turning the school into a co-ed academy, which means both girls and boys can go there."
Artery: "Why would you even do that?"
Dark Shepherd: "...To give the childhood he truly deserves."
(Once again, they become shocked by the reason, they were also in shock of realization when they remembered how close Y/N was to everyone...
Behind all of those missions, Y/N would either be with Dame or just be with himself in his room, he grew up in an organization where there was no kids of his age, letting that alone explain his worries and concerns.)
Witch Doctor: "I'm honestly glad that i've volunteered to be his medic for a few days when Templar killed Dame..."
Artery: *wipes her tears off of her cheek* "He was so close to me because i looked like an older sister for him..."
Kryptis: "...kid looked up at me like a big brother...god, what have i done?..."
Dark Shepherd: "I hope you realize why i had to do that."
Witch Doctor: "...You've made a real good call."
Artery: "Yeah...Y/N deserved a better childhood...he has to hang out with kids at his age."
Kryptis: "Let's hope he feels happy about it...i mean, come on, that kid busted his ass for Stanfield like we all did."
Dark Shepherd: "Very correct. Now, once he comes back, we must not bring it up until i personally surprise him with the news. Is that clear?"
Artery: "You can count on me!"
Kryptis: "I owe him an apology and a drink anyways."
Witch Doctor: "Our lips are sealed."
Y/N: "Sealed from what?"
(They quickly look at Y/N out of surprise, noticing his calm but confused expression.)
Kryptis: *casually points at Artery* "About that time when she banged one of the brutes last time"
Artery: *blushes out of embarrassment* "K-KRYPTIS!!!"
Y/N: "...Is that true?"
Artery: 💢 "Of course not!!!"
(And with that, Artery and Kryptis went to bark at each other, causing Y/N to trying his best to stop them from attempting to hold each other's throats...
Meanwhile, Witch Doctor and Dark Shepherd were smiling lightly under their respective mask at the view infront of them...
The scientist gave his leader a faint nod of knowledge about letting him being the one to surprise Y/N, which causes Dark Shepherd to nod back at him of appreciation...
Once the flashback is over, the screen shows the cruise ship sailing through the horizon, letting the sun setting down as it presents the sunset at its majestic...
Later on, the whole screen slowly fades into pitch black as the sound of waves were filling the silence in the darkness.)
A/N: ALRIGHT! And that's the prologue of the reboot Highschool DxD story!
And yes, i added Nosferatu Artery on this, don't judge me.
Now if you excuse me, i have to rewatch the whole first season of Highschool DxD.
For now, enjoy this proper prologue (hoping it's good for you readers)
And with that said.
I'll see you all in the next chapter!
P.S.: What's your favorite CoD character?
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