Chapter 4
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Kuoh High School-
(As the screen turns online, the camera shows Y/N currently eating his lunchbox with Katase and Murayama inside their own classroom as usual...
Ever since he completed the mission from last night, he couldn't help but wondering why that devil was even in Earth...
Little thing he knows, a certain group of devils sent their rook to spy on the former terrorist.)
Katase: "It's been a few days since you transferred here, Y/N-san."
Murayama: "I hope you're feel welcomed here."
Y/N: *slightly rubs his head* "I'm still trying to adjust my new life here, but yeah...i actually like being here."
Katase: *smiles happily* "I'm glad to hear you're loving here!"
Murayama: "Say, Y/N. Where did you go when you left our training sessions?"
Y/N: "...uh...i may or may not caught the perverted trio peeking at you girls through a hole on the wall..."
Girls: *shocked* "HUH?!?!?!"
(Y/N, unfortunately for his instinct, grabbed two pieces of his karaage in their mouths with his chopsticks...
Realizing his inner instincts, he quickly recoiled his chopsticks away from them, getting a bit scared from his actions.)
Y/N: "Shit- Uh, sorry girls! I didn't mean-"
Girls: *cuts him off* "Delicious!"
Y/N: (●__●)
Katase: "Did you cook your own bento?!"
Murayama: "If so, can you make some more for tomorrow?!"
Y/N: *utterly confused* "...uh...sure?"
(Both of his friends were smiling happily to get another chance to taste his lunch box tomorrow, which it was quite confusing for Y/N, but he shrugged it off...
Since the last night, he couldn't help but having a feeling that someone or somebody was watching him from the distance, he just can't tell who it was and why watching him...
But he decided to not make himself obvious and act normal and smart to outplay the watcher.)
-Scene Change-
-School Yard-
(After lunch with Murayama and Katase, Y/N is seen outside the school walking down a path to admire the school's building...
He also felt someone was pawning him ever since he showed up, which it was literally 2 weeks after his arrival in Japan and his first mission back at the abandoned building...
Y/N started to think who the stalker was, but he decided to play along and kept on walking while he was in-call with Dark Shepherd and the others.)
Y/N: "Any news from Doc?"
Dark Shepherd: "He said he's still under studying the corpse of the stray devil you dropped down..."
Kryptis: *on the background* "Yo! What da dog doin'?"
Artery: *on the background* "Kryptis! Can you stop being a fool?!"
Y/N: "...Do i even bother to ask what is going on over there?"
Dark Shepherd: "It's best to not question it."
(Y/N slowly pace his walk before he stops under a tree as he still has his phone over his right ear.)
Dark Shepherd: "Give me an update."
Y/N: "Some students aren't humans...For some reason, i can sense and tell which one is human and which one is a devil in disguise..."
Dark Shepherd: "Intriguing...Go on."
Y/N: "Something tells me we're in the middle of a conflict...If Kryptis wasn't pulling our legs--"
Dark Shepherd: "That means the Devil Faction are in conflict with the Fallen Angel Faction..."
Artery: "Do you think the Angels are also involved?"
Y/N: "They have a strict code, Artery. They can't interfere into Earth's business...Unless the Devils bring out Satan or whatsoever..."
Dark Shepherd: "Good thinking."
(Before the stalker could leave their hiding spot, Y/N blindly throws a knife into a tree infront of them...
As the knife gets stuck into the tree, the stalker flinches and steps back as they stay in the same spot.)
Kryptis: "You good, Y/N? I heard a faint noise from your location."
Y/N: "...Just got myself a pawnee..."
Artery: *concerned* "You got followed?"
Dark Shepherd: "See if you can get some intel from your stalker."
Y/N: "Rog'."
(Y/N hangs the call and puts his phone into his pocket...
He then turns around and draws his Beretta, cocking it before he points at the tree where he threw the knife.)
Y/N: "Whoever you are, come out now or get dropped down. Pick your choice."
(After a few seconds of silence, Koneko steps out from her hiding spot with her emotionless expression staring at the soldier.)
(Y/N becomes surprised for a brief second when he discovered his stalker was a white haired girl with yellow eyes...
After a while, Y/N begins to approach with his handgun still pointed at her.)
Y/N: "This is new...Who sent you to pawn me?"
Koneko: "..."
Y/N: "Silence treatment, huh...Then tell me who you are."
Koneko: "...Toujou Koneko. First-year student."
(Y/N nods in acknowledge of her name.)
Y/N: "Why were you following me?"
Koneko: "I got my orders."
Y/N: *confused* "The fuck? Are you a pawn or something?"
Kiba: *off-screen* "Oh my, i guess you were caught, Koneko."
(Y/N turns around and sees Kiba standing a few feet away from the two, smiling apologetically at him...
Koneko tries to disarm Y/N with her speed and strength, but only for her to get thrown on the ground by Y/N...
Koneko moaned in pain when she hit the ground hard before Y/N puts his knee on her back with her arm holding back...
Kiba stands there in shock and impress for a brief moment before he begins to diffuse the situation.)
Kiba: "Please wait, L/N-san! I'm sure we can talk through this whole situation!"
Y/N: "If you willing to throw her under the bus, then be my guest."
(Kiba sighs in defeat and nods his head as he was willing to tell everything Y/N wants to know...
After calming down, Y/N, Koneko and Kiba are now seen walking down the school yard while the first is still holding his Beretta on his dominant hand.)
Y/N: "You two are from a club?"
Koneko: "Occult Research Club."
Kiba: "We were ordered to find any clues about one of our clients saying a stray devil was always dealt with."
Y/N: "...That so? Care to elaborate?"
Koneko: "Multiple bullet shells on the ground. Blood on the floor. Some damaged crystals with dried blood."
Kiba: "We've analyzed what could've happened there, we came with a few theories...but none of them were near close."
Y/N: "Good..." *stops midway, standing away from them* "...Because i killed that monster."
(Kiba and Koneko suddenly stop their walking before they turn around to stare at Y/N with shocked expressions on their faces.)
Kiba: "...You. Killed it?"
Koneko: "How?"
Y/N: "Fucker was an experiment...He wasn't even a normal devil or stray devil, as you call them."
Kiba: *concerned* "...An Experiment?"
Y/N: "Their roar weren't demoniacal...It's most likely they were forced to be a rat lab..."
Koneko: "How would you know all of that?"
Y/N: "...I have my ways."
(Kiba and Koneko share a brief look to each other before looking back to him.)
Kiba: "Well, i guess we should report Rias about what we discover."
Y/N: "Who?"
Koneko: "Rias Gremory."
Kiba: "She's a foreigner student like yourself, but she's from Europe."
(Y/N stays quiet and nods in acknowledge as he watches them leaving...
Once they're out of sight, Y/N withdraws his phone and calls Dark Shepherd.)
Dark Shepherd: "How was the talk?"
Y/N: "Got what i've needed. Rias Gremory sent two of her pawns to figure what happened to the abandoned building."
Kryptis: "A girl sent her puppies to stalk you? Wait, did you say 'two' of them?"
Y/N: "A short white haired girl and a blonde guy with blue eyes."
Artery: "Did you get their names?"
Y/N: "Yuuto Kiba and Toujou Koneko."
Dark Shepherd: "They're both from Kuoh High School. What did you tell them?"
Y/N: "Took the shot and told them to say Rias about the executioner."
Kryptis: "You just told them the truth?!"
Artery: "I agree with Kryptis! What were you thinking?!"
Y/N: "If what Yuuto said about the Occult Research Club are bunch of devils under ordered by this Rias gal, then we better find out what the fuck is going on."
Dark Shepherd: "Good thinking. Be sure to get them on their good side while you can."
Y/N: "Rog'."
(After that, Y/N hangs up the call and begin to head back to the school building to resume the rest of his day in Kuoh High School...)
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(Later that day, it was nighttime, which it means another mission for the Covenant Organization...
This time, all the members of the Four Knights were participating, including Y/N...
On their way to the location, Dark Shepherd, Witch Doctor, Artery and Kryptis are seen discussing about the mission while Y/N was driving their Black SUV.)
Dark Shepherd: "From what we've got from Doc is that stray devil Striker killed was an actual human, meaning he was experimented as they suspected."
Kryptis: "Who the fuck is that twisted scientist we're after?"
Witch Doctor: "According from our spy, their 'master' is rather long dead...which means we have no shots to give them."
Artery: "Tsk...I would've blown his head off with the 12 Gauge."
(Y/N starts snickering from Artery's disappointment)
Witch Doctor: "However, the stray devil did happen to have an associate. But first, we have to confirm if the place is still in good conditions."
Y/N: "Doc, what are you planning on that?"
Witch Doctor: "If it's possible, i would like to use that place as my personal laboratory."
(Dark Shepherd gives an unfazed, yet stern look at Witch Doctor, expecting him to explain why he wants that place for himself.)
Witch Doctor: "If somebody did make such things, who knows what else we will encounter? Maybe even undead patients or anything related with Death."
Kryptis: "Shit, necromancy?"
Artery: *a bit disturbed* "Oh god..."
Dark Shepherd: "We'll discuss this later. We still have--"
Y/N: "We're here."
(As he was being interrupted, Y/N parked the SUV on the side of the street before he unlocks the doors for them to get out of the car...
After getting out, they all draw their respective guns and make their way to the uncovered building...
Outside the place, Covenant Brute soldiers were seen around the building, covering every ways from any suspicious activities...)
Y/N: *loading his M4* "Anything we should know before we sneak in?"
Dark Shepherd: "We get in, search the whole building, find what we're looking for and secure this place."
Kryptis: *cocking his secondary weapon* "Alright, let's do this."
Artery: "How are we getting in, though?"
Witch Doctor: "I suggest to split in three groups...That way, we cover more ground."
Dark Shepherd: "I second that. Artery, you go with Doc. Kryptis, you're with me."
Y/N: *deadpan* "Always leaving me as solo..."
Kryptis: "You'll be fine, just find your way to get in."
Y/N: "Aye..."
(With that, the five of them begin to split and head their own respective point to get in the building...
Witch Doctor and Artery are seen walking past the building to enter from the back of the place...
Dark Shepherd and Kryptis are seen taking the front entrance to picklock the door before they can get in...
Y/N, on the other hand, can be seen climbing his way up to the rooftop and taking a window roof to rappelling down from it...)
Witch Doctor: *on radio* "Artery and i are in position."
Kryptis: "Same with me and Shepherd. Striker?"
Y/N: "On your mark."
Dark Shepherd: "We expect no contacts, however, be sure to check your shots."
Artery: "Got it."
Dark Shepherd: "Alright...Execute."
(As soon as he says that, he and Artery proceed to breach the door and burst inside the building...
Kryptis and Witch Doctor follow their perspective partners to clear all the rooms of ground floor...
Once they're clear, a rope was seen dropping down within the group, letting the four knights know that their Special Covenant Brute, Striker, was rappelling down from the ceiling.)
Kryptis: "Living room's clear."
Artery: "Kitchen's clear too."
Y/N: "Top floor cleared..."
Dark Shepherd: "Figured as such. Let's find that secret laboratory."
(The five of them begin to split up to find any secret doors or levers that could access some secret rooms they're looking for...
Y/N proceeded to search the basement, only for him to find nothing but dusts...
Kryptis and Witch Doctor were looking around the second floor of the building, but they found nothing...
Artery was by herself as she was searching for anything that could lead to a secret room, but no avail for her as well...
As for Dark Shepherd, he did find some clues and hints about the experiments, but still, no entrances or whatsoever.)
Kryptis: *from upstairs* "We can't find jack shit up here!"
Artery: "This floor is also clear, guys."
(Y/N then comes up from the basement.)
Dark Shepherd: "Striker?"
Y/N: "All dusts down there..."
Witch Doctor: "No signs of any entrances?"
Dark Shepherd: "Just these."
(He then tosses some folders on the table to let the group see what they hold...
Y/N was the first one to act and read them all out loud, making the time wasted less than it should.)
Y/N: "Nova Six...Aether...Cordis Die...Barkov's Sarin Gas..."
Kryptis: "What the fuck are those?"
Y/N: "Projects...Mainly Russian or German projects..."
Artery: "Isn't Cordis Die from Menendez?"
Dark Shepherd: "He died due to old age inside the prison...Mason confirmed it when we first worked altogether."
Y/N: "Armistice..."
(Kryptis growled under his helmet from his thoughts...)
Kryptis: "Fuckers straight up played us all..."
Witch Doctor: "The Coalition wasn't also aware of that moment, Kryptis."
Dark Shepherd: "What is done, it's done. End of discussion."
Kryptis: "...Yeah, right."
(Artery looks at Y/N for asking something.)
Artery: "What else can you read about these projects?"
Y/N: "Some cryptid tests...Can't encrypted them."
Dark Shepherd: "They must've hidden some dark reports on those projects..."
Witch Doctor: "Let us get our focus back to the building. We may have some clues, but we have yet to find that laboratory."
Dark Shepherd: "Good thinking...We should keep searching."
(With that, the group split up again to keep their searching...
Unbeknownst for them...
A certain exo-soldier was luring in the shadows...)
-Scene Change-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(I was with Kryptis in the living room, still roaming and looking for any hidden paths or mechanism to a secret door...
But we found none of that, just plain household with no secrets, except for those documents.)
Kryptis: "Can't find anything here...What about you, kid?"
"I found nothing..."
(I hear Kryptis groaning in frustration, which it was understandable.)
Kryptis: "Whoever lived here, they sure don't want anyone to find their fucking laboratory."
"Those projects can talk for themselves, Kryptis..."
Kryptis: "It has been fucking years, Y/N! Project Nova and Aether are literally from the second world war! The Axis and shit!"
(Can't argue with that, but still...It's rather weird about those folders being updated until now.)
"But that doesn't explain how they're still updated if it should've been dropped years ago..."
Kryptis: "...True-"
(All of the sudden, we heard a low screech coming from the kitchen...
Both Kryptis and i drew our guns and pointed them at the entrance of the kitchen, readying to shoot whoever it was...
After a few seconds later, an exo-soldier was coming out of the kitchen...Only for it to be another experiment...)
Kryptis: "Shit, another experiment."
(Wait...that black gear...and that corporation...)
"Kryptis. This isn't a normal soldier...It's an Exo-soldier and it's from Atlas Corp."
Kryptis: "Say what?!"
(Yeah, i expected that shocking reaction...i can't blame you...
But that doesn't change the fact on why he was captured and tortured...
And here i thought Japan was peaceful and neutral, but nope! It's all full of this shit!)
"Fall back!"
Kryptis: "Got it! I'll get the others!"
-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(Outside the building, the Covenant Brutes were still guarding the perimeter for possible threats...
Shortly after, Y/N was seen flying out of the window as his body was frozen for a flick of seconds before he fell on the ground.)
D.C.1: "Sir!"
(Soon, the four knights are seen coming out of the same window where Y/N flew off before the Frozen Exo-soldier also came out of the window...
After realizing what the threat was, the whole squad point their Man-Of-Wars at the infected sentinel recon, waiting for Dark Shepherd's order to engage.)
Artery: "Striker, are you alright?!"
(Y/N coughed loudly before he could get up from being tossed out by the exo-soldier.)
Y/N: "All good..."
Kryptis: "What's the call?"
Dark Shepherd: "...Engage."
Y/N: "Roman Position! Light him up!"
(Without hesitation, the squad formed a two lines, one was standing with their guns pointing at the Frozen Exo-soldier...
The frontline were also pointing their guns at the soldier, but they were down on their knees to avoid getting shot by the backline...
Y/N and the Four Knights are seen glaring at the Sentinel Recon before he lets out a distorted screech as he starts to launch at the Dark Covenant Organization...
The screen switches to pitch black as gunshots can be heard in the darkness, creating a cliffhanger for the battle.)
A/N: I feel like i've become a real ass slow updater or smth...
But hey! At least i've managed to finish a drafted chapter after months it collected dust!
Now i wonder what i would do next...
Oh well, time will tell.
Anyway! Have a good day/night readers!!!
P.S.: Do you want me to bring back TMC (The Mandela Catalogue) in this story?
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