Chapter 3
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Abandoned Building-
-Night Time-
(Once the screen turns on, the camera shows the moon shining in the sky with its beauty alongside with the stars...
Then the camera begins to point down at a group of 12 men wearing black/white/red military gear...11 of them were carrying the same Man-Of-War build and skin, which it was Man-Of-War: Dark Covenant...
Y/N, on the other hand, was holding a different assault rifle on his hands, which that makes the squad a bit surprised by that detail...
The main protagonist's gun was named "M4: Vengeance", his former main weapon when he first joined forces with Dark Covenant Organization...
Soon after, the squad arrived at the location, 6 of them were crouching down with their weapons pointing up to defend their teammates...
5 of them were spreading away to cover more ground, also pointing their guns up at the ruined entrance...
Y/N was in the middle of the two teams, currently talking to his radio on his shoulder.)
Y/N: "Alpha Team has reached the location..."
Dark Shepherd: [radio buzz] "Good. Get in there and see what kind of devil they're talking about..."
Y/N: "Copy. 0-1 out."
(He then turns his radio off and proceeded to signal his squad to gather around...
Once they made a circle, Y/N immediately begins to give his order to the whole squad.)
Y/N: "2 teams of 6 men. Team 1 stays outside, Team 2 goes inside with me. Clear?"
Squad: "Yessir."
Y/N: "On me."
(With a simple command, 5 of them begins to follow Y/N as they walked inside the abandoned building...
The remaining 6 went back to their position to guard the exit, making sure no one walks in or out unless Y/N gives the order to...
Once the camera moves inside the said building, Y/N was taking the lead by walking downstairs with his M4 in his hands...
The team were stacked up in a line, the back liner had his back towards the team, which means he was walking backwards to cover their backs.)
Y/N: "If you see any movements, call it."
D.C.1: "Copy, boss."
D.C.2: "All clear at the moment."
(One of the brutes pulls his sensor beat tablet out and checks for nearby targets, only for the tablet beeping none except the blue dots.)
D.C.3: "No X-Rays nearby. We're clear."
Y/N: "2 teams of 3. Let's clear the rooms, yeah?"
(They nodded their heads to their team leader and then begins to split up in 2 teams of 3 men each...
Then they all begin to search every room of the ground floor, finding nothing but dusts, broken walls and destroyed stuffs.)
D.C.4: "Clear."
D.C.5: "Clear!"
D.C.6: "Room clear. What about you guys?"
Y/N: "Same."
D.C.2: "Should we check the other rooms?"
D.C.3: "This place is all ragged and fucked up...there's no way a devil haunts this facility."
Y/N: "He's got a point...let's find for a hidden room. If you spot a hidden door or whatsoever, call us all."
Team: "Roger that."
(With that, they all split apart to search for any hidden rooms or entrances, which the team doubted if there was one...
Y/N, however, knows this feeling more than the squad itself...he knew something could be hiding, even within the obvious places...
After almost an hour of searching, one of the dark covenant brutes found a hidden trapdoor behind the stairwell of the abandoned building.)
D.C.4: [Radio] "Sir! I found a trapdoor, it's behind the stairwell of the ground floor."
Y/N: "Copy. Team 2, regroup with 4-1."
(Soon after, the team regrouped with the brute who found the secret entrance.)
D.C.6: "A trapdoor?"
D.C.2: "Where does it lead to?"
Y/N: "One way to find out, lads..."
(And with that, he stomped hard on the trapdoor, breaking the lock and the metal hook that held the trapdoor shut.)
Y/N: "What classes do you all have?"
D.C.3: "Rewind class, sir."
D.C.5: "Quick Strike class here."
Y/N: "I got ninja class...alright, the three of us will go down there."
D.C.2: "We'll stay up here to guard the trapdoor...Good luck down there, guys."
(Y/N and two brutes begin to slide down through the trapdoor by the ladder one by one, reaching down to the sewers...
The scene now chances to the underground, surprisingly enough for the trio, the place was untouched and well-cleaned...
There was some cracked walls and floors in fact, but aside from that, the underground was pretty much big, lighten by some torches on the pillars.)
D.C.5: "Please tell me i'm not tripping..."
D.C.3: "No, man...I'm also seeing this..."
Y/N: "Guess this is where the devil should be..."
D.C.5: "It can't be that bad, right?"
D.C.3: "Beats me, we've faced foes wearing some random shits before. Atlas Corp. has a bloody shogun!"
Y/N: "That was a Sentinel from Mitchell's team, don't get twisted with Atlas."
D.C.3: "That was Sentinel?!"
D.C.5: "How the fuck can you not know that?"
D.C.3: "The fuck should i know how!"
(Y/N immediately stops walking and raises his hand up as "halt" handsing, making the two brutes instantly stop walking with their guns readying up infront of them.)
D.C.5: "What's wrong, boss?"
Y/N: "...We have contact."
D.C.3: "Your order, sir?"
Y/N: "..."
(Instead of replying, he simply take step after another in a slow matter, quietly heading towards the left corner...
He then stayed behind the wall and peeks through the corridor, checking for any contacts or enemies in range...
What he's seeing right now...
It was something that proves Devils in general are indeed real...)
Y/N: "OH SHIT!!!"
(The stray devil immediately tilted its head towards the surprised scream from Y/N, which he instantly ran away to regroup with two brutes...
Both of them were surprised at Y/N's sudden return before they see him pointing his M4 at the stray devil coming straight to them.)
(All three of them immediately begins to engage the monster, making rain bullets towards the stray devil...
Only for the sucker to take the shots like it was nothing.)
Y/N: "Fuck! Let's split up!"
(Y/N and D.C.3 use their respective classes to move out of the way, letting the 5th brute use his Katana skills to cut one of its arms off...
His class worked like a charm as the stray devil's arm was seen flying away from its owner, making the devil screeches in pain.)
D.C.5: "It's weakened now!"
Y/N: "Aim for the fucking crystals!"
D.C.3: "Copy, sir!"
(Both brutes started aiming and shooting at the crystalized spikes from the monster's back, causing it to roar in pain as they found their weak spot...
Y/N uses his Ninja class to rope himself towards the stray devil, drawing his Karambit: Meteoric from his back and started slashing and stabbing the back of the devil...
Both brutes were switching position from one infront of another, letting the back brute reloading his Man-Of-War while the other was rapid firing his own Man-Of-War to the devil...
Soon after, the stray devil begins to fall on the ground, all gunned down and wounded from the stabs and its cut off arm, making the trio panting out of breath as the adrenaline was dying down.)
Y/N: *huff* *huff* "...Report..."
D.C.3: "I'm..." *huff* "...i'm good, sir."
D.C.5: *huff* "Holy fuck..." *huff* "...did that just happen?..."
D.C.4: [radio buzz] "Team 2, this is 4-1. What happened down there?"
Y/N: [radio buzz] "0-1 here...Just took care of the stray devil, as commander expected..."
D.C.2: [radio buzz] *surprised* "Wait...Are you serious, boss?"
Y/N: [radio buzz] "Wait until we make the report..."
(He then stayed quiet for a while to stare at the stray devil's dead body...
Part of him was expecting bigger threats such as hidden organization or so on, but never expected this kind of bigger threat...
The other part didn't imagine he would be involved in a fight with an actual devil, within the army in general, they joke around about being a devil during missions, but never facing a literal demon.)
D.C.6: [radio buzz] "...Sir? What's your order?"
Y/N: "..." [radio buzz] "...Regroup with Team 1 outside. We'll see you up there."
D.C.2: [radio buzz] "Rog'. Heading outside, out."
(Y/N then pulls out his phone and takes a picture of the dead body before turning back off and putting his phone away...
D.C.3 and 5 were waiting for their team leader to move, which he shortly did and also decided to jog towards the ladders, making the two of them keep up the pace...
Instead of using the ladder, Y/N used his Ninja Class to climb back up to the surface, landing on his feet to the ground floor...
D.C.3 used his Rewind Class instead to rewind the time and teleport on the ground floor, standing besides Y/N...
D.C.5, however, was charging his Quick Strike Class to launch himself up through the hole, managing to land on the ground floor as well...
After the trio surfaced back from the underground, they begin to drag a locker towards the hole and drops it ontop of the trapdoor, completely shutting and blocking the hole for good...
Later on, the three begin to walk out of the abandoned building as the rest of the squad were regrouping with them, cautious and curious about what happened down there.)
D.C.7: "What happened down there, guys? We heard shouting and gunning."
D.C.3: " guys have no idea what we just saw..."
D.C.8: *confused* "What exactly did you see?"
Y/N: "...I'll show you when we head back home..." *looks at the Brute N.9* "Call the commander and send a recon unit here...Doc needs to see it."
(D.C.9 didn't question the request, instead he just did as he was told and waited outside of the gate to spot the truck...
The rest of the team were staring at Y/N with concerned and worrisome by the way he suddenly acts.)
D.C.10: "Sir...Are we at war or something?"
D.C.11: "If we are, say the word and we'll kill those bastards."
Y/N: "It's not that...All i can say is devils in general are real...and we just encountered and killed one."
D.C.12: *surprised* "If that's all true...then how does that work? Our weapons are literally made for killing humans, not aliens or sort of!"
Y/N: "Guess that stray devil used to be a human or something..."
D.C.3: "Like a mutant?"
D.C.5: "Fucking hell, that would be a fucked up experiment..."
D.C.8: "So...What's the word, sir?"
Y/N: "..."
-Scene Change-
-Dark Covenant Mansion-
(After a few hours returning back home, Y/N was now seen with Kryptis, Artery, Witch Doctor and Dark Shepherd inside their new meeting room...
In the middle of the room, there was a circled table with Y/N's phone in the middle of the table, revealing the picture of the dead stray devil he killed earlier...
It was needless to say Kryptis and Artery were as shocked as Y/N's squad...
Witch Doctor and Dark Shepherd were the only ones staring at the picture broadcasted on the whiteboard with the video recorder on the ceiling.)
Kryptis: "Fuck me..."
Artery: "So devils ARE real..."
Witch Doctor: *cups his chin* "...Intriguing..."
Dark Shepherd: *to Y/N* "And you said you and your team dropped that thing down with your weapons, right?"
Y/N: "Yes, Dark...It was quite a shock for us to manage to kill that fucking devil..."
Dark Shepherd: "Hmm..."
Kryptis: "I may sound crazy for this, but if devils are real...what about angels or fallen angels?"
Artery: *looks at Kryptis, slightly surprised* "What?"
Kryptis: "Just think about it. If that thing exists as a stray devil, try to image how a real devil or even a real demon looks like! And if that creature is very real, who are we to say angels aren't also real?!"
Witch Doctor: "A valid reasonable point, Kryptis...If such thing is real, angels or fallen make no surprise to be real as well..."
Artery: *looks at Dark Shepherd* "...What do you think, Dark?"
Dark Shepherd: "...I'll have our contactor to gather any information about devils, angels and fallen angels. For now, let's all call it a day and get some sleep."
Y/N: *sighs* "...Good point...I do need my sleep for the school."
Witch Doctor: "I will stay awake to study the body."
Dark Shepherd: "Alright. Anything you all want to add before dismissing?"
Kryptis: "All good here..."
Artery: "Same, i have nothing more..."
Y/N: "..."
Dark Shepherd: "Good. Meeting dismissed."
(And just with that, the four of them begin to walk out of the meeting room and heading to their respective rooms...
Dark Shepherd was still inside the room, staring at the stray devil's dead body pictured by Y/N with his phone, clearly intrigued by such creatures...
Little thing the Dark Covenant Organization knows...
The Dark Shepherd knew the conflict going on, and he's not going back out anytime soon...)
A/N: Short chapter, i'm really sorry for that.
Next chapter will be a bit longer, hoping this reboot version can be better than the original.
Hope you like this story so far!
See y'all readers in the next one!!!
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