Chapter 2
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-
-Kuoh Academy-
(The screen went static before it clearly turns on and shows Y/N walking down the hall, looking for his classroom...
Some students were whispering to each other, possibly talking about when he drew his gun earlier, which for Y/N was understandable since it was all on his natural instinct.)
Male Student 1: *whispers* "I heard from one of my friends that the new student drew his weapon on him..."
Male Student 2: *whispers* "Holy that true? Is he that dangerous?"
Male Student 3: *whispers* "From what i've heard, he pulled his weapon for defending Murayama..."
Girl Student 1: *whispers* "Oh my god, really? What caused him to do that?"
Girl Student 2: *whispers* "Apparently, one of the guys tried to have his way on her, making Murayama uncomfortable and uneasy on how pervert he was..."
Girl Student 3: *whispers* "Damn, he's so lame..."
(Y/N's lips was faintly forming into a smirk, knowing he made some good rumors, even if his first impression didn't go as smooth as he wanted...
But nonetheless, he still got the good impression of himself, so he decided to let it happen as he kept on walking to his classroom.)
-Scene Change-
-Issei's P.O.V.-
(Man, i'm so lucky to be in this school! I mean, there are lots of chicks i can try pick them up to fulfill my dream to be the "Harem King"!!!
But surprisingly, i keep hearing rumors about the new student standing up for Murayama with...a gun?
Some were saying it's a fake one, but the Kiba-looking wannabe says it was a real one, he even showed us a live bullet.
I hope those rumors are just fake, i mean- come on, really?)
Teacher: "Alright students, settle down! I have an announcement to make!"
(All of my classmates were taking their respective seats while i was in my own world...
Hehehe...i wonder if i can pick up a girl with my undefeatable flirting skills~)
Male Student 1: "What's the announcement, sir?"
Teacher: "We're having a new student in this class, i want you all to welcome him with open arms. Can you do that, class?"
The whole class: "Yes teacher!"
Teacher: "Alright then!"
(Oh boy, i can't wait to shove my face on-
Wait, the new student is a dude?!
After i was brought back from my own fantastic fantasy world, i immediately looked over and noticed the new student walking in...
Oh my fucking god, he's like Kiba but with different hair and eyes colors!!!)
Teacher: "Please introduce yourself."
???: "Good morning, everyone. I'm Y/N L/N, the foreigner student...nice to meet you all."
(Okay, this is just straight bullshit! First we have Kiba, now we have this good-looking foreigner student?!)
Teacher: "Class, if you have some questions to ask, feel free to use this opportunity."
Girl Student 1: *raises her hand* "Where are you from, L/N?"
Y/N: "Born and raised in the U.S...If i have to be specific, my hometown is L.A., California."
Male Student 1: *raises his hand* "How come can you speak so fluently in japanese?"
Y/N: "Had a few japanese friends back at L.A., they taught me how to speak japanese throughout some lessons."
(Damn, i have to admit his japanese is really cool...especially when he speaks in "Tsukkomi" way, which it's a bit intimidating since the rumors could be true or not...
And then i saw- Wait! Are Katase and Murayama smiling at the new student already?! That's so unfair!!!)
Katase: *waves at him* "Hey, L/N!"
Murayama: *smiles playfully* "Guess you're our classmate, huh"
Y/N: *smirks back at her* "Small world, eh?"
Teacher: "I see the three of you already bond friendship"
Y/N: "Yes sir. The rumors about me protecting them are true...and so is it my gun."
(Holy shit, is he actually serious? Like, for real-
I'm both shocked and scared to learn the rumors are actually true! Like, i've never seen such a handgun before!)
Teacher: *concerned* "Does the principal know about this?"
Y/N: "Yes, sir." *holsters his beretta back inside his blazer* " warned the principal about me getting taught by some self-defense instructors..."
Teacher: *smiles in relief* "In that case, i entrust you not to use that as your advantage"
Y/N: "Not in a million years, sir."
Teacher: "Good to, since you know both Katase and Murayama, you can take that seat in between them." *gestures at the empty seat* "I hope you won't mind that spot."
Y/N: "Not at all, i'll take that seat."
(Our teacher just dismissed L/N as he was making his way to Katase and Murayama, which they both smile at him happily while he nodded his head up...
Grrr...that lucky son of a bitch...taking the two hottest girls in the kendo club right infront of my eyes!
I wanted them first! It should've been me! Not him! It's not fair!!!)
-After Class-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(After a long lesson, the bell begins to ring as lunch time was finally started...
Some students stood up and went to the cafeteria, others went out of the classroom to hang out with their friends from other classes, some others stayed in class and begins to talk with each other...
Katase, Murayama and Y/N were sitting around the latter's desk, eating their own bento boxes as they were talk to each other.)
Katase: "I didn't expected for you to start your year in this classroom."
Murayama: *frowns slightly* "Especially with the most perverted boy in our class..."
Y/N: "You mean Issei?"
Katase: "Yeah...He has brown hair and he has a red t-shirt beneath his school uniform."
Y/N: "Oh, the guy next to the window? He was pretty scared when i showed my handgun."
Murayama: *grins playfully* "Almost the whole class were as scared as Issei..."
Y/N: "...Aye, fair enough."
(He then begins to drink his soda from his bottle, feeling a bit thirsty from all the talking while both girls were eating their own lunches...
Out of nowhere, a certain blonde student walk inside the classroom, making all the girls squealing out of happiness when Kiba Yuuto, The Prince of Kuoh, made his appearance.)
Kiba: *smiles* "Good morning, everyone."
Girls: "Kyaa!~ Good morning, Kiba-sama!"
(In an instant, Kiba was immediately being surrounded by all the girls from Y/N's classroom, making the brute actually surprised by the scene.)
Y/N: "Holy shit, you two weren't kidding..."
Katase: *smiles lovely at Kiba* "Yeah...isn't he so handsome?~"
Murayama: *gives the same smile as Katase's* "He's the most hottest guy i've ever seen~"
Y/N: *mind* "Christ...Even the girls are thirsty...glad i'm no comparison to that lad."
(He then drinks again knowing he has no business to interrupt his friends's fantasies...
But that lasts only a few minutes before Kiba makes his way to the said brute, making everyone in the room shocked.)
Kiba: "I've heard rumors about you...Are you the new student that everyone has been talking about?"
Y/N: *closes his bottle and puts it on the desk* "What if i am?"
Kiba: *smiles friendly at him* "I just want to say your actions was remarkable." *holds his hand out to him* "My name's Kiba Yuuto, nice to meet you."
(Y/N then stood up from his seat and stares at Kiba's eyes, analyzing his attitude as if he was really friendly or just one of those guys using his looks for attracting the girls...
After a few seconds of silence, he stretches his hand out and gives him a handshake as he already can tell Kiba isn't one of those guys, so he just gave him a playful grin of his own.)
Y/N: "...Y/N L/N. Nice to make acquaintance, Kiba."
Kiba: *smiles* "I hope you'll enjoy your scholarship here in Kuoh Academy."
(All the girls around them were squealing out of their own fantasy worlds, some were dreaming of the duo dating some of the girls while the others were having some boy love scenarios between the duo...
Kiba and Y/N took notice on their behavior and expressions, making the said prince smiles nervously while the brute wasn't having of that shit.)
Y/N: *deadpan* "Does that happen all the time?"
Kiba: *chuckles embarrassingly* "I-I'm afraid so..."
Y/N: *sighs* "...of-fucking-course..."
Kiba: "Well, i'm taking my leave, it was nice meeting you, L/N-san."
Y/N: "Feeling's mutual, Kiba."
(The duo gave each other a friendly pat of the shoulder before Kiba takes his leave off the classroom, making all the girls sighing in pure happiness and love towards him...
Katase and Murayama, on the other hand, quickly begin to shake the poor brute out of envious.)
Katase: "Do you have any idea what you just did?!"
Murayama: "How come did you manage to get him as your friend already?!"
Y/N: *getting dizzy* "The fuck should i know?! Let go of me already!"
(And thus, his new journey as a student has just started...
Less than a day, he made two friends and some enemies on the way, which it was no surprise for the dark covenant brute...
Little thing he knows, that was just the beginning.)
-After School-
(The bell rang once again, this time it lets everyone know the school was officially over...
However, some students were still at the school for their club activities, others were leaving the building with their friends...
As promised, Y/N was watching the kendo club training sessions, getting him interested by the club in general...
Unknowingly for the girls, a certain trio were peeking through a hidden hole somewhere around the building.)
Y/N: *mind* "This is interesting...I wonder Ronin can teach me some of his katana skills, which i doubt that moment can happen..."
(Even if he was intrigued by the club's training sessions, Y/N couldn't help but feeling somebody is watching him...
To get rid of that feeling, he stood up from his seat and walked towards the exit...
Katase was the first one to notice him, soon followed by Murayama and some of the girls from the club.)
Katase: *confused* "L/N? Where are you going?"
Y/N: "Gotta check something outside, i'll be quick"
(With a fast, yet casual respond, he opened the door and walks out of the building as he closes the door behind him...
The girls looked at each other, then shrugged their shoulders and went back to their training, not sticking their noses in his business...
Outside the building, Y/N begins to scout the area with his customized karambit knife, which it was none of the other knives has anyone ever seen before...
On his way to the back of the building, he noticed three students peeking on a hole, assuming they were the said Perverted Trio...
He takes a closer look and noticed the first guy had glasses on his face, the other was a baldy and the last one had brown hair and light brown ish eyes, immediately guessed he was Issei Hyoudou.)
Matsuda: "I have to say, hit a huge jackpot with this spot!"
Motohama: *chuckles viciously* "Why thank you, Matsuda. Have you guys seen their body?"
Issei: *has hearts on his eyes* "This is the best day ever boys!"
The Perverted Trio: "Hell yeah!!!"
(As if a Genie just whispered to Y/N, he begins to smirk mischievously from his own idea on how he could make the trio scare for their lives...
And that idea was a simple, yet intimidating whistle of death~)
Matsuda: *shaking like a leaf, scared as shit* "D-Did you guys hear that?"
Motohama: *also shaking in fear* "W-Where did that come from?"
Issei: *looks from left and right, startled* "W-Who did that?!"
(Y/N was now seen behind some trees to disguise himself within the shadows, he was a few feet away behind Matsuda...
He has a wicked grin plastered on his face, he then started to whistle as loud as he can to make the girls hear it from inside the building...
The trio quickly turn their heads towards the whistle, finally noticing Y/N with his Karambit on his hand.)
Matsuda: *goes pale* "...O-Oh no..."
Motohama: *also goes pale* "...H-He caught us..."
Issei: "D-Dude, wait! W-We're classmates! Come on, h-help us out!"
(Instead of listening to his begging, Y/N walked backwards as he went further into the shadows, leaving the trio face their fate...
And then, this happened.)
(The Perverted Trio were getting the beating of their lives from the Kendo Club, swinging and hitting the trio with kendo sticks as they kept screaming in pain...)
-Scene Change-
-Dark Covenant Mansion-
(As much as it was saddened to leave without warning the girls, Y/N decided to call it a day and went straight back home...
Once he opened the door and walked inside, he noticed Kryptis, Artery and Witch Doctor relaxing on the couch...
Artery was the first one to notice Y/N's stare and quickly smiles at him.)
Artery: "Welcome back, Y/N!"
Kryptis: "How was your first day at school?"
Y/N: "It was...interesting, to say the least..."
Witch Doctor: "Do tell, Y/N...what happened?"
Y/N: *walks towards the couch and sits next to Kryptis* "Made a few friends, drew my Beretta at one guy who tried to harassed my friend and got the perverted trio caught by the Kendo Club."
Kryptis: "..."
Artery: "..."
Witch Doctor: "..."
Y/N: "Yeah...Lots of stuff happened, and it was just day one."
Artery: "Huh...That sure was an interesting day..."
Kryptis: "Did you shoot that guy?"
Artery: *angry* "Kryptis!!!"
Y/N: "Calm down, Arty...and no Kryptis, i didn't shoot him." *pulls his Beretta out and tosses it on the small* "Safety was always on...But i did use my Karambit to carve some trees."
Witch Doctor: *confused* "Why would you do that?"
Y/N: "Because i needed to count my score on the perverted trio getting was my first score."
Kryptis: "Were they peeking?"
Y/N: "Yes."
Artery: *disgusted* "Ew...are those kids even ok?"
Y/N: "Don't even ask..."
Dark Shepherd: "Because we have a job to do."
(The four of them get startled when they heard Dark Shepherd's voice as he was also standing at the front door out of nowhere...
Y/N and Kryptis quickly recovered from their shock state and give their confused expressions to the leader.)
Y/N: "Wait, already?"
Kryptis: "I thought we already dealt with the contact"
Dark Shepherd: "We did. But we had another job."
(He then started walking towards the group and places a file folder on the small table...
Then, he opens the folder and spreads some papers in order like cards to let them see the full picture of the file.)
Dark Shepherd: "Locals said there was an unknown activity in that area...Police tried to investigate it but no avail..."
Artery: "And why should we investigate a haunted place?"
Dark Shepherd: "People claimed there are "Stray Devils" in some areas..."
(The group were confused by Dark Shepherd's statement about Stray Devils...
They only know some of the operators or soldiers from U.A.C. and Armistice about them wearing something diabolical or anything related to mythical creatures, but never seen an actual devil...
Y/N was actually interested in this mission, so he drops his Karambit ontop of the file folder to claim the mission as his.)
Y/N: "I'll deal with it."
Kryptis: *chuckles slightly* "Of course you would be the first."
Witch Doctor: "Should we go with him?"
Dark Shepherd: "No needed. He can have his own team for this, it shouldn't be that hard."
Y/N: "Got it. I'll get ready then."
(He then went to his room to gear up for the mission, leaving the Four Knights went back to their own business...
The screen slowly focuses on the file folder on the small table before it gradually turns into pitch black as the silence was filling the darkness.)
A/N: And here goes the 2nd chapter!
Leave your comments here to see a side chapter where i put your OCs (Codm IGNs) through typical days on cod mobile, both MP and BR 🤣🤣
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