Chapter 1
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-
-Kuoh High School-
-Monday, 2 Days Later-
(The screen begins to turn on and immediately spots Y/N walking down the streets, heading for his first day at Kuoh High School...
He was wearing the school uniform sent by the staffs from the same academy, only for him to wear the blazer and pants...
Underneath the blazer, he kept his gray-ish plain shirt on from his outfit.)
Y/N: *mind* "...He really made that decision, huh..."
[2 Days Ago]
(The screen rewinds back where Y/N and the Four Knights were left 2 days ago, right back in the living room...
Y/N was shocked to hear from Dark Shepherd, out of all the members, letting him being the one to confess the secret.)
Y/N: *staring at Dark Shepherd* " say you enroll me in a school?"
Kryptis: "Not a normal school, kid...It's a prestigious academy named 'Kuoh High School'."
Artery: "And this is a good chance to make friends! Maybe even allies, if you can!"
Witch Doctor: "There are some boys in that academy, the principal informed us about the school being now a co-ed school."
Y/N: *looks at Artery, Kryptis and Doctor* "...I guess he told you that to you three, huh."
Dark Shepherd: "Y/N..."
(The called out brute startled by Dark Shepherd's sudden serious voice when he called him by his real name instead of Striker...
That small act causes Y/N to immediately look at him, a bit confused and worried he made him upset, which it was the opposite.)
Dark Shepherd: "You've been with us for 2 years, the majority of your childhood was spending within the walls of our headquarters and learning things that none of the kids at your age should've learned..."
Y/N: "B-But, why sending me there if i already know everything?"
Dark Shepherd: "It's because i, personally, am worried that our presence and discussions might infected your point of view seeing things we cannot see through..."
Y/N: "I-I don't get it...b-but if it's about the mission-"
Dark Shepherd: "There is NO mission, Y/N...This is something that must be taken seriously."
(Y/N was shocked once again about this whole situation, after progressing why he did that, it finally hits his head...
He did that because he wanted to give Y/N what he'd lost from his childhood, and that was to giving him his own life and education by getting sent to the school...
He then looks at the rest of the group, which Artery smiled hopefully at him, hoping he would accept Dark Shepherd's deal...
Kryptis nodded his head in approval, letting him know he's good with this idea...
As for Witch Doctor, he began to walk towards the brute and softly places his hand on his shoulder.)
Witch Doctor: "We all want you to go there because we promised to your mother...we promised her that we'll do anything to give you any pieces of childhood you've lost throughout your years within Dark Covenant..."
Y/N: "...Doc..."
Dark Shepherd: "If your father was still with us, he would've loved the idea of sending you in a school for a better life than ours..."
(Y/N was really touched by their reasons of having him go to Kuoh High School so he hugged Witch Doctor and places his head onto his chest, instinctively letting the scientist hug him back...
Artery and Kryptis walked over to the duo and begin to pat their little brother figure, Artery was gently rubbing his back while Kryptis was softly ruffling his hair...
Dark Shepherd, however, he was standing where he is, smiling under his mask from the wholesome scene infront of his eyes...
He also swore to Y/N's mother to protect him at all costs, making him as his official guardian, that was a responsibility he will never going to let go.)
[End Of Flashback]
[Present Day]
(The screen fast forwards back to the present day, showing Y/N standing infront of the gate of Kuoh High School...)
(Y/N couldn't believe in his eyes when he was staring at the building, realizing how big of a deal this school was since it became a co-ed school...
Some students were passing by to get through the gate, others were talking with their respective groups of friends while some others were intrigued to see a new student.)
Male Student 1: *whispers* "Hey guys, do you see that dude standing infront of the gate?"
Male Student 2: *whispers* " you think he's like Kiba-senpai?"
Male Student 3: *whispers* "Oh fuck no! We don't need another Prince of Kuoh here!"
(Meanwhile, with a random group of girls.)
Girl Student 1: *whispers* "Girls, did you see the new student infront of the gate?"
Girl Student 2: *whispers* "We did...He looks actually handsome..."
Girl Student 3: *whispers* "Oh, you're definitely right...Do you think he's single?"
(Back with Y/N, he was now seen walking down the path, heading towards the building...
On his way to the building, two girls students were jogging their way towards the school, accidentally bumping into Y/N's back, causing one of the girls fall onto her butt while the brute stumbles for a moment.)
Girl 1: "Katase! Are you alright?"
Girl 2: *rubs her head* "Y-Yeah...I'm fine..."
(Y/N turned around to see who just bumped into him and notices a pink-haired girl helping the brown-haired one to get back on her feet.)
Girl 1: "Mou, i told you to not rush, We're already early like always."
Katase: *giggles embarrassingly* "S-Sorry, should know me by now, especially for our kendo club"
Murayama: *sighs* "Seriously, Katase..."
Y/N: "You two alright? Which one of you bumped into me?"
(Both girls were startled when they heard him, they then turn their heads and notices his appearance...
Both of them blush from how good Y/N looks in their eyes, which causes the undercover brute to tilt his head sideways.)
Y/N: "Uh...Hello?"
Katase: *snaps out of her thought* "O-Oh! Sorry, t-that was me...'
Y/N: "No good though?"
Katase: "Y-Yeah, i'm fine"
Murayama: "We've never seen you before...are you the rumored new student?"
Y/N: *confused* "...Yes? Why?"
Murayama: "There was some rumors within our school about a foreigner student coming here."
Katase: "Especially someone for being taller than any guys we've seen before."
Y/N: "Words travel fast..." *sighs* "Yeah, you two would be correct, i'm Y/N L/N, the foreigner student."
Katase: *smiles at him* "I'm Yui Katase, nice to meet you, L/N-san!"
Murayama: "And i'm Kaori Murayama, Katase and i are friends for a long time"
Y/N: "Noted..."
Murayama: "I have a question, if you don't mind"
Y/N: "...And that would be?"
Murayama: *glares at him* "Are you a pervert?"
Katase: "K-Kaori-chan! You c-can't just-"
Y/N: "No, i'm not."
(Both girls were surprised by his nonchalant respond from Murayama's question...
Murayama was skeptical, she then crosses her arms under her breasts, intentionally pressing them each other.)
Murayama: "And how can i be sure that you're not a pervert?"
Y/N: "Because i'm not a horny degenerate like some guys are..."
Murayama: *surprised* "O-Oh, i see..."
Katase: *smiles nervously* "I'm s-sorry about my friend...she was just cautions about the Perverted Trio."
Y/N: *confused* "The what now?"
Murayama: *disgusted* "Ugh...the perverted trio...formed by Matsuda, Motohama and their so-called harem king leader, Hyoudou Issei..."
(Y/N was utterly confused by her introduction of those three guys...
He then imagined the trio being three horny gorillas blushing while doing monkey noises whenever a girl passes by.)
Y/N: " sounds...kinda weird..."
Murayama: "Of course it's weird! It's what they always do everyday!"
Katase: *giggles nervously* "K-Kaori, calm down..."
Y/N: "Well, if you want, i can make a report to the principal about that"
Murayama: *scoffs but smiles playfully* "Thanks, but no matter how many times they get reported, they just find a new spot after another to peek on us girls like peeping toms."
Y/N: "...yikes..."
Katase: "Anyways, if you're new here, we can guide you to the student council's office! I'm sure Sona will be in her office by now"
Y/N: "I see...well, lead the way then"
Murayama: "Follow us, come on"
(With that said, the two of them begin to walk inside the building with Y/N being in the middle...
Other students around them were surprised to see how instantly close the duo become to Y/N while most of the boys were either jealous or angry that he got the girls before they even could make their move.)
-Scene Change-
-Y/N's P.O.V.-
(This was interesting...never expected my first day would start this way...
According from them, Katase and Murayama told me a bit more about the school and japanese culture in general.
I guess that explains why they're calling me by my last name...huh, the more you know...
But anyway, the three of us were heading to the student council's office, presumably where this Sona currently is right now...
And also i got lots of eyes on me, especially from the boys...what did i even do?)
"Are there any clubs in this school?"
Murayama: *nods at him* "Mhm, there is a basketball club, lectures club, and there's our club, the kendo club"
"Like a samurai sort of club?"
Katase: *giggles* "Not really. If you want, you can come and watch how our club is about."
"Hmm...I'll keep that in mind."
Murayama: "H-Hey, Yui-chan! Are you sure to let a guy watching our training?"
Katase: "Aw come on, Kaori-chan! He's not like the other guys, you even had your answer!"
"How is that a bad thing?"
Murayama: *crosses her arms, scoffs* "Because of this co-ed new system..."
"And also the fact they are desperate?"
Murayama: "Yes!"
"Must be hard for you girls, huh..."
Katase: "Some of us aren't just used to have guys can be really tough if things go wrong, y'know-"
???: "Hey, girls~"
(We stopped walking and look infront of us, noticing a knock-off looking Kiba, except his hair was black than blonde, and he was with two of his friends...
If i remember correctly from Katase, Kiba has a title named "The Prince of Kuoh", which it's an exaggerating description of his looks, but whatever...
Before i could even asked who he was, that fucker lightly pushed me away from Murayama, making me stumble into Katase.)
Male Student: *smirks at Murayama* "I was looking for you, y'know?~"
Murayama: *glares at him* "Buzz off. I told you that i'm not interested in you."
Male Student: "Aww...Don't act like that, i know you like me~"
(Sure she does, and i am a metal-jawed mercenary from Nevada...
Who the fuck is this guy anyway?)
Murayama: "Hmph, not in a million years, and also can't you see i was busy?"
Male Students: "With who? That freshman over there?" *points at Y/N*
Katase: "P-Please, leave her alone."
Male Student: "Relax, Yui...I promise it'll be a nice and quick job~"
"Like hell i'll let that happen."
(I swear to God, even if i'm not in a mission anymore, i still have my habit of drawing my backup handgun under my blazer...
Sigh...doesn't matter, right now, his friends were backing out when they saw my customized Beretta...
Even the guy was shocked, but then he smirked at me, thinking it was just a "fake gun"...
Oh boy, was he wrong...)
Male Student: "I'll give you the credit for showing a weapon, but i know it's a fake one, like come you really think you can shoot us real bul-"
(Enough yapping, you degenerate...
Instead of talking back, i just straight cock my gun up to let the round fly out of the chamber.)
"Pick it up, then tell me if it's fake or real."
(I then watch him picking the round up, looking at it closely before i saw his expression getting from cocky to scared...
Heh, i always like when they realize their mistakes.)
"For the record, it's not a threat or a shooting school...I'm using it as self-defense, both for me and for Murayama."
Male Student: *scared* "Y-You wouldn't..."
"Oh, i will...if you push your luck too far."
(I wasn't even kidding...i killed many people that i wouldn't mind adding another corpse in the tombstone.
Once he knew i wasn't messing around, he quickly turned around and walked away from us, shortly his friends following by like three scaredy cats running with their tails in-between their legs.)
*sighs deeply* "...for fuck's sake..."
(I then holstered my gun back inside my blazer, and then looked at Murayama to see if she was alright.)
"You hurt, Murayama?"
Murayama: *shocked* "N-No...I-I'm fine..."
Katase: *concerned* "How come do you have a gun, L/N?"
"...Uh...Legal Authorization?"
Murayama: "S-So you carry that pistol...for self-defense?"
"I mean...he DID lay his hand on me and pushed me away."
Katase: *sighs in relief* "I guess that's was just self-defense."
Murayama: "Y-Yeah...T-Thanks for protecting me, and s-sorry for doubting you..."
"All good, don't sweat it."
Katase: "P-Please don't take advantage of the authorization for that weapon..."
"I know where to cross the line...i'm not that guy."
(Guess i owe them an apology for my first impression...way to go, Y/N...
Oh well, i'll figure something out later...right now, the three of us went back to walking down the hall, assuming the student council's office is still far away...
Why do i feel like i've been watched...)
-Scene Change-
-3rd P.O.V.-
(After the trio arriving at the student council's office, the duo bid their bye to Y/N, leaving him alone standing infront of the door as they went to their classroom...
Feeling a bit anxious of the new environment, Y/N took a deep breath and knocks at the door three times to let himself know he wishes to speak with Sona.)
???: *muffled* "Who is it?"
Y/N: "...The foreigner student from the U.S..."
(After a few seconds of silence, he heard the door unlocking, knowing he was allowed to walk in...
He waited a little bit longer until a short-haired girl with glasses opened the door, revealing it was Sona Sitri.)
(Alongside with her, there were two other girls currently working on some papers in the background...
The dark black long haired girl was Shinrai Tsubaki, secretly the queen piece of Sitri's Peerage...
The white haired one was Momo Hanakai, a third-year student and Bishop Piece of Sitri's Peerage.)
Sona: "Hello there, you must be L/N Y/N, correct?"
Y/N: "Yes ma'am." *realizes his habit* "I mean, miss."
Sona: "It's quite alright, come in."
(She then stepped aside to let him walk inside the office, which he nods his head slightly before walking in...
The two girls temporarily stopped their work and turn their attention to Y/N, slightly surprised from his appearance, especially his dark red eyes.)
Y/N: "Nice to meet you two, i'm Y/N L/N."
Tsubaki: "Greetings, L/N-san...I'm Tsubaki Shinra, the vice president of the student council."
Momo: "And i'm Momo Hanakai, your senior and member of student council."
Sona: *gently closes the door* "I presume you're here for your school schedule, am i right?"
Y/N: "Yup...First day of school for me."
Tsubaki: "I'll go get it."
(Sona smiled at her out of appreciation as she watches her walking to her desk to grab the schedule...
Momo then went back to her own work, not wanting to leave the deadline arriving too soon...
Y/N was looking around the office, slightly impressed by the architecture of the academy itself.)
Sona: "You seem to be interested in our office."
Y/N: *snaps out of his thoughts, quickly looks at her* "S-Sorry, it's just feels different...i didn't even expect this school is more welcoming than the American one back at my country..."
Sona: "I see...So you're from overseas?"
Y/N: *nods in confirmation* "Born and raised in U.S., i had a few friends who taught me japanese by the by."
Sona: *a bit impressed* "Interesting, you certainly speak so fluently...almost making me mistaken you as a japanese man."
Y/N: *chuckles* "Nah, i'm still learning more japanese is more of, uh...'Tsukkomi' way to speak, y'know what i mean?"
Sona: *smiles slightly* "As a matter of fact, i can faintly hear it."
Y/N: "Heh...figured as much."
(After their small talk, Tsubaki came back with a paper folder with the schedule in it and hands it over to Y/N.)
Tsubaki: "The paper has all the classes and which time they start." *puts her left hand on her left hip* "If you have some spare time, you can take advantage of it to look around or ask one of the students to tour you around."
Y/N: "Damn, so professional...but thanks for the folder though."
Tsubaki: "You're quite welcome, L/N-san."
Sona: "Before you leave, i have a few things to ask, if you don't mind."
Y/N: *puts the folder under his blazer* "Ask away, what is it?"
Sona: "If you need something or want to ask anything, you're welcome to come here and help you with anything you need."
Y/N: "Sure, i'll keep it in mind."
Sona: "And also...i highly recommend you to stay away from the Perverted Trio."
Y/N: *confused* "You mean Matsuda, Motohama and Issei?"
Tsubaki: *stern* "Have you met them?"
Y/N: "Nope...Katase and Murayama warned me about them."
Sona: "In that case, i should be fine with you knowing your surroundings if you ever see them."
Y/N: "I do...thanks for the warning"
(He then slightly bows at the trio before turning around and walk out of the student council's office...
After he closes the door, he begins to pull the folder out of his blazer and looks inside it to see which class and subject he has for today...
But a certain hidden nekomata was already pawning the dark covenant brute under the heiress's order.)
A/N: And this ends the 1st part of the story!
Sorry for making such shorts chapters, i honestly feel a bit burnout, but i still have that passion where i want to write my stories and try to finish them.
And also this is a reboot version, which i'll change completely from the original one (which i deleted it from how bad it was, sorry for those who liked it)
With that aside, i'll go back to the shadow realm for my another hiatus status 🤣🤣🤣
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