
You dreaded the feeling of going to Middle school. There was nothing good out of it but your bullies picking on you without anyone coming to help you.

You shaky opened the door to the middle school as in a blink of an eye a hand pulled you by the front of your shirt and had you face to face with one of the school bully, Axew.

"Coming again you stupid idiot?"

You tried kicking and clawing at his hands, "Let me go! Why don't you just leave me alone?!"

"Because you're too fun to not leave alone!"

Axew threw you at the wall as you gasp at the pain as stars danced in your vision. You never knew why, but he did the least amount of damage compared to the second school bully, Friks.

He had a weird name, but people feared him as he could kick butt.

Axew glared at you before walking off. People made way for him as he talked with Friks who was his best friend.

You sighed and when to first period to start the horrible day...

(Time skip to lunch)

You started to unpack your cold lunch to eat until a hand jump from out of nowhere and it lead to the second bully, Friks.

"You got a nice lunch there. I might as well take it for myself."

Anger surged through you as you leap to take it back, "Give it back!"

Friks jumped back in time before you could take it. He gave you a cold hard stare, "I can't believe you were brave enough to do something stupid like that. You're in for a beating!"

You gasped and tried to get away, but one of his 'friends' grabbed you by the arm hard and twist it.

You yelped in pain as they dragged you away. People stared at you as they held pity for you.

Friks and his gang took you to the back of lunch building as he threw you again the wall harder than what Axew did.

Blackness clouded your vision before a kick to the head was sent to the side of your head, "Let's get this weakling!"

Numbers of kicks and punches were sent everywhere to your body. You could feel the bruises appear already after they sent their powerful punches.

You cried at the pain. Wishing it would stop or you would die just to escape the pain. Darkness was appearing more and more as death seemed the only way out-


You opened your puffy red crying eyes to Axew holding back Friks hand as it was about to punch you in the chest.

"What the hell are you doing Axew? Why are you protecting this loser?"

Axew growls as he threw Friks away from you as he shielded you from the attackers.

You couldn't believe what was happening. Your bully PROTECTING you!

"Yeah, so what if I hurt (y/n)! It's just a way to express my feelings to her!" Blush spread across his face as Friks looked at him in shock, "But, I don't hurt her as much as you do! Monster!"

Friks growled as his 'friends' joined with him as they cornered you both, "If you're going to take that loser's side, then I'll hurt the both of you!"

Friks sent a punch to Axew's face as he dodged and counterattack it with a uppercut to the jaw. Friks screamed in pain as his friends tried to help him, but we're knocked out cold from Axew's punches.

Friks was bloody and had a swollen eye closed shut. His breath were in deep ragged short breathes, "D-DAMN YOU!!!"

Friks charged at the half conscience you as Axew blocked him in time and kneed him in the ribcage.Friks pucked up blood before collapsing into the ground with the rest of them.

You stared in shocked as Axew helped you up.

"Are you hurt?"

His voice ringed in your head as it snapped you back to reality, "Y-yeah... and... you - you like me?"

Axew blushed as he looked away, "No I don't! I just said that to say your sorry ass!"

"Then... why are you blushing?"

"Why do you ask so many damn questions?!"

"I don't know."

Axew stared you in the eyes before sighing deeply, "Fine... I-I like you... I didn't know how to express it so I kinda hurt you... I promise to never do what Friks does to order people so I just threw you around..."

You smiled and hugged Axew to a bruised you, "Thank you Axew."

Axew shyly hugged you back as he smiled to himself, "Y-your welcome... d-does this mean your my girlfriend?"

You hesitate the question and answer, "Well..."

Axew pulled you apart as he looked you in the eyes with his deep, rich, blood eyes, "I promise to never hurt you again! If Friks comes to hurt you, I promise that won't happen because I'll be right their besides you."

You smiled and nodded your head, "Okay. Then I'll take the deal on dating you."

Axew broke out into a grin, "T-thank you!" Axew looked at your lips and quickly kisses you.

You liked the feeling a tad bit as pink rushed to your cheeks.

"A first day present. Just for you." Axew winked at you.

You smiled and hugged Axew to yourself. Wondering how you got a cold heartless bully, to a shy adorable boyfriend you always wanted.

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