You get bullied

I'm doing the basic scenario's first to get them off hand before doing the other one that aren't so basic. Oh and thanks for all the request too!

Trigger warning for all of them... well mostly some of them


Darkrai was starting to worry about you as every movement you made ended up with your face ached in pain. He accidentally caught on you raising you shoulder sleeve to look at the huge purple, green, and swollen bruise on your upper arm. A gasp caught your attention to Darkrai as you didn't know he was there.

"(y/n)... who did this too you...?"

Tears spilled down you cheeks as Darkrai hugged you to him protectively. "T-the new guy at my work... h-he so mean to me..."

Darkrai growled dangerously at the thought of the man hurting you. Or doing something more badly. "Don't worry. You stay here and relax while I go take care of this."

You smiled and nodded your head as Darkrai disappeared into the shadows to do his job. The next day at work, you didn't see your bully as the boss didn't even know or got a call from where he disappeared off too.


You put on sunglasses to hide the black eye you had gotten today. Some people at school saw you alone without your friends and decided to 'play' a game with you as the target. Diagla came in to welcome you home, until he saw you wearing the sun glasses, when it's a cloudy day outside.

"Why are you wearing sun glasses?"

"Because they make me look cool."

Diagla sighed and took a step forward. "No they don't. Now take them off."

"NO!" You yelled and backed away.

Diagla growled in annoyance and tackled you to the ground. You screamed at the impact, and the feeling of your sunglasses coming off. Diagla look at your face and gasped. Tears burned in your eyes as Diagla gently cupped your face in his hands to look at the bruise.

"Who the hell did this?!"

"S-some kids in my second period class... who came over to me at lunch and asked if I wanted to play a game with them... but with me as a target."

Diagla's rage could be felt through his finger as he started to heal your bruise. "When I'm finished healing this you are going back in time with me and show me who's bright idea was this to hurt my girl in the first place."

You smiled and nodded as the travel back in time was fun to watch as Diagla kicked those guys' asses.


Latios came in landing near your school picking you up. Twenty minutes pasted by as Latios started to get worried and flew around the school. His eye widen as some girls were beating the life out of you as a group kids just stand there and watched.

Latios growled and zoomed in and kicked the girl in the face, sending her flying into the ground when she landed. The group of kids around you eyes widen as Latios growled at them.


Everyone started running as you smiled as Latios took care of your wounds.


"That girl over there is back again. Doesn't she know no one likes her or that dress she's in?"

"I bet she just a hoe looking for some attention, because her face can't get the boys for her."

The women at the bar table laughed quietly as you started to cry silently. They have been talking nasty things about you to the people around the bar as they believe what they said. You didn't want to say anything as you wanted to handle this on your own. One of Victini's bar friends whispered in his ear about what they said.

Steam rose off of Victini's head as he got up from his game, the other men around him giving him confused looks, until he walked up to the two women drinking their alcohol. He gave the one who talked first a tap on the shoulder as she turned around to face him.

"I heard you were saying things about this girl?"

"Oh the girl in the (f/c) dress? Yes I have." She giggled, unaware of the death stare Victini was giving her. "She is a slut looking for someone to sleep with in that dress! I mean, all she does is drink and wait around, looking for a man who isn't interested to sleep with her."

Victini's jaw twitched. He smiled and grabbed the ladies drink and spilled it all over her. The women's friends gasped in shock while your jaw dropped along with the lady who got spilled on. Victini laughed while he when over to you and hugged you too him.

"If you talk shit about my girl again, I'll do something more worse to a hoe like you who can't even dress properly in an outfit."

You smiled and kissed Victini's cheek while the women and her friend left wet and mad.


Bruises were all over your body as Lucario started to get curious about where and how they appeared. All you said was they were from falling. Lucario didn't believe you as were a person with good balance.

When school ended Lucario decided to follow you in the shadows. Everything was going well on the way back home, until a boy appeared from an alleyway. Your face paled at the sight of him as you took off running, but the boy was quicker as he grabbed your elbow and dragged you into the alleyway as you screamed and kicked at him.

Lucario's heart pounded in anger and fear as he rushed to save you. The boy pinned you up against the wall as tears streamed down your face. The boy smirked and ran his hand up into your shirt.

"If you scream I'll make sure to beat you up more than last time!"

Lucario yelled in anger and pulled the boy away from you and started beating the life out of him.

You backed away from the fight and waited too the end. You opened your closed eyes to find Lucario hugging you gently to him as you felt his hands were wet with blood.

"Next time when a guy does that do you make sure to tell me, alright?"

You shook your head a yes as Lucario took you home to heal your other bruises.


For some odd reason you looked sad when you were on your phone and texting back someone. Yveltal started to get worried and took your phone while you were in the shower. He knew your password as you didn't take a very good job of hiding it from view.

There were about twenty messages from his guy called (Bully's name) saying nasty things about you. He said he liked you, but you denied his feelings. (b/n) got angry and started saying mean things about you. By the last text came, Yveltal was filled with rage.

'Hey bitch. Still ignoring me? You're just jealous I can love someone while no one loves you because you push them away. No wonder people hate you at are school so badly. And too think, I liked you and wanted to date you so you could feel happy. Guess I was wrong to ever ask an ugly bitch like you.'

Yveltal growled dangerously as he furiously texted back to the ass hole.

'This is (y/n)'s loving and handsome boyfriend here. If I ever see you texting back to my wonderful (y/n) like that again I will come find you and suck the life force out of you so slowly and painfully you won't even know what true pain is! So, if nicely, please stop texting my girlfriend. Or else.'

The text was sent as Yveltal put down your phone and sat at his chair and read a book waiting for you. You came out in a bath towel around you as picked up your phone with a worried frown, but it soon turned into a smile. You giggled and hugged Yveltal as he hugged you back while imaging draining the life force out of (b/n).


Your flowers lately were dying slowly as Xerneas couldn't understand why. You came outside to water them, right? Quietly Xerneas followed you out in the backyard away from your sight. You nervously looked around and started to water your flowers, until a women came out from the house next door and started yelling at you.

"Don't you dare water those flowers! The mud goes into my flower beds and kills my flowers! If you do it I will cut off the hose and make sure you don't do it again!"

"O-okay..." You replied meekly.

Xerneas growled as he came out and raised his hand, glowing with rainbow colors, he grew poison plants near the women's feet. She screamed in pain as the poison make a huge rash on her feet making her jump up and down in pain as it burned like fire.

Your eyes grew wide as you looked at Xerneas while he helped the dying plants back to life with his powers. "X-Xerneas?"

"Don't worry about her. I'll make sure her feet aren't the only thing that will be in pain if I see this again."


Your grades started dropping as Palkia noticed this. You usually were a A student in your classes, until a month or so your grades dropped to a B, then an a C, and dangerously almost to a D. Palkia decided to follow you to the college as you didn't tell him what was going on. Palkia caught a group of guys around you as you when through your backpack handing them paper. Palkia looked closer and saw it was your homework.

The leader of the bullies smiled and took then with pleasure written all over his face. "Good job. My F's have will turn into A's after all this homework you're giving me."

You gave him the last of your work, but hiding a piece of your astrology homework. "Your welcome."

The bully notice the paper in your hand. "What's that in your hand?"


The bully growled and then to grab it, until Palkia's hand caught his and with his other hand upper cutting the bully in his jaw. The bully screamed and coughed out blood as he ran away, with your homework flying out his hands.

You smiled at Palkia as he grabbed your homework for you and made sure to go with you on college grounds from now on.


Recently you really couldn't go to the bakery anymore and asked Hoopa to go in your place. He was confused but still did it for you as he when inside as the bell rang from the store's door. A groan came from the back of the room.

"I told you if you come back here again I would sue you because of how much bread you and that pig eat! If you don't get out I will beat you out of here like I did before!"

Rage filled inside Hoopa as he jumped over the counter and when to the backroom of the bakery as an old man was counting his money on his desk. His eyes widen at the sight of Hoopa.

"Why are you here?! I thought I told you and that bitch to leave-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Hoopa grabbed the front of his shirt and growled in his face. "You have no right to talk like that to customers who buy from your store."

He opened a portal with one of his hoops and threw the old man into it. Hoopas smiled and he signed a paper saying he owned the placed while he knew the old man wouldn't be back for a LONG while.


Some people at your school told you to kill yourself because you were a nobody there, only a invisible girl who walked down the hallways like a ghost. Tears fell down your face as you grabbed your kitchen knife and put it too your wrist to cut. Lucky for the both of you, Arceus came in the kitchen in time as his heart almost stopped at what he saw.

He quickly smacked the knife out of your hands and hugged you tightly too him. You sobbed into his chest while telling him what happened.

Arcues stroked your hair and wiped the tears from your eyes. "I'll deal with these people. Don't worry about it anymore, my queen."

You smiled as Arcues put you to bed while he hunted for the people making you do this too yourself. The next day at school, they weren't there, or for the rest of the year.


Giratina thought he threw away the makeup after the fight, but found some under the stink cabin in the bathroom. You passed the bathroom, but stopped dead in your tracks from the quick glance you just saw.

"(y/n) what are these doing here?"


"The truth now." He spoke with demanded.

"Some girls told me I was ugly and... needed makeup to make myself beautiful..."

Giratinia groaned as he slammed the stink cabin door closed and stood up facing you. "If I get rid of them will you not use these horrible things ever again? You don't and never will need makeup (y/n), you're beautiful enough without anything on your face."

You smiled and hugged Gira close to you. "Thank you..."

Giratina nodded as he took care of the girls, and maybe did something to their faces before putting them in his world.


Umbreon came to your work to pick you up as he offered to since he finally learned how to drive. It was a long time but he finally did it. You didn't come out from your work place as Umbreon started to get worried. He came in quietly as it soonly filled in to the sound of hitting and screams of pain.

Umbreon knew it was your voice as it came from your office. Umbreon ran to it to find two of your workers who hated you for getting a promotion and not them. Umbreon growled and soon gave them the same beating they gave too you.


It was midnight and you still didn't come back home. This was happening sometimes on other days too, but it was too much if it was a full month of you coming home late with a frown on your face. Zekrom followed you where you walked back from work. A girl soon came out from the shadows with a bat.

"Give me the money or I will hurt you. But either way I will hurt you to shut that mouth of yours."

You whimpered and handed the money too her until Zekrom ran up in time before the women sung the bat onto you. She gasped and tried to pull back her bat back, until Zekrom grabbed her head as the women jerked violently, like if she had gotten hit, and fell to the ground with a thud.

Zekrom had snapped her neck as blood pooled around her. Zekrom took you back home with you and the women's money along with.

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