Chapter 7

"Anti, are you okay? Don't lie. Just tell us the truth about what is going on in your mind." Chase said, putting an arm around Anti to let him know he was there for him.

"Yes, I am okay. The only thing I'm thinking about right now is why you two look so concerned. Is everything okay with you?" It was like Anti couldn't even see anything out of place...

"Yeah, we're just very worried about you. You aren't acting like yourself, bro..." Chase then explained everything about his feelings towards the 'new' Anti and how much he missed the old one. Anti didn't even seem too bothered about what he was saying.

"This is the new me and if you don't accept it, you know where the door is."

Chase stood up, pulling JJ with him. "I'm sorry, Anti. This just... isn't right."


After Anti's latest breakdown, Henrik decided to examine him a bit more. He planned on taking the man to the hospital for a while and running a few tests to make sure his brain was functioning normally and there wasn't any damage... but Anti refused to go.

"I'm fine!" Anti insisted, even smiling widely to further prove his point. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with me and just because I get a few migraines every so often-"

"They're not migraines. Migraines don't make you scream and pass out."

"Henrik, just leave it. I don't need help because there's nothing wrong with me."

"Why won't you just let me help you? Something is seriously wrong! You died, Anti so you shouldn't be here! I need to make sure everything is okay because, for all I know, your body could be shutting down. You're not yourself either... Something has happened but I don't know what just yet... I can find out if you let me run those tests."

"Why does everyone suddenly hate me because I'm trying to be nice for once. Oh, I apologise for not wanting to murder people anymore. I just want you all to be happy."

"We can't be happy if we're constantly worrying about you."

"Henrik, if you don't trust that I'm okay-"

"No, I get it. Push me away like you pushed JJ and Chase away."


"How's saving the world?" Anti asked, sitting down on the sofa beside Jackieboy Man who had just got back from his latest mission. His face was red and there were beads of sweat on his forehead so he was in need of a good, cold shower but he didn't seem to want to move from his spot on the sofa.

"Pretty tiring as usual but it pays off, you know? Seeing people smiling and knowing I'm the reason behind it is so amazing. Today I saved a little girl's cat and her face just glowed. It was amazing." Jackieboy Man mumbled, leaning his head on Anti's shoulder.

"That does sound amazing. Maybe one day I could join you on a mission! I could be like your cheerleader or something!"

Jackieboy Man snorted. "Right. You hate me and you're usually the type of enemy I have to fight."

"I don't hate you! I actually admire you a lot. It takes guts to fight evil and you must be pretty good at it if you're not dead yet."

"Very funny."

"What? I'm serious. You're really brave."

Jackieboy Man turned to Marvin and sent him a look that basically screamed 'are you hearing this?', to which Marvin responded with a surprised nod. Jackieboy Man and Anti never got on. Considering their morals for life were complete opposites, that was entirely expected. They usually just avoided each other around the house and, if they ever did talk, there would be more shouting and insults than anything else.

"Thanks but... you don't need to be like that, man. Just because you've become more positive or whatever doesn't mean I can forget what you did. We want different things so..." Jackieboy Man stood up and left the room, unsure of how to finish his sentence. Once he was alone, he placed a hand on his forehead and furrowed his eyebrows. Had he just imagined that entire conversation? Anti was actually complimenting him. He must really be exhausted.


Marvin was uttering out some words in another language. He had his hand still in the air as a single paper card floated in front of him. He was in the middle of the last line when Anti walked in and yelled, "Hey Marv!"

Caught off guard, Marvin dropped the Jack of diamonds and instead of finishing the line, he shouted, "Fucking- Anti?"

"Yep!" He grinned a cheesy grin, like a child's after doing something bad and trying to cover it up. "No one else is talking to me so..."

"You shouldn't interrupt me when I'm doing spells. It's really dangerous and who knows what could have happened... I could have conjured up a dragon or something."

"That would have been awesome! We could have befriended it and use it to fly places-"

"Be realistic, it would have burnt our house down."

"Why do you insist dragons are bad? Just because that's how they're portrayed doesn't mean they're actually like that."

"Anti, can you just leave me alone? This is a really important spell that I need to perfect, alright?"

"But Marvin... can't I at least watch? Magic is so fascinating!"

"I need quiet and full concentration so no."

"I can be quiet!"

"Anti, take a hint and leave." Anti opened his mouth to say something else but decided against it. He left the room and half expected an apology from the magician but all he heard was him uttering the magical words again.

He barely made it down the hallway to his room before pain filled his head again. He screamed so loudly that it was a surprise the glass mirror in his room didn't smash. He put his head in his hands as he yelled and yelled but the pain refused to dull. It didn't take long for him to pass out. The last thing he saw was the white ceiling.

I started to write a 'one shot' the other day... it turned out to be a 10,000 word story... my bad. Fun fact, that happened with this book too.

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