The End of the Beginning
Grimlock POV
Grimlock make it onto Dragon Grimm back and punch at this thing to try and take it down. Grimlock move to face as Dragon tries to get Grimlock off, but Grimlock stronger and stays on Grimm while beating on it.
Grimlock: Me! Grimlock smash you like paste!
3rd Person POV
A full evacuation order was given to all the students in Beacon, Weiss had found Blake and Yang and was mortified by what had happened to Yang particularly. Finally though-
Ruby: Weiss!
Weiss: Ruby?!
Ruby: Oh, I found you.
Weiss: Ruby, where have you-
Ruby: Don't worry, I'm fine. What's going on?
Weiss doesn't know what to say.
Ruby: Weiss?
Weis then moves out of the way and reveal what happened to Blake and Yang.
Blake: *reaches for Yang* I'm sorry. *breaks down and looks down* I'm so sorry.
Ruby: *saddened* Yang.
Sun: Hey, she's gonna be okay, but we need to get out of here.
Nora: But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing. *groans as she fails to get up*
Ruby: What?!
Blake: Sludge and Slag are still in the library. I couldn't carry all three here.
Sun: Look guys. That giant Grimm keeps circling the school, even the White Fang are pulling out. We all have to go, now!
Ren: We're not leaving. *groans as he collapses*
Ruby: *determined* I'll find them. I'll find them and I'll bring them back.
Weiss: No, we'll bring them back. *to Nora and Ren* Watch after Blake and Yang.
The pair take off for the school, surprisingly Swoop and Snarl are back in buisness and follow the two, against Weiss' wishes.
Speaking of Jaune and Pyrrha, the pair were helping Ozpin give Pyrrha some sort of power that the bad guys wanted for themselves, but Cinder had followed them and killed the woman named Amber and the Maiden's power transferred to her instead of Pyrrha. At Ozpin's request Jaune and Pyrrha made it outside while he stayed behind to battle Cinder.
Jaune: I think I have Glynda's number. *dials on scroll* Pyrrha, what was that?
Pyrrha: I-
A sound is heard from the tower and Cinder is seen flying up the elevator shaft to the top, unfortunately, that meant...
Jaune: *shock turns to sorrow* But, Ozpin.
Pyrrha: There's no time. Go. Get to Vale and call for help.
Jaune: Me? What are you gonna do?
Pyrrha looks back at Beacon Tower.
Jaune: *realizes* No. No way. You saw how powerful she is. Pyrrha, there's no way I can-
Pyrrha cuts him off with a long kiss on the lips, when she pulls away though.
Pyrrha: I'm sorry. *pushes Jaune into locker and launches it*
The locker flies off and Pyrrha walks back to the elevator and uses her Semblance to get the elevator and herself to the top of Beacon Tower.
Back with Weiss and Ruby....
Weiss: *recieves call* It's Jaune! *answers* Where are you?!
Jaune: Weiss! You have to stop Pyrrha, she went after the woman at the top of the tower! She doesn't stand a chance!
Weiss: What are you talking about! Where are you?
Jaune: Don't worry about me! Please, just save Pyrrha.
Weiss: We will. Are you okay?
In a fit of dispair and frustration, Jaune throws his scroll and smashes it on the ground. Suddenly, Weiss, Ruby, Swoop and Snarl are set upon by Grimm.
Ruby: I have a plan.
Weiss: You always do.
Snarl: *growls* Time to smash.
The two boys transform and smash through the horde, Weiss and Ruby came in behind them and kept fighting their way towards the tower while Snarl and Swoop covered their advance.
Grimlock POV
Grimlock still beating on Dragon Grimm.
Grimlock: Dragon tough, for a weakling. Wish Grimlock had sword.
Grimlock felt something in body and Grimlock's hand turned into a very large, thick-bladed sword.
Grimlock: Now that's what Grimlock talking about! Now Grimlock bust your face!
The sword works really well doing big damage, but Dragon Grimm manage to land on top of tower. Grimlock then see Cinder in Ozpin's office. Cinder throws a fire stream at Grimlock and at first it didn't hurt but robot body start getting hot. Grimlock use arm to block until fire stop and me see Pyrrha fighting Cinder. Grimlock feel Dragon moving and stab sword in back as it flies again, Dragon makes circle and flies upside down and smashes me into tower ripping me off Dragon and left me hanging on edge of building.
3rd Person POV
Pyrrha managed to recover from the ceiling being destroyed but so did Cinder. Pyrrha used her Semblance to magnetically throw one of the giant clock gears at Cinder, distracting Cinder long enough for Pyrrha to grab her shield. Cinder recovered and threw two fireballs, that Pyrrha dodged, but then cast a fire bloom hitting Pyrrha and shrouding her in fire. Pyrrha threw her shield like a frisbee, Cinder deflected it but is then surprised that all the remaining clock gears and metal parts are floating around her. Pyrrha magnetizes her shield to hit Cinder while she's distracted then collapsed all the gears on top of her. It was at this point Grimlock climbed back up onto the tower as Cinder burst out of the gear pile. Grimlock deflected the pieces easily but Pyrrha, while managing to block with her shield, was still sent into the remainder of the wall and her Aura is broken.
Grimlock: Cinder! You fight me! Now!
Grimlock swung his sword at Cinder, she managed to dodge and fly above Grimlock and fires a big fire bloom which Grimlock could only tank through it.
Down below....
Ruby: We have to hurry!
Weiss then gets an idea and cast a path of white glyphs up the side of the tower.
Weiss: You can do this.
Ruby nods and rushes up the path, while Weiss, Snarl and Swoop run back to the building Blake specified that Sludge and Slag were in.
Ruby managed to get to the top of the tower with Cinder distracted by Grimlock, she sees Pyrrha struggling to her feet.
Ruby: Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Ruby? What are you-
Ruby: There's no time, we need to leave while we still have a chance.
Cinder: *to Grimlock* A monster like you deserves to be punished for disobeying your masters!
Ruby: *disbelief* Grimlock?
Grimlock breaks through the fire bloom and does something unexpected-
Grimlock: *ROARS*
Cinder casts another fire bloom but Grimlock matches that with his fire breath and the two engage in a beam struggle.
Ruby: Grimlock!
Cinder puts as much power into her attack and overpowers Grimlocks fire breath, and now the Wyvern Grimm comes back to attack Grimlock and Ruby can't take it anymore.
This power took so much out of Ruby that she collapsed but Pyrrha was there to get her to safety, Grimlock was unfortunately left behind unconscious from the combo attack he endured. And by the time Qrow got there Grimlock and Cinder were gone and the Wyvern Grimm was nothing but stone.
Weiss POV
Snarl, Swoop and I make it to the building where Slag and Sludge are supposed to be, but when we get there I see them being carried off by people I didn't recognize.
Weiss: Hey! Release those children at once!
????: Or what?
Snarl: Then we tear you apart to get to them! *Roars as he transforms*
Swoop: Yeah! Give our brothers back! *screechs as he transforms*
Weiss: *raises Myrtenaster* Your choice, lowlife scum.
????: *to henchmen* We need the dinos alive, leave the Schnee to her fate.
The first henchman pulled a small gun and fired a dart at Swoop as he took off, but he then fell back down knocked out. I rushed in and execute a series of piercing attacks in very quick succession, while Snarl swung his spiked tail at the other one, but it doesn't help that Snarl is still exhausted and can't keep this up for long.
I realize quick that these two were a distraction to allow the kidnapper to get away with Sludge and Slag and now Swoop as well. I deflect my opponents next attack and do some back flips then use a time glyph to speed me up, I then dash forward and summon several white glyphs around both henchmen and oierce at them as I bounce off each glyph, I then use one more and use it to torpedo to the ground and embue Myrtenaster with fire dust and cause an explosion sending the two henchmen back. As I recover and look to check on Snarl, I am hit with something and electrified.
Weiss: *painful* AHHHH!
Snarl: Mom! *hit with 8 of same devices* AHHHHHH! *transforms into kid and collapses unconscious*
Weiss falls to her knees and then falls to her stomach and can barely keep her eyes open, she desperately tries to reach both her sons but they are taken away right in front of her.
Henchman 2: What do we do with her? I've got some duct tape in my pocket.
Henchman 1: You heard the boss, leave her to her fate, it's the dino experiments he wants.
Weiss: *weak* Swoop....Snarl... *falls unconscious*
3rd Person POV
Some days later at Ruby's house....
Tai: *sigh* Nothing.
Qrow: Just shut it off. Without the CCT Tower there's no point.
Tai: Communication's down around the world. No way to contact the outside world. And Ozpin's still missing.
Qrow: Yeah.
Tai: This is bad, Qrow.
Qrow: Yeah, this is bad.
The camera then shows Ruby starting to stir in her bed, she looks around a little as her eyes focus on a blonde older man sleeping in a chair next to her bed.
Ruby: *groans as she sits up*
Tai: *notices sound and wakes up* Ruby!
Tai goes to her bed side and kneels down.
Tai: You're finally awake.
Ruby: *groans* What happened?
Tai: Your Uncle Qrow found both you and Pyrrha, he got you both out of there.
Ruby: Wait, Yang! Is she alright?!
Tai: Uh... she's gonna be okay. I think it's just gonna take some time for her to get used to things. She's too strong to let this stop her. *sniffles* I'm just glad to have both my girls back safe.
Ruby: What about the school and Vale were they able to clear out the Grimm?
Tai: Things in Vale are under control but the school, well, it's not that simple. That thing, whatever it is, doesn't seem to be dead. Don't get me wrong, you did a number on it, but it's not disappearing, it's kinda, frozen. I know that doesn't sound so bad, but it keeps attracting Grimm to the school.
Ruby: *remembers and gasps* Grimlock! What happened to Grimlock?!
Tai: ....Qrow went back to Beacon Tower after he dropped you and Pyrrha off, but by the time he got there Grimlock was no where to be seen.
Ruby: No. *tears start falling*
Qrow: Tai? Can you give us a moment?
Tai: Seriously?
Qrow: Please, Tai?
Tai: *sigh* I'll be down the hall.
Tai walks out while giving Qrow a small glare, Qrow then takes Tai's chair.
Ruby: *through tears* He was there, Qrow. Grimlock was right in front of me, and I couldn't save him.
Qrow: Look, don't beat yourself up about this, there's a lot more about them and what all those kids went through that we still don't know.
Ruby: *sniffles* What if he hates me? *sniffles* What if I do find him and he doesn't trust me anymore? I promised to take care of him and now- *continues crying*
Qrow: Hey, Grimlock may not be the smartest kid I've ever seen, but he does know that you still love him and did everything you could. He'll trust you again. How are you feeling though?
Ruby: *crying slows* I, uh, ache all over.
Qrow: *chuckles* Makes sense considering all you did out there.
Ruby: *confused* You guys keep saying that. That I did something. What are you talking about?!
Qrow: What's the last ghing you remember?
Ruby: Um, I got to the top of the tower and- *gasp* Pyrrha is she alright?!
Qrow: Yes. You and Grimlock managed to save her. She's back with her family in Mistral.
Ruby: I got to the top of the tower and I saw Cinder, Pyrrha and Grimlock as a giant robot thing. Cinder was focused on Grimlock which allowed me to get to Pyrrha, but that giant Grimm, it came flying towards Grimlock. I could only imagine the horror I was about to see and couldn't let that happen, then everything went white.
Qrow: Anything else?
Ruby: I remember, my head hurting.
Qrow: The night you met Ozpin, what did he say to you?
Ruby: I think, he said something about-
Qrow: Silver eyes. It's an extremely rare trait.
Ruby: So?
Qrow: You're special, Ruby. And not in the daddy's little girl special. You're special the same way your mom was.
Ruby was utterly confused, so Qrow tried to explain.
Qrow: Remnant's full of legends and stories, some of them true, some made up. But there's one Oz told me from a very long time ago. Back before Huntsmen, before kingdoms, it was said that those born with Silver eyes were destined to lead the path of the warrior. You see the Grimm, the most fearsome monsters mankind's ever encountered, were afraid of thise silver eyed warriors. They were the best of the best, said that even a look from one of these warriors could strike a Grimm down. Heh. It's a ridiculus story.
Ruby: But, you think I might be....
Qrow: Well, there's a giant Grimm frozen on top of Beacon Tower and you're here safe in bed. *walks to window*
Ruby: Wait. How did you know what Ozpin said to me?
Qrow: All those secret missions I go on. All the times I'm in some far off place. It's all been for Ozpin. But now he's missing, something has been set in motion. With Oz gone, I'll have to pick up where he left off.
Ruby: Then what can I do? If I'm so special, I can help.
Qrow: I appreciate the offer, but the best thing for you to do right now is to rest and recover. *starts to walk out* Besides, our enemies trail leads all the way to Haven. That'd be quite a trip for a pipsqueak like you. *walks out* Catch ya later, kiddo.
Ruby is left to contemplate on what has been revealed to her. After a little while, Ruby goes to Yang's room.
Ruby: *knocks on door* Yang?
For a moment Yang doesn't answer back and Ruby starts to walk away.
Yang: Ruby.
The two sisters look at each other and Ruby can't wait and runs to Yang and gives her a hug.
Ruby: I'm so glad you're okay.
Yang: But I'm not. *Ruby pulls away* It's all gone, the school, Penny, the children.
Ruby: What do you mean? What happened to the other kids?
Yang: Weiss called me and told me that she was ambushed after you spilt up, when she came to, all the kids were gone, kidnapped by people she didn't recognize. Swoop, Snarl, Sludge,... Slag, *sniffles* all of them, gone.
Ruby: Oh, Yang. Where are Weiss and Blake now?
Yang: Weiss' father came for her.
Ruby: What? What do you mean?
Yang: No one outside of Vale knows what happened here. Before the tower fell, all people saw were Atlas attacking innocent people and Grimm destroying the city. Everyone is scared. No one knows who to trust, so Weiss' father came and took her back to Atlas, against her wishes, where he thinks it's safe.
Ruby: Well, what about-
Yang: *raises voice* And Blake ran. Sun saw her leave. After we got to the city, she just ran.
Ruby: But why?
Yang: *voice breaks* I don't know. *frustrated* And I don't care.
Ruby: There has to be a reason-
Yang: No there doesn't! Sometimes bad things just happen, Ruby.
Ruby: So, what do we do now?
Yang: *sigh* You can do what you want, I'm just gonna lie here.
Ruby: *concerned* Yang?
Yang: Just leave me alone.
Disheartened, Ruby walks to the doorway before turning back to her sister.
Ruby: I love you.
Over the next couple months, Ruby hatched a plan to go to Haven and not only try help stop Cinder but to also find any trace of the Dino-kids, but she knew she couldn't do it alone. So as she leaves he home in her combat outfit and a back pack, as well as Crescent Rose, she is met by her friends.
Jaune: Hey Ruby.
Ruby: Hey Jaune. *walks up to him* Haven is a long ways away.
Jaune: I know, but it's the only lead we have.
Ruby: And you're sure you want to come?
Ren: The journey will be perilous. And whether we'll find answers at the end is entirely uncertain.
Nora: But we wouldn't be here if we weren't up for it.
Ruby: Then let's get started.
The camera pans away from the group as the start their brand new journey and transitions to a darkened room somewhere where a familiar child is chained and locked up in a dungeon cell. The child stirs and suddenly opens it's red eyes in anger.
(A/N): And that is a wrap. That is the finale of volume 3 and boy was it a ride. Now I'm gonna take a quick break from this to write a couple of my other stories, but I already have a planned storyline for the Dino-kids in volumes 4 and 5, so hopefully this won't be on the back burner for too long this time.
As always though, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and can't wait to see you in the next chapter. Have a great day/night, PEACE OUT!!!
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