Sneaking Out
Grimlock POV
Over the next few weeks my brothers and I have adapted to life at Beacon and help from our mother's didn't hurt. Ruby decided that I have regained enough weight to start training to be a Huntsman, if I wanted to. Slag would often challenge me to a duel but we never went full dino inside the school and Sludge and the others have yet to reveal their dinosaur forms. Blake revealed to us that she was a faunus and was once a member of a terrotist group known as the White Fang, cool. One day though, I was coming back to the dorm after beating Slag, again, and heard voices from mom's room and decided to listen in.
Blake: I thought that class would never end.
Ruby: Alright guys, today's the day. The investigation begins!
Weiss: I'm glad you are taking this so seriously.
Yang: Hey, we've gotta plan! That's... moderately serious.
Ruby: Ok, everyone remember their jobs?
Weiss: You and I will go to the CCT Tower and check Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or unconsistancies.
Blake: The White Fang have regular faction meetings. I should be able to sneak in and gather any intelligence on what they may be planning.
Yang: I have a friend on the shady side of town who's supposed to know everything that goes on in the city. Getting information out of him shouldn't be an issue.
Ruby: Alright, I'll tell team JNPR that they're babysitting tonight and we'll get going.
I hear footsteps coming to the door so I just decide to knock and mom answers the door.
Ruby: Oh Grimlock. You know this is your room too you don't need to knock.
Grimlock: Lost key, again. *looks down*
Ruby: Oh, you sweet thing. *sigh* What am I gonna do with you? So, I wanted to tell you that you and your brothers will be spending the evening with team JNPR tonight.
Grimlock: Why?
Ruby: Because the four of us have buisness to take care of in town.
Grimlock: Can't Grimlock come with?
Ruby: I wish but we're going to a dangerous part of the city and I don't want to risk losing you.
Grimlock: *sigh* Is that why there is a monkey hanging outside the window?
Ruby: Huh?
Ruby looks and sees a guy hanging out in the window sill.
????: Hey guys.
Blake: Sun?! What are you doing here?
Sun: I'm here to help.
Blake: We... appreciate the thought but..
Ruby: We don't want involve friends if we don't have to.
Sun: Pfft. That's stupid, you should always invite friends. That's why I brought Neptune.
As both boys hop in, I am on edge because I don't know them. The blue haired one walks near me, looks at me and says.
Neptune: Aww, aren't you cute.
Ruby: No wait-!
His hand touches my head and I quickly bite his hand.
Neptune: Oww! Ow! Ow! Get him off! Get him off!
Ruby: Grimlock! It's okay. Let him go, now.
I let go of the jerks hand and Ruby moves in between me and the boys.
Ruby: Sorry Neptune. I was trying to say that my son is very distrusting of strangers.
Neptune: No offense taken. Just warn a fellow before you bite them, okay kid?
Grimlock: *growls*
Ruby then kneels down to me and asks me to prepare some stuff for the sleepover. Soon as my brothers arrive, our moms escort us to team JNPR's and Nora is already talking about all the things we're going to do. Sludge and Swoop were acting like, well children, and didn't want Weiss and Blake to leave. Slag actually gave Yang a small hug Ruby told me to watch over my brothers until she gets back. Mom eventually leaves and the five of us settle in for a movie with Nora and Jaune while Ren and Pyrrha were studying. After an hour of movies, Nora and Jaune were asleep but Pyrrha and Ren were making dinner somewhere else. Swoop then states for the 10th time tonight.
Swoop: I miss mommy.
Snarl: Me too.
Sludge: Why they leave?
Slag: Obviously, they don't trust us with the truth, like I said all along.
Grimlock: No, there is more going on. And Grimlock want to find out what.
Slag: How?
Grimlock: *smirks* We're sneaking out.
Slag: Oh, I like it already. Heheh.
Snarl: But mom told us to stay here.
Grimlock: Ruby also told me to watch over you guys and stay safe.
Sludge: Let's find Mommy.
Swoop: *sigh* I'm not going to change any minds here. Fine, let's go before Ren and Pyrrha get back.
So we sneak out with the only problem being that Sludge doesn't understand the meaning of quiet. But somehow we make it out of the school and I use my sense of smell to find our moms.
Slag: Anything, boss?
Grimlock: *sniff* Got them. They are all converging on the highway, let's go.
Ruby POV
I am waiting beneath the highway for Weiss to knock down the giant mech that started chasing Blake and Sun. I then get a call on my scroll and it's from Jaune, I hope nothing bad has happened.
Ruby: *answers call* Hello?... Hello? Jaune?
Nora: *in background* Go on tell her.
Jaune: Okay. *sigh* Ruby, I have some bad news. All five kids may or may not have snuck out and left school grounds.
Ruby: What?!
Weiss: Ruby!
Ruby: Call you back!
Blake: *landed next to me* What was that about?
Ruby: I'll explain after, but first let's beat Roman's robot. Freezer Burn!
Weiss and Yang use their combo to make a cloud of steam, we then use the steam cloud to sneak around the mech causing it to miss shots. I rush in and slice at it causing the mech to stumble.
Ruby: Checkmate!
Weiss and Blake rush in and use a quick series of strikes to deal some damage, Weiss even took out a few of the machine guns. The robot then fires a bunch of missiles, Weiss and Blake backflip to avoid the explosions. Weiss was hit by a missile while in midair, she used her air time to cast a time glyoh underneath Blake. Blake then rapidly took out the rest of the missiles.
Ruby: Ladybug!
I shoot to propel myself forward, then again back towards Blake and we crossed each other in a scissor like motion. Yang then jumped onto the robot's back and started hammering away at it. The robot responds by jumping backwards and smashing Yang through one of the pillars that held the bridge.
Blake: Yang!
Everyone looks at where the noise came from and see some sort of giant flying creature diving towards us. Roman's mech fires it's remaining machine guns, but the creature expertly dodges the bullets and gets closer, as it does the creature whips up a dust cloud blinding the mech. Each of us are then grabbed by something, I look up as I get picked up by, Grimlock? Grimlock places me down next to the rest of my team and charges back into the fight.
Blake: Yang, are you okay?
Yang: Yeah, I'm good. Just my Semblance at work. What are these things.
Ruby: Well, I think it might be the kids.
Weiss/Yang: What?!
Weiss: I thought team JNPR was babysitting?!
Ruby: Well, Jaune called me and told me they snuck out.
Blake: They are in so much trouble.
I was too busy watching the fight, as Grimlock charged in a stegosaurus hit Roman's mech with it's tail, allowing Grimlock to bite down on the mech. His bite starts to crush the mech, but he is then hit in the nose by one of it's fists and his bite loosens. The mech punches again and forces Grimlock to lose his footing and fall to the ground. The stegosaurus and pteranodon charge in but Roman retaliates and fires missles at the stegosaurus and machine guns at the pteranodon. Both attacks hit and both dinosaurs skid towards us and they transform knocked out into-
Weiss: Snarl! Swoop!
Grimlock gets back on his feet and together with Slag split up and try to attack at the same time from different directions. The plan sort of works, Roman decides to deal with Grimlock first and back hands him across his jaw and Grimlock falls to the ground, Roman turns around only to get hit by a charging Slag, the mech however digs in and grinds the charge to a halt. The mech then hammerfists Slag on his head and picks him up and throws him away. Roman then gets hit by a massive tail and flies several meters away, we turn and see the tail is attached to a giant apatosaurus.
Ruby: Wow, Grimlock wasn't kidding when he said Sludge was the biggest of all.
The mech gets back up and Roman sees his giant adversary, Sludge starts charging at Roman but he isn't very fast, giving Roman enough time to charge up some sort of super laser. The laser powers and fires at full power-
Blake: SLUDGE!
Sludge is hit hard but maintains his footing and continues trying to power through the laser, but as soon as the laser powers down, Sludge collapses to the ground and transforms back into a kid. Roman is about finish an unconscious Sludge when we hear a voice.
Slag: *breathing heavy* Hey! We're not finished yet!
Slag starts charging and transforms into his triceratops mode and drops his head pointing his big horns forward. Roman readies a hammer on the mech's right arm, but Slag is having tunnel vision and doesn't see the weapon until Roman lifts the hammer and slams it down onto Slag's head stopping his charge attack. As Slag tries to recover, the mech kicks him away, Roman starts charging an electric dust shot and points at Slag. I am about to rush in, but Yang beats me to it and puts her body between Slag and the mech, she wraps her arms around Slag with her back turned to the mech as it fires. The shot connects and hits Yang dead on and sends both flying several feet away.
Ruby: Yang! *charges back into battle*
Slag POV
Ugh, ow that hurt, I open my eyes remembering what just happened and see Yang breathing heavily while keeping me in her arms.
Yang: *weakly* Hey, how's it Yanging?
Slag: You took the hit for me? Why?
Yang: Because you are mine to me. You will always be my son and I will always protect you.
Yang's eyes then close and her grip loosens and I frantically shake her to try and wake her up but I do not get a response. Tears then start forming in my eyes and I start crying into her shoulder. I lift my head as I hear the sound of fighting, I see the robot beating my brothers and their mothers. I look back down at Yang and start to get really mad at the robot, I feel something powerful welling up and getting stronger. Lightning starts to crackle across my body and gets more intense as the power gets stronger, I transform into dino mode and the lightning starts getting so intense that it sparks off me and onto the surroundings. I roar as loud as I can and get the mech's attention, I charge with everything I've got and my family get out of the way. The robot tries to counter but my electric charge attack was too much and destroys the mech on contact.
(A/N): Like so.
3rd Person POV
Yang regains consciousness as Slag begins his charge, she watches in amazement as her son's new attack connects with Roman's mech and destroys it upon impact. Yang shakes herself back to reality and wobbily gets up and joins her team and the kids as Slag's electricity dies down. A new person joins Roman and he acknowledges us.
Roman: Ladies, kids, Ice Queen.
Weiss: Hey!
Roman: Always a pleasure. Neo, if you will?
Yang takes action first and punches the new ice cream lady but comes to find it was nothing more than a illusion. The entire family look around and see a bullhead taking off with Roman and Neo.
Yang: Guess he got a new henchman.
Weiss: She really made our plans, fall apart.
Ruby: *stifles a giggle*
Yang: No. Just no.
Weiss: What, you do it.
Yang: There's a time and a place for jokes.
Weiss: Was this not it?
Yang: *walks away with Blake* No, it just wasn't very good.
Weiss: *walks with the others* Well at least I'm trying.
Slag transforms back into a kid and all the boys start celebrating over their supposed victory. That is until Snarl noticed all their mother's have cross expressions on their faces, Snarl hits Grimlock and he turns his attention to his mom and things quiet down for a few moments.
Grimlock: Um, did we win?
Blake: Yes, we won.
Weiss: But you are all-
RWBY: Grounded!
After a moment of silence.
Sludge: What grounded mean?
Team RWBY get their children back to the dorm and the girls sit the boys down to talk with them, the boys looking down in shame.
Sludge: Mommy mad?
Blake: No, we're not mad.
Weiss: Disappointed, absolutely.
Yang: We gave you specific instructions to stay with team JNPR and you disobeyed us.
Grimlock: Don't blame them! Blame Grimlock. Grimlock heard what you were planning and really wanted to help, Grimlock convinced everyone to come along.
Ruby: Grimlock, I know you just wanted to help, and we're not blaming anyone, but you have to understand that as your parents it is our responsibility to make sure you stay safe.
Weiss: You may not like the rules but we do expect you to follow them. We don't put these rules in place because we don't like you, we love you with all our hearts and we must protect you.
Blake: That is a parent's number one job, we will train you to become better fighters but from now on, you will do exactly what we say.
Yang: Do we make ourselves clear?
Boys: Yes, mom.
Ruby: *sigh* Then as a start to your punishment, you need to give us all a hug.
The boys look up and see their mothers have their smiles back, Slag is actually the first to give Yang a really tight hug. This surprised everyone and Yang happily hugged back and the two stay like that even after everyone else gave their hugs. Slag then says the sweetest thing that only Yang can hear.
Slag: I-I love you, Mom.
Yang: *tearing up* I love you too, son.
After the hugs, Snarl then noticed something.
Snarl: What happened to the two idiots you were with?
Ruby: Uh.
Meanwhile, at a noodle stand....
Neptune: They're probably fine, right?
Sun: Probably.
Back in the dorm team RWBY tuck their children into bed and gave them their kisses goodnight, even Slag happily accepted one from Yang. However, Grimlock got back to Slag's last attack and wondered what had happened and Ruby explained that it was probably Slag's Semblance activating. Afterwards, the kids finally fell asleep and team RWBY soon after, because let's face it that fight took a lot out of everyone involved. Now though, things are getting even more dangerous, and our heroes will have their work cut out for them. Let's just hope they are ready to meet the challenge.
(A/N): Hey guys, I know for those of you reading I changed some of the Semblance's of the dino-kids but I wanted to throw in a little bit of flair but these were honestly good ideas. Anyways, if you liked this chapter leave a like and go to my channel to see my other works. Have a great rest of your day and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!
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