Haven's Fate
3rd Person POV
Blake is facing off against Adam again as the battle for Haven continues.
Adam: I'm going to make you regret ever coming back.
Blake: More police are on their way Adam. Huntsmen too.
Adam: Ha, still too afraid to face me on your own.
Blake: I'm here for Haven, not you.
Adam draws his sword, Blake responds by pulling out her katana.
Adam: You are still afraid. And you should be, I've made powerful friends while you were gone.
Sun: Oh yeah? Where?
Adam: Tell me. Does Blake make all her friends fight for her?
Sun: Nah, it's a volunteer gig. I'm just saying, for someone who claims to have such great friends, there's not a lot of people willing to fight for you.
Adam looks around seeing all his soldiers surrendering.
Blake: You may try and make me regret coming here, Adam. But honestly, I have more important things to deal with.
Adam yells before attacking, Sun responds by firing his nunchuck guns at Adam, Blake then swings Gambol Shroud, which Adam blocks. Sun was quick to flank Adam and stab his staff in the ground and swings around on it and kicking Adam away from Blake.
Sludge: Mommy?
Blake turns surprised by the name and see's Sludge standing with Snarl and Slam.
Blake: *sheds a tear* S-Sludge.
Sun: Blake!
Adam: Rah!
Blake turns around to see Adam charging up his Semeblance and fires it at her, she knows she can't dodge out of the way in time, so she closes her eyes and waits for the impact, but she doesn't feel the hit and opens her eyes to see Sludge standing there, in human form, without so much as a scratch on him and his Aura still intact.
Blake: Sludge?
Sludge: Sludge protect Mommy! Little man leave Mommy alone!
Adam yells as he charges at Sludge, Blake is quick to fire her pistol ar Adam, but Sludge doesn't move out of the way. When Adam reaches Sludge and slices with his sword, Sludge leans left to dodge it before balling his right fist and delivering a powerful gut punch to Adam. Adam, both surprised and having the wind knocked out of him, starts flying back into the air, but Sludge grabs his left leg and pulls his body and slams Adam into the ground multiple times.
Ghira: Uh, Blake? Who is that?
Blake: *teary eyed* That's my son.
Sludge slammed Adam into the ground one more time, let him go and roared while beating his chest. He then calms down and looks a Blake with his signature goofy smile and Blake can't help but cry as she pulls her son into a hug.
Blake: Oh my baby! I'm so sorry, for everything.
Sludge: Sludge love Mommy. *gently tightens hug*
Adam: *groans*
Blake, Sludge, Ghira and Sun all look at Adam slowly pull himself out of the crater Sludge made with his body, and weakly stands up.
Adam: *weak* You..... cannot..... defeat me....... You..... You're all just..... cowards who....-
Slag: *mechanical Roar*
Before Adam can make a run for it, Slag is seen charging out of the tower in Dinobot mode, as he charges past he swings his massive head and hits Adam hard into the forest.
Sun: What was that?!
Sludge: Sludge must go help get big brother back.
Blake: *kneels down* Oh, my brave boy. I'll join you shortly. *kisses Sludge's forhead* Go.
Sludge takes several steps back and transforms into his robot form right in front of Blake.
Blake: The children clearly got some sort of upgrades since Beacon.
Sludge follows Slag, Slam and Snarl back into town, with Blake beeming with pride and joy all the while.
Sun: Come on. Adam should be knocked out. Let's get him.
Blake: *recomposes* No, going after him in the forest gives him the advantage. Besides, now he can see what it's like to run away. Thank you.
Sun: Eh, we all need help sometimes. *notices fight inside Haven tower* I think there's a few friends who could use yours.
Blake: Be careful.
Sun: No promises.
Speaking of the fight inside Haven Tower, Weiss' Queen Lancer summon was just destroyed by Mercury, thankfully, Blake jumped in and knocked Mercury to the ground by landing on his head and launching herself off and lands next to Weiss.
Blake: Are you hurt?
Weiss: No, I just always saw you as the quiet one.
Blake: *readies sword* Not today.
Jaune: Good to have you back Blake. Let's finish this.
Lionheart was about to attack when Pyrrha threw her shield and hit Leo's arm hard enough to break it and his Aura. In response, Lionheart ran away.
Mercury: You've got to be kidding me.
Jaune: Ice Hammer!
Weiss uses her glyphs to launch herself forward, Blake and Ren run in to distract Emarald and Mercury, Weiss then got between their opponents and uses another Glyph to freeze the two in place, Nora was already in the air and comes down swinging Magnihild hard on the ice and causing a shockwave that sends Mercury and Emerald into either wall.
Meanwhile, Slag, Sludge, Snarl, Slam and Slash back to Grimlock who was tearing through a courtyard, where police were shooting at him trying to stop him.
Sludge: What we do?
Slag: Slash?
Slash: Uhm, we have to hold Grimlock here to let Ruby get to him.
Slag: Right. Dinobots! Transform!
Everyone goes into their Dinobot modes and charge Grimlock. Slash actually distracts Grimlock by using her hand claws to slice at Grimlock, then she jumped on his back. When Grimlock retaliated, Slash had jumped off onto the roof of a building and Slag was there to ram his side and push Grimlock across the ground, Grimlock dug in and grabbed Slag by the frill and tosses him away. Snarl hit Grimlock in the face with his tail, Grimlock though, quickly recovered and grabbed Snarl's tail in his mouth and tossed him into Slam, who was winding up his tail attack. Sludge changed to robot mode and punched Grimlock across the face, Grimlock went to bite, but Sludge grabbed his open jaws and held him back. Grimlock simply breathed fire on Sludge, forcing him to stumble backwards, Grimlock then swung his massive tail and hit Sludge sending him into the mountainside.
Grimlock: *ROAR*
Meanwhile, while everything else was happening, Cinder had tried to betray Raven and steal the Spring Maiden's power, only to find out Vernal was not the Spring Maiden, Raven was. The two Maidens duked it out for several minutes with Raven finally winning by freezing Cinder as she feel into the abyss below. Raven walks past Vernal's corpse and opens the vault to reveal the Relic of Knowledge, before she could retrieve it though, she hears a gunshot behind her and sees Yang.
Raven: I warned you, Yang. I gave you every opportunuity to walk away from Qrow and Oz. So, you can believe me when I say this wasn't personal.
Yang: *glares* You opened the vault?
Raven: Thanks to the chaos you and your friends caused upstairs. I knew you could handle it. You're my daughter after all.
Yang: Qrow and Oz told me how the Maiden powers are transferred. The girl you found, she must've trusted you for you to be in her final thoughts- cared about you a lot.
Raven: I'm sure they told you plenty and you just sat and obeyed.
Yang: No. I'm starting to ask questions. So tell me, what happened to the last Spring Maiden? Did she die in battle? Was it sickness?
Raven: *turns to Yang* What does it matter to you?
Yang: *eyes widen* I can already see the answer. It's all over your face. How could you?!
Raven: She was scared when we found her. Weak. No matter how much training I put her through, she never learned. She wasn't cut out for this world, and with those powers, she would've been hunted her entire life. What I did-
Yang: Wasn't personal?
Raven: It was mercy.
Yang: Which is it, mom? Are you merciful? Or are you a survivor? Did you let me walk into that trap because you knew I could handle it, or because it meant you could get what you wanted?
Raven: It's not that simple. You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through, the choices I've had to make!
Yang: You're right. I don't know you. I only know the Raven dad told me. She was troubled, and complicated, but she fought for what she believed in, whether it was her team or her tribe. Did you kill her too?
Raven: I've stared death in the face over and over again, *in her anger she activates her Maiden powers* and everytime I've spat in that face and survived because I'm strong enough to do what other won't!
Yang: Oh, shut up! You don't know the first thing about strength! You turn your back on people, you run away when things get too hard, you put others in harms way instead of yourself. *balls her fist then points to Raven* You may be powerful, but that doesn't make you strong.
Raven: Who do you think you are, lecturing me?! Standing there shaking like a scared little girl!
Yang: Yeah, I'm scared, but I'm still standing here. I'm not like you I won't run.
Raven: And when that puny son of yours is in more trouble than any of your friends?
Yang: I won't abandon him, he was also scared, though he put up a good front. I promised from the day I took him in, I would always be there for him when he needed it. Even if he knows he can win a fight easily, I will still be there to support him. I will never run from my responsibilities, which is why you're going to give me the Relic.
Raven: And why, would I-
Yang: Because you're afraid of Salem! And if you thought having Maiden powers put a target on your back? Imagine what she'll do when she finds out you have a relic. *as Raven turns away* She'll come after you with everything she has... or she can come after me. *Raven looks back at Yang* And I'll be standing there, waiting for her.
Yang approaches Raven as her powers deactivate.
Raven: You don't want to do this, Yang.
Yang: Nope, but I'm going to do it anyway.
Yang walks past while bumping Raven out of the way. Raven can only say as tears start falling from her eyes.
Raven: I..... I'm sorry.
Yang: Yeah, me too.
Raven disappears and walks into the vault and grabs the relic.
Back up top, Blake, Weiss and the others have Mercury, Emerald and a battered Hazel on the defensive.
Weiss: Surrender!
Mercury: *yells as he punchs the ground*
Emerald: It's not over! Cinder will come back, she'll have the relic and she'll stop all of you! She won't let us down.
The sound of the elevator is heard and everyone looks to see Yang return with the Relic in hand. Emerald tears up at Cinder's fate and starts breaking down.
Mercury: Emerald, get up. We need to go.
Emerald looks up confused and distraught.
Mercury: Emerald.
Emerald: *yells*
Suddenly, the whole room is enveloped by blackness, then a distorted image of Salem appears and screeches like a banshee before enveloping our heroes. But when the illusion cleared, Emerald and the others were gone.
Blake: *shaken* Wha-What was that?!
Ozpin: An illusion, but an inaccurate one. That was Salem.
Yang walks down and hands the relic over to Qrow before asking-
Yang: Where's Ruby?
Weiss: She thinks she can stop Grimlock's rampage.
Yang: Not by herself she won't.
Weiss: Then I suggest we go and help her and the Dinobots bring Grimlock back to us.
Pyrrha: I'm in.
Nora: Don't forget me!
Blake: If-If you'll have me.
Yang walks over and puts her good arm on Blake's shoulder, Blake looks at her with a slightly confused and shocked expression.
Yang: We'll be there for you, always.
Blake grows a relieved smile and after Yang reattaches her prosthetic arm, the two teams run out towards the clear signs of battle in the city. Swoop is still carrying Ruby on his back circling over head.
Ruby: We'll never get close to him at this rate.
Grimlock kicked away Slam, then spun and used his tail to trip Slag, then grabs Snarl's neck in his mouth and threw him into another building. Swoop then noticed Weiss waving at him, beckoning him to come down, Swoop does so and Ruby rejoins her teammates on the ground.
Ruby: Is everybody okay?
Yang: Yeah, *playfully punches Blake's arm* we're good.
Weiss: How we doing here?
Ruby: Uhh, that's a little harder to explain.
The group looks at the fight and Grimlock is deflecting or countering everything thrown at him.
Ruby: I don't know what we can do.
Jaune: Hmm, Blake? *Blake looks at him* How heavy is Sludge?
Blake: More than all them put together, I think.
Pyrrha: Jaune, what are you thinking?
Jaune: If Sludge manages to pin Grimlock on the ground, Ruby should be able to approach him, we just need to get him there to the bottom of that cliff.
Weiss: You really think that's gonna work?
Ren: It's all we've got at this point.
Nora: But the other kids are not working as a team, how are we going to pull this off?
Weiss: Swoop, can you give the others instructions?
Swoop let's a low shrill and nods.
Weiss: Tell them this, then.
After recieving the plan, Swoop flies up into the air and starts letting out shreeks and crills to let the other Dinobots know the plan. Slag charges first, while Swoop shoots at Grimlock and Slash, well slashes, at Grimlock's feet. Slash then darts out of the way as Slag slams into Grimlock like a battering ram. Slag pushes Grimlock several feet through several buildings, enduring every attempt Grimlock makes to get free, until Grimlock digs in and stops Slag's charge. Slash then jumps on Grimlock's back to try and distract him but she is quickly thrown off when Grimlock pushes Slag's head off to the side. Grimlock goes to bit Slag but was hit by Snarl's Semblance, Spike Arrow, all the spikes hit Grimlock causing him to stumble backwards. Slam then hits Grimlock from his left side with his tail club, then pushes Grimlock more with his body, but Grimlock can't push back thanks to Slam's Semblance, Immovable, Slag then transforms into Robot mode and punches Grimlock across the face stumbling backwards. Snarl then hits Grimlock from the right and he and Slag exchange taking hits at Grimlock pushing him towards the cliffside while Slam pushed him, until-
Blake: Sludge, now!
Grimlock looks up too late.
Sludge: *transforms into Dinobot mode and jumps down* CANNONBALL!
Sludge lands on Grimlock like a rock slide, the hit creates a huge cloud of dust. Ruby makes her way down towards the crash site and as the dust clears, Grimlock is completely pinned under Sludge's massive bulk. Grimlock struggles a bit but can't break free.
Ruby: Grimlock? Can you hear me in there? *Grimlock looks at Ruby* I know people did bad things to you, to make you a monster, but you and I both know you're more than that. Don't be what they made you to be.
Grimlock's eyes start flashing between red and blue.
Ruby: That's it Grim. Come on, I know you remember me. Come on!
In Grimlock's head though a voice is heard.
Shockwave: It is illogical to disobey your master's commands. Get out of there and kill them all.
Grimlock's eyes return to red as he is electrocuted, this pisses him off to where he somehow manages to lift and throw Sludge off him. Grimlock stands and the other Dinobots ready to attack again, but-
Ruby: Wait! *looks back at Grimlock* We're okay.
Grimlock looks at Ruby and leans down to her.
Ruby: Yeah, you know I believe in you.
Ruby reaches out her hand in confidance, Grimlock stares at Ruby for several seconds then leans and and touches his snout to Ruby's hand.
Ruby: That's my boy. That's it! I'm here for you.
Shockwave: *in Grimlock's head* Fool!
Shocwave, from his lab, turn the taser device up to eleven and Grimlock roars in pain.
Yang: Ruby get out of there!
Ruby: Grimlock, you said so yourself, no one controls Grimlock! Fight back!
Grimlock transforms into Robot mode and reaches up to his neck where the taser collar.
Grimlock: *strained* Grimlock no slave, Grimlock KING!
Grimlock tears off the collar with a mighty roar as Grimlock's memories also start rushing back to him as he collapses to his hands and knees. Exhausted, he is forced to transform back into his kid form and rolls onto his back panting heavily.
Ruby: Grimlock!
Ruby runs to her precious son and kneels down to him, at this point the other students show up and the other Dinobots transform back into their kid forms too.
Sludge: Mommy! *gives Blake hug*
Blake: *accepts hug* Oh, Sludge, my baby!
Sludge: Sludge miss Mommy.
Blake: I missed you too. I'm so sorry for everything. *starts crying with happiness*
Ruby lifts Grimlock's head onto her lap, several seconds later, Grimlock flutters his eyes open and see Ruby's tear filled silvery eyes.
Grimlock: Mom?
Ruby: *breaks down* Yes Grimlock, I'm here.
Grimlock: Grimlock, tired.
Ruby: That's okay, you can sleep for now.
Ruby leans down and kisses Grimlock's forhead.
Ruby: I love you, my little big guy. *sniffles*
Finally, all the families are reunited, while Blake had a little trouble explaining Sludge to her parents, they were overjoyed to have a grandson.
Unfortunately, Adam Taurus escaped capture and Hazel dragged Emerald and Mercury back to Salem's kingdom, as for Lionheart, one of Salem's Grimm orbs killed him.
But on the positive side, Shockwave's Dinobot plan was successful, just not the way he imagined and all the kids are now free from his control.
In Shockwave's lab, he uses a computer to answer a call, and an image of a menacing robotic figure appears.
????: Shockwave.
Shockwave: *bows* Lord Megatron. I regret to inform you that Project Dinobot has failed.
Megatron: Unfortunate, but matters little, the Decepticons have more plans for this world.
Shockwave: Very well.
The call ends and Shockwave turns on a light to reveal a large test tube with something inside that is not revealed.
Timeskip Next Morning
After some much needed rest and recuperation, Qrow tells the group that Ozpin wants to take the lamp to Atlas. After breakfast the group are packing their bags, or what's left of them, for the long journey that lays ahead.
Suddenly, a loud noise is heard followed by an enourmous crash from outside is heard.
Nora: What in the world of Remnant was that?!
Pyrrha: I don't know, *looks outside* but it looks like it came from outside the city.
Weiss: What should we do?
Ruby: Let's go find out what it was.
As the entire group goes towards the crash site, Grimlock tells Swoop.
Grimlock: Can Swoop fly over to look ahead?
Swoop: Yeah, I'll try.
Swoop goes Dinobot and flies fast above the site where the ground is still smoldering so he can't quite see the object laying there. The rest of the group show up and Grimlock goes Dinobot too and moves into the crater first.
Ruby: Grim? What is it?
Grimlick simply walks back and drops something from his mouth.
Weiss: Is that a kid?
Qrow: Another kid? Jeez these characters are appearing like cockroaches.
Slag simply punches Qrow.
Snarl: *pokes kid with stick* Is he ok?
Weiss: *scolding* Snarl!
Snarl: Sorry Mom.
Blake: Look at the spines on his back.
Yang: And his tail.
It was clear this child is a Faunus, but what kind was unclear. He had a long heavy lizard-like tail with spines the shape of maple leaves running from his shoulders all the way down his tail.
Ruby: Let's get him back to the house.
Ruby carries the kid all the way back to the house, Swoop and Grimlock return to their kid forms. Ren checks him over to see if he's alright.
Ren: He just appears to be exhausted, nothing is bruised or broken, surprisingly.
Ruby: Grimlock, can you and the others watch him for a few minutes, please?
Grimlock: Yup.
Ruby: *kisses Grimlock's forhead* Thank you.
Ruby and the older students go into the living room and start talking amongst themselves. Grimlock looks back at the kid, he's not much older than any of the Dinokids are.
Slag: Hmm. *pokes kid's spines*
Slash: Why are you doing that?
Slag: Seeing if he's okay. *continues poking kid*
Grimlock: *sternly* Slag. Off.
Slag: *groans* Fine.
The kid starts moving as he has started waking up.
Swoop: I'll get Mom.
Swoop runs out of the bedroom and got the adults to come back. Ruby kneels down first as the kid opens his eyes and looks at her.
????: Auntie Ruby? *eyes starting to tear up*
Everyone grows a shocked expression.
Pyrrha: Wait, little one, what did you jusy say?
????: Auntie Ruby.
Grimlock: Since when did Mom have a nephew.
????: *surprised* That's your mom?!
Grimlock: Yes.
Slag: Wait a minute, if this kid thinks Ruby's his Auntie, *looks at Yang* What does that make you?
Yang: Don't look at me, I've never seen this kid, although he does seem pretty cute.
Slag: *unamused* Thanks.
????: If none of you recognize me, then where am I?
Blake: Let's start with your name? Who are you?
(Y/n): I am (Y/n) Xiao Long Belladonna, and I'm with my cousin the King of the Monsters.
Everyone: *shocked* WHAT?!
(A/N): Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking, "WTF is going on?!" Well keep your sanity and I'll tell you, so you all remember Hyperbomb right? Good, well he wanted to do a small crossover with the Dinokids, so to see what happens from here, you will need to go over to his channel and look for Hollow Remnant, it won't be published for a little while, but Hyperbomb's channel is where it will be, so check that out when you can.
Meantime, I will be switching my focus to other stories that need some love and attention. As always leave a vote on this chapter, and if you still haven't started following my channel yet, do it. It really helps me out. Enjoy the rest of your day/night and I'll see you next time. PEACE OUT!!!
Update as of June 19th, 2022: Hollow Remnant by Hyperbomb, is officially published and finished. So if you haven't read it yet, I highly, highly recommend you do. It was a fun ride for my characters to experience, and if you want to see Transformers vs Kaiju, then you are in for a treat. Please go to, Hyperbomb channel to read it then come back here to continue what happens after it.
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