|| one ||
Kimberly sigh, grabbing her white coat from inside her locker, her eyes already tired. Even if she was a resident at Gotham General Hospital, she worked fourteen to eighteen hour shifts - even though it was advised against by her fellow doctors, notably Doctor Carter, the head of the hospital.
He was a old man, around his sixties. He had white hairs, but he still worked everyday of his life. When Kim was only an intern, he would watch her work alongside nurses and other doctors. Kim had a natural talent for tending wounds and helping people. The other interns called her Gotham's Guardian Angel from her sterling record for stitching people back together.
Being the biggest hospital in Gotham, only the major injuries and traumas came to them from other hospitals - Mercy West, Gotham Grace, etc. - but the emergency room was always filled. Either from the street crimes happening everyday or Batman dropping of criminals to get their wounds assessed and then into police custody.
The twenty year old laid her head against the off-white locker, groans escaping her lips as she did not want to start her day - well, technically night. Emily - Kimberly's doctor best friend - came up next to her, chuckling as she grabbing Kim's arm and dragged her away from the locker.
"C'mon! Rounds are about to start any minute, and most of your interns are already fighting for the good cases." The blonde woman told her, the duo exiting the locker room and into the already hectic hospital. Even if it was 4:30 AM in the bustling city of Gotham.
Kim fixed her hair once again before entering the west wing, where she would find her interns already waiting for them.
After a few moments of walking, everybody turned the corner and entered the patient's room.
"Quinn Thomas. 22. G.S.W in left shoulder and lower abdomen. The bullet in his shoulder sent straight through as the bullet in his abdomen has entered his small intestine. Dr. Carter has said he is top priority." One of her interns spoke, handing Kim the man's chart as the dirty blonde man grinned.
Kimberly grimaced as she read his medical history. He has been admitted to Arkham Asylum twice in the past year and has escaped both times. He had connections to the Falcone Family and Monney Family. Kim sigh, seeing another person enter the room.
"I need sutures, gauze, and better lighting in here." Kim grabbed a chair from the side of the room. She pulled up the chair next to the man's left shoulder and put on a pair of blue gloves. She turned back around to her interns. "Somebody get me the sutures! Alice, go get the bandages. Michael, get me the needle and inform Doctor Carter that I will be treating the G.S.W in the room; an O.R will not be needed."
Everybody left the room, going to get the required items Dr. Bailey asked for. Quinn looked over at the brunette, his pale face making Kim sure the wound was not stabilized.
After a few moments, they came back with the items she needed. She thanked them and went to work. She located the wound, thankfully, it went right past the shoulder blade and did not hit anything too important. Grabbing the needle, Kim started in putting the shoulder back together as her interns just watched from the other side of the bed.
Dr. Bailey raised an eyebrow at them, waiting for them to leave but they didn't. She huffed, placing her work down as she glared at them.
"Well? There are sick people in this hospital and you morons are just sitting there watching!" Kim scolded, reminding her of times whilst she was an intern. She didn't dwell on the memory as she had a gunshot wound to assess.
Once finishing the shoulder, she would now have to find the bullet inside the man's small intestine. She closed her eyes, grabbing the scalpel. She knew she should have stayed in bed this morning.
Before Kim started, Doctor Carter finally joined her. He stood at the door, arms crossed as Kim worked on this man's abdomen. Kim was entirely focused on saving the small intestine, she did not notice the other doctor enter the room at all. Doctor Carter watched Kim do her magic, a fascinating thing, once Kimberly Bailey but her mind to something, it was like watching a magician pull a rabbit from a hat.
But in this case, it was a bullet from a man's body. Kim placed the bloodied bullet onto the counter beside her and went straight into placing the stitches. Only sharp intakes of breaths were heard from the patient, but other than that, he was taking it like a champ.
Once the patient was sutured, Kim took of her gloves after placing the gauze and bandages around his shoulder and stomach. Kim threw away the gloves once she finished, seeing Doctor Carter in the doorway. She smiled warmly at the head of the hospital, leading him away from the room.
"Fancy seeing you here. What took you so long?" Dr. Bailey asked, reviewing Mr. Thomas' charts once more.
The old man shrugged, a grin plastered on his features. "Wanted to watch a doctor at work."
Kim gave the doctor a side glance as she rolled her eyes playfully. She placed the chart on the nurse's' desk, starting to walk with her superior. As they walk, they passed a clock on the main hall and it read: 5:03AM.
Kim's pager beeped, signaling that someone needed her. She huffed, reading the pager as she raised an eyebrow. Carter continued to walk, saying he will catch up with her later. Kim read the pager again as she started walking in the other direction - back towards the room again. But this time, she took off in a dead sprint.
"Doctor, thank god you are here." Alice gushed, stress coming off of her in waves. Kim nodded quickly, following her to the room. Her page was vague, just explaining that it was a code red.
Kim opened the door, trying to calm the situation down. Apparently Mr. Thomas has left his bed and attack his nurse that was checking up on him. Quinn had a shiv against the nurse's neck, alternating between putting the knife in the face of the crowd at the door.
"Out! Everybody out!" Kim yelled, shoved the other nurses and doctors into the hallway and out of the room.
"I ain't wanna do this, I ain't going back there!" Quinn yelled, pointing the knife at Kim before he placed it back on the nurse's neck.
Kim placed her hands up, surrendering to him as she gestured to the knife. Quinn stared at her, his wide eyes glaring into hers whilst she started to walk towards the two.
"Look, Quinn, can I call you that?"
"You can call me anythin' you like, pretty lady."
"So Quinn, the girl in her hands, she's my friend. And she likes her job. She likes helping people, just like me. Will you let us help you?" Quinn stared at Kim, not knowing if he wanted to believe her. The nurse held in her sobs, the knife entering closer to her neck, Quinn shaking his head as he saw somebody out the window.
He muttered something under his breath, looking down as he shook his head. His mutters slowly became louder as Kim walked over to him, placing a hand on his arm, not trying to provoke him in any way.
The nurse finally let out a sob, scaring Quinn as he immediately put the shiv in her neck, an instant reaction. Kim's eyes went wide, watching as the blood started to flow down. Quinn let her go, also as shocked as Kim as he started to back away from the nurse.
"I-I didn't mean for this." He stuttered, nervously as he put his hands up.
"I ain't going back!" He yelled once more, glaring at Kim as he took a swing at the doctor. Kim saw this reaction coming and quickly squatted and countered with a punch of her own into his stomach. Kim could have sworn that she could hear the sutures rip, but her numb hand could prove more.
Kim closed her eyes, the pain from her hand running through her body quickly as the security grabbed Quinn and put him in cuffs. The other doctors and nurses quickly grabbed the nurse on the floor, placing her on a stretcher.
"Tell Doctor Carter I will be in O.R 3, stat!" Kim yelled, getting atop the stretcher with the patient as she slowly pulled out the knife and applied pressure for the bleeding to stop.
Kim closed her eyes, sighed outwardly as this hectic night couldn't get any worse. As the group entered the large elevator, they pressed the button for the OR floor and waited. Since the hospital was five different levels, it took a bit to reach the OR's.
"Alice, Michael, and Jennifer, scrub in. This is an all hands on deck situation." Kim ordered, her hands unmoving on the nurse's neck. The nurse has fell into shock, but it was better than her actually feeling the entire thing surgery. Once the surgeons scrubbed in and started to prepare for the surgery, the other nurses hooked her up to the heart monitor and other devices.
Kim breathed out in relief as Doctor Carter entered the room, scrubs on and ready for the surgery.
"Doctor Bailey, thank you. You may now exit the room." Doctor Carter spoke officially, his mask slightly muffling his voice as he grabbed a scalpel.
Kim nodded as she took her bloodied hands off the nurse and gave her one last look before leaving the O.R room to go back to the locker room. It was a long night.
chapter one done!
Not going to lie, i have been binge writing this book and I have about 10 pre-written chapters and I am ready to feed you all the Dick Grayson fluff you can handle.
gentle reminder:
Some of the plot will include the comics Grayson #1 to about Grayson #13 ish
So, the French gymnastics teacher grayson will be brought out, (YEET.)
I am really excited for this book so yeah!
Until next time,
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