Part 9
Thank you so much dears for voting and commenting..
Here is the next update..As I told earlier this is a 10 part story and its coming to an end soon..
At night, after making the kids sleep on her bed, Gauri came out of the room and walked downstairs. Omkara had told her that he wanted to talk to her. He was waiting in the drawing room for her. She went and sat opposite to him on the couch.
Ga: Omkara..What is it that you wanted to talk to me..?
Om: Gauri..I wanted to talk to you about our marriage..I don't know how to tell you..I want our marriage to be a simple one. We will go to some temple here and get married. In Delhi, everyone else thinks that I am already married and they are my own kids. So I can take you back home and introduce you to others as my real wife and the mother of our kids.
Ga:(smiles) It is ok Omkara..I also wanted it to be like that..
Om: (relieved) Oh..!! Is it..? But I thought that you would want a grand wedding..It is the dream of every girl..
Ga: I know Omkara..But I don't believe in grand weddings..My father and mother got divorced when I was really young..Being the kid of such parents was a really difficult task for me..That is the reason why I was asking you to reunite with your wife for the sake of Ayaan and Navya..Later, my parents became happy and content in their own lives with different life partners..I was staying with my Mom and at Kolhapur till I was 15 years old..But then I had a feeling that the behaviour of my step father towards me was not right..So I told them that I wanted to complete my remaining studies here in Mumbai..I stayed in a hostel and completed my graduation and did my M.B.A. Now I have completed my studies and am looking for a job.
Om: But then this villa..?
Ga: Hmm..This is actually my best friend's home..She and her family shifted to U.S and she asked me to stay here. You see, I couldn't go back to my mother after completing my studies..So I insisted on staying back here in Mumbai itself and convinced her that I am searching for a job staying with my friend..
Om: Oh..I can't even think of a life like yours ..It must have been really tough for you..
Ga: Well..Lucky me..
Om: What..?
Ga: Otherwise I would never have met you and our kids..
Omkara got up and walked towards her. He knelt down on the floor and placed his head on her lap..He lay there like a a kid..
Om: I am so thankful to you Gauri..You came as an angel in my life..
Gauri smiled at his gesture and she caressed his hairs with her soft fingers..
Ga:(gently) Omkara..
Om: Hmm..?
Ga: Nothing..
She just wiped her tears of happiness and continued patting and caressing his head..
Omkara and Gauri got married at a temple and they returned to Delhi with Ayaan and Navya.
At the Oberoi Mansion, Jhanvi welcomed the newly wedded couple by doing an aarti. Jhanvi's joys knew no bounds seeing them together. She placed a kalash filled with rice at the door.
Jh: Gauri beta, gently kick the kalash and then enter the house by placing your right foot first.
Gauri did so and Omkara also entered along with her, placing his right foot.
Then Jhanvi told Gauri to dip her feet in a watery red paste and then walked into the house
Omkara and Gauri walked towards the in-house mandir and prayed for the blessings in front of the holy idols of Shiv Parvati. Then they approached the huge photo frame of Tej Singh Oberoi and sought his blessings too.
Night arrived and Gauri made Ayaan and Navya sleep in their room as usual by telling them some bedtime stories. She tucked their blankets neatly upon them and smiled seeing them both sleeping peacefully. She was wearing the beautiful red saree which Omkara had gifted her the other day.
She stood up and was turning to leave when she heard footsteps approaching the door. She turned to see who it was and it was none other than Omkara.
Om: Gauri..They already slept..?
Ga: Yes, Omkara..
Om: (naughtily)Then what are you doing here..? Don't you realize that your husband is desperately waiting for you..?
Gauri blushed to a shade of deep pink hearing his words. This was the first time that Omkara was talking romantic things to her.
Om: Now do you want me to lift you up and carry into our room..?(smiles naughtily)
Ga:(smiles shyly) Omkara..
Omkara didn't wait for her answer and he just swept her off her feet with his both arms and carried her all the way to his bedroom. Gauri didn't even try to protest as she herself was pleasantly surprised to see this whole new avatar of Omkara Singh Oberoi. She placed her arms around his neck and lay in his arms gazing dreamily into his passionate eyes.
Omkara sat down on the bed and made her sit on his lap. Then she looked around his room, it was decorated beautifully with lots and lots of red and white roses. The bed was strewn with red rose petals and the air was filled with the scent of Omkara's love for her. She could feel it with her heart.
Omkara put his strong arm around her shoulder and looked at her with a naughty smile.
Om: Welcome to my life, Mrs. Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi..
Gauri looked into his eyes with lot of admiration and love. She wanted him to make her his wife in every true sense. Omkara read her thoughts from her innocent and sparkling eyes.
He moved his face close to hers and inhaled her refreshing fragrance. His lips met the softness of her lips he gently kissed them . Gauri closed her eyes and felt his true love for her in that very first kiss. She raised her hand and caressed his cheek. Omkara smiled and sucked her soft lips gently. Gauri moved her hand behind his ear and her fingers combed into his hairs. Omkara deepened his kiss and her fingers tightened around his hair. He pulled off his lips and then pressed his cheek on her cheek and rubbed his beard across her soft and supple skin. She squirmed and opened her eyes.
Ga: Hmmm..Omkara..!!
Om: Shhh...
He shushed her and lay her down on to the bed. He lay on top of her, caught hold of her both hands and interlocked fingers with them. He moved his lips and nose along her neck in up and down movements and this aroused her immensely. His right hand left her fingers and roamed up along her arm and reached her shoulder. It moved downwards and he caressed her left bosom and continued snuggling into her neck. He bit her earlobe gently and placed passionate kisses along her side neck. His hand moved down to the bare skin at her waist and rubbed his rough palm across her abdomen she gasped for air.
Omkara raised his head from her neck and kissed her lips again, with flaming passion. This time, Gauri also responded to his kiss with equal ardour. He trailed his mouth downward passing through her chin, her neck, her chest and down to her creamy waist. After placing soft kisses around her fair and soft tummy, he rubbed his bearded cheek on her tummy tickling her. Gauri giggled softly and she caressed the back of his head with her fingers. Then he took his time to undress her and she too undressed him in the sweet process. He again lay on top of her and they became one in the most raw and pure sense. Together they travelled to the topmost point of lovemaking bliss, at that moment Gauri pulled him towards her and kissed his lips with pure passion. Later, as they lazily cuddled to each other, he caressed her hair and placed soft kisses all over he face. Omkara and Gauri spent the remaining night embracing each other affectionately, sleeping in each other's arms.
Gauri woke up in the morning and she looked at Omkara who was lying cuddled to her. She thought about the previous night and she blushed instantly. Omkara murmured something in his sleep and hugged her even tightly. She didn't want to wake him up but she could not think of any way to pull out of his embrace without doing so. She bit her lip and thought of some way to get up from the bed.
Just then she heard loud thumping noises on the bedroom door. Then she heard the kids' voice and realized it was them.
Ay &Na: Mummaa...Paappaaa..Open the dooorrr...
Omkara woke up with a start and looked at Gauri inquiringly. Gauri smiled and said..
Ga: It's our kids..(laughs)
Gauri entered the kitchen and started making breakfast when Jhanvi walked inside.
Jh: Gauri beta..You are already here..
Ga: Saasu Maa..I was just beginning to make breakfast..
Jh: (placing her hand on Gauri's shoulder) Beta...I would love if you addressed me as "Maa.."
Ga: (smiles) Ok Maa...
After having breakfast with everyone, Gauri and Jhanvi were again in the kitchen, making plans about what to prepare for lunch. Just then, the land phone in the drawing room began to ring.
Jh: Gauri beta ..I will go and see who is calling..I will come back now..
Ga: Ok Maa..
Gauri took some vegetables and began to cut them and just then she felt something around her waist. She was startled and turned around and saw the naughty face of Omkara.
Ga: Omkara..You didn't go to office..?
Omkara took his chance and planted a lingering kiss on her cheek.
Om: How can I go without giving my wifey a Bye-Bye kiss..? I dialled that call to our home phone..(winks naughtily)
Ga: God..Omkara..!!
Om: Bye my sweet wifey..
And then he went off happily, unseen by Jhanvi who was still saying "Hello..Hello" over the phone.
Jhanvi and Gauri were doing some work in the kitchen.
Ga: Maa, I have made the necessary masala for the lemon pickle. Please check whether this is ok.
Jh: Ok beta..One minute.
Jhanvi came towards her and took a pinch of the masala and tasted it. But Gauri was feeling dizzy, she closed her eyes and then she fainted. Jhanvi heard the sound and turned in shock. She saw her on the ground and she knelt down beside her.
Jh: Gauriii..Gaurii (shakes her)
Then she took some water and sprinkled on Gauri's face..She opened her eyes..
Ga: (weak voice)Maa..(sits up and touches her head)
Jh: What happened, Gauri beta..Are you not feeling well..?
Ga: I am ok Maa..I felt like my head was spinning..Now I am alright..
Jh: No No..You need rest..I will take you to your room..Come with me..
Jhanvi helped Gauri to get up and took her upstairs to her room. After sometime the Doctor came and checked her. After checking her the Doctor smiled at them.
D: Gauri is pregnant, Jhanvi ji...
Jhanvi's joy knew no bounds. She thanked god for the good news.
Ayaan and Navya arrived from the school in the evening and saw only Jhanvi in the drawing room. They ran to her and hugged her.
Ay: Daadii..Where is Mumma..?
Na: Has she gone out for shopping..?
Jhanvi smiled at them and took their tiny hands in her hands and led them towards the sofa.
Jh: Both of you sit down. I have to say something to you both.
The kids sat down as she told and gazed at her intently.
Ay: Daadi..what is it..?
Jh: (smiling sweetly) Your Mumma is upstairs in her room. She is having a small baby in her tummy now. Both of you are going to have a brother/ sister soon.
Navya widened her eyes and smiled excitedly whereas Ayaan gazed away dreamily and smiled.
Na: Wowww Daadi..But how did you know about it..? Did the baby cry from inside Mumma's tummy..?
Jhanvi chuckled at her innocent question. Ayaan frowned and hit his forehead gently with his hand.
Ay: Offo Navya... That baby is a boy like me. It won't cry.. It's brave like me and Papa.
Jh: No my dears.. The baby will be so small now.. We won't hear it. Mumma fainted today and so Doctor Aunty came and did some check up.. And she said that there is a baby inside Gauri Mumma's tummy now and we must all take care of her.. She is weak now, so you both shouldn't give any tension to Mumma and baby. Promise me..
Ay: We would take good care of Mumma and baby.. Isn't it Navya..?(put his arm around her shoulder)
Na:(nods her head) Of course Ayaan..
After having some tea time snacks and milk, Ayaan and Navya went upstairs with Jhanvi to meet their Gauri Mumma. They saw that she was sleeping and so they sat down beside her for some time and then went out to play.
It was evening and Omkara came home after office. He was so happy and he came to their room. He saw her lying on the bed with her eyes closed. He went and sat near Gauri. He slowly ran his hand along her head. She opened her eyes and saw Omkara.
Ga: Omkara..(smiles and sits up) When did you arrive..?
Om:(looks at her with lot of love)Just now...I am so happy Gauri(hugs her excitedly)
Ga: (smiles widely) Even I am, Omkara..
Om: I love you...(and kisses her forehead)
Ga: I love you too Omkara...(and again hugs him)
By the evening Gauri overcame her weakness after resting for a long time. She helped Jhanvi for preparing the dinner and later had dinner with everyone.
After she tucked the kids in their bed, she came back to her own bedroom. Gauri was standing alone in the balcony and she was looking at the moon. She was wearing a pink color night gown with spaghetti straps. Omkara came out from the washroom and he saw Gauri standing in the balcony. He went to her and hugged her from behind and kissed her bare shoulder.
Ga:Omkara...(and touched his face without turning back)
Om:(raises his head and kisses her cheek) What are you looking at, sweetheart..?(places his head on her shoulder)
Ga: I was looking at the moon..You know what, Omkara..Our son will be handsome like this moon..
Om:(takes off his head from her shoulder) Son..?? No..I need a daughter...(leaves her)
Ga:(gets irritated and turns to face him) Who told you..? He will be a son..I know it..
Om: (touches her tummy) No yaar..It is a girl..I can feel it...(and holds her shoulders, then romantically) And she is going to be beautiful just like you(smiles)
Ga:(blushes)Omkara...(and hugs him)
*********End of PART 9***********
Next update is going to be the Final chapter and Epilogue.
Please comment and tell me weather you enjoyed this update..and do vote
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