(Y/n's POV)
Me and my friend, F/n, was walking home from the library. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the day was peaceful and nice...We decided to go to the library to read a few books, then we eventually got bored and decided to go home. Despite my height, I'm actually older than people think, They all think I'm A small little baby, but that's not the case. F/n, on the other hand, was kinda taller than me (ignore the height thing if your tall). As we were walking, we ran into some friends that we would usually meet up with almost everyday to play and talk. We don't have a set time to go home, but our parents tell us to go home as soon as we can whether they live with us or not. It was kinda early in the day, so they may have something in mind. Sometimes they would make us do daring stuff, but most of the time, we'd just chill and relax. It's strange that the smirks on their faces were resistible of the urge to ask why they look that way. I hope they aren't up to anything (So to not get confused, we can just say that we were walking with Friend 1, and now Friend 2 and 3 came along. We can just call them that for now ^w^) "Guys...You won't believe what me and Friend 3 found!" Friend 2 stated. Me and Friend 1 looked at each other in unison, then back to our other friends "W-What did you find?" I asked with ease, they paused for a moment, Friend 2 doing a drumroll "We found the old Toy Factory we always loved!! But found out that it was abandoned 10 years ago for some reason..." Friend 3 said changing the pitch from Happy to gloomy, I was hesitant, but right when I was going to ask, Friend 1 did for me "And why were you guys lerking around an abandoned Toy Factory Anyway?" F/n asked, crossing his/her arms in disbelief "Well...We wanted to see if...we could have possibly been able to get a toy from there that we couldn't get the chance to get when we were little..." Friend 2 said nervously "Sooooo, Technically your saying you tried to break in?" Friend 1 asked, rudely tapping his foot intimidatingly "Okay, yeah...I guess that is what it sounds like, But We want you guys to come with us!" Friend 3 claimed "Yeah! I'm sure you want a toy from there as well!" Friend 2 chimed in "Well...I do want a toy...That used to be my favorite place when I was younger because I knew they made toys there, it brings me back memories from when I was a little kid...Okay Fine, Let's go! Come on Y/n." Friend 1 said, giggling with Friend 2 and 3. How could he get fooled so easily into the mess that our two other friends are about to bring us into, I shivered in fear and said that it was a bad idea, but they ignored, still dragging my hand to the place I was fearful of...It have been abandoned for years!! Going back there when nobody else is around is more dangerous!! I don't want to trespass...
Once we got there, my gaze soon stuck itself to the sight of the big building that stood before us. There were small pieces of dirt around the building from after it's abandoning. Friend 2 grinned at the sight of a oversized rock on the ground, he/she swiftly picked it up and threw it at a sealed window, giggling with glee. My three friends went in first, as for me, I came last. I was horrified, uneasy, nervous! I didn't want to do this...'what if we get caught, what if we go to jail, what if something comes after us, what if we get lost!?' So many thoughts ran through my head, I didn't even notice that we were now fully inside the place. I whimpered in fear "Hahaha! Your not scared, are ya Y/n?" F/n-Friend 1 Teased, I shook my head no, we soon heard the cheers of Friend 3 from afar, we decided to check out where it came from "Guys! Look! I found this cool Blue hand thingy!" He/She exclaimed happily, jumping up and down "Nice! Wait, where's the other hand?" Friend 2 asked, we all shrugged, great...Now we have to go deeper into this place "H-Hey...It might get dark soon. Maybe n-now is a good time to go home!" I said "But Y/n, it's literally 12pm..." F/n said, Friend 2 and 3 nodding. I groaned in annoyance, knowing that my excuse failed. There was a video tape we watched about trespassing, ha, as if I didn't already know we were trespassing...I wish my friends knew better than this, my Mother always told me that I was the most nicest one of the bunch, and it's true! I'm nice to everyone, but also a scaredy cat at times, but I had common sense! I remember this place...I Remember...That when I was a little kid, I was friends with this...Thing. I forgot who it was, but he was my favorite toy...I was snapped out of my thoughts from my friends running into the vents, I panicked and followed them. (This is after we found the other hand and solved a puzzle) As we were walking through the vents, toy pieces began to pour it's way to our feet, us nearly slipping and falling. The toys crashed the glass that led to other piece of this huge place, we were a bit unstable, but still capable of standing up. Once we were up, we see this Abnormally huge Toy Machine, all of our eyes sparkled at the sight of it. F/n ran up to a big red button and tried to activate it, but nothing would happen "Hey Guys, I think we need to activate it in order for it to work!" He/she shouted from a small distance, Me and the others nodded and went up some stairs to find a way to start it up...
We looked around for a bit, but we eventually found a solution. I'm very good at solving puzzles, since I used to do it a lot when I was a little kid. We cheered once we saw the electric power zap into the cords connected to the machine, and into the red button. We went down the stairs to where F/n stood, we told him/her that the power was activated. He/She then pressed the button to start it up, of course, from the ten years it haven't been used, it took a bit, so we waited momentarily for it to work. Once it was pumped and running, we huddled ourselves into a group hug, then a silent pause "Wait...What do we do now?" Friend 2 asked "Look! There's switches over there! Let's pull them and maybe we can get a toy!!" Friend 3 replied, They ran to pull the switches while I just stood back. I reeaaally didn't want to do this, especially the thought of people rumoring that we have issues for roaming around places that needed to be renovated and unviable. One of my friends tapped me on the back, I turned towards him/her "Y/n, Don't be so worried! Look! We opened a door with the toy we made!" F/n said, I smiled sweetly and walked through the door with them. We checked to other doors from the hall, but they were locked, so we just decided to walk straight...that was until....
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
A huge blue creature with a tie, a big smile, and big eyes came out towards us and we all began to scream and run "AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! RUUN!!!" F/n shrieked, I was screaming at the most highest pitch you could hear me scream at...the furry creature looked familiar..."Y/n!!! Over here!!" Friend 3 called out, I saw that they were going through the vents, I followed. We ran through the vents for a bit, sliding on a few parts of it until we heard a sudden sound of bigger and louder banging, echoing throughout the vents, we saw the blue furry creature crawling in here with us. I started sobbing "See! I-I said this w-w-was a bad idea! Now how will we survive!?" I asked "Don't worry Y/n! Don't cry...I'm as scared as your right now. Listen, follow my lead, I can get us out of here!" F/n claimed confidently, we nodded. We crawled for a bit until...Boom! We heard The toy creature behind us, chasing at high speed "Go! Go! Go!" We ran down a gap in the vents, taking many turns and stops. We ducked down a smaller sized vent and ran faster each moment. Right when we were going to continue running, a door shut in front of us, we tried running the other way, but that's where that Big Blue Beast was "OPENN!!!!" "I WANT MY MOM!!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!" "HURRY PLEASE!! OPEN!!" We all screamed and panicked, the door slowly opened, we immediately ran through. We ran, but our pace became a bit slower due to us being moved the opposite direction we wanted to go. My friends were so desperate to survive that they pushed me down, and slid out of the vents, right when I was going to go with them....
The Beast Wrapped his arm around me and tried pulling me his direction, I began to shriek and cry "GUYS!! COME BACK!!" I cried out, but I think they left without me...Why!? After everything we've been through, Why would they leave me with this....I started to kick him continuously in the face, he roared in pain, but wouldn't let go. We then slid out of the vents, only to see that my friends may have found they're way out, leaving me behind. The Blue Creature lerked over me, tilting his head a bit, preparing to bite me....Wait...I'm close enough to get in on his features...Could it Be!?
I was running and playing through a huge place, and there stood my big furry best friend...Huggy Wuggy!! He gives me hugs everyday! I ran towards him and gave him a big hug, he wrapped his arms around me and began to purr, I giggled. Me and Huggy Wuggy would see each other soo often! He is my best friend. We would play together, talk together, even though he would barely talk sometimes, and even draw pictures together! I taught him how to draw! He would play with the other kids, but I played with him the most, I love him a lot! Me and Huggy Wuggy are like a team! One day at home though, My Parents were arguing, and one of them stated that Huggy Had murdered some scientists in cold blood...My dad being one of the scientists had survived Huggy somehow, I'm glad he did...but they started to talk about how I couldn't go around him anymore due to me not wanting to get hurt. I bursted into tears, Huggy and I had a sweet connection with each other, I was like his little baby from his perspective...and now...it has to come to an end...I love you Huggy, even for all that you did, it was only a mistake that you made before I met you...I-I-
End of Flashback~
"I forgive you Huggy..." I whispered, he heard me, he saw my tears streaming down my cheeks, and my sad expression, he then released a deep growl of sadness, his face softened. He picked me up and inspected me, looking at my features, until he realized that it was me...Y/n...The Girl he used to play with many years ago...now pretty much grown. I'm surprised he's able to pick me up without a struggle. He pulled me into hug, a tight and warm embrace, I hugged him back happily "I love you Huggy Wuggy!!" I claimed, he hugged me more, nearly to the point of suffocation (😂💖 Awwwwww!). I bet you it's been 10 minutes that he was hugging me for, he then released me from the hug, I smiled at him, blushing a bit "Your an Outstanding Hugger!" I complimented, I placed a kiss on his furry head, he gave a surprised expression, blushing a bit, and smiling happily (At this point, Huggy looks normal), I giggled "It's nice to see you again!" He said with his voice box, I smiled even more from the sound of his voice, it brings me back so much!! Me and Huggy Wuggy bonded for a bit, talking about the moments we missed and memories. Soon, we finished our conversation and he picked me up and walked with me in his arms "W-Where are we going Hugs?" I asked him...
"I want to show you something!"
A/n: Cliffhanger for now guys!! ^w^ I decided to make Huggy and Y/n have some history with each other!! I hope you enjoyed this first Chapter!! Stay Tuned for Updates!! Love you all! 💖✨
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