Huggy x Reader x Mommy Long Legs pt. 4

It's Saturday now. You're at your house and you've got an outfit on. It's one Mommy picked out for you while you were at her house, yesterday. And it fits you. You may have lived in Paris where fashion was a huge thing, but you weren't out very much unless you were with your parents, but now you're wearing a designer outfit. Mommy even gave you a new bag she doesn't use very much. 

What happened was, you happened to go by her mansion earlier today and she, Candy and Cat-Bee were there. They took you upstairs to the room where Mommy's shoes, wardrobe, cosmetics, etc. were and they gave you a makeover to look like them. And now as you're looking in the mirror, you look like you'd be in their league. As the Pretties. That's what the popular girls are called in school. With Mommy Long Legs as their leader.

You sit on your bed and you lay back. You have Kissy with you. You're bringing her with because Mommy approves of her having pink fur. Kissy has a necklace on in the shape of a heart. She says, "Wow. I'm actually going to one of the parties of the Pretties. Let alone Mommy Long Legs of all people." 

You say, "Mommy told me she and Huggy have something for me." She says, "Huggy's gonna be there? I-I mean I know he and Mommy dated once, but still. Huggy's going to be there?" You say, "Yeah." 

She says, "I know I'm only invited because Mommy loves pink and I'm pink. If I weren't, she wouldn't even talk to me. I'm not as pretty in the face as you are." You say, "Awe. Don't say that, ma cherie... (You'll have a fun time.) You said that last part in French. 

She says, "What does that last part mean? I know it's obviously French, seeing that you lived in Paris for years." You say, "It means you'll have a fun time." She says, "I sure hope so. I wasn't exactly liked too much throughout school. I used to be a fat kid and Huggy would pick on me for it in middle school." 

You say, "Awe. I'm sorry." She says, "Yeah, but Mommy and her group laughed, too. I decided I would lose weight and Mommy seemed to have respected me a little bit more because of it. This was back when Mommy and my cousin dated until 11th grade. She caught him cheating on her with another girl in our class named Poppy Playtime." 

You sit up. You look at her and you say, "Who?" She says, "What's up? Do you know something about Poppy?" You say, "Yeah. She's my maternal first cousin I would only see once every year or two. She and her parents would fly to Paris to see us." 

She's shocked to hear this and she says, "So, my cousin cheats with YOUR cousin, huh?" You say, "Deja vu, huh?" She says, "Yeah. No kidding. Wow. And he cheated on the most popular girl in school with her. I didn't know Poppy was your cousin." You say, "Yeah. She is. Her mom and my mom are sisters." 

You get up and you say, "You ready to head for the party in a couple of hours? It starts at 7pm." She says, "Yeah. I'm down for it. I'm sure they're probably going to have booze too. It is a popular crowd in the real world." 

You say, "Hey. I'm sure it's going to be fine. Don't sweat it. Just go with the flow. I may have been home schooled until now, but even I know that term." She says, "Yeah. You're right. I should just enjoy it. Feel grateful I was even invited to a party full of the cool kids." 

(Time skip.)

A couple hours pass. Your dad is driving you and Kissy to the mansion of the Long Legs residents. He stops outside and he says, "Here you girls go. Have fun." You say, "Thanks, dad." Kissy says, "Yeah. Thanks, Mr. (L/N)." He says, "Anytime." 

You and Kissy get out and you shut the doors. Your dad drives off. You walk towards the building and you walk up the steps. You get to the house and you and Kissy walk up to the porch. You knock. A door opens and there's a tall, buff red brontosaurus guy in a school jacket representing Augusta High School. That's Bron. He's the quarterback of football and one of the most popular guys in school.

He says, "Hey, alright. Two more babes. The more, the merrier. Come in here, dudettes. We have booze and music." You and Kissy head inside. You hear a familiar voice from Mommy Long Legs herself saying this, "You may close the door, Bron. Mommy doesn't want her precious little pet pig Prissy running out of that door, especially." 

Bron closes one of the doors he opened and he says, "Have fun, chicks. I'm gonna get back to talking to Boogie. Believe it or not, he's here. The leader of the game nerds. Dude knows his shit." He walks off. 

You look at Kissy and you say, "Well. Let's find Mommy, shall we?" Kissy says, "Yeah." You hear this, "Hooray. You two made it here." You turn around and there she is. Mommy Long Legs. She smiles and says, "Good. You're both here. Stay. Help yourselves to a few drinks. Maybe more. Get shit faced if you'd like. Just don't throw up on my floor. Ugh. Gross." 

You say, "Hi, Mommy." Mommy giggles and approaches you. She says, "Mommy's waited for your arrival, (Y/N). I want YOU to come with me to my room." She looks at Kissy and says, "Kissy. Enjoy the party, dear. Remember this... pretty in pink." You look at Kissy and you say, "I'll be back, Kissy." She says, "Okay. Sure." 

Mommy puts her fingers in her mouth and whistles. This gets everyone's attention. She says, "Everyone. As you know, this is the new girl from France. She's coming with me. Do NOT disturb us. Got it?" They all agree. Mommy looks at you and says, "Come with Mommy, dear." You say, "Okay." 

You walk with her. But you see a tiny little teacup pig that's pink and has some spots on it. Mommy says, "Oh, Prissy. I see you've come out to play." You say, "Awe. Is that her? She's so cute." 

Mommy says, "Correct. That's my prize-winning teacup pig, Prissy. She's very special. She's won every teacup pig race she was in. So, it's not just the lamp company dear... it's her, too. Richest little pig and fast on her little feet." You duck down and Prissy sees you. She makes a little snorting sound. You smile and you pet her on the head. She leans against you. 

You say, "Hi, cutie.~" She snorts again. You get up and you say, "She is adorable." She says, "Right? Come on. Mommy's little Prissy will be fine. Go play, baby. You know where your little playroom is. Mommy can't let you see what (Y/N)'s surprise is, anyways.~" 

Prissy makes a little squeal and she runs off. You can't help but nearly squeal and you say, "Oh my god. Her little stubby feet. That's adorable." Mommy says, "I know, right? Come on. Huggy won't wait any longer.~" 

You look at her. She grabs your hand and you follow her down the hallway. You get to a room with a double door. Mommy's room. You get in there and she shuts the doors. You look to see Huggy Wuggy sitting on the bed. 

He looks over and says, "About fucking time you got her in here." Mommy says, "Hey. I've got her, don't I? Hush your mouth." Huggy sarcastically says, "Yes, mom." Mommy says, "Hey. That's Mommy to you, mister. Don't back talk the queen bee. Got it? We've got (Y/N) here. Don't fuck this up." Huggy says, "Fine. Just bring her over." 

Mommy smirks and says, "Gladly.~" She brings you over to her bed. You say, "So, what's going on? What is this surprise you both have for me?" Huggy says, "Ha! Is she really that naive?" Mommy says, "Huggy. Shut up. A surprise is a surprise. Got it?" He smirks and looks at you. You blush and you look away and you sigh. You had to come out with it.

They both suddenly hear this, "Actually guys... I'm fully aware of what you have planned for me." They gasp and they look at you. Mommy says, "H-how?" You say, "The obvious reason you brought me to your room and had Huggy with you. I'm not as naive as he thinks, Mommy. I know what's coming for me." 

Huggy smirks and gets up. He approaches you. Mommy holds you back and says, "Well, now that you know... Mommy and Huggy will make damn sure you receive the best thing in the world. Trust me, baby... You'll love it. Huggy and I just admire you so much.~" 

You blush. Huggy comes closer and he puts his hands on your hips. He leans in and he says, "You're so fucking hot. I can't hold it back, (Y/N).~" You blush harder. He suddenly leans in and he presses his lips against yours into a kiss. You close your eyes and you kiss him back.

Mommy smirks and she leans in. You feel her kissing you on the neck and whispering, "You're very special to us, (Y/N). Mommy wanted you just as fucking bad... The moment I saw you, I wanted you.~" 

She continues kissing you on the neck. You gasp and you sigh into the kiss. Huggy pulls away and says, "What do you say, Mommy? Shall we?" Mommy moves from your neck and says, "What else are we in my room for, Huggy? Come on... Let's get her outfit off of her, shall we?~" You blush mad. Huggy and Mommy proceed to do with you what they had planned.

Right outside during the party, Kissy is sitting on the couch. A wine cooler is in her hand. The music is playing. She suddenly hears this, "Hi, Kissy." Kissy looks to see Boogie Bot. She says, "Oh. Hey, Boogie. How are you?" He says, "Good. So far, this party is off the hook." 

She says, "Yeah. It sure is. I'm surprised I was invited here. I was because Mommy took a liking to (Y/N). If I didn't have pink fur, I wouldn't even be here right now." He says, "That's a shame. I wouldn't have if I didn't have XM radio built into myself, but Bron is my friend."  

Candy and Cat-Bee look over to see Kissy and Boogie talking and they smirk. Cat-Bee leans in to whisper something to Candy and Candy grins saying, "Let's do it. They seem to already have something in common." Cat-Bee says, "And that is?" 

Candy says, "Well, duh. Two pitied souls just because Bron is friends with the nerdy robot and Mommy likes the pink on Kissy. What else?" Cat-Bee says, "Let's not forget that her cousin is Huggy Wuggy. Mommy's ex." 

Candy says, "Oh and the biggest reason Mommy let Kissy in is because she developed a female crush on the new girl from France. The not French girl. Because she's friends with Kissy Missy." Cat-Bee grins and whispers, "Let's do it. Let's spike Boogie and Kissy's drinks. Make them want each other.~" Candy smirks and says, "I'm sure Huggy and Mommy are planning something very similar with (Y/N). Why else did Mommy take her to her room?" They giggle and they walk off.

(Time skip.)

Within an hour in a half later, you're laying back on Mommy's bed and you're kind of sandwiched between them. You're laying there and you say, "Holy shit... That was some... moment." Mommy strokes your face and says, "Told you we admire you, sweetie. Mommy was willing to do anything and everything with you.~" 

Huggy grins and says, "Good blowjob for your first time, too.~" You blush. Huggy scoots in from behind you and he hugs his arms around you saying, "Fuck, you're so hot.~" Mommy strokes your hair and says, "Ooh, Mommy agrees Huggy. This was all so fucking worth it.~" Mommy kisses you on the nose.

She says, "Hey... Guess what, sweetie.~" You say, "What?" She smirks and says, "Guess who the second most popular girl in school is, now.~" You say, "Who?" She grins and says, "Who do you think, huh sweet pea?~" You say, "Wait... Are you saying it's me?" 

She says, "Well, yeah. Congrats, baby... You've officially become one of the Pretties." You say, "Wow... Cool." She says, "I know, right? You'll get all the praise. Be one of the hottest girls in school. Get away with anything at school that the poor geeks can't. So, if I weren't there... that would make YOU the queen bee." 

Huggy has his arms around you and says, "This punk ass motherfucker right here wants her... Mmm. S-so good.~" Mommy says, "Trust me, Huggy. Mommy wants her, too.~" You all talk the rest of the time.


What happens is, Mommy catches Boogie and Kissy in her parents' room on their bed. But surprisingly, instead of scolding them or kicking them out for it... she congratulates them and finds it hilarious that two people her age were screwing on her parents' bed. 

In fact, she made Kissy popular because of it. So now, the Pretties have five. In order from most to least popular. Mommy Long Legs, you, Candy Cat, Cat-Bee and then Kissy Missy. Kissy was still now popular. 

Mommy just wanted you second in line. Boogie ended up as a nerd slash jock. Turns out, he was pretty good at football himself. And since he and the quarterback of football Bron have been friends since childhood.

After high school, you move out and you get an apartment and apply for online college. Mommy and Huggy move in with you. Mommy wanted to bring Prissy, her little pet pig with her but sadly... Prissy got sick and passed away. This devastated Mommy and she came crying to you. You comforted her. You felt saddened too. She was a cute little pig. 

Huggy ends up getting you pregnant two years after high school. He does with Mommy, too. You end up with a boy and Mommy ends up with twin girls. Your son is Donnie Wuggy and Mommy's daughters are Lillian and Jillian Wuggy. 

Kissy and Boogie end up with a daughter named Avery Bot. Bron with Candy and three kids. Two sons and a daughter. Bunzo with Cat-Bee and eleven kids. Five sons and six daughters. (The bills Bunzo and Cat-Bee would have to pay for all them kids. XD)


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